




1 وحدث لما شاخ اسحق وكلّت عيناه عن النظر انه دعا عيسو ابنه الاكبر وقال له يا ابني. فقال له هانذا.

2 فقال انني قد شخت ولست اعرف يوم وفاتي.

3 فالآن خذ عدتك جعبتك وقوسك واخرج الى البرية وتصيّد لي صيدا.

4 واصنع لي اطعمة كما احب وأتني بها لآكل حتى تباركك نفسي قبل ان اموت

5 وكانت رفقة سامعة اذ تكلم اسحق مع عيسو ابنه. فذهب عيسو الى البرية كي يصطاد صيدا ليأتي به.

6 وأما رفقة فكلمت يعقوب ابنها قائلة اني قد سمعت اباك يكلم عيسو اخاك قائلا.

7 ائتني بصيد واصنع لي اطعمة لآكل واباركك امام الرب قبل وفاتي.

8 فالآن يا ابني اسمع لقولي في ما انا آمرك به.

9 اذهب الى الغنم وخذ لي من هناك جديين جيّدين من المعزى. فأصنعهما اطعمة لابيك كما يحب.

10 فتحضرها الى ابيك لياكل حتى يباركك قبل وفاته.

11 فقال يعقوب لرفقة امه هوذا عيسو اخي رجل اشعر وانا رجل املس.

12 ربما يجسّني ابي فاكون في عينيه كمتهاون واجلب على نفسي لعنة لا بركة.

13 فقالت له امه لعنتك عليّ يا ابني. اسمع لقولي فقط واذهب خذ لي.

14 فذهب واخذ واحضر لامه. فصنعت امه اطعمة كما كان ابوه يحب.

15 واخذت رفقة ثياب عيسو ابنها الاكبر الفاخرة التي كانت عندها في البيت والبست يعقوب ابنها الاصغر.

16 والبست يديه وملاسة عنقه جلود جديي المعزى.

17 واعطت الاطعمة والخبز التي صنعت في يد يعقوب ابنها

18 فدخل الى ابيه وقال يا ابي. فقال هانذا. من انت يا ابني.

19 فقال يعقوب لابيه انا عيسو بكرك. قد فعلت كما كلمتني. قم اجلس وكل من صيدي لكي تباركني نفسك.

20 فقال اسحق لابنه ما هذا الذي اسرعت لتجد يا ابني. فقال ان الرب الهك قد يسّر لي.

21 فقال اسحق ليعقوب تقدم لاجسّك يا ابني. أأنت هو ابني عيسو ام لا.

22 فتقدم يعقوب الى اسحق ابيه. فجسّه وقال الصوت صوت يعقوب ولكن اليدين يدا عيسو.

23 ولم يعرفه لان يديه كانتا مشعرتين كيدي عيسو اخيه. فباركه . ‎

24 وقال هل انت هو ابني عيسو. فقال انا هو.

25 فقال قدم لي لآكل من صيد ابني حتى تباركك نفسي. فقدّم له فاكل. واحضر له خمرا فشرب.

26 فقال له اسحق ابوه تقدم وقبّلني يا ابني.

27 فتقدم وقبّله. فشم رائحة ثيابه وباركه. وقال انظر. رائحة ابني كرائحة حقل قد باركه الرب.

28 فليعطك الله من ندى السماء. ومن دسم الارض. وكثرة حنطة وخمر.

29 ليستعبد لك شعوب. وتسجد لك قبائل. كن سيدا لاخوتك. وليسجد لك بنو امك. ليكن لاعنوك ملعونين. ومباركوك مباركين

30 وحدث عندما فرغ اسحق من بركة يعقوب ويعقوب قد خرج من لدن اسحق ابيه ان عيسو اخاه أتى من صيده.

31 فصنع هو ايضا اطعمة ودخل بها الى ابيه وقال لابيه ليقم ابي وياكل من صيد ابنه حتى تباركني نفسك.

32 فقال له اسحق ابوه من انت. فقال انا ابنك بكرك عيسو.

33 فارتعد اسحق ارتعادا عظيما جدا. وقال فمن هو الذي اصطاد صيدا وأتى به اليّ فاكلت من الكل قبل ان تجيء وباركته. نعم ويكون مباركا.

34 فعندما سمع عيسو كلام ابيه صرخ صرخة عظيمة ومرة جدا. وقال لابيه باركني انا ايضا يا ابي.

35 فقال قد جاء اخوك بمكر واخذ بركتك.

36 فقال الا ان اسمه دعي يعقوب. فقد تعقبني الآن مرتين. اخذ بكوريتي وهوذا الآن قد اخذ بركتي. ثم قال أما ابقيت لي بركة.

37 فاجاب اسحق وقال لعيسو اني قد جعلته سيدا لك ودفعت اليه جميع اخوته عبيدا وعضدته بحنطة وخمر. فماذا اصنع اليك يا ابني.

38 فقال عيسو لابيه ألك بركة واحدة فقط يا ابي. باركني انا ايضا يا ابي. ورفع عيسو صوته وبكى.

39 فاجاب اسحق ابوه وقال له هوذا بلا دسم الارض يكون مسكنك. وبلا ندى السماء من فوق.

40 وبسيفك تعيش. ولاخيك تستعبد. ولكن يكون حينما تجمح انك تكسر نيره عن عنقك

41 فحقد عيسو على يعقوب من اجل البركة التي باركه بها ابوه. وقال عيسو في قلبه قربت ايام مناحة ابي. فاقتل يعقوب اخي.

42 فأخبرت رفقة بكلام عيسو ابنها الاكبر. فارسلت ودعت يعقوب ابنها الاصغر وقالت له هوذا عيسو اخوك متسلّ من جهتك بانه يقتلك.

43 فالآن يا ابني اسمع لقولي وقم اهرب الى اخي لابان الى حاران.

44 وأقم عنده اياما قليلة حتى يرتد سخط اخيك.

45 حتى يرتد غضب اخيك عنك وينسى ما صنعت به. ثم ارسل فآخذك من هناك. لماذا اعدم اثنيكما في يوم واحد

46 وقالت رفقة لاسحق مللت حياتي من اجل بنات حثّ. ان كان يعقوب يأخذ زوجة من بنات حثّ مثل هؤلاء من بنات الارض فلماذا لي حياة




Arcana Coelestia#3540



3540. 'And she put the skins of the kids of the she-goats' means the external truths clothing homeborn good. This is clear from the meaning of 'skins' as external things, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'the kids of the she-goats', coming as they did from the flock bred within the homestead, as the truths which clothe homeborn good, dealt with in 3518, 3519, where it is also evident what homeborn good is and what truths from that source are. Any good whatever has its own truths, and any truths whatever have their own good. And they must be joined together - good to truths - if anything at all is to exist. The reason why 'skins' means external things is that the skin is the outer covering of an animal to which its exterior parts extend, even as the skin or the cuticles is such with a human being. The latter receives its spiritual meaning from what is representative in the next life, where there are people who belong to the province of the skin. These will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described at the ends of chapters below where the Grand Man will be presented as a separate subject. They are people in whom none but external good and the truths which go with this are present. This is why the skin, human or animal, means things that are external. The same is also evident from the Word, as in Jeremiah,

On account of the greatness of your iniquity your skirts have been uncovered, your heels have suffered violence. Can the Ethiopian change his skin and the leopard its spots? Also are you able to do good, having been taught to do evil? Jeremiah 13:22-23.

Here 'skirts' means external truths, 'heels' the lowest goods - 'the heel' and 'shoes' being the lowest natural things, see 259, 1748. And because those truths and goods, as it is said, spring from evil, they are compared to an 'Ethiopian', who was black, and his 'skin', and also to 'a leopard and its spots'.

[2] In Moses,

If you take your neighbour's clothing as a pledge you shall restore it to him before the sun goes down; for this is his only covering; it is his clothing for his skin, in which he will lie down. Exodus 22:26-27.

Inasmuch as all the laws contained in the Word, including civil and judicial ones, have a correspondence with laws in heaven concerning what is good and true, and from this correspondence came to be laid down, so it was with the law just quoted. For why else would it have ever been laid down that they were to restore clothing that had been pledged before the sun went down, and why else is it said that 'it is his clothing for his skin, in which he lies down'? The correspondence is evident from the internal sense, which is that people were not to cheat their neighbour of external truths, which are the matters of doctrine by which they conduct their lives, and also religious observances - 'clothing' meaning such truths, see 297, 1073, 2576, and 'the sun' the good of love or of life that ensues from those truths, 1529, 1530, 2441, 2495. The prevention of that good from perishing is meant by the statement about the restoration of the pledge before the sun went down. And since the things laid down in those laws are the external coverings of interior things, or the outermost aspects of these, the words 'his clothing for his skin in which he lies down' are used.

[3] Because 'skins' meant external things it was commanded that there should be for the tent a covering made of red ram skins and over that a covering of badger skins, Exodus 26:14. For the tent was representative of the three heavens, and so of the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom. The curtains enveloping it represented natural things, which are external, 3478; and these are the ram skins and the badger skins. And since external things are those which cover internal, or natural things are those which cover spiritual and celestial, in the way that the body does the soul, that command was therefore given. It was for a like reason commanded that when the camp was on the move Aaron and his sons were to cover the ark of the testimony with the veil and were to place a badger-skin covering over it. And over the table and what was on it they were to spread a twice-dyed scarlet cloth and then cover that with a badger-skin covering. They were likewise required to place the lampstand and all its vessels under a covering made of badger skin - also all the vessels for ministering they were to place under a violet cloth, and then cover them with a badger-skin covering, Numbers 4:5-6, 8, 10-12. Anyone who thinks about the Word in a devout way may see that Divine things were represented by all these objects, such as the ark, the table, the lampstand, and the vessels for ministering, also the coverings of twice-dyed scarlet and of violet, as well as the coverings of badger skin, and that these objects represented Divine things contained within external ones.

[4] Because the prophets represented those who teach, and therefore represented teaching from the Word concerning what is good and true, 2534; and because Elijah represented the Word itself, 2762, as also did John, who for that reason is called the Elijah who is to come, Matthew 17:10-13; and in order that these might represent the nature of the Word in its external form, that is, in the letter,

Elijah wore a skin girdle around his loins. 2 Kings 1:8. And John had a garment of camel hair and a skin girdle around his waist. Matthew 3:4.

Because animal 'skin' and human 'skin' means external things, which in relation to spiritual and celestial are natural things, and because it was customary in the Ancient Church to speak and to write by means of meaningful signs, reference is also made to both types of skin, and with the same meaning, in Job, a book of the Ancient Church. This becomes clear from a number of places in that book, including the following,

I know my Redeemer; He is alive; and at the last He will rise above the dust; and afterwards these things will be encompassed by my skin, and out of my flesh shall I see God. Job 19:25-26.

'Encompassed by skin' stands for the natural as it exists with someone after he has died, dealt with in 3539. 'Out of one's flesh seeing God' is doing so from a proprium made alive. For the proprium is meant by 'flesh', see 148, 149, 780; and the Book of Job is a book of the Ancient Church, a fact which is evident, as has been stated, from its style which draws on representatives and meaningful signs. It is not however one of the books called the Law and the Prophets, the reason being that it has no internal sense in which the one subject is the Lord and His kingdom. For it is this alone that determines whether any book is a Book of the true Word.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.