

Postanak 46



1 Tada pođe Izrailj sa svim šta imaše, i došav u Virsaveju prinese žrtvu Bogu oca svog Isaka.

2 I Bog reče Izrailju noću u utvari: Jakove! Jakove! A on odgovori: Evo me.

3 I Bog mu reče: Ja sam Bog, Bog oca tvog; ne boj se otići u Misir; jer ću onde načiniti od tebe narod velik.

4 Ja ću ići s tobom u Misir, i ja ću te odvesti onamo, i Josif će metnuti ruku svoju na oči tvoje.

5 I pođe Jakov od Virsaveje; i sinovi Izrailjevi posadiše Jakova, oca svog i decu svoju i žene svoje na kola koja posla Faraon po nj.

6 I uzeše stoku svoju i blago svoje što behu stekli u zemlji hananskoj; i dođoše u Misir Jakov i sva porodica njegova.

7 Sinove svoje i sinove sinova svojih, kćeri svoje i kćeri sinova svojih, i svu porodicu svoju dovede sa sobom u Misir.

8 A ovo su imena dece Izrailjeve što dođoše u Misir: Jakov i sinovi njegovi. Prvenac Jakovljev Ruvim;

9 I sinovi Ruvimovi: Enoh, Faluj, Esron i Harmija.

10 A sinovi Simeunovi: Jemuilo, Jamin, Aod, Jahin, Soar i Saul, sin jedne Hananejke.

11 Sinovi Levijevi: Girson, Kat i Merarije.

12 Sinovi Judini: Ir, Avnan, Silom, Fares i Zara; a umrli behu Ir i Avnan u zemlji hananskoj, ali behu sinovi Faresovi Esrom i Jemuilo.

13 Sinovi Isaharovi: Tola, Fuva, Jov, i Simron.

14 Sinovi Zavulonovi: Sered, Alon, i Ahojilo.

15 To su sinovi Lijini, koje rodi Jakovu u Padan-Aramu, i jošte Dina kći njegova. Svega duša, sinova njegovih i kćeri njegovih beše trideset i tri.

16 Sinovi Gadovi: Sifon, Agije, Sunije, Esvon, Irije, Arodije i Arilije.

17 Sinovi Asirovi: Jemna, Jesva, Jesvija i Verija, i sestra njihova Sara. A sinovi Verijini Hovor i Melhilo.

18 To su sinovi Zelfe, koju dade Lavan Liji kćeri svojoj, i ona ih rodi Jakovu, šesnaest duša.

19 A sinovi Rahilje žene Jakovljeve: Josif i Venijamin.

20 A Josifu se rodiše u Misiru od Asenete, kćeri Potifere sveštenika onskog: Manasija i Jefrem.

21 A sinovi Venijaminovi: Vela, Veher, Asvil, Gira, Naman, Ihije, Ros, Mupim, Upim i Arad.

22 To su sinovi Rahiljini što se rodiše Jakovu, svega četrnaest duša.

23 I sin Danov: Asom.

24 A sinovi Neftalimovi: Asilo, Gunije, Jeser i Silim.

25 To su sinovi Vale, koju dade Lavan Rahilji kćeri svojoj i ona ih rodi Jakovu; svega sedam duša.

26 A svega duša što dođoše s Jakovom u Misir, a izađoše od bedara njegovih, osim žena sinova Jakovljevih, svega duša beše šezdeset i šest.

27 I dva sina Josifova koji mu se rodiše u Misiru; svega dakle duša doma Jakovljevog, što dođoše u Misir, beše sedamdeset.

28 A Judu posla Jakov napred k Josifu, da mu javi da izađe preda nj u Gesem. I dođoše u zemlju gesemsku.

29 A Josif upreže u kola svoja, i izađe na susret Izrailju ocu svom u Gesem; i kad ga vide Jakov, pade mu oko vrata, i plaka dugo o vratu njegovom.

30 I reče Izrailj Josifu: Sada ne marim umreti kad sam te video da si jošte živ.

31 A Josif reče braći svojoj i domu oca svog: Idem da javim Faraonu; ali ću mu kazati: Braća moja i dom oca mog iz zemlje hananske dođoše k meni;

32 A ti su ljudi pastiri i svagda su se bavili oko stoke, i dovedoše ovce svoje i goveda svoja i šta god imaju.

33 A kad vas Faraon dozove, reći će vam: Kakvu radnju radite?

34 A vi kažite: Pastiri su bile sluge tvoje od mladosti, i mi i stari naši; da biste ostali u zemlji gesemskoj; jer su Misircima svi Pastiri nečisti.




Jacob or Israel (the man)


Jacob is told twice that his name will now be Israel. The first time is when he wrestles with an angel on his journey to meet Esau, and the angel tells him that his name will be changed. After he is reconciled with Esau, they go their separate ways. Jacob moves to Shechem and then on to Bethel, where he builds an altar to the Lord. The Lord appears to him there, renews the covenant He first made with Abraham and again tells him that his name will be Israel (Genesis 35). The story goes on to tell of Benjamin's birth and Rachel's death in bearing him, and then of Jacob's return to Isaac and Isaac's death and burial. But at that point the main thread of the story leaves Israel and turns to Joseph, and Israel is hardly mentioned until after Joseph has risen to power in Egypt, has revealed himself to his brothers and tells them to bring all of their father's household down to Egypt. There, before Israel dies, he blesses Joseph's sons, plus all his own sons. After his death he is returned to the land of Canaan for burial in Abraham's tomb. In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob represents truth, and Esau good. Jacob's stay in Padan-Aram, and the wealth he acquired there, represent learning the truths of scripture, just as we learn when we read the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount. The change of name from Jacob to Israel represents the realization that what we learn should not simply be knowledge, but should be the rules of our life, to be followed by action. This action is the good that Esau has represented in the story up to that time, but after the reconciliation between Jacob and Esau, Jacob as Israel now represents the truth and the good, together. It is interesting that even after his name change Jacob is rarely called Israel. Sometimes he is called one and sometimes the other, and sometimes he is called both Jacob and Israel in the same verse (Genesis 46:2, 5, & 8 also Psalm 14:7). This is because Jacob represents the external person and Israel the internal person, and even after the internal person comes into being, we spend much of our lives living on the external level.

(Ссылки: Arcana Coelestia 4274, 4292, 4570, 5595, 6225, 6256, Genesis 2:5, 46:8)