




1 约瑟进去告诉法老:我的父亲和我的弟兄带着羊群牛群,并一切所有的,从迦南来了,如今在歌珊

2 约瑟从他弟兄中挑出五个人来,引他们去见法老

3 法老问约瑟的弟兄:你们以可事为业?他们对法老:你仆人是牧的,连我们的祖宗也是牧的。

4 他们又对法老迦南的饥荒甚大,仆人的羊群没有吃,所以我们到这寄居。现在求你容仆人歌珊

5 法老对约瑟:你父亲和你弟兄到你这里来了

6 埃及都在你面前,只管叫你父亲和你弟兄在国中最好的;他们可以歌珊。你若知道他们中间有甚麽能人,就派他们看管我的牲畜。

7 约瑟领他父亲雅各进到法老面前,雅各就给法老祝福

8 法老雅各:你平生的年日是多少呢?

9 雅各法老:我寄居在世的年日是一三十岁,我平生的年日又少又苦,不及我列祖早在世寄居的年日。

10 雅各又给法老祝福,就从法老面前出去了。

11 约瑟遵着法老的命,把埃及国最好的,就是兰塞境内的父亲和弟兄居住,作为产业。

12 约瑟用粮食奉养他父亲和他弟兄,并他父亲全家的眷属,都是照各家的人奉养他们。

13 饥荒甚大,全都绝了粮,甚至埃及迦南的人因那饥荒的缘故都饿昏了。

14 约瑟收聚了埃及迦南所有的子,就是众人籴粮的子,约瑟就把那法老的宫里。

15 埃及迦南子都花尽了,埃及众人都见约瑟,我们子都用尽了,求你给我们粮食,我们为甚麽在你面前呢?

16 约瑟:若是子用尽了,可以把你们的牲畜我,我就为你们的牲畜你们粮食。

17 於是他们把牲畜赶到约瑟那里,约瑟就拿粮食换了他们的;那一年因换他们一切的牲畜,就用粮食养活他们。

18 那一年过去,第二年他们又见约瑟,:我们不瞒我,我们的子都花尽了,牲畜也都归了我。我们在我眼前,除了我们的身体和田地之外,一无所剩。

19 你何忍见我们地荒呢?求你用粮食买我们我们的地,我们我们的地就要法老效力。又求你我们种子,使我们得以存活,不至亡,地土也不至荒凉。

20 於是,约瑟为法老买了埃及所有的埃及人因被饥荒所迫,各都了自己的田;那就都归了法老

21 至於百姓,约瑟叫他们,从埃及这边直到埃及那边,都各归各城。

22 惟有祭司的地,约瑟没有买,因为祭司有从法老所得的常俸。他们法老的常俸,所以他们不自己的地。

23 约瑟对百姓:我今日为法老买了你们和你们的地,看哪,这里有种子给你们,你们可以种地。

24 後来打粮食的时候,你们要把五分之一纳法老分可以归你们做地里的种子,也做你们和你们家口孩童的食物。

25 他们:你我们的性命。但愿我们在我眼前蒙恩,我们就作法老的仆人

26 於是约瑟为埃及地定下常例,直到今日:法老必得五分之一,惟独祭司的地不归法老

27 以色列人埃及歌珊。他们在那里置了产业,并且生育甚多。

28 雅各住在埃及十七年,雅各平生的年日是一十七岁。

29 以色列的期临近了,他就了他儿子约瑟来,:我若在你眼前蒙恩,请你把放在我大腿,用慈爱和诚实待我,请你不要将我葬在埃及

30 我与我祖我父同睡的时候,你要将我带出埃及,葬在他们所葬的地方。约瑟:我必遵着你的命而行。

31 雅各:你要向我起誓。约瑟就向他起了誓,於是以色列上(或作扶着杖)敬拜神。




Arcana Coelestia#6071



6071. 'And placed them before Pharaoh' means an introduction into factual knowledge. This is clear from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as factual knowledge in general, dealt with in 5799, 6015. An introduction is meant by 'placing before him', for the intention behind his presentation of them was so that he might introduce them, that is, the truths of the Church, since these are meant by 'the sons of Jacob'. Regarding the need for the truths known to the Church to be introduced into the Church's factual knowledge, see 6004, 6023, 6052; but as this is a subject that is not known about at the present day, let some more light be shed on it.

[2] The facts known to the Church are at the present day the things stated in the literal sense of the Word. Unless truths from the internal sense are introduced into those facts the mind can be misled into all kinds of heresy; but once truths have been introduced into them the mind cannot be misled into heresies. For example the person who has learned from the literal sense of the Word statements that God can be angry, punish, lead into temptations, cast into hell, and do evil can be misled into false ideas about God. He may be led to think that Goodness itself, which is what God is, can be the source even of evil, thus the opposite of what He is, when in fact good comes from good, and evil from evil. But this fact [which he knows from the literal sense] takes on a different appearance if interior truths are introduced into it, such as the truth that evil in a person is what creates anger in him, leads into temptations, punishes, casts into hell, and constantly brings forth further evils. There is also the truth that the situation with these woes is like the laws that countries have; the laws come from the monarch, but the miseries that come with punishment are not attributable to the monarch but to those who commit evils.

[3] Then there is the truth that the hells are the source of all evil and are allowed to be the source of it because on man's account it cannot be otherwise. For he is sunk in evil and his life arises out of it, and therefore unless he is left in evil he cannot be in freedom, or thus be reformed. Even so, nothing but good comes from God, for to the extent a person allows, God turns that evil towards what is good.

[4] There is too the truth that the very general outlines of belief must come first, after which they must be filled out with individual truths. This is so with the general piece of knowledge that all things which happen come without exception from God, including the miseries that punishment brings. In what way those miseries come from Him has to be learned subsequently, as also do the nature and source of what happens by permission.

[5] There is likewise the truth that all worship of God inevitably has its beginning in holy fear, which holds within it the belief that God rewards good people and punishes the bad. Simple people and young children must believe this because they have no understanding as yet of permission; and their belief is in keeping with the Lord's words,

Rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in Gehenna. Matthew 10:28.

So although to begin with it is out of fear that they do not dare to do evil, love accompanied by good is gradually introduced, and then they start to know and perceive that nothing but good comes from God, and that evil comes from themselves; then at length that all evil comes from hell.

[6] Furthermore those in heaven perceive that nothing but good comes from God; but those in hell say that everything evil comes from God because He permits it and does not take it away. But in reply to this those of them who are in the world of spirits are told that if evil were taken away from them they would not possess any life; and neither would anyone in the world who is engrossed in evil. They are also told that the evil within them punishes itself in accordance with the law, and that the miseries that punishment brings eventually causes them to refrain from the doing of evils, also that the punishment of evil persons is the protection of the good.

[7] Added to all this is the consideration that people engrossed in evil, also those whose worship is external devoid of anything internal, as that of the Jews was, must live altogether in fear of God and in a belief that He is the one who punishes; for their fear of God can lead them to do what is good, but love never can. When these and many other truths are introduced into that known fact [drawn from the literal sense of the Word] it takes on a completely different appearance. It becomes like a transparent vase containing truths which shine through and make the vase look like nothing else than a single and general body of truth.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.