


10 여호와께서 또 모세에게 이르시되 아론의 지팡이는 증거궤 앞으로 도로 가져다가 거기 간직하여 패역한 자에 대한 표징이 되게 하여 그들로 내게 대한 원망을 그치고 죽지 않게 할지니라


原作者: Henry MacLagan

Verse 10. And revelation is therefore made from the Lord by Divine Truth that celestial truth from celestial good is inmost truth in which is all power to govern lower truths; that there is no power in truths profaned from selfish love; and thus that temptations must cease with the spiritual man, when he is fully governed by truths conjoined with good and made fruitful in good works. Nor can persons in such a state ever be overwhelmed with evil and error.