A Bíblia


Genezo 2:24



24 Tial viro forlasos sian patron kaj sian patrinon, kaj aligxos al sia edzino, kaj ili estos unu karno.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Spiritual Experiences # 566

Estudar Esta Passagem

/ 6110  

566. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

The inhabitants dwelling below the equator, like the inhabitants of this earth in Africa and in the warm zones, go about naked, as said [521, 558], as we read also about the children of the most ancient Church under the name "Adam," namely, that they were naked [Gen. 2:25]. In a state of innocence, nakedness is not shameful. The shame of nakedness arises from sin, and in fact, from the wiping out of heavenly love. Then follow loves which cause nakedness to be shameful, for which reason Adam also knew at once that he was naked, and also Eve, and they hid themselves.

So it is with those who live on this planet in the equatorial regions. Nakedness is no great thing to them, for they desire nothing else than to have children, for the sake of heaven.

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.