




1 他带我回到殿,见殿的往东流出(原来殿面朝东)。这从槛,由殿的右边,在祭坛边往流。

2 他带我出,又领我从外边转到朝东的外,见从右边流出。

3 拿准绳往东出去的时候,量了一肘,使我趟过到踝子骨;

4 他又量了一肘,使我趟过就到膝;再量了一肘,使我趟过便到腰;

5 又量了一肘,便成了,使我不能趟过,因为势涨起,成为可洑的

6 他对我:人子啊,你见了甚麽?他就带我回到边。

7 我回到边的时候,见在这边与那边的岸上有极多的树木

8 他对我:这水往东方流去,必到亚拉巴,直到。所发出的水必流入盐,使水变甜(原文是得医治;同)。

9 所到之处,凡滋生的动物都必生活,并且因这必有极多的鱼,海也变甜了。这所到之处,百物都必生活。

10 必有渔夫站在河边,从隐基底直到隐以革莲,都作晒(或译:张)网之处。那鱼各从其类,好像的鱼甚多。

11 只是泥泞之地与洼湿之处不得治好,必为地。

12 这边与那边的岸上必生长各类的树木;其果可作食物,子不枯乾,果子不断绝。每必结新果子,因为这水是从圣所出来的。上的果子必作食物,子乃为治病。

13 耶和华如此:你们要照的境界,按以色列支派分为业。约瑟必得两分。

14 你们承受这为业,要彼此均分;因为我曾起誓应许将这赐与你们的列祖;这必归你们为业。

15 的四界乃是如此:界从往希特伦,直到西达达口。

16 又往哈马、比罗他、西伯莲(西伯莲在大马色与哈马两界中间),到浩兰边界的哈撒哈提干。

17 这样,境界从边往大马色地界上的哈萨以难,边以哈马地为界。这是界。

18 东界在浩兰、大马色、基列,和以色列的中间,就是约但河。你们要从北界量到东。这是东界。

19 界是从他玛到米利巴加低斯的水,延到埃及小,直到。这是界。

20 西界就是,从南界直到哈马口对面之地。这是西界。

21 你们要按着以色列的支派彼此分这

22 要拈阄分这地为业,归与自己和你们中间寄居的外人,就是在你们中间生养儿女的外人。你们要看他们如同以色列人中所生的一样;他们在以色列支派中要与你们同得地业

23 外人寄居在哪支派中,你们就在那里分他地业。这是耶和华的。




Apocalypse Revealed#935



935. Yielding its fruit according to the month. This symbolically means that the Lord produces the goods in a person in accordance with every state of truth in him.

A month symbolizes a person's state of life in respect to truth, as will be seen below. To yield fruit means, symbolically, to produce goods. That fruits are goods of love and charity is something we just showed in no. 934 above. Moreover, because it is the Lord who essentially produces these in a person - even though the person does them as though of himself, thus apparently, as we said in no. 934 above - it follows that the symbolic meaning here is that the Lord produces them inmostly when He is present there.

But we must say how one is to understand the Lord's producing goods of charity in a person in accordance with every state of truth in him.

Someone who believes that a person does good acceptable to the Lord, good that is called spiritual good, without possessing in him truths from the Word, is much mistaken. Goods without truths are not good, and truths without goods are not true in the person, even though they are true in themselves. For good without truth is like something a person wills without understanding, a volition that is not human, but one like that of an animal, or like that of a robot that an operator causes to function.

On the other hand, volition together with comprehension becomes human in accordance with the state of the intellect by which it finds expression. For the condition of everyone's life is such that a person's will can do nothing without the instrumentality of the intellect, nor can the intellect entertain any thought without doing so from the will. The case is the same with goodness and truth, since goodness has to do with the will, and truth with the intellect.

[2] It is apparent from this that the good that the Lord produces in a person accords with the state of truth in him that forms his understanding.

This is what the tree of life yielding its fruit every month symbolizes, because a month symbolizes the state of truth in a person.

All periods of time, such as hours, days, weeks, months, years, and centuries, symbolize states of life, as may be seen in nos. 476, 562. Months symbolize states of life in respect to truths, because months mean times determined by the moon, and the moon symbolizes the truth of the intellect and of faith (nos. 332, 413, 414, 919).

Months have the same meaning in the following:

Blessed of Jehovah is (Joseph's) land..., with the precious fruits of the sun, and with the precious produce of the months... (Deuteronomy 33:13-14)

It shall come to pass that from month to month, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to bow down before (Jehovah).... (Isaiah 66:23)

Because of the symbolic meaning of a month, which is the same as that of the moon, sacrifices were made at the beginnings of each month or new moon (Numbers 29:1-6, Isaiah 1:14). The Israelites also sounded the trumpets then (Numbers 10:10, Psalms 81:3). And they were commanded to observe the month of Abib, in which they celebrated Passover (Exodus 12:2, Deuteronomy 16:1).

Months symbolize states of truth in a person, and in an opposite sense states of falsity in him, as may also be seen above in Revelation 9:5, 10, 15; 11:2, and 13:5.

A month has the same symbolic meaning here as in Ezekiel 47:12.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.