




1 的饥荒甚大。

2 他们从埃及的粮食尽了,他们的父亲就对他们:『你们再去给我籴些粮。』

3 犹大对他:『那谆谆地告诫我们:「你们的兄弟若不与你们同来,你们就不得见我的面。」

4 你若打发我们兄弟我们同去,我们去给你籴粮;

5 你若不打发他去,我们就不去,因为那我们:「你们的兄弟若不与你们同来,你们就不得见我的面。」』

6 以色列:『你们为什麽这样害我,告诉你们还有兄弟呢?』

7 他们回答:『那详细问到我们我们的亲属,:「你们的父亲还在吗?你们还有兄弟吗?」我们就按着他所问的告诉他,焉能知道他要「必须把你们的兄弟来」呢?』

8 犹大又对他父亲以色列:『你打发童子与我同去,我们就起身下去,好叫我们和你,并我们的妇人孩子,都得存活,不至於

9 我为他作保;你可以从我中追讨,我若不他回来交在你面前,我情愿永远担罪。

10 我们若没有耽搁,如今第二次都回来了。』

11 他们的父亲以色列:『若必须如此,你们就当这样行:可以将这土产中最好的乳香、蜂蜜、香料、没药、榧子、杏仁都取一点,收在器具里,带去送给那礼物

12 又要里加倍地带子,并将归还在你们袋内的子仍带在里;那或者是错了。

13 也带着你们的兄弟,起身去见那

14 但愿全能的神使你们在那面前蒙怜悯,释放你们的那弟兄和便雅悯回来。我若丧了儿子,就丧了吧!』

15 於是,他们拿着那礼物,又里加倍地带子,并且带着便雅悯,起身埃及,站在约瑟面前。

16 约瑟见便雅悯和他们同来,就对家宰:『将这些人领到里。要宰杀牲畜,预备筵席,因为晌这些人同我饭。』

17 家宰就遵着约瑟的命去行,领他们进约瑟的里。

18 他们因为被领到约瑟的里,就害怕:『领我们到这里,必是因为头次归还在我们口袋里的子,找我们的错缝,下手害我们,强取我们为奴仆,抢夺我们。』

19 他们就挨约瑟的家宰,在口和他说话

20 :『我啊,我们头次来实在是要籴粮。

21 到了住宿的地方,我们打开袋,不料,各子,分量足数,仍在各袋内,现在我们里又回来了。

22 另外又带子来籴粮。不知道先前谁把子放在我们的口袋里。』

23 家宰:『你们可以放心,不要害怕,是你们的和你们父亲你们财宝在你们的口袋里;你们的子,我早已收了。』他就把西缅,交他们。

24 家宰就领他们进约瑟的里,他们,又他们料喂

25 他们就预备那礼物,等候约瑟晌,因为他们见要在那里饭。

26 约瑟到家里,他们就把中的礼物拿进去给他,又俯伏在,向他下拜。

27 约瑟问他们好,又问:『你们的父亲─就是你们所的那老人家平安吗?他还在吗?』

28 他们回答:『你仆人─我们的父亲平安;他还在。』於是他们低头下拜。

29 约瑟举目见他同母的兄弟便雅悯,就:『你们向我所那顶小的兄弟就是这位吗?』又:『小儿啊,愿赐恩给你!』

30 约瑟爱弟之情发动,就急忙寻找可哭之地,进入自己的屋里,哭了一场。

31 了脸出来,勉强隐忍,吩咐人摆饭。

32 他们就为约瑟单摆了一席,为那些人又摆了一席,也为和约瑟同饭的埃及人另摆了一席,因为埃及人不可和希伯来人一同饭;那原是埃及人所厌恶的。

33 约瑟使众弟兄在他面前排列席,都按着长幼的次序,众弟兄就彼此诧异。

34 约瑟把他面前的食物分出来,送给他们;但便雅悯所得的比别人多五倍。他们就饮酒,和约瑟一同宴乐。




Arcana Coelestia#5605



5605. 'And we will rise up and go, and we will live and not die' means spiritual life entered into by degrees. This is clear from the meaning of 'rising up' as a raising up to higher or more internal things, and therefore to those that constitute spiritual life, dealt with in 2401, 2785, 2912, 2927, 3171, 4103, 4881; from the meaning of 'going' as living, dealt with in 3335, 3690, 4882, 5493 (and since 'and we will live' follows, 'going' means the earliest stage of spiritual life); from the meaning of 'living' as spiritual life, for no other kind of life is meant in the internal sense of the Word; and from the meaning of 'not dying' as standing condemned no longer, that is, standing outside a state of condemnation, for no other kind of death is meant in the internal sense of the Word than spiritual death, which is condemnation. From all this it is evident that 'we will rise up and go, and we will live and not die' means life entered into by degrees. That is to say, an introductory phase leading into life is meant by 'rising up', the earliest stage of that life by 'going', that life fully under way by 'living', and guidance away from everything alien to that life by 'not dying'.

[2] The idea that living is meant in the internal sense by 'going' will seem strange to one who does not know anything about spiritual life. But much the same is involved here as with the expression 'travelling on', namely an ordered life and a further stage of life, 1293, 4375, 4554, 4585; receiving instruction and leading a life in keeping with it, 1463, 2025, 3672. The reason why 'going', 'travelling on', and 'sojourning' have these meanings can, it is true, be stated; yet it is the kind of reason that makes little sense to those who have no knowledge of the exact nature of people's movements in the next life. Moving about and advancements made by people there are nothing else, since they have no other origin, than changes in their states of life. Such changes present themselves in outward actions as nothing other than advances from one place to another. The truth of this has been proved to me from many an experience I have had in the next life. In my spirit I have walked with and among those there, and have moved through their many dwelling-places; and I have done so even though my body remained all the time in the same place. I have talked to them about how this could be so and have learned that changes in their states of life are what constitute the advances people make in the spiritual world.

[3] The same has also been proved to me by the fact that spirits are able, through changes of state that are effected, to be somewhere high up and then in an instant somewhere deep down, or to be far away in the west and then in an instant in the east, and so on. But, as stated, this is bound to seem strange to someone who does not know anything about life in the spiritual world. For in that world no intervals of space or of time exist, but states of life instead of these. Such states produce externally a visible scene with all the appearance of life involving advances and movement. The scene that appears is so vivid and real that it is an appearance of life itself; that is to say, the appearance is that life exists inherently within us, and so is essentially our own, when in actual fact life flows into us from the Lord, the source from which all life involves much the same, namely and the expression 'sojourning springs, see 2021, 2658, 2706, 2886-2888, 3001, 3318, 3337, 3338, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4151, 4249, 4318-4320, 4417, 4523, 4524, 4882. Because 'going' and 'moving' mean living, the ancients had the saying, In God we move, and live, and have our being. By 'moving' they meant the external degree of life, by 'living' the internal degree, and by 'having one's being' the inmost degree.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.