




1 雅各仍旧行的使者遇见他。

2 雅各见他们就:这是的军兵,於是给那地方起名玛哈念(就是二军兵的意思)。

3 雅各打发人先往西珥去,就是以东,见他哥哥以扫

4 吩咐他们:你们对我以扫:你的仆人雅各这样:我在拉班那里寄居,直到如今。

5 我有牛、羊群、仆婢,现在打发人来报告我,为要在你眼前蒙恩。

6 所打发的回到雅各那里,:我们到了你哥哥以扫那里,他带着,正迎着你

7 雅各就甚惧,而且愁烦,便把那与他同在的人口和羊群牛群骆驼分做两队,

8 以扫击杀这队,剩下的那队还可以逃避。

9 雅各耶和华─我祖亚伯拉罕的,我父亲以撒的阿,你曾对我:回你本本族去,我要厚待你。

10 你向仆人所施的一切慈爱和诚实,我一点也不配得;我先前只拿着我的杖过这约但河,如今我却成了两队了。

11 求你我脱离我哥哥以扫;因为我怕他杀我,连妻子带儿女一同杀了。

12 你曾:我必定厚待你,使你的後裔如同边的沙,多得不可胜

13 当夜,雅各在那里住宿,就从他所有的物中拿礼物要送给他哥哥以扫

14 山羊只,公山羊二十只,母绵只,公绵二十只,

15 奶崽子的骆驼三十只─各带着崽子,母四十只,公只,母二十匹,匹;

16 每样各分一群,交在仆人下,就对仆人:你们要在我前头过去,使群群相离,有空间的地方;

17 又吩咐尽先走的:我哥哥以扫遇见你的时候,问你:你是那家的人?要往那里去?你前头?这些是谁的?

18 你就:是你仆人雅各的,是送给我以扫礼物;他自己也在我们边?。

19 又吩咐第二、第三,和一切赶群畜的人:你们遇见以扫的时候也要这样对他

20 并且你们要:你仆人雅各我们边。因雅各心里:我藉着在我前头去的礼物解他的恨,然再见他的面,或者他容纳我。

21 於是礼物先过去了;那夜,雅各在队中住宿。

22 他夜间起来,带着两个妻子,两个使女,并十一个儿子,过了雅博渡口,

23 先打发他们过,又打发所有的都过去,

24 雅各。有一个来和他摔跤,直到黎明。

25 那人见自己胜不过他,就将他的大腿窝摸了一把,雅各大腿窝正在摔跤的时候就扭了。

26 那人:天黎明了,容我去罢!雅各:你不给我祝福,我就不容你去。

27 那人:你名叫甚麽?他:我名叫雅各

28 那人:你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因为你与与人较力,都得了胜。

29 雅各问他:请将你的名告诉我。那人:何必问我的名?於是在那里给雅各祝福

30 雅各便给那地方起名毗努伊勒(就是之面的意思),意思:我面对面见了,我的性命仍得保全。

31 日头刚出来的时候,雅各经过毗努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。

32 故此,以色列人大腿窝的,直到今日,因为那人摸了雅各大腿窝的




Arcana Coelestia#4293



4293. In the internal historical sense 'for as a prince you have contended with God and with men, and have prevailed' means on account of the stubborn perverseness which was a product of their false delusions and evil desires. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'God' and the meaning of 'men' as truths and goods, dealt with above in 4287, though here the selfsame words have the opposite meaning because in this internal historical sense they are expressions used in reference to the descendants of Jacob, with whom no truths or goods were present interiorly, as shown above, only falsities and evils. Falsities are false delusions because they are the product of such delusions, and evils are evil desires because they are the product of such desires.

[2] As regards that nation's insistence that they should play the representative part, that is, that they themselves should constitute the Church in preference to all nations throughout the whole world, see above in 4290. More than this it is the fact that they were allowed to do so on account of the stubborn perverseness which was a product of their false delusions and of their evil desires that is meant here. No one can know the nature of those delusions and desires unless he has some contact with them in the next life. To enable me to know, such contact has been granted to me, for I have talked on several occasions to those people there. They love themselves and worldly wealth more than anybody else does, and above all they fear loss of position as well as loss of gain more than anybody else does. Consequently today as in former times they despise everyone else in comparison with themselves; they are also utterly intent on the acquisition of wealth, and in addition are full of fear. Because that nation has been like this since ancient times they were better able than others to be kept in external holiness devoid of all internal holiness, and so in outward form to represent things that constituted the Church It was these false delusions and evil desires that produced such stubborn perverseness.

[3] This is also apparent from many things which are mentioned regarding them in the historical narratives of the Word. After being punished they were able to demonstrate an external humility such as no other nation could do, for they were able for whole days to lie prostrate on the ground and to roll themselves in the dust and not get up until the third day. They were also able for many days to beat their breasts, and to go around in sackcloth, in tattered garments, with ashes or dust sprinkled over their head. They were able to fast continuously for many days, and during that time to burst into bitter tears. But these were the expressions solely of bodily and earthly love, and a fear of losing their pre-eminence and worldly wealth. For there was not anything internal which moved them since they did not know at all, and did not even wish to know, what the internal was, such as the matter of a life after death, or that of eternal salvation.

[4] From this it may be seen that because their nature was such they had to be dispossessed of all internal holiness, for this holiness accords in no way at all with the kind of external holiness that has just been described; indeed the two are utterly contrary to each other. It may also be seen that they were better able than others to play the part of a representative of the Church, that is to say, to represent holy things in external form, devoid of all internal holiness; and that thus by means of that nation some kind of communication with the heavens was possible, see 4288.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.