A Bíblia


Hesekiel 11



1 Siis Vaim tõstis minu üles ja viis mu Issanda koja Idaväravasse, mis on ida poole; ja vaata, värava suus oli kakskümmend viis meest ja ma nägin nende keskel Jaasanjat, Assuri poega, ja Pelatjat, Benaja poega, rahva ülemaid.

2 Ja ta ütles mulle: 'Inimesepoeg, need on mehed, kes kavatsevad nurjatust ja peavad kurja nõu selle linna vastu;

3 nad ütlevad: 'Aeg ei ole käes, et ehitada kodasid. See linn on pott ja meie oleme liha.'

4 Seepärast kuuluta neile prohvetlikult, kuuluta prohvetlikult, inimesepoeg!'

5 Siis langes mu peale Issanda Vaim ja ütles mulle: 'Räägi: Nõnda ütleb Issand: Nii te ütlete, Iisraeli sugu, ja mis teil mõttes on, seda ma tean!

6 Palju on teie poolt mahalööduid selles linnas ja te olete mahalöödutega täitnud selle tänavad.

7 Seepärast ütleb Issand Jumal nõnda: Teie mahalöödud, keda te olete pannud selle keskele, on liha, ja see linn on pott, aga ma viin teid sellest välja.

8 Mõõka te kardate, aga mina toon mõõga teie kallale, ütleb Issand Jumal.

9 Ma viin teid välja selle keskelt ja annan teid võõraste kätte; otsused teie kohta viin ma täide.

10 Te langete mõõga läbi, Iisraeli piiril mõistan ma kohut teie üle ja te saate tunda, et mina olen Issand.

11 See linn ei ole teile potiks ja teie ei ole lihaks selle sees: Iisraeli piiril mõistan ma kohut teie üle.

12 Ja te saate tunda, et mina olen Issand, sest te ei ole käinud mu määruste järgi ega ole teinud mu seaduste järgi, vaid olete teinud nende paganate seaduste järgi, kes asuvad teil ümberkaudu.'

13 Aga kui ma prohvetlikult kuulutasin, suri Pelatja, Benaja poeg; siis ma langesin silmili ja kisendasin suure häälega ning ütlesin: 'Oh Issand Jumal! Kas sa teed lõpu Iisraeli jäägile?'

14 Ja mulle tuli Issanda sõna; ta ütles:

15 'Inimesepoeg, su vennad, su vennad, sugulased ja kogu Iisraeli sugu üheskoos on need, kelle kohta Jeruusalemma elanikud ütlevad: 'Nad on Issandast kaugel, maa on antud omandiks meile!'

16 Seepärast ütle: Nõnda ütleb Issand Jumal: Kuigi ma olen nad viinud kaugele paganate sekka ja kuigi ma olen nad pillutanud mööda maid, olen ma siiski pisut olnud neile pühamuks maades, kuhu nad on sattunud.

17 Seepärast ütle: Nõnda ütleb Issand Jumal: Mina kogun teid rahvaste seast ja korjan teid maadest, kuhu teid on pillutatud, ja ma annan teile Iisraeli maa.

18 Siis nad tulevad sinna ja kõrvaldavad sealt kõik selle põlastusväärsused ja kõik selle jäledused.

19 Mina annan neile ühesuguse südame ja annan nende sisse uue vaimu: ma kõrvaldan nende ihust kivise südame ja annan neile lihase südame,

20 et nad käiksid mu määruste järgi ning peaksid mu seadusi ja täidaksid neid; siis on nad mulle rahvaks ja mina olen neile Jumalaks.

21 Aga kelle süda käib nende põlastusväärsuste ja nende jäleduste meele järgi, nende eluviisid panen ma nende oma pea peale, ütleb Issand Jumal.'

22 Siis tõstsid keerubid oma tiivad ja üheaegselt nendega tõusid rattad ning ülal nende kohal oli Iisraeli Jumala auhiilgus.

23 Ja Issanda auhiilgus tõusis üles linna keskelt ning jäi seisma mäele, mis on ida pool linna.

24 Aga Vaim tõstis mind üles ja viis mind Kaldeasse vangide juurde nägemuses, Jumala Vaimus; siis kadus mul nägemus, mida ma olin näinud.

25 Ja ma jutustasin vangidele kõigist Issanda sõnadest, mis ta mulle oli ilmutanud.






Pots" and other large vessels in the Bible represent facts and factual ideas, which serve as containers for truth the same way pots serve as containers for water or wine. Pots fill their function because they are hard, strong and impervious; facts are also absolute and unchanging, filling their function the same way. And pots must be filled to serve any use, just as facts must be filled with truth to serve any purpose. To some extent this meaning also applies to cups, bowls and other smaller vessels, though it is a little more immediate. Generally you don't fill a cup so you can store a liquid; you fill it to drink it. Smaller vessels then often take more of their meaning from the substance they contain, and in many cases ("cup" and "wine" especially) actually mean the same thing.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Conjugial Love # 26

Estudar Esta Passagem

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26. Again I swear in truth that these events and words occurred as I have related them, the first ones in the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and the subsequent ones in a society of heaven, the society from which came the angel with the trumpet, who acted as guide.

Who in the Christian world would know anything about heaven and the joys and happiness there - knowledge of which is also knowledge of salvation - unless it pleased the Lord to open to someone the sight of his spirit and to show him and teach him?

Corroboration that things like these occur in the spiritual world appears plainly from the things seen and heard by the apostle John, as described in the book of Revelation. For example, he describes having seen the following:

The Son of Man in the midst of the seven lampstands. 1

A tabernacle, temple, ark, and altar in heaven. 2

A book sealed with seven seals. The book opened, and horses going out of it. 3

Four living creatures around a throne. 4

Twelve thousand taken from each tribe. 5

Locusts arising out of the abyss. 6

A dragon and its fight with Michael. 7

A woman giving birth to a male child and fleeing into the wilderness because of the dragon. 8

Two beasts, one rising up out of the sea, the other out of the earth. 9

A woman sitting on a scarlet beast. 10

The dragon cast into a lake of fire and brimstone. 11

A white horse, and a great supper. 12

A new heaven and a new earth, and the holy Jerusalem coming down, described as to its gates, wall, and foundations. 13

Also a river of water of life, and trees of life yielding fruits every month. 14

Besides many other things, all of which were seen by John, and seen when he was in the spirit 15 in the spiritual world and in heaven. In addition, those things which were seen by the apostles after the Lord's resurrection. 16 And which were later seen by Peter (Acts of the Apostles 11). 17 Also which were then seen and heard by Paul. 18

Moreover, there were the things seen by the prophets. For example, Ezekiel saw the following:

Four living creatures, which were cherubs. (Ezekiel 1 and 10)

A new temple and a new earth, and an angel measuring them. (Ezekiel 40-48)

Being carried off to Jerusalem, he saw the abominations there. (Ezekiel 8) And he was also carried off into Chaldea, to those in captivity. (Ezekiel 11) 19

Something similar happened with Zechariah:

He saw a man riding among myrtle trees. (Zechariah 1:8 ff.)

He saw four horns, and then a man with a measuring line in his hand. (Zechariah 1:18 ff., 2:1 ff.)

He saw a lampstand and two olive trees. (Zechariah 4:1 ff.)

He saw a flying scroll, and an ephah. (Zechariah 5:1, 6)

He saw four chariots coming from between two mountains, with horses. (Zechariah 6:1 ff.)

Likewise with Daniel:

He saw four beasts come up from the sea. (Daniel 7:1 ff.)

Also the combats of a ram and a goat. (Daniel 8:1 ff.)

He saw the angel Gabriel, who spoke at length with him. (Daniel 9) 20

Moreover, Elisha's young man saw fiery chariots and horses around Elisha, and he saw them when his eyes were opened. 21

From these and many other passages in the Word, it is evident that the things which exist in the spiritual world have appeared to many, before and after the Lord's Advent. Why should it be surprising for them to appear also now, when the Church is beginning and the New Jerusalem is coming down from the Lord out of heaven

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.