




1 وكانت الارض كلها لسانا واحدا ولغة واحدة.

2 وحدث في ارتحالهم شرقا انهم وجدوا بقعة في ارض شنعار وسكنوا هناك.

3 وقال بعضهم لبعض هلم نصنع لبنا ونشويه شيا. فكان لهم اللبن مكان الحجر وكان لهم الحمر مكان الطين.

4 وقالوا هلم نبن لانفسنا مدينة وبرجا راسه بالسماء. ونصنع لانفسنا اسما لئلا نتبدد على وجه كل الارض.

5 فنزل الرب لينظر المدينة والبرج اللذين كان بنو آدم يبنونهما.

6 وقال الرب هوذا شعب واحد ولسان واحد لجميعهم وهذا ابتداؤهم بالعمل. والآن لا يمتنع عليهم كل ما ينوون ان يعملوه.

7 هلم ننزل ونبلبل هناك لسانهم حتى لا يسمع بعضهم لسان بعض.

8 فبددهم الرب من هناك على وجه كل الارض. فكفّوا عن بنيان المدينة.

9 لذلك دعي اسمها بابل. لان الرب هناك بلبل لسان كل الارض. ومن هناك بددهم الرب على وجه كل الارض

10 هذه مواليد سام. لما كان سام ابن مئة سنة ولد ارفكشاد بعد الطوفان بسنتين.

11 وعاش سام بعدما ولد ارفكشاد خمس مئة سنة وولد بنين وبنات.

12 وعاش ارفكشاد خمسا وثلاثين سنة وولد شالح.

13 وعاش ارفكشاد بعدما ولد شالح اربع مئة وثلث سنين وولد بنين وبنات.

14 وعاش شالح ثلاثين سنة وولد عابر.

15 وعاش شالح بعدما ولد عابر اربع مئة وثلث سنين وولد بنين وبنات.

16 وعاش عابر اربعا وثلاثين سنة وولد فالج.

17 وعاش عابر بعدما ولد فالج اربع مئة وثلاثين سنة وولد بنين وبنات.

18 وعاش فالج ثلاثين سنة وولد رعو.

19 وعاش فالج بعدما ولد رعو مئتين وتسع سنين وولد بنين وبنات.

20 وعاش رعو اثنتين وثلاثين سنة وولد سروج.

21 وعاش رعو بعدما ولد سروج مئتين وسبع سنين وولد بنين وبنات.

22 وعاش سروج ثلاثين سنة وولد ناحور.

23 وعاش سروج بعدما ولد ناحور مئتي سنة وولد بنين وبنات.

24 وعاش ناحور تسعا وعشرين سنة وولد تارح.

25 وعاش ناحور بعدما ولد تارح مئة وتسع عشرة سنة وولد بنين وبنات.

26 وعاش تارح سبعين سنة وولد ابرام وناحور وهاران

27 وهذه مواليد تارح. ولد تارح ابرام وناحور وهاران. وولد هاران لوطا.

28 ومات هاران قبل تارح ابيه في ارض ميلاده في اور الكلدانيين.

29 واتخذ ابرام وناحور لانفسهما امرأتين. اسم امرأة ابرام ساراي واسم امرأة ناحور ملكة بنت هاران ابي ملكة وابي يسكة.

30 وكانت ساراي عاقرا ليس لها ولد.

31 واخذ تارح ابرام ابنه ولوطا بن هاران ابن ابنه وساراي كنته امرأة ابرام ابنه. فخرجوا معا من اور الكلدانيين ليذهبوا الى ارض كنعان. فأتوا الى حاران واقاموا هناك.

32 وكانت ايام تارح مئتين وخمس سنين. ومات تارح في حاران




Spiritual Experiences#155


155. About Speech and the understanding of things, with Angels

1. ) I have spoken with spirits around me about the speech of angels and their understanding of matters which the spirits are extremely interested in knowing about. Having been taught by experience, I said that the angels' speech cannot be perceptible to us, because it contains countless elements almost simultaneously, which would have to be unfolded extensively in a sequence and in many roundabout ways; and that it is not portrayable to us except by forms virtually beyond our grasp and my powers of description, whirling around together in gyrating motions, following the varying pattern of more inward forms. About these forms as they were shown to me, I have spoken elsewhere [191a-92a].

2. ) Meanwhile, there is a form of speech, or of very many speaking at the same time, which, when it falls into the lower orb, does not appear the same, but sometimes quite different, for the most part turning into pictorial symbolism like that of the Prophets, which consequently more inwardly contains heavenly, and therefore hidden, matters. There is a reactive understanding with the angels, that is, arising from these symbolic displays, which, when exhibited through our mental images, are transformed into heavenly subjects that angels can understand, so that the earthly paradise can pass over into the heavenly one.

3. ) It was also shown to me how angels, from facts of nature alone properly joined together, have understood a series of very lofty, heavenly matters. Yet this cannot happen with the angels except through the mercy of God the Messiah. 1747, the 21st of August (old calendar).

4. ) Such gyrating motions I have sometimes been able, by the Divine mercy of God the Messiah, to feel come over me vividly, and I was able to gather therefrom that myriads of such more inward mental images could compose one material one, we may call it, 1 in which such a countless number of elements are contained that a person in the world could never believe it, much less comprehend it. In every more inward mental image, in its turn, [are contained countless elements], but in an incalculably greater degree of perfection.

Now this form, and consequently the influence of God the Messiah through angels, and from them through spirits, upon human minds, becomes disturbed when a person lives in a contrary order, especially when one wants to go into the mysteries of religion by means of knowledge that has been called up by the love of self and the world, and therefore by cupidity. From this there arises a confusion or disturbance like that among the Babylonians building the tower, when their lips were confounded [Gen. 11:4-9], 2

5. ) affirming the absence of God the Messiah from humanity, even though all things are nevertheless ordered in such a way that they may be restored to a semblance of some heavenly form. This can take place in countlessly many ways. For no matter what abstruseness, entanglement, jumble, comes to exist in the lower realm or world, it can nevertheless be brought back to order by God the Messiah; otherwise mankind would perish and not be able to understand anything. On this account there is still a spiritual influence enabling them to exercise their reason. The door from the heavenly Paradise to the earthly one is said to be opened when one is acting from what is higher, that is, according to order - which also is "to turn the face toward." About the Babylonic confounding [of the lip] and the opening of the heavenly Paradise.


1. The meaning is not that "material" is the wrong term, but it is being used in the sense of "an idea with man in the material world." -tr.

2. This paragraph and the first half of the next is emphasized in the original by the word "Obs." written four times in the margin.


Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.