




1 وأتى بي الى الهيكل وقاس العضائد عرضها من هنا ست اذرع ومن هناك ست اذرع عرض الخيمة.

2 وعرض المدخل عشر اذرع وجوانب المدخل من هنا خمس اذرع ومن هناك خمس اذرع وقاس طوله اربعين ذراعا والعرض عشرين ذراعا.

3 ثم جاء الى داخل وقاس عضادة المدخل ذراعين والمدخل ست اذرع وعرض المدخل سبع اذرع.

4 وقاس طوله عشرين ذراعا والعرض عشرين ذراعا الى قدام الهيكل. وقال لي هذا قدس الاقداس.

5 وقاس حائط البيت ست اذرع وعرض الغرفة اربع اذرع حول البيت من كل جهة.

6 والغرفات غرفة الى غرفة ثلاثا وثلاثين مرة ودخلت في الحائط الذي للبيت للغرفات حوله لتتمكن ولا تتمكن في حائط البيت.

7 واتسعت الغرفات واحاطت صاعدا فصاعدا لان محيط البيت كان صاعدا فصاعدا حول البيت. لذلك عرض البيت الى فوق وهكذا من الاسفل يصعد الى الاعلى في الوسط.

8 ورايت سمك البيت حواليه. أسس الغرفات قصبة تامة ست اذرع الى المفصل.

9 عرض الحائط الذي للغرفة من خارج خمس اذرع وما بقي ففسحة لغرفات البيت.

10 وبين المخادع عرض عشرين ذراعا حول البيت من كل جانب.

11 ومدخل الغرفة في الفسحة مدخل واحد نحو الشمال ومدخل آخر نحو الجنوب وعرض مكان الفسحة خمس اذرع حواليه.

12 والبناء الذي امام المكان المنفصل عند الطرف نحو الغرب سبعون ذراعا عرضا وحائط البناء خمس اذرع عرضا من حوله وطوله تسعون ذراعا.

13 وقاس البيت مئة ذراع طولا والمكان المنفصل والبناء مع حيطانه مئة ذراع طولا.

14 وعرض وجه البيت والمكان المنفصل نحو الشرق مئة ذراع.

15 وقاس طول البناء الى قدام المكان المنفصل الذي وراءه واساطينه من جانب الى جانب مئة ذراع مع الهيكل الداخلي واروقة الدار.

16 العتبات والكوى المشبكة والاساطين حوالي الطبقات الثلاث مقابل العتبة من الواح خشب من كل جانب ومن الارض الى الكوى ــ والكوى مغطاة ــ

17 الى ما فوق المدخل والى البيت الداخلي والى الخارج والى الحائط كله حواليه من داخل ومن خارج بهذه الاقيسة.

18 وعمل فيه كروبيم ونخيل. نخلة بين كروب وكروب ولكل كروب وجهان.

19 فوجه الانسان نحو نخلة من هنا ووجه الشبل نحو نخلة من هنالك. عمل في كل البيت حواليه.

20 من الارض الى ما فوق المدخل عمل كروبيم ونخيل وعلى حائط الهيكل.

21 وقوائم الهيكل مربعة ووجه القدس منظره كمنظر وجه الهيكل.

22 المذبح من خشب ثلاث اذرع ارتفاعا وطوله ذراعان وزواياه وطوله وحيطانه من خشب. وقال لي هذه المائدة امام الرب

23 وللهيكل وللقدس بابان.

24 وللبابين مصراعان مصراعان ينطويان مصرعان للباب الواحد ومصراعان للباب الآخر.

25 وعمل عليها على مصاريع الهيكل كروبيم ونخيل كما عمل على الحيطان وغشاء من خشب على وجه الرواق من خارج

26 وكوى مشبّكة ونخيل من هنا ومن هناك على جوانب الرواق وعلى غرفات البيت وعلى الاسكفّات




Apocalypse Revealed#486



486. And the angel stood by, saying, "Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there." This symbolizes the Lord's presence and His command to see and learn the state of the church in the New Heaven.

The Lord is meant by the angel, here as in nos. 5, 415, and elsewhere, since an angel does nothing of himself but is impelled by the Lord. That is why the angel said, "I will give power to my two witnesses" (verse 3), when they were the Lord's witnesses. The angel's standing by symbolizes the Lord's presence, and his speaking symbolizes the Lord's command. To rise and measure means, symbolically, to see and learn. We will see below that to measure means, symbolically, to learn and investigate the character of a state.

The temple, altar, and those who worship there symbolize the state of the church in the New Heaven - the temple symbolizing the church in respect to its doctrinal truth (no. 191), the altar symbolizing the church in respect to the goodness of its love (no. 392), and those who worship there symbolizing the church in respect to its formal worship as a result of those two elements. Those who worship symbolize here the reverence that is a part of formal worship, since the spiritual sense is a sense abstracted from persons (nos. 78, 79, 96), as is apparent here also from the fact that John is told to measure the worshipers. These three elements are what form the church: doctrinal truth, goodness of love, and formal worship as a result of these.

[2] That the church meant is the church in the New Heaven is apparent from the last verse of this chapter, where we are told that "the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple" (verse 19).

This chapter begins with the measuring of the temple in order that the state of the church in heaven might be seen and learned before its conjunction with the church in the world. The church in the world is meant by the court outside the temple, which John was not to measure, because it had been given to the gentiles (verse 2). The same church is then described by the great city called Sodom and Egypt (verses 7, 8). But after that great city fell (verse 13), it follows that the church became the Lord's (verses 15ff.).

It should be known that the church exists in the heavens just as on earth, and that the two are united like the inner and outer selves in people. Consequently the Lord provides the church in heaven first, and from it, or by means of it, then the church on earth. That is why the New Jerusalem is said to come down from God out of the New Heaven (Revelation 21:1-2).

The New Heaven means a new heaven formed from Christians, as described several times in the following chapters.

[3] To measure means, symbolically, to learn and investigate the character of a thing because the measure of something symbolizes its character or state. All the measurements of the New Jerusalem (chapter 21) have this symbolic meaning, as does the statement there that the angel who had the gold reed measured the city and its gates, and that he measured the wall to be one hundred and forty-four cubits, the measure of a man which is that of an angel (verses 15, 17). Moreover, because the New Jerusalem symbolizes the New Church, is it apparent that to measure it and its component parts means, symbolically, to learn its character.

Measuring has the same symbolic meaning in Ezekiel, where we read that an angel measured the house of God: the temple, the altar, the court, and the chambers (Ezekiel 40:3-17; 41:1-5, 13-14, 22; 42:1-20, and 43:1-27). Also that he measured the waters (47:3-5, 9). Therefore the prophet is told:

...show the temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and they shall measure the pattern... and... its exits and its entrances, and all its patterns..., so that they may keep its whole design... (Ezekiel 43:10-11)

Measuring has the same symbolic meaning in the following places:

I raised my eyes..., and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand. So I said, "Where are you going?" And he said to me, "To measure Jerusalem...." (Zechariah 2:1-2)

He stood and measured the earth. (Habakkuk 3:6)

(The Lord Jehovih) has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and gauged heaven with a span... and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance. (Isaiah 40:12)

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? ...Who determined its measurements? ...Or who stretched the line upon it? (Job 38:4-5)


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.