




1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你對推羅君王耶和華如此:因你傲,:我是;我在之位。你雖然居自比,也不過是人,並不是

3 看哪,你比但以理更有智慧,甚麼祕事都不能向你隱藏。

4 你靠自己的智慧聰明得了財寶,收入中。

5 你靠自己的大智慧和貿易增添資財,又因資財心裡傲。

6 所以耶和華如此:因你居自比

7 我必使外邦人,就是列國中的強暴人臨到你這裡;他們必拔刀砍壞你用智慧得來的美物,褻瀆你的榮光。

8 他們必使你坑;你必中,與被殺的人一樣。

9 在殺你的人面前你還能我是麼﹖其實你在殺害你的人中,不過是人,並不是

10 你必在外邦人中,與未受割禮(或譯:不潔;下同)的人一樣,因為這是耶和華的。

11 耶和華的臨到我說:

12 人子啊,你為推羅王作起哀歌耶和華如此:你無所不備,智慧充足,全然美麗

13 你曾在伊甸的園中,佩戴各樣寶,就是紅寶、紅璧璽、、水蒼玉、紅瑪瑙、碧玉藍寶石、綠寶、紅玉,和黃;又有精美的笛在你那裡,都是在你受造之日預備齊全的。

14 你是那受膏遮掩約櫃的基路伯;我將你安置在上;你在發光如的寶中間往來。

15 你從受造之日所行的都完全,後來在你中間又察出不義。

16 因你貿易很多,就被強暴的事充滿,以致犯罪,所以我因你褻瀆聖地,就從驅逐你。遮掩約櫃的基路伯啊,我已將你從發光如的寶中除滅。

17 你因美麗傲,又因榮光敗壞智慧,我已將你摔倒在,使你倒在君面前,好叫他們目睹眼見。

18 你因罪孽眾多,貿易不公,就褻瀆你那裡的聖所。故此,我使從你中間發出,燒滅你,使你在所有觀的人眼前變為上的爐灰。

19 各國民中,凡認識你的,都必為你驚奇。你令人驚恐,不再存留於世,直到永遠

20 耶和華的臨到我說:

21 人子啊,你要向西頓預言攻擊他,

22 耶和華如此:西頓哪,我與你為敵,我必在你中間得榮耀。我在你中間施行審判、顯為的時候,人就知道我是耶和華

23 我必使瘟疫進入西頓,使血流在他街上。被殺的必在其中仆倒,四圍有刀臨到他,人就知道我是耶和華

24 四圍恨惡以色列家的人,必不再向他們作刺人的荊棘,傷人的蒺藜,人就知道我是耶和華

25 耶和華如此:我將分散在萬民中的以色列招聚回來,向他們在列邦人眼前顯為的時候,他們就在我賜僕人雅各之地,仍然居住

26 他們要在這地上安然居住。我向四圍恨惡他們的眾人施行審判以後,他們要蓋造房屋,栽種葡萄園,安然居住,就知道我是耶和華─他們的




Apocalypse Explained#110



110. Which is in the midst of the paradise of God. That this signifies that all knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth in heaven and in the church, look thither and proceed thence, is evident from the signification of the midst, as being the centre to which all things in the circumference look, and from which they proceed (concerning which see above, n. 97): and from the signification of paradise, as being the knowledges of good and truth, and intelligence therefrom (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 100, 108, 1588, 2702, 3220). And because these things are signified by paradise, therefore by the paradise of God is signified heaven, and because heaven is signified, the church also is signified; for the church is the Lord's heaven on earth; these are called the paradise of God, because the Lord is in the midst thereof, and from Him are all intelligence and wisdom. Because hitherto it has not been known that all things in the Word are written by correspondences, and consequently that spiritual things are involved in the most minute things there related, it is believed that, by the paradise treated of in the second chapter of Genesis, is meant a paradisiacal garden, whereas no terrestrial paradise is there meant, but a heavenly paradise, which those possess who have intelligence and wisdom from the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth (see above, n.109, and in the work, Heaven and Hell 176, 185).

[2] It is therefore evident, not only what is signified by paradise, or the garden of Eden, but also by the paradises, or gardens of God, mentioned in other parts of the Word; as in Isaiah:

"Jehovah will comfort Zion, he will comfort all her waste places, so that he will make her wilderness into Eden, and her desert into the garden of Jehovah: joy and gladness shall be found therein" (51:3).

In Ezekiel:

"Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone thy covering" (28:13).

These things are said concerning Tyre, because by Tyre in the Word is signified the church which is in the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, and thence in intelligence (see Arcana Coelestia 1201). Its intelligence derived therefrom is signified by Eden, the garden of God, also by every precious stone of which was his covering (see Arcana Coelestia 114, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873). In the same:

"Behold, Asshur a cedar in Lebanon. The cedars did not hide it in the garden of God; nor any tree in the garden of God was equal to it in beauty. I have made it beautiful by the multitude of its branches; and all the trees of Eden in the garden of God, envied it" (31:3, 8, 9).

By Asshur in the Word are meant those who have become rational by the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, thus whose minds are enlightened from heaven. (That Asshur denotes man's Rational may be seen,Arcana Coelestia 119, 1186.)

[3] Something shalt here be said to explain, how it is to be understood that all knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth have regard to the good of love to the Lord, and also that they thence proceed; which things are signified by the words: "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God." The good of love to the Lord is the Lord Himself because the Lord is in the good of His own love with men, spirits, and angels.

That all knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth look to this, or to the Lord, is known in the Christian Church; for the doctrine of the church teaches that without the Lord there is no salvation; and also, that all salvation is in the Lord; the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, or doctrinals from the Word, teach how man may come to God, and be conjoined to Him. (That no one can be conjoined to God except from the Lord, and in the Lord, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, 283, 296.) It is therefore evident that all things which the church teaches from the Word, have regard to the Lord and to love to Him, as the end to which they are all directed. That all knowledges of good and truth, or doctrinals from the Word, proceed from the Lord, is also known in the church; for it is taught in the church that everything of love and of faith is from heaven, and nothing from man, and also that no one can love God and believe in Him from himself. To love God and to believe in Him, involve all those things that the church teaches, which are called doctrinals and knowledges (cognitiones), because it is from these that He is loved and believed in. Love and faith are not granted to man without previous knowledges (cognitiones); for without the latter man would be empty.

[4] From these considerations it follows, that as everything of love and of faith proceeds from the Lord, so also all the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, which constitute and form love and faith, proceed from Him, because all these knowledges look to the Lord, and proceed from Him; and this is what is signified by the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God; therefore, all the trees in the paradise are called trees of life, and trees of Jehovah. Thus, in the Apocalypse they are called trees of life:

"In the midst of the street of it, and of the river going out from the throne of God and the Lamb, on this side and on that side, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve fruits" (22:1, 2);

and "trees of Jehovah" in David:

"The trees of Jehovah are full of sap, and the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted" (Psalms 104:16).

It is therefore clear that by the tree of life in the midst of paradise, is meant every tree there, that is, every man, in the midst of whom, that is, in whom, is the Lord. From these considerations, and those adduced in the preceding article, it may be known what is signified by the statement, that to him that overcometh the Lord will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.