

创世记 29



1 雅各起行,到了东方人之

2 见田间有一,有卧在旁;因为人饮羊群都是用那里的上的石头的。

3 常有羊群在那里聚集,牧人把石头转离,随後又把石头放在的原处。

4 雅各对牧人弟兄们,你们是那里来的?他们:我们是哈兰来的。

5 他问他们:拿鹤的孙子拉班,你们认识麽?他们:我们认识。

6 雅各:他平安麽?他们:平安。看哪,他女儿拉结领着来了

7 雅各:日头还,不是羊群聚集的时候,你们不如饮,再去放一放。

8 他们:我们不能,必等羊群聚齐,人把石头转离才可饮

9 雅各正和他们说话的时候,拉结领着他父亲来了,因为那些是他牧放的。

10 雅各见母舅拉班的女儿拉结和母舅拉班的羊群,就上前把石头转离,饮他母舅拉班的羊群

11 雅各与拉结亲嘴,就放声而哭。

12 雅各告诉拉结,自己是他父亲的外甥,是利百加的儿子,拉结就跑去告诉他父亲

13 拉班见外甥雅各的信息,就跑去迎接,抱着他,与他亲嘴,领他到自己的家。雅各将一切的情由告诉拉班

14 拉班对他:你实在是我的。雅各就和他同一个月

15 拉班雅各:你虽是我的骨肉(原文作弟兄),岂可白白地服事我?请告诉我,你要甚麽为工价?

16 拉班有两个女儿,大的名叫利亚,小的名叫拉结。

17 利亚的眼睛没有神气,拉结却生得美貌俊秀。

18 雅各拉结,就:我愿为你小女儿拉结服事你年。

19 拉班:我把他你,胜似,你与我同罢!

20 雅各就为拉结服事了年;他因为深爱拉结,就看这年如同几

21 雅各拉班:日期已经满了,求你把我的妻子给我,我好与他同房。

22 拉班就摆设筵席,请齐了那地方的众人。

23 晚上,拉班将女儿利亚送给雅各,雅各就与他同房。

24 拉班又将婢女悉帕女儿利亚作使女。

25 到了早晨,雅各一看是利亚,就对拉班:你向我做的是甚麽事呢?我服事你,不是为拉结麽?你为甚麽欺哄我呢?

26 拉班:大女儿还没有人,先把小女儿人,在我们这地方没有这规矩。

27 你为这个满了日,我就把那个也你,你再为他服事我年。

28 雅各就如此行。满了利亚的七日,拉班便将女儿拉结雅各为妻。

29 拉班又将婢女辟拉女儿拉结作使女。

30 雅各也与拉结同房,并且拉结胜似利亚,於是又服事了拉班年。

31 耶和华见利亚失宠(原文作被恨;下同),就使他生育,拉结却不生育。

32 利亚怀孕生子,就给他起名流便(就是有儿子的意思),因而耶和华见我的苦情,如今我的丈夫我。

33 他又怀孕生子,就耶和华因为见我失宠,所以又赐我这个儿子,於是他起名西缅(就是见的意思)。

34 他又怀孕生子,起名利未(就是联合的意思),:我给丈夫生了儿子,他必与我联合。

35 他又怀孕生子,:这回我要赞美耶和华,因此给他起名犹大(就是赞美的意思)。这才停了生育。


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Arcana Coelestia #3870

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3870. 'That I was hated' means the state of faith if there is no will corresponding to it. This is clear from the meaning of 'hated' as not loved, for this is the state of faith if the will does not correspond to it. The subject in the internal sense is the advance of a person's regeneration from what is external to what is internal, that is, from the truth of faith towards the good of charity. Truth which is the truth of faith is external, and good which is the good of charity is internal. So that it may be living, truth which is the truth of faith must be introduced into the will so as to receive life there. For truth which issues from knowledge is not living, only truth which issues from the will. Through the new will which the Lord creates in man life flows in from Him. The life which comes first manifests itself in obedience, this being the first degree of the will. The life which comes second manifests itself in the affection for doing what is true, this being a more advanced degree of the will, which is arrived at when delight and blessing are felt in the doing of what is true. Unless faith advances in this way truth does not become truth but something separated from life. Sometimes it becomes the corroboration of falsity, sometimes persuasive belief, and so something debased, for it couples itself to man's evil affection or desire, that is, to the will that is properly his own and the reverse of charity. Such is the faith which is believed to be true faith by many at the present day; they believe that this faith is able - of itself, without the works of charity - to save a person.

[2] But this faith - that is to say, faith separated from charity and therefore contrary to charity - is represented later on by Reuben's lying with Bilhah his father's concubine, Genesis 35:22, and by the expression of disgust by Jacob, who by then was named Israel, in the following words,

Reuben, my firstborn, you are my strength and the beginning of my power. Unstable as water, may you not excel, for you went up to your father's bed; then you defiled it. He went up to my couch. Genesis 49:3-4.

Also described in that chapter, by means of Simeon and Levi, is the contrariety to charity of the will and affection that go with this faith, namely faith separated from charity, in the following words,

Simeon and Levi are brothers; weapons of violence are their swords. Into their secret place let my soul not come; in their assembly let not my glory be united; for in their fury they killed a man, and in their wilfulness they hamstrung an ox. Cursed be their fury, for it is fierce, and their anger, for it is severe. I will divide them in Jacob, and will scatter them in Israel. Genesis 49:5-7.

That faith separated from charity is described in this case by Simeon and Levi will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown later on.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.