




1 雅各起来!上伯特利去,在那里;要在那里筑一座,就是你逃避你哥哥以扫的时候向你显现的那位。

2 雅各就对他家中的人并一切与他同在的人:你们要除掉你们中间的外邦,也要自洁,更换衣裳。

3 我们起来,上伯特利去,在那里我要筑一座给神,就是在我遭难的日子应允我的祷告、在我行的上保佑我的那位。

4 他们就把外邦人的像和他们耳朵上的环子交雅各雅各都藏在示剑那里的橡树

5 他们便起行前往。使那周围城邑的人都甚惊惧,就不追赶雅各的众子了。

6 於是雅各和一切与他同在的人到了迦南的路斯,就是伯特利

7 他在那里筑了一座,就给那地方起名伊勒伯特利(就是伯特利之的意思);因为他逃避他哥哥的时候,在那里向他显现。

8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯特利边橡树底;那棵树名亚伦巴古。

9 雅各从巴旦亚兰回又向他显现,赐福与他,

10 且对他:你的名原是雅各,从今以後不要再雅各,要以色列。这样,他就改名以色列

11 又对他:我是全能的;你要生养众多,将来有一族和多国的民从你而生,又有君从你而出。

12 我所赐亚伯拉罕以撒的,我要赐你与你的裔。

13 就从那与雅各说话地方升上去了。

14 雅各便在那里立了一根柱,在柱子上奠酒,浇

15 雅各就给那地方起名伯特利

16 他们从伯特利起行,离以法他还有一段程,拉结临产甚是艰难。

17 正在艰难的时候,收生婆对他:不要,你又要得一个儿子了。

18 他将近於灵魂要走的时候,就给他儿子起名便俄尼;他父亲却给他起名便雅悯。

19 拉结死了,葬在以法他旁;以法他就是伯利恒

20 雅各在他的坟上立了一统碑,就是拉结的墓碑,到今日还在。

21 以色列起行前往,在以得楼那边支搭帐棚。

22 以色列住在那的时候,流便去与他父亲的妾辟拉同寝,以色列见了。雅各共有十二个儿子。

23 利亚所生的是雅各长子流便,还有西缅、利未、犹大、以萨迦、西布伦。

24 拉结所生的是约瑟、便雅悯。

25 拉结的使女辟拉所生的是但、拿弗他利。

26 利亚的使女悉帕所生的是迦得、亚设。这是雅各在巴旦亚兰所生的儿子。

27 雅各到他父亲以撒那里,到了基列亚巴的幔利,乃是亚伯拉罕以撒寄居的地方;基列亚巴就是希伯仑。

28 以撒共活了一八十岁。

29 以撒年纪老迈,日子满足,气绝而,归到他列祖(原文作本民)那里。他两个儿子以扫雅各把他埋葬了。




Arcana Coelestia#2643



2643. 'Who would have said to Abraham, Sarah will suckle sons?' means that by His own power the Lord implanted the Human within the Divine. This is clear from the representation of 'Abraham' and also of 'Sarah', and from the meaning of 'suckling', and of 'sons'. It has been shown already that 'Abraham' represents Divine Good and 'Sarah' Divine Truth. 'Milk' means that which is spiritual from a celestial origin, that is, truth deriving from good, see 2184, so that 'suckling' means implanting that truth; And 'sons' means truths, here truths that exist in the Rational, as is clear from the meaning of 'sons', 489-491, 533. The reason why in the internal sense the words under consideration mean that the Lord by His own power implanted the Human within the Divine is that Divine Truth is one and the same as the Divine Human, and when in reference to this it is said 'to suckle sons for Abraham' the meaning is that He implanted the Human within the Divine; and as it was the Human He implanted, He did so by His own power. But scarcely any clearer and more intelligible explanation of these matters is possible. To say more would obscure still further what is meant; for these are Divine matters, which can be presented to angels alone by means of celestial and spiritual things. If presented to men in some more exalted manner those matters would fall into the material and bodily ideas which men possess.

[2] What is more, it should be recognized that it is the nature of the Lord's Divine Rational when it was first born that is being described by these words, 'God has made laughter for me; everyone that hears will laugh for me; and she said, Who would have said to Abraham, Sarah will suckle sons?' For this was in keeping with an ancient custom that when an infant was born it was given a name which served to mean the state; and at the same time a description of that state was added, as when Cain was born to Eve and Adam, Genesis 4:1, and when Seth was born to the same, Genesis 4:25; and as when Noah was born to Lamech, Genesis 5:29, Esau and Jacob to Isaac, Genesis 25:25-26, the twelve sons to Jacob, Genesis 29:32-35; 30:6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 24; 35:18, Perez and Zerah to Tamar, Genesis 38:29-30, Manasseh and Ephraim to Joseph, Genesis 41:51-52, and Gershom and Eliezer to Moses, Exodus 2:22; 18:4. What all these represent, and what they mean in the internal sense, was embodied in the descriptions added to the names that were given. The same is the case here with what Isaac represents and means. What this name embodies is evident to some small extent from this brief explanation that has been given, but deeper arcana are nevertheless concealed there since they are Divine matters, which no sentences or phrases can be formed to express.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.