




1 不可隨夥佈散謠言;不可與惡人連妄作見證。

2 不可隨眾行惡;不可在爭訟的事上隨眾偏行,作見證屈枉正直;

3 也不可在爭訟的事上偏護窮人。

4 遇見你仇敵的牛或失迷了,總要牽回來交給他。

5 見恨你人的壓臥在重馱之,不可走開,務要和主一同抬開重馱。

6 不可在窮人爭訟的事上屈枉正直。

7 當遠離虛假的事。不可殺無辜和有的人,因我必不以惡人為

8 不可受賄賂;因為賄賂能叫明眼人變瞎了,又能顛倒人的

9 不可欺壓寄居的;因為你們在埃及作過寄居的,知道寄居的心。

10 年你要耕種田,收藏土產,

11 只是第七年要叫地歇息,不耕不種,使你民中的窮人有的;他們所剩下的,野獸可以。你的葡萄園橄欖園也要照樣辦理。

12 日你要做工,第七日要安息,使牛、可以歇息,並使你婢女的兒子和寄居的都可以舒暢。

13 凡我對你們的話,你們要謹守。別的名,你不可題,也不可從你中傳

14 一年三次,你要向我守節。

15 你要守除酵節,照我所吩咐你的,在亞筆內所定的日期,無酵。誰也不可空手朝見我,因為你是這出了埃及

16 又要守收割節,所收的是你田間所種、勞碌得來初熟之物。並在年底收藏,要守收藏節。

17 一切的男丁要一年三次朝見耶和華

18 不可將我祭牲的血和有的餅一同獻上;也不可將我節上祭牲的脂油留到早晨

19 地裡首先初熟之物要送到耶和華─你的殿。不可用山羊羔母的奶山羊羔。

20 看哪,我差遣使者在你前面,在上保護你,領你到我所預備的地方去。

21 他是奉我名來的;你們要在他面前謹慎,從他的話,不可惹(惹或作:違背)他,因為他必不赦免你們的過犯。

22 你若實在從他的話,照著我一切所的去行,我就向你的仇敵作仇敵,向你的敵人敵人

23 我的使者要在你前面行,領你到亞摩利人、赫人、比利洗人、迦南人、希未人、耶布斯人那裡去,我必將他們剪除。

24 你不可跪拜他們的,不可事奉他,也不可效法他們的行為,卻要把像盡行拆毀,打碎他們的柱像。

25 你們要事奉耶和華─你們的,他必賜福與你的糧與你的,也必從你們中間除去疾病

26 你境內必沒有墜胎的,不生產的。我要使你滿了你年日的數目。

27 凡你所到的地方,我要使那裡的眾民在你面前驚駭,擾亂,又要使你一切仇敵背逃跑。

28 我要打發黃蜂飛在你前面,把希未人、迦南人、赫人攆出去。

29 我不在年之內將他們從你面前攆出去,恐怕成為荒涼,野的獸多起來害你。

30 我要漸漸將他們從你面前攆出去,等到你的人數加多,承受那為業。

31 我要定你的境界,從紅直到非利士,又從曠野直到大。我要將那居民交在你中,你要將他們從你面前攆出去。

32 不可和他們並他們的立約。

33 他們不可在你的上,恐怕他們使你得罪我。你若事奉他們的,這必成為你的網羅




Arcana Coelestia#9223



9223. '[And] you shall not be slow [to offer] the firstfruits of your grain and the firstfruits of your wine' means that since all the good and the truth of faith come from the Lord they are to be ascribed to Him, not to self. This is clear from the meaning of 'the firstfruits' as those things which must occupy first place, thus which are the chief of them all, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'grain' as the good of the truth of faith, dealt with in 5295, 5410, 5959, and from the meaning of 'wine' as the truth of good, thus the truth of the good of faith, dealt with in 1798, 6377; and from the meaning of 'not being slow', when it has reference to the good and truth of faith, as ascribing from affection, since that which is done not slowly but swiftly is done from love and affection, 7695, 7866. The reason why ascribing to the Lord is meant is that the firstfruits, like the firstborn also, were given to Jehovah, and by Jehovah to Aaron and his seed, 'Jehovah' being used in the Word to mean the Lord, 1736, 2921, 3023, 3035, 5663, 6303, 6945, 6956, 8274, 8864. Consequently since the firstfruits of grain and wine are forms of the good and the truths of faith, the meaning is that they are to be ascribed to the Lord since they come from Him. For the truth that everything composing a person's thought and will flows in, and the truth that all goodness and truth come from the Lord, see 2886-2888, 3142, 3147, 4151, 4249, 5119, 5147, 5150, 5259, 5482, 5649, 5779, 5854, 5893, 6027, 6982, 6985, 6996, 7004, 7055, 7056, 7058, 7270, 7343, 8321, 8685, 8701, 8717, 8728, 8823, 8864, 9110, 9111; and the same truths from experience, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6327, 6466-6495, 6598-6626.

[2] The firstfruits that were to be offered to the Lord were the firstfruits of the harvest and the firstfruits of vintage, 1 also the firstfruits of shearing, and the firstfruits of fruit too. The firstfruits of the harvest were parched and fresh ears of grain, also a sheaf that was to be waved, and afterwards products of the threshing-floor, which were cakes, while the firstfruits of vintage were the firstfruits of wine, must, and oil. In addition to these there were the firstfruits of shearing the flock, and also the firstfruits of fruit, which were offered in a basket. In addition also all the firstborn were offered to the Lord, though the firstborn of human beings were redeemed, as also were the firstborn of animals that were not offered in sacrifices, such as those of asses, mules, horses, and the like. Firstfruits and firstborn were offered to Jehovah and were given by Jehovah to Aaron and his seed because Aaron and his sons, who served in the office of high priest, represented the Lord. In the present verse 'the firstfruits of grain and of wine' is used to mean all the firstfruits of harvest and vintage that have been referred to immediately above. For the words used in the original language are 'the fullness of grain' and 'the tear of wine', 'fullness' being the harvest when it has ripened and also been gathered in, and 'tears' drops of fluid that trickle down.

[3] What was represented specifically by firstfruits - for all the religious laws and practices which the Lord commanded the children of Israel represented internal aspects of the Church - becomes clear when the particular products whose firstfruits were offered are considered in the internal sense. 'Grain' means the good of faith and 'wine' the truth of faith, as may be seen in the places referred to above. Giving firstfruits to Jehovah was a sign that the ascription of every good and truth of faith to the Lord and not to self was the first thing of the Church. Ascribing them to the Lord consists in knowing, acknowledging, and believing that they spring from the Lord and in no way at all from self; for as shown above, faith comes entirely from the Lord. The reason why 'the firstfruits' have this meaning is that firstfruits were offerings and gifts which were thanksgivings for the fruits of the earth. They were the acknowledgement of blessings from Jehovah, that is, from the Lord, and therefore the acknowledgement that all things came from Him. In the internal sense they are the acknowledgement [that He is the Source] of every good and truth of faith, which are meant by harvest, grain, oil, must, wine, wool, and fruit, whose firstfruits were given. Regarding these 'firstfruits', see Exodus 23:19; 34:26; Leviticus 23:10-11, 20; Numbers 15:19-21; 18:12-13; Deuteronomy 18:4; 26:1-11; and 'firstfruits' have a similar meaning in Ezekiel 20:40 and Micah 7:1-2.


1. i.e. the time or season when grapes and other fruits such as olives are harvested


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.