




1 اذا سرق انسان ثورا او شاة فذبحه او باعه يعوّض عن الثور بخمسة ثيران وعن الشاة باربعة من الغنم.

2 ان وجد السارق وهو ينقب فضرب ومات فليس له دم.

3 ولكن ان اشرقت عليه الشمس فله دم. انه يعوّض. ان لم يكن له يبع بسرقته.

4 ان وجدت السرقة في يده حيّة ثورا كانت ام حمارا ام شاة يعوّض باثنين

5 اذا رعى انسان حقلا او كرما وسرّح مواشيه فرعت في حقل غيره فمن اجود حقله واجود كرمه يعوّض.

6 اذا خرجت نار واصابت شوكا فاحترقت اكداس او زرع او حقل فالذي اوقد الوقيد يعوّض.

7 اذا اعطى انسان صاحبه فضة او امتعة للحفظ فسرقت من بيت الانسان فان وجد السارق يعوّض باثنين.

8 وان لم يوجد السارق يقدم صاحب البيت الى الله ليحكم هل لم يمدّ يده الى ملك صاحبه.

9 في كل دعوى جناية من جهة ثور او حمار او شاة او ثوب او مفقود ما يقال ان هذا هو تقدم الى الله دعواهما. فالذي يحكم الله بذنبه يعوّض صاحبه باثنين.

10 اذا اعطى انسان صاحبه حمارا او ثورا او شاة او بهيمة ما للحفظ فمات او انكسر او نهب وليس ناظر

11 فيمين الرب تكون بينهما هل لم يمدّ يده الى ملك صاحبه. فيقبل صاحبه. فلا يعوّض.

12 وان سرق من عنده يعوّض صاحبه.

13 ان افترس يحضره شهادة. لا يعوّض عن المفترس.

14 واذا استعار انسان من صاحبه شيئا فانكسر او مات وصاحبه ليس معه يعوّض.

15 وان كان صاحبه معه لا يعوّض. ان كان مستأجرا اتى باجرته

16 واذا راود رجل عذراء لم تخطب فاضطجع معها يمهرها لنفسه زوجة.

17 ان ابى ابوها ان يعطيه اياها يزن له فضة كمهر العذارى.

18 لا تدع ساحرة تعيش.

19 كل من اضطجع من بهيمة يقتل قتلا.

20 من ذبح لآلهة غير الرب وحده يهلك.

21 ولا تضطهد الغريب ولا تضايقه. لانكم كنتم غرباء في ارض مصر.

22 لا تسئ الى ارملة ما ولا يتيم.

23 ان اسأت اليه فاني ان صرخ اليّ اسمع صراخه.

24 فيحمى غضبي واقتلكم بالسيف. فتصير نساؤكم ارامل واولادكم يتامى.

25 ان اقرضت فضة لشعبي الفقير الذي عندك فلا تكن له كالمرابي. لا تضعوا عليه ربا.

26 ان ارتهنت ثوب صاحبك فالى غروب الشمس ترده له.

27 لانه وحده غطاؤه. هو ثوبه لجلده. في ماذا ينام. فيكون اذا صرخ اليّ اني اسمع. لاني رؤوف

28 لا تسبّ الله. ولا تلعن رئيسا في شعبك.

29 لا تؤخر ملء بيدرك وقطر معصرتك. وابكار بنيك تعطيني.

30 كذلك تفعل ببقرك وغنمك. سبعة ايام يكون مع امه وفي اليوم الثامن تعطيني اياه.

31 وتكونون لي اناس مقدّسين. ولحم فريسة في الصحراء لا تأكلوا. للكلاب تطرحونه




Arcana Coelestia#9193



9193. 'Shall be utterly destroyed' means being cast out. This is clear from the meaning of 'being utterly destroyed', when it refers to people whose worship is that of falsities arising from evil, as being cast out, that is to say, cast out of the Church. The fact that casting such falsities out of the Church, and so rooting them out, is meant by their being 'utterly destroyed', is evident in Moses,

If men of belial 1 have gone out of your midst, and have urged the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, whom you have not known - if it is true and certain, 2 that [this] abomination has been committed in the midst of you - you shall surely strike the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword. You shall utterly destroy it and everyone who is in it, and also the beasts in it, with the edge of the sword. You shall bring together all the spoil from it into the middle of the street, and shall burn the city with fire, and all the spoil from it, the whole of it, to Jehovah your God, so that it may be a heap forever and not be built ever again. Do it so thoroughly that nothing of what is given to utter destruction sticks in your hand. Deuteronomy 13:13-17.

[2] The fact that falsity arising from evil is what 'that which is given to utter destruction' means is evident from the details of these verses in the internal sense. 'Cities' which were to be utterly destroyed are religious teachings, in this instance false teachings, 2712, 2943, 3216. 'The edge of the sword' with which they were to strike man and beast is truth fighting against and destroying falsity that arises from evil, 2799, 4499, 7102, 8294. 'The street' into the middle of which the spoil was to be brought is truth presented by religious teachings and in the contrary sense falsity presented by them, 2336. 'Fire' with which the spoil was to be burned along with the city is the evil of self-love, 1297, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324. From all this it is evident that 'utter destruction' means being cast out of the Church and being rooted out. Therefore also it was commanded that the nations in the land of Canaan should be utterly destroyed, Deuteronomy 7:2, 24-26. For the nations had originally constituted the Church in that land, which also was why they had altars and in addition offered sacrifices, 3686, 4447, 4516, 4517, 5136, 6306, 6516, 8054. But when they turned representative worship - the worship of the Ancient Church - into idolatrous worship, and in so doing falsified truths and adulterated forms of good, 8317, the command came for them to be given to utter destruction, not only people but also cities and what was in them.

[3] The command came because everything there represented falsities arising from evil. The cities represented the actual teachings presenting falsity; the beasts represented evil affections; the gold and silver of those people represented evils and falsities; and so on with everything else. The worship of the Ancient Church had consisted first and foremost in worshipping God in human form, that is, in worshipping the Lord. But then they turned aside from good to evil and began to worship the actual objects that had served to represent Him, such as the sun, moon, and stars, also groves and pillars, and God in the form of various kinds of idols. Thus they worshipped external objects separated from anything of an internal nature; and this is brought about when the internal man has been closed. What closes the internal man is a life of evil; for good is that through which the Lord flows in and opens the internal man, and therefore evil is that which closes this. Once the internal man has been closed truths are turned into falsities; and when they remain they serve solely the evils of self-love and love of the world. Internal worship consists first and foremost in acknowledging the Lord, the one and only God, and in acknowledging that He is the source of everything good and true. People in the Church who do not acknowledge Him cannot be governed by good, nor thus by truth; and the ones to acknowledge Him are those who possess faith and at the same time lead a good life, but not those who lead a bad life, 8878. Acknowledging and worshipping the Lord consists in living according to His commandments, that is, leading the life of faith and of charity, see 8252-8257. The life of faith lies in doing His commandments in a spirit of obedience, and the life of charity lies in doing them out of love.


1. A Hebrew word implying those who are worthless

2. literally, if [it is] truth, and the thing certain


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.