


Door Rev. Emily Jane Lemole (machine vertaald in 中文)












由Minnie Louise Haskins


我们站在年度之门,从许多方面来说都是通往未知世界的门槛。 “给我一点光,我可以安全地踏入未知之地。”











Fr说:“我们做任何事情的方式就是我们做一切的方式。”方济各会牧师理查德·罗尔(Richard Rohr)。



















“无论什么是真实的,无论什么东西都是高尚的,无论什么东西都是正义的,无论什么东西都是纯正的,无论什么东西都是可爱的,或者什么东西值得报道,如果有什么美德,或者有什么值得称赞的冥想的话。” 腓立比书4:8


- 冥想


-Lectio Devina –缓慢而有目的地阅读圣经和其他圣书。


















































Van Swedenborgs Werken


属天的奥秘 #2851

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2851. “你的种必得着仇敌的城门” 表仁与信必在先前恶与假所占据的地方取而代之. 这从 “得着”, “种”, “城门” 和 “仇敌” 的含义清楚可知: “得着” (inheriting) 是指从主接受生命 (参看2658节), 在此是指取而代之, 因为当仁与信存在于先前恶与假所占据的地方时, 主的生命就会进入那里; “种” 是指仁与信 (参看1025, 1447, 1610, 1941节); “城门” 的含义将在下文予以解释; “仇敌” 是指恶与假, 或也可说, 那些处于恶与假之人, 就圣言的内义而言, 这些人由 “仇敌” 和 “敌人” 来表示.

关于 “城门” 的含义. 总的来说, 每个人都有两扇门: 一扇朝地狱打开, 并向由此而来的恶与假敞开; 地狱的恶魔和恶灵就在这扇门内. 另一扇朝天堂打开, 并向由此而来的善与真敞开; 天使便在这扇门内. 因此, 一扇门通往地狱, 一扇门通往天堂. 地狱之门向那些沉浸于恶与假之人敞开, 天上的光只能从头顶上四围的缝隙透进来, 使他们能思考和推理. 但天堂之门向那些沉浸于由此而来的善与真之人敞开.

引入人理性心智的路径有两条: 善与真沿着较高或内在路径从主进入; 而恶与假沿着较低或外在路径从地狱偷偷上来. 理性心智则在中间, 这两条路径都到此会合. 在圣言中, 理性心智因其里面的善与真而被比作一座城, 也如此被称呼. 由于它好比一座城, 也被如此称呼, 故它有城门, 经上经常描述城门被仇敌, 就是恶魔与恶灵围困和攻击, 但却被主的天使, 就是主所保卫. 地狱来的恶魔与恶灵及其恶与假只能到较低或较外在的城门, 根本无法进入城内. 若他们真能进入城内, 也就是进入理性心智, 那么所有人就全都完了. 他们若真到了那一步, 以至于在他们自己看来, 他们似乎通过攻击占领了那城, 这时, 它就会关闭. 因此, 除了如前所述, 有少量的光透过四围的缝隙进入外, 善与真不再从天上流入它里面. 正因如此, 这种人不再拥有任何仁, 也不再拥有任何信, 而是将良善置于邪恶, 将真理置于虚假. 也正因如此, 他们不再具有真正的理性, 尽管他们自己觉得有理性 (1914, 1944节). 他们由此被称为死人, 尽管他们自以为他们比谁都有活力 (81, 290节末尾). 这些事确实如此, 因为天堂之门向他们关闭了. 天堂之门向他们关闭的事实在来世是非常明显的, 并被觉察到. 而另一方面, 天堂之门则向那些处于善与真之人敞开.

关于 “仇敌的城门”, 尤其本节所提到的. 对世人来说, 这城门就存在于他的属世心智中. 当人完全属世, 或尚未重生时, 那城门就被恶与假所占据; 或也可说, 恶魔与恶灵, 连同恶欲与谬念就流入它里面 (参看687, 697, 1692节). 但当人变得属灵, 或正在重生时, 那么恶与假, 或也可说, 恶魔与恶灵就从那城门, 也就是属世心智被驱离; 然后, 善与真, 或仁与信取而代之; 这些事物 (即仁与信) 就是 “你的种必得着仇敌的城门” 所表示的. 这一切尤其会发生在正经历重生的每个人身上, 同样发生在来世那些进入主国度的人身上; 并且还总体上发生, 也就是发生在由许多个体组成的教会中.

这种转变由以色列人逐出迦南地的各个民族来代表. 就字义而言, 逐出这些民族就是 “你的种必得着仇敌的城门” 所表示的; 但就内义而言, 所表示的则是刚才所说的这些事. 这也解释了为何在古代, 人们在祝福那些即将步入婚姻的人时, 习惯说这句话. 这从拉班对他妹子利百加的祝福明显看出来, 那时, 她正要离去, 到与其订婚的以撒那里去:

我们的妹子啊, 愿你作千万人的母! 愿你的种得着那仇恨你之人的城门! (创世记 24:60)

在圣言中, “仇敌的城门” 或那些仇恨之人的城门就表示这类事物. 这从以下经文可以看出来, 以赛亚书:

我必以饥荒治死你的根, 我必杀戮你所余剩的人. 门哪, 应当哀号! 城啊, 应当呼喊! 非利士, 你们众人啊, 你都熔化了! 因为有烟从北方出来. (以赛亚书 14:30-31)

“以饥荒治死你的根, 杀戮所余剩的人” 表拿走主从内在所储存起来的良善与真理. “所余剩的人” 表这类良善与真理 (参看468, 530, 560-562, 661, 798, 1050, 1738, 1906, 2284节). “门” 表进入内层或理性心智的地方. “城” 表那心智, 或也可说, 表它里面的良善与真理 (402, 2268, 2449, 2451, 2712节); “非利士” 表信之认知的记忆知识, 或也可说, 表那些拥有这些认知的记忆知识, 却没有信之良善的人 (1197, 1198节). “北方出来的烟” 表来自地狱的虚假, “烟” 表由邪恶产生的虚假 (1861节).


荒凉的城拆毁了, 各家关门闭户, 使人都不得进去. 在街上因酒有呼喊之声, 一切喜乐变为凄凉, 地上的欢乐都遭放逐. 城中剩下的只是荒凉, 城门拆毁净尽. 因为这样它必在地的中间, 在万民之中. (以赛亚书 24:10-13)

“荒凉的城拆毁了” 表丧失真理的人类心智. “各家关门闭户” 表没有良善, “家” 表良善 (参看2233节). “在街上因酒有呼喊之声” 表虚假的状态, “呼喊” 论及虚假 (2240节). “酒” 表真理, 由于真理荡然无存, 故才会有呼喊之声 (1071, 1798节). “街” 表通向真理的事物 (2336节). “变为凄凉的喜乐” 论及真理, “遭放逐的地上欢乐” 讼及良善. 所有这一切表明 “城中剩下的只是荒凉, 城门拆毁净尽” 这句话是什么意思. 当只有恶与假掌权时, 经上就说城门被 “拆毁” 了.


锡安的路径, 因无人来守圣节就悲伤. 她的城门凄凉, 她的祭司叹息, 她的处女受艰难, 自己也愁苦. 她的对头成了首领, 她的仇敌亨通. 因耶和华为她许多的罪过使她受苦, 她的孩童在敌人面前沦为俘虏. (耶利米哀歌 1:4-5)

“锡安的路径就悲伤” 表那里不再有出自良善的任何真理, “路径” 表真理 (参看189, 627, 2333节). “城门凄凉” 表所有入口都被虚假占据. “对头成了首领” 表邪恶掌权.


耶和华使锡安女子的堡垒和城墙都悲哀; 它们一同衰败. 她的门都陷入地内, 主将她的门闩毁坏折断. 她的君王和首领落在没有律法的列族中; 她的先知不得见耶和华的异象. 你的仇敌都向你张口. 他们嗤笑, 又切齿说, 我们吞灭她, 这真是我们所盼望的日子临到了! 我们等到了, 我们看到了! (耶利米哀歌 2:8-9, 16)

“门都陷入地内” 表被恶与假所占据的属世心智. “她的君王和首领落在列族中” 表真理被浸没于邪恶中, “君王” 表总的真理 (参看1672, 1728, 2015, 2069节), “首领” 表首要的真理 (1482, 2089节), “列族” 表邪恶 (1259, 1260, 1849, 1868, 2588节).


从远方地极来的一族, 必将你围困在你各城门内, 在你的全地内; 因此你的仇敌必围困你. (申命记 28:49; 52, 53)

这些灾祸就在摩西向那百姓所预言的咒诅当中, 因他们不守诫命和律例. “从远方地极来的一族” 在内义上表示恶与假, 或那些沉浸于恶与假之人. “围困在各城门内” 表切断通向善与真的一切途径.


看哪, 你的人民在你中间简直是妇人; 你国土的门户都向仇敌敞开着; 你的门闩被火焚烧. 你要打水预备受困, 要坚固你的堡垒, 踹土和泥, 修补砖窑. (那鸿书 3:13-14)

“你国土的门户都向仇敌敞开着” 表邪恶占据了良善理应所在的地方. 士师记:

大道无人行走, 他们沿小路行走, 沿弯曲的道行走, 以色列的农村消失了. 他选择新神, 交战的事就临到城门; 以色列四万人中岂能见盾牌枪矛呢? (士师记 5:6-8)

这是底波拉和巴拉的预言, “交战的事就临到城门” 表对良善与真理的攻击.


坐在城门口的谈论我, 酒徒也以我为歌曲. (诗篇 69:12)

“坐在城门口的” 表邪恶与虚假, 也表那些来自地狱的人. 以西结书:

他在神的异象中, 带我到朝北的内城门的门口. 他在那里看见以色列家所行的大可憎的事. 他还领我到耶和华殿朝北的城门的门口; 他在那里也看见了可憎的事. (以西结书 8:3, 6, 14-15)

“朝北的内城门的门口” 表内在虚假所在地方. “耶和华殿朝北的城门的门口” 表内在邪恶所在地方. 邪恶与虚假是内在的, 这类恶灵和恶魔就居于这内在区域 (参看2121-2124节).


看哪, 儿女是耶和华所赐的产业, 腹中的胎儿是祂的赏赐. 少年时所生的儿女, 好像勇士手中的箭. 箭袋装满了箭的人是有福的, 他们在城门口和仇敌说话的时候, 必不至于羞愧. (诗篇 127:3-5)

“在城门口和仇敌说话” 表不惧怕邪恶与虚假, 因而不惧怕地狱. 以赛亚书:

到那日, 万军之耶和华必作在位上行审判者公平之灵, 并城门口打退仇敌者的力量. 这些人也因酒迷迷忽忽, 因浓酒东倒西歪. (以赛亚书 28:5-7)


用一句话就定人罪的必被剪除, 为城门口责备人的设下网罗; 用虚无的事转脸不顾义人. (以赛亚书 29:20-21)


以拦带着箭袋, 还有坐战车的和马兵; 吉珥揭开盾牌. 你嘉美的谷遍满战车和马兵, 都摆在城门前列阵, 那日, 他就仰望林库内的军器. (以赛亚书 22:6-8)


犹大悲哀, 其城门衰败, 他们坐在地上哀悼, 耶路撒冷的哀声上达; 他们的贵胄打发家僮打水, 他们来到池边, 见没有水. (耶利米书 14:2-3)


老年人在城门口断绝; 少年人不再奏乐. (耶利米哀歌 5:14)

由上述经文可以看出 “仇敌的城门” 表示什么, 也就是说, 表示地狱, 或不断攻击善与真的地狱灵. 如前所述, 他们在人身上的座位就在他的属世心智中. 但当人具有这样的秉性, 即他允许良善与真理, 因而允许天使进入时, 主就会将这些地狱灵从那座位上赶走. 一旦他们被赶走, 天堂之门, 或天堂本身就被打开了. 这门也在圣言各处被提及, 如以赛亚书:

在犹大地人必唱这歌: 我们有坚固的城. 耶和华要将救恩定为城墙, 为外郭. 你敞开城门, 使守信的正义民族得以进入. (以赛亚书 26:1-2)


耶和华对祂所膏的古列如此说, 我搀扶他的右手, 使列族降服在他面前. 我也要放松列王的腰带, 使门户在他面前敞开, 使城门不得关闭. 我必在你前面行, 修直崎岖之地. 我必打破铜门, 砍断铁闩. (以赛亚书 45:1-2)


外邦人必建筑你的城墙, 他们的王必服事你. 他们必时常打开你的城门, 昼夜不关; 你地上不再听见强暴的事, 境内不再听见荒凉毁灭的事. 你必称你的墙为‘拯救’, 称你的门为‘赞美’. (以赛亚书 60:10-11, 18)


你们要过去, 从城门过去; 预备百姓的路; 你们要修平, 修平大道; 你对锡安的女子说, 看哪, 你的救恩来到. (以赛亚书 62:10-12)


他们直闯过城门, 从城门出去. 他们的王在他们前面行, 耶和华在他们起头. (弥迦书 2:13)


众城门哪, 你们要抬起头来! 永久的门户, 你们要被举起! 那荣耀的王将要进来. 荣耀的王是谁呢? 就是强而有力的耶和华, 在战场上大有能力的耶和华. 众城门哪, 你们要抬起头来! 永久的门户, 你们要把头抬起! (诗篇 24:7-10)


耶路撒冷啊, 你要颂赞耶和华! 锡安哪, 你要赞美你的神! 因为祂坚固了你的门闩, 赐福给你中间的儿女. (诗篇 147:12-13)

由上述经文明显可知, “天堂之门” 就是天使与人同在的地方, 也就是善与真从主所流入的地方. 因此, 如前所述, 有两扇门. 对于这两扇门, 主在马太福音中如此说:

你们要进窄门. 因为引到灭亡的, 那门阔, 那路宽, 由它进去的人也多; 引到生命的, 那门窄, 那路狭小, 找着的人也少. (马太福音 7:12-14; 路加福音 13:23-24)

此外, 在以西结书和约翰的启示录, 经上大量论述了新耶路撒冷的门和新圣殿的门, 这些门无非表示进入天堂的入口 (参看以西结书 40:6-49; 43:1-2, 4; 44:1-3; 46:1-9, 12; 48:31-34; 启示录 21:12-13, 21, 25; 22:14; 以赛亚书 54:11-12). 因此, 耶路撒冷被称为 “人民的城门” (弥迦书 1:9; 俄巴底亚书 13: 0节).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #278

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/ 1232  

278. Verse 7. And the first animal was like a lion, signifies the appearance, in ultimates, of Divine truth proceeding from the Lord in respect to power and effect. This is evident from the signification of "lion," as being Divine truth proceeding from the Lord in respect to power and effect (of which in what follows). It means appearance in ultimates, because the cherubim were seen as animals, and this first one like a lion. It is said in ultimates, because that appearance was before John when he was in the spirit, and he saw all things in ultimates, in which Divine celestial and Divine spiritual things are variously represented, now by gardens and paradises, now by palaces and temples, now by rivers and waters, now by living creatures of various kinds, such as lions, camels, horses, oxen, bullocks, sheep, lambs, doves, eagles, and many others. Like things were seen by the prophets through whom the Word was written, in order that the Word in its ultimates, which are the things contained in the sense of the letter, might consist of such things as exist in the world, which might be representations and correspondences of celestial and spiritual things, and thus might serve as a basis and foundation to the spiritual sense. For this reason also the cherubim (which signify the guard and providence of the Lord that the higher heavens be not approached except from the good of love and charity) were seen by John and also by Ezekiel, in respect to their faces, as animals.

Since it is the Lord who guards and provides, and this through Divine truth and Divine good, thus through His Divine wisdom and intelligence, four animals were seen, which were like a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle; for thus by "lion" Divine truth in respect to power was represented, by "calf" Divine good in respect to protection, by "man" the Divine wisdom, and by "eagle" the Divine intelligence; which four things are included in the Lord's Divine Providence in its guarding the higher heavens, that they be not approached except from the good of love and charity.

[2] That a "lion" signifies Divine truth proceeding from the Lord in respect to power is evident from the passages in the Word in which "lion" is mentioned; as from the following, in Moses:

Judah is a lion's whelp; from the prey, my son, thou are gone up; he couched, he lay down as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? (Genesis 49:9).

"Judah" here signifies the Lord's celestial kingdom, where all are in power from the Lord through Divine truth; this power is meant by a "lion's whelp," and by an "old lion;" "the prey from which he goeth up" signifies the dispersion of falsities and evils; "to couch" signifies to put oneself into power; "lying down" signifies to be in security from every falsity and evil; therefore it is said, "Who shall rouse him up?" (That "Judah" in the Word signifies the celestial kingdom of the Lord, see Arcana Coelestia, n. 3654, 3881, 5603, 5782, 6363; that "prey," in reference to that kingdom and to the Lord, signifies the dispersion of falsities and evils, and the rescue and deliverance from hell, n. 6368, 6442; that "couching" in reference to a lion, signifies to put oneself into power, n. 6369; and that "lying down" signifies a state of security and tranquillity, n. Arcana Coelestia 3696[1-5])

[3] In the same:

At this time it shall be said to Jacob and to Israel, What hath God wrought? Behold the people riseth up as an old lion, and as a young lion doth he lift himself up; he shall not lie down until he eat of what is torn (Numbers 23:23, 24).

In the same:

He coucheth, he lieth down as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee (Numbers 24:9).

This is said of "Jacob and Israel," who signify the Lord's spiritual kingdom; their power is described by an "old lion" and a "young lion" rising, lifting himself up, and couching; the dispersion of falsities and evils is signified by "eating of what is torn," and a state of security and tranquillity by "he lieth down, who shall rouse him up?" (That "Jacob" and "Israel" in the Word signify the Lord's spiritual kingdom, see Arcana Coelestia 4286, 4570, 5973, 6426, 8805, 9340; what the Lord's celestial kingdom is, and what His spiritual kingdom is, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28). That "to couch" is to put oneself into power; that "prey" and "spoil" mean the dispersion of falsities and evils; and that "lying down" means a state of security and tranquillity, when these things are said of a lion, see just above.

[4] In Nahum:

Where is the abode of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions? where walked the lion, the old lion, the lion's whelp, and none maketh them afraid? (Nahum 2:11).

Here also "lions" signify those who are in power through Divine truth; "their abode" signifies where there are such in the church; their "feeding place" signifies the knowledges of truth and good; their "walking and none making them afraid" signifies their state of security from evils and falsities.

[5] In Micah:

The remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples, as dew from Jehovah, as the drops upon the herb. As a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who if he go through shall tread down and tear in pieces so that none delivereth, thine hand shall be lifted up above thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off (Micah 5:7-9).

The "remnant of Jacob" signifies the truths and goods of the church; "dew from Jehovah" signifies spiritual truth; "drops upon the herb" natural truth; "a lion among the beasts of the forest," and "a young lion among the flocks of sheep," and "treading down and tearing, and none delivering," signify power over evils and falsities; because of this signification it is said, "thine hand shall be lifted up above thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off;" for "adversaries" signify evils, and "enemies" falsities (See Arcana Coelestia 2851[1-15], 8289, 9314, 10481).

[6] In Isaiah:

The Lord said, Go set a watchman, who may look and announce. And he saw a chariot, a pair of horsemen, an ass chariot, a camel chariot; and he harkened a hearkening; a lion upon a watch-tower called out, O lord, I stand continually in the daytime, and I am set upon my watch all the nights: Babylon is fallen, is fallen (Isaiah 21:6-9).

This treats of the coming of the Lord and a new church at that time. "A lion upon a watch-tower" signifies the Lord's guard and providence; therefore it is said, "I stand continually in the daytime, and I am set upon my watch all the nights." A "chariot" and a "pair of horsemen" signify the doctrine of truth from the Word; "harkening a harkening" signifies a life according to that doctrine. (That "chariot" signifies the doctrine of truth, see Arcana Coelestia 2761, 2762, 5321, 8029, 8215; that "horseman" signifies the Word in respect to the understanding, see n. 2761, 6401, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8148.)

[7] In the same:

Like as the lion and the young lion roareth over what he hath torn which 1 a multitude of shepherds meeteth, so shall Jehovah come down to fight upon Mount Zion and upon the hill thereof (Isaiah 31:4).

Here Jehovah is compared to "a roaring lion," because a "lion" signifies power to lead forth from hell or from evils, and to "roar" signifies defense against evils and falsities; therefore it is said, "so shall Jehovah Zebaoth come down to fight upon Mount Zion and upon the hill thereof," "Mount Zion and the hill thereof" meaning the celestial church and the spiritual church; and "that which is torn over which the lion and the young lion roar" signifying deliverance from evils, which are from hell.

[8] To "roar" when attributed to a lion, has the same signification in Hosea:

I will not return to destroy Ephraim. They shall go after Jehovah as a lion roareth (Hosea 11:9-10).

In Amos:

The lion hath roared, who does not fear? The Lord Jehovih hath spoken, who will not prophesy (Amos 3:8).

In Revelation:

The angel cried with a great voice, as a lion roared (Revelation 10:3).

In David:

The lions roaring after their prey and seeking their food from God. The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together and lie down in their abodes (Psalms 104:21-22).

These words in David describe the state of the angels of heaven when they are not in a state of intense love and of wisdom therefrom, and when they return into that state; the former state is described by "lions roaring after their prey, and seeking their food from God;" the latter state by "the sun ariseth, they gather themselves together and lie down in their abodes." By the "lions" the angels of heaven are meant; their "roaring," means desire; "prey" and "food" mean the good which is of love and the truth which is of wisdom; "the sun arising" means the Lord in respect to love and wisdom therefrom; "gathering themselves together" means returning into a celestial state; and "lying down in their abodes," a state of tranquility and peace. (Of these two states of the angels in heaven see in the work on Heaven and Hell 154-161.)

[9] Because Jehovah is compared to a lion from Divine truth in respect to power, therefore the Lord is called a "lion" in Revelation:

Behold the lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath overcome (Revelation 5:5).

And because all power is from the Lord through Divine truth, this also is signified by a "lion," as in Moses:

Of Gad he said, Blessed is he who hath given the breadth to Gad; as a lion he dwelleth, he teareth the arm, yea, the crown of the head (Deuteronomy 33:20).

"Gad" in the highest sense signifies omnipotence, and therefore in the representative sense the power that is of truth (See Arcana Coelestia 3934[1-8], 3935); therefore it is said, "Blessed is he who hath given breadth to Gad," for "breadth" signifies truth (Arcana Coelestia 1613, 34 33, 3434, 4482, 9487, 10179; that all power is from Divine truth, see in the work on Heaven and Hell, in the chapter on The Power of the Angels in Heaven, n. 228-233).

[10] Because a "lion" signifies power, therefore in the lamentations of David over Saul and Jonathan it is said:

Saul and Jonathan were lovely, they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions (2 Samuel 1:23). "Saul" here as king, and "Jonathan" as the son of a king, mean truth protecting the church, since the doctrine of truth and good is here treated of, for that lamentation was written "to teach the sons of Judah the bow" (verse 18); and "bow" signifies that doctrine (See Arcana Coelestia, 2686, 2709, 6422).

[11] Because "the kings of Judah and Israel" represented the Lord in respect to Divine truth, and because a "throne" represented the judgment, which is effected according to Divine truth, and because "lions" represented power, guard, and protection against falsities and evils, therefore near the two stays of the throne built by Solomon there were two lions, and twelve lions on the six steps on the one side and on the other (1 Kings 10:18-20). From this it can be seen what "lions" in the Word signify when the Lord, heaven, and the church are treated of. "Lions" in the Word signify also the power of falsity from evil by which the church is destroyed and devastated. As in Jeremiah:

The young lions roar against her, 2 they give forth their voice, they reduce the land to wasteness (Jeremiah 2:15).

In Isaiah:

A nation whose arrows are sharp, and all his bows bent, the hoofs of his horses are accounted as rock, his roaring like that of a lion, he roareth like a young lion, and he growleth and seizeth the prey (Isaiah 5:28-29).

Besides many other places (as in Isaiah 11:6; 35:9; Jeremiah 4:7; 5:6; 12:8; 50:17; 51:38; Ezekiel 19:3, 5-6; Hosea 13:7, 8; Joel 1:6-7; Psalms 17:12; 22:13; 57:4; 58:6; 91:13).


1. For "which" the Hebrew has "when . . . meeteth him," as found in Arcana Coelestia 1664.

2. For "her" the Hebrew has "him"; cf. Apocalypse Explained 601.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.