




1 وكان في السنة الثانية عشرة في الشهر الثاني عشر في اول الشهر ان كلام الرب صار اليّ قائلا

2 يا ابن آدم ارفع مرثاة على فرعون ملك مصر وقل له. اشبهت شبل الامم وانت نظير تمساح في البحار. اندفقت بانهارك وكدرت الماء برجليك وعكّرت انهارهم.

3 هكذا قال السيد الرب. اني ابسط عليك شبكتي مع جماعة شعوب كثيرة وهم يصعدونك في مجزفتي

4 واتركك على الارض واطرحك على وجه الحقل وأقرّ عليك كل طيور السماء واشبع منك وحوش الارض كلها.

5 والقي لحمك على الجبال واملأ الاودية من جيفك.

6 واسقي ارض فيضانك من دمك الى الجبال وتمتلئ منك الآفاق.

7 وعند اطفائي اياك احجب السموات واظلم نجومها واغشي الشمس بسحاب والقمر لا يضيء ضؤه.

8 واظلم فوقك كل انوار السماء المنيرة واجعل الظلمة على ارضك يقول السيد الرب.

9 واغم قلوب شعوب كثيرين عند اتياني بكسرك بين الامم في اراض لم تعرفها.

10 واحيّر منك شعوبا كثيرين ملوكهم يقشعرّون عليك اقشعرارا عندما اخطر بسيفي قدام وجوههم فيرجفون كل لحظة كل واحد على نفسه في يوم سقوطك

11 لانه هكذا قال السيد الرب. سيف ملك بابل ياتي عليك.

12 بسيوف الجبابرة أسقط جمهورك. كلهم عتاة الامم فيسلبون كبرياء مصر ويهلك كل جمهورها.

13 وابيد جميع بهائمها عن المياه الكثيرة فلا تكدرها من بعد رجل انسان ولا تعكرها اضلاف بهيمة.

14 حينئذ انضب مياههم واجري انهارهم كالزيت يقول السيد الرب.

15 حين اجعل ارض مصر خرابا وتخلو الارض من ملئها عند ضربي جميع سكانها يعلمون اني انا الرب.

16 هذه مرثاة يرثون بها. بنات الامم ترثو بها. على مصر وعلى كل جمهورها ترثو بها يقول السيد الرب

17 وكان في السنة الثانية عشرة في الخامس عشر من الشهر ان كلام الرب كان اليّ قائلا

18 يا ابن آدم ولول على جمهور مصر واحدره هو وبنات الامم العظيمة الى الارض السفلى مع الهابطين في الجب.

19 ممن نعمت اكثر. انزل واضطجع مع الغلف.

20 يسقطون في وسط القتلى بالسيف. قد أسلم السيف. امسكوها مع كل جمهورها.

21 يكلمه اقوياء الجبابرة من وسط الهاوية مع اعوانه. قد نزلوا اضطجعوا غلفا قتلى بالسيف.

22 هناك اشور وكل جماعتها. قبوره من حوله. كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف.

23 الذين جعلت قبورهم في اسافل الجب وجماعتها حول قبرها كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف الذين جعلوا رعبا في ارض الاحياء.

24 هناك عيلام وكل جمهورها حول قبرها كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف الذين هبطوا غلفا الى الارض السفلى الذين جعلوا رعبهم في ارض الاحياء. فحملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين في الجب.

25 قد جعلوا لها مضجعا بين القتلى مع كل جمهورها. حوله قبورهم كلهم غلف قتلى بالسيف مع انه قد جعل رعبهم في ارض الاحياء قد حملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين في الجب. قد جعل في وسط القتلى.

26 هناك ماشك وتوبال وكل جمهورها حوله قبورها. كلهم غلف قتلى بالسيف مع انهم جعلوا رعبهم في ارض الاحياء.

27 ولا يضطجعون مع الجبابرة الساقطين من الغلف النازلين الى الهاوية بادواة حربهم وقد وضعت سيوفهم تحت رؤوسهم فتكون آثامهم على عظامهم مع انهم رعب الجبابرة في ارض الاحياء.

28 اما انت ففي وسط الغلف تنكسر وتضطجع مع القتلى بالسيف.

29 هناك ادوم وملوكها وكل رؤسائها الذين مع جبروتهم قد ألقوا مع القتلى بالسيف فيضطجعون مع الغلف ومع الهابطين في الجب.

30 هناك امراء الشمال كلهم وجميع الصيدونيين الهابطين مع القتلى برعبهم خزوا من جبروتهم واضطجعوا غلفا مع قتلى السيف وحملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين الى الجب.

31 يراهم فرعون ويتعزى عن كل جمهوره. قتلى بالسيف فرعون وكل جمهوره يقول السيد الرب.

32 لاني جعلت رعبه في ارض الاحياء فيضجع بين الغلف مع قتلى السيف فرعون وكل جمهوره يقول السيد الرب




Arcana Coelestia#9408



9408. 'And it was like the substance of the sky for clearness' means the translucence of the angelic heaven. This is clear from the meaning of 'the sky (or heaven)' as the angelic heaven, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'clearness' or purity of substance, when said of the sky, as translucence. What the translucence of the angelic heaven is when the Word is the subject must be stated briefly. The angelic heaven is said to be translucent when God's truth shines through; for the whole of heaven is nothing other than a receptacle of God's truth. Each angel is an individual recipient of it, so that all the angels or heaven as a whole is a general recipient. This explains why heaven is called 'God's dwelling-place' and also 'God's throne'. For 'dwelling-place' means God's truth emanating from the Lord and received in the inmost heaven, which in comparison is good, 8269, 8309; and 'throne' means God's truth emanating from the Lord and received in the middle heaven, 5313, 6397, 8625, 9039. Since that which shines through, out of the sense of the letter of the Word, is God's truth as it exists in the heavens, it is the angelic heaven that shines through. For the Word is Divine Truth adjusted to all the heavens, and as a consequence of this it joins the heavens to the world, that is, angels to men, 2143, 7153, 7381, 8920, 9094 (end), 9212 (end), 9216 (end), 9357, 9396. From all this it is evident what the words 'the translucence of the angelic heaven' are used to mean.

[2] The reasons why in the internal sense 'the sky (or heaven)' means the angelic heaven lie with correspondence and also with the appearance. So it is that where the words 'heavens' and 'heavens of heavens' occur in the Word the angelic heavens are meant in the internal sense. For the ancients had no other idea of the visible sky than this, that the inhabitants of heaven lived there and that the stars were their dwelling-places. At the present day too, simple people - especially young children - have the same idea. So it is also that people look upwards to the sky or heaven when they worship God. This action too arises from correspondence; for a sky with stars appears in the next life, but this is not the sky seen by people in the world. Instead it is a sky that takes on an appearance which accords with the spirits and angels' state of intelligence and wisdom. The stars in it are cognitions or knowledge of goodness and truth, and the clouds which are sometimes seen in the sky vary in meaning according to their colours, translucence, and movements, the blue of the sky being truth transparent with good. All this goes to prove that by 'heavens' the angelic heavens are meant. But by the angelic heavens God's truths are meant, because angels are recipients of God's truth emanating from the Lord.

[3] Similar things are meant by 'heavens' in David,

Praise Jehovah, heavens of heavens, and waters that are above the heavens! Psalms 148:4.

In the same author,

Make melody to the Lord who rides above the heaven of the heaven of old. Psalms 68:33.

In the same author,

By the Word of Jehovah were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the spirit 1 of His mouth. Psalms 33:6.

In the same prophet,

The heavens recount His glory, and the firmament declares the works of His hands. Psalms 19:1.

In the Book of Judges,

O Jehovah, when You went forth from Seir, the earth trembled, the heavens also dropped, the clouds indeed dropped water. Judges 5:4.

In Daniel,

The horn of the he-goat grew right on towards the host of the heavens, and cast down to the earth some of the host, and of the stars, and trampled on them. Daniel 8:10.

In Amos,

The Lord Jehovih, who builds His steps in the heavens ... Amos 9:6.

In Malachi,

If there is food in My house I will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing for you. Malachi 3:10.

In Isaiah,

Look out from the heavens, and see from the dwelling-place of Your holiness and of Your glory. Isaiah 63:15.

In Moses,

Blessed by Jehovah is the land of Joseph, in regard to the precious things of heaven, to the dew. Deuteronomy 33:13.

In Matthew,

Jesus said, You shall not swear by heaven, for it is God's throne. He who swears by heaven swears by God's throne and by Him who sits on it. Matthew 5:32; 23:22.

[4] In these and very many other places 'heavens' means the angelic heavens. And since the Lord's heaven on earth is the Church, the Church too is meant by 'heaven', as in the following places: In John,

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away. Revelation 21:1.

In Isaiah,

Behold, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; therefore the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. 2 Isaiah 65:17.

In the same prophet,

The heavens will vanish away like smoke, and the earth will grow old like a garment. Isaiah 51:6.

In the same prophet,

I clothe heaven with darkness, and I make sackcloth its covering. Isaiah 50:3.

In Ezekiel,

I will cover the heavens, and darken their stars; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. And all the bright lights in heaven I will make dark, and I will put darkness over the land. Ezekiel 32:7-8.

In Matthew,

After the affliction of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Matthew 24:29.

What the meaning is of 'sun', 'moon', 'stars', and 'in the heavens', see 4056-4060.

In Isaiah,

O Jehovah God of Israel, You are God alone over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. Isaiah 37:16.

In the same prophet,

[I am] Jehovah who makes all things, who spreads out the heavens Alone, who stretches out the earth by Myself. Isaiah 44:24.

In the same prophet,

Jehovah who created the heavens, who formed the earth, and made it, and prepared it, did not create it an emptiness. Isaiah 45:18.

[5] In the internal sense 'heaven and earth' in these and other places means the Church, the internal Church being meant by 'heaven' and the external Church by 'earth', see 1733, 1850, 2117, 2118 (end), 3355 (end), 4535. From all this it is evident that by creation in the earliest chapters of Genesis, where it says, In the beginning God created heaven and earth, Genesis 1:1, And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them, Genesis 2:1, a new Church is meant. For creation there describes regeneration, which is also called the new creation, as has been shown and may be seen in the explanations of those chapters.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.