




1 وكان في السنة الثانية عشرة في الشهر الثاني عشر في اول الشهر ان كلام الرب صار اليّ قائلا

2 يا ابن آدم ارفع مرثاة على فرعون ملك مصر وقل له. اشبهت شبل الامم وانت نظير تمساح في البحار. اندفقت بانهارك وكدرت الماء برجليك وعكّرت انهارهم.

3 هكذا قال السيد الرب. اني ابسط عليك شبكتي مع جماعة شعوب كثيرة وهم يصعدونك في مجزفتي

4 واتركك على الارض واطرحك على وجه الحقل وأقرّ عليك كل طيور السماء واشبع منك وحوش الارض كلها.

5 والقي لحمك على الجبال واملأ الاودية من جيفك.

6 واسقي ارض فيضانك من دمك الى الجبال وتمتلئ منك الآفاق.

7 وعند اطفائي اياك احجب السموات واظلم نجومها واغشي الشمس بسحاب والقمر لا يضيء ضؤه.

8 واظلم فوقك كل انوار السماء المنيرة واجعل الظلمة على ارضك يقول السيد الرب.

9 واغم قلوب شعوب كثيرين عند اتياني بكسرك بين الامم في اراض لم تعرفها.

10 واحيّر منك شعوبا كثيرين ملوكهم يقشعرّون عليك اقشعرارا عندما اخطر بسيفي قدام وجوههم فيرجفون كل لحظة كل واحد على نفسه في يوم سقوطك

11 لانه هكذا قال السيد الرب. سيف ملك بابل ياتي عليك.

12 بسيوف الجبابرة أسقط جمهورك. كلهم عتاة الامم فيسلبون كبرياء مصر ويهلك كل جمهورها.

13 وابيد جميع بهائمها عن المياه الكثيرة فلا تكدرها من بعد رجل انسان ولا تعكرها اضلاف بهيمة.

14 حينئذ انضب مياههم واجري انهارهم كالزيت يقول السيد الرب.

15 حين اجعل ارض مصر خرابا وتخلو الارض من ملئها عند ضربي جميع سكانها يعلمون اني انا الرب.

16 هذه مرثاة يرثون بها. بنات الامم ترثو بها. على مصر وعلى كل جمهورها ترثو بها يقول السيد الرب

17 وكان في السنة الثانية عشرة في الخامس عشر من الشهر ان كلام الرب كان اليّ قائلا

18 يا ابن آدم ولول على جمهور مصر واحدره هو وبنات الامم العظيمة الى الارض السفلى مع الهابطين في الجب.

19 ممن نعمت اكثر. انزل واضطجع مع الغلف.

20 يسقطون في وسط القتلى بالسيف. قد أسلم السيف. امسكوها مع كل جمهورها.

21 يكلمه اقوياء الجبابرة من وسط الهاوية مع اعوانه. قد نزلوا اضطجعوا غلفا قتلى بالسيف.

22 هناك اشور وكل جماعتها. قبوره من حوله. كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف.

23 الذين جعلت قبورهم في اسافل الجب وجماعتها حول قبرها كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف الذين جعلوا رعبا في ارض الاحياء.

24 هناك عيلام وكل جمهورها حول قبرها كلهم قتلى ساقطون بالسيف الذين هبطوا غلفا الى الارض السفلى الذين جعلوا رعبهم في ارض الاحياء. فحملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين في الجب.

25 قد جعلوا لها مضجعا بين القتلى مع كل جمهورها. حوله قبورهم كلهم غلف قتلى بالسيف مع انه قد جعل رعبهم في ارض الاحياء قد حملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين في الجب. قد جعل في وسط القتلى.

26 هناك ماشك وتوبال وكل جمهورها حوله قبورها. كلهم غلف قتلى بالسيف مع انهم جعلوا رعبهم في ارض الاحياء.

27 ولا يضطجعون مع الجبابرة الساقطين من الغلف النازلين الى الهاوية بادواة حربهم وقد وضعت سيوفهم تحت رؤوسهم فتكون آثامهم على عظامهم مع انهم رعب الجبابرة في ارض الاحياء.

28 اما انت ففي وسط الغلف تنكسر وتضطجع مع القتلى بالسيف.

29 هناك ادوم وملوكها وكل رؤسائها الذين مع جبروتهم قد ألقوا مع القتلى بالسيف فيضطجعون مع الغلف ومع الهابطين في الجب.

30 هناك امراء الشمال كلهم وجميع الصيدونيين الهابطين مع القتلى برعبهم خزوا من جبروتهم واضطجعوا غلفا مع قتلى السيف وحملوا خزيهم مع الهابطين الى الجب.

31 يراهم فرعون ويتعزى عن كل جمهوره. قتلى بالسيف فرعون وكل جمهوره يقول السيد الرب.

32 لاني جعلت رعبه في ارض الاحياء فيضجع بين الغلف مع قتلى السيف فرعون وكل جمهوره يقول السيد الرب




Arcana Coelestia#7729



7729. 'Not a hoof shall be left behind' means that nothing at all of the truth from good shall be lacking. This is clear from the meaning of 'a hoof' as truth from good, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'not being left behind' as not to be lacking, that is, from worship of the Lord. In the internal sense nearest to the literal 'not a hoof shall be left behind' means that nothing whatever shall be lacking, for the hoof is common to all livestock. But in the sense more internal than that 'a hoof means truth in the last degree - that is, truth on the level of the senses, which is the lowest - and in the contrary sense falsity. The reason why 'a hoof' has this meaning is that 'foot' means the natural, and 'sole of the foot' the last and lowest level of the natural, 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, 5327, 5728, much the same being meant by 'hoof' since it is the sole of the foot in the case of livestock. And because the last and lowest level of the natural is meant by 'hoof' as it is by 'sole', truth forming that level of the natural is also meant; for when the natural is spoken of, truth and good are meant, or in the contrary sense falsity and evil. The natural is formed from these, and without them is devoid of any attributes.

[2] The fact that 'hoof', in particular that of a horse, means truth in the last and lowest degree, that is, truth on the level of the senses, and in the contrary sense falsity belonging to the same degree, becomes clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

Whose arrows are sharp, and all bows bent. His horses' hoofs are considered as flint, his wheels as the whirlwind. Isaiah 5:18.

This refers to a people laying waste. 'Arrows' means ideas fired from false doctrine, which they use to fight with, and 'bow' the doctrine itself, 2686, 2709. 'Horses' means powers of understanding, in this instance perverted ones, 2761, 2762, 3117, 5321, 6125, 6534. Which shows what 'the hoofs' of the horses means, namely falsity in the last and lowest degree.

[3] In Jeremiah,

. . . because of the sound of the beat of the hoofs of his mighty ones, on account of the noise of his chariot, the rumble of his wheels. Jeremiah 47:3

This refers to a people laying the Philistines waste. 'The beat of the hoofs of his mighty ones', that is, of horses, stands for open conflict of falsity against truth. 'Chariot' stands for teachings maintaining falsity, for 'a chariot' means teachings that maintain either truth or falsity, see 5321, 5945.

[4] In Ezekiel,

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust will cover you; by reason of the noise of horsemen, and wheels, and chariots, your walls will be shaken; by means of the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets. Ezekiel 26:10-11.

This refers to Nebuchadnezzar laying Tyre waste. 'Horses' stands for perverted powers of understanding, as above, 'horsemen' for concepts that go with that kind of understanding, 6534. 'The wheels' that the chariots have stands for the falsities that are taught, 'chariot' being such teaching, as above, while 'streets' stands for truths, 2336. From this it is evident that 'the hoofs of horses' stands for falsities. If such were not meant, what would be the point of the statement 'by reason of the abundance of his horses their dust will cover you; by reason of the noise of horsemen, and wheels, and chariots, your walls will be shaken; by means of the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets'? Without an inner meaning would they be anything more than empty sounds? In actual fact every expression used in the Word, being Divine in origin, carries weight.

[5] In the same prophet,

They will devastate the pride of Egypt, in order that its multitude may be destroyed. And I will destroy all its beasts over many waters, in order that the foot of man (homo) may not disturb them any more, nor the hoof of beast disturb them. Then I will turn their waters into a depth, 1 and cause their rivers to flow like oil. Ezekiel 32:12-14.

Nor are these details intelligible unless one knows what is meant by 'Egypt', by 'the foot of man', by 'the hoof of beast', by 'waters' over which beasts will be destroyed, which the foot of man and hoof of beast will disturb, and which will be turned into a depth. Waters and rivers of Egypt are collections of true factual knowledge, while 'the hoof of beast' is falsity on the last and lowest level of the natural that disturbs true factual knowledge.

[6] In Micah,

Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion, for I will make your horn iron, and I will make your hoofs bronze, in order that you may crush many peoples. Micah 4:13.

Nor can anyone know without the internal sense what these things are, that is, unless he knows what is meant by 'threshing', 'daughter of Zion', 'horn that will be made like iron', 'hoof that will be made like bronze', both of which will be used 'to crush many peoples'. 'Daughter of Zion' is the celestial Church, 1362; 'horn' is the power of truth that springs from good, 2832; 'iron' is natural truth that will have the ability to destroy falsities, 425, 426; 'hoof' is truth that springs from good in the last and lowest degree; and 'bronze' is natural good that will have power over evils, 425, 1551.

[7] In Zechariah,

I will raise up a shepherd in the land; he will not go 2 to [the sheep] that are to be cut off, he will not seek one tender in age, and he will not heal one that is maimed. 3 But he will eat the flesh of the fat, and tear apart their hoofs. Zechariah 11:16.

This refers to a stupid shepherd. 'Eating the flesh of the fat' stands for turning good into evil, 'tearing apart the hoofs' for turning truth into falsity.

[8] How superior in intelligence the ancients were to people at the present day becomes clear from the consideration that in regard to very many objects in the world they knew which realities in heaven they corresponded to, and therefore what their spiritual meanings were. This knowledge existed not only with those who belonged to the Church but also with those outside the Church, such as the people in Greece, the most ancient of whom employed images with spiritual meanings to depict those realities. But at the present day, since such meanings are entirely unknown, those images are called myths. Knowledge of such correspondences among the sages of old is evident from the fact that they spoke of a winged horse, which they called Pegasus, to depict the rise of intelligence and wisdom. With its hoof it broke open a fountain, at which there were nine virgins, and which was situated on a hill. For they knew that 'the horse' was a sign of the power of understanding, 'its wings' a sign of spirituality, 'its hoofs' a sign of the last and lowest degree of truth, which gave rise to intelligence, 'virgins' a sign of varieties of knowledge, 'hill' a sign of unanimity, and in the spiritual sense of charity, and so on with the rest. But such matters at the present day are some of those that are lost.


1. i.e. allow them to settle so that they look clear and deep

2. literally, visit

3. literally, broken


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.