5 Mosebog第34章:4



4 Og HE EN sagde til ham: "Det er det Land, jeg tilsvor Abraham, Isak og Jakob, da jeg sagde: Dit Afkom vil jeg give det! Nu har jeg ladet dig skue ud over det med dine egne Øjne; men du skal ikke drage derover"


原作者: Alexander Payne

Verse 4. These things are revealed to the soul by Divine truth, and it is perceived that these are the heavenly states promised in the Word to all things in the mind derived from the celestial, spiritual, and natural principles of the Lord's Divine Humanity (see chap Deuteronomy 1:8, Note); this is perceived by means of Divine truth, but that principle alone cannot conduct the soul thither.

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University