5 Mosebok第13章:6



6 Om din broder, din moders son, eller din son eller din dotter, eller hustrun i din famn, eller din vän som är för dig såsom ditt eget liv, om någon av dessa i hemlighet vill förleda dig, i det han säger: »Låt oss gå åstad och tjäna andra gudar, som varken du eller dina fäder hava känt»


原作者: Alexander Payne

Verse 6. If the hereditary evil that is born with you, and derived from the principles on which you were brought up, or the thoughts and affections which are brought forth from your own natural disposition, or the affection which is joined to your interior will, and is the delight of your life, or the doctrine of truth which you have loved and regarded as your very life, is perceived to be secretly drawing away the soul from the Lord and inducing it to worship other things supremely, and to believe false doctrines which will not accord with your religious life derived from the Word, nor with any genuine good derived from the Lord;