5 Mosebog第12章:11



11 da skal det Sted, HE EN eders Gud udvælger til Bolig for sit Navn, være det, hvorhen I skal bringe alt, hvad jeg pålægger eder, eders Brændofre og Slagtofre, eders Tiender og Offerydelser og alle eders udvalgte Løftofre, som I lover HE EN;


原作者: Alexander Payne

Verse 11. Then the Goodness and Wisdom of the Lord will plant the qualities that flow from His Divine Humanity in the interiors of the soul, and this shall be the standard to which you shall endeavour to conform the whole soul as you shall receive perception from Him, your affections and the truths thence derived, the remains of good and truth preserved in the internal man after temptations, and all the efforts of the mind vivified by influx from the Lord, and all the sacred desires and aspirations after holiness which you receive from heaven:

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