De Bijbel


Иезекииль 28



1 И было ко мне слово Господне:

2 сын человеческий! скажи начальствующему в Тире: так говорит Господь Бог: за то, что вознеслось сердце твое и ты говоришь: „я Бог, восседаю на седалище божием, в сердце морей", и будучи человеком, а не Богом, ставишь ум твой наравне с умом Божиим, –

3 вот, ты премудрее Даниила, нет тайны, сокрытой от тебя;

4 твоею мудростью и твоим разумом ты приобрел себе богатство и в сокровищницы твои собрал золота и серебра;

5 большою мудростью твоею, посредством торговли твоей, ты умножил богатство твое, и умтвой возгордился богатством твоим, –

6 за то так говорит Господь Бог: так как ты ум твой ставишь наравне с умом Божиим,

7 вот, Я приведу на тебя иноземцев, лютейших из народов, и они обнажат мечи свои против красы твоей мудрости и помрачат блеск твой;

8 низведут тебя в могилу, и умрешь в сердце морей смертью убитых.

9 Скажешь ли тогда перед твоим убийцею: „я бог", тогда как в руке поражающего тебя ты будешь человек, а не бог?

10 Ты умрешь от руки иноземцев смертью необрезанных; ибо Я сказал это, говорит Господь Бог.

11 И было ко мне слово Господне:

12 сын человеческий! плачь о царе Тирском и скажиему: так говорит Господь Бог: ты печать совершенства, полнота мудростии венец красоты.

13 Ты находился в Едеме, в саду Божием; твои одежды были украшены всякими драгоценными камнями; рубин, топаз и алмаз, хризолит, оникс, яспис, сапфир, карбункул и изумруд и золото, все, искусно усаженное у тебя в гнездышках и нанизанное на тебе, приготовлено было в день сотворения твоего.

14 Ты был помазанным херувимом, чтобы осенять, и Я поставил тебя на то; ты был на святой горе Божией, ходил среди огнистых камней.

15 Ты совершен был в путях твоих со дня сотворения твоего, доколе не нашлось в тебебеззакония.

16 От обширности торговли твоей внутреннее твое исполнилось неправды, и ты согрешил; и Я низвергнул тебя, как нечистого, с горы Божией, изгнал тебя, херувим осеняющий, из среды огнистых камней.

17 От красоты твоей возгордилось сердце твое, от тщеславия твоего ты погубил мудрость твою; за то Я повергну тебя на землю, перед царями отдам тебя напозор.

18 Множеством беззаконий твоих в неправедной торговле твоей ты осквернил святилища твои;и Я извлеку из среды тебя огонь, который и пожрет тебя: и Я превращу тебя в пепел на земле перед глазами всех, видящих тебя.

19 Все, знавшие тебя среди народов, изумятся о тебе; ты сделаешься ужасом, и не будет тебяво веки.

20 И было ко мне слово Господне:

21 сын человеческий! обрати лице твое к Сидону и изреки на него пророчество,

22 и скажи: вот, Я – на тебя, Сидон, и прославлюсь среди тебя, и узнают, что Я Господь, когда произведу суд над ним и явлю в нем святость Мою;

23 и пошлю на него моровую язву и кровопролитие на улицы его, и падут среди него убитые мечом, пожирающим его отовсюду; и узнают, что Я Господь.

24 И не будет он впредь для дома Израилева колючим терном и причиняющим боль волчцом, более всех соседей зложелательствующим ему, и узнают, что Я Господь Бог.

25 Так говорит Господь Бог: когда Я соберу дом Израилев из народов, между которыми они рассеяны, и явлю в них святость Мою перед глазами племен, и они будут жить на земле своей, которую Я дал рабу Моему Иакову:

26 тогда они будут жить на ней безопасно, и построят домы, и насадят виноградники, и будут жить в безопасности, потому что Я произведу суд над всеми зложелателями их вокруг них, и узнают, что Я Господь Бог их.


Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Revealed #540

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540. And seven jewels 1 on its heads. This symbolizes all the Word's truths falsified and profaned.

Jewels or precious stones symbolize the Word's truths, specifically truths in the Word's literal meaning, but here those truths falsified and profaned because the jewels were seen on the dragon's seven heads, which symbolize irrationality owing to a falsification and profanation of truths (no. 538).

[2] That jewels or precious stones symbolize truths in the Word's literal meaning may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 43-45. We showed there that Divine truths in their outmost expressions, which are the truths in the Word's literal sense, were symbolized by the twelve precious stones on Aaron's breastpiece, namely, the Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28:6, 15-21, 30), and also by the precious stones in the Garden of Eden, where the king of Tyre is said to have been (Ezekiel 28:12-13). And they were symbolized as well by the twelve precious stones which formed the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:17-20).

Truths in the literal meaning of the Word are symbolized by jewels or precious stones because everything in the Word's literal meaning is, in the eyes of angels, translucent in consequence of the Word's spiritual meaning, thus in consequence of the light of heaven in which the Word's spiritual truths reside. For a stone in the Word symbolizes truth in its outmost expressions, and thus a precious stone, that truth translucent.

[3] The Word's truths falsified and profaned are also called jewels because they are luminous in themselves, whoever possesses them, like jewels on earth, no matter in whose hand they are. I have occasionally been given to see adulterous women adorned with jewels on their first arrival from earth into the world of spirits, and also Jews selling jewels that they acquired from heaven. It was apparent from this that the evils and falsities in those people did not alter the radiance and sparkle of the Word's truths.

The ten jewels on the horns of the beast rising up out of the sea consequently have the same symbolism (Revelation 13:1), and so, too, the precious stones on the woman sitting on the scarlet beast (Revelation 17:3-5).

That it is the Word's truths that jewels symbolize is clearly apparent from the statement in the book of Revelation, that on the head of Him who sat on the white horse were seen many jewels, and that His name was The Word of God (Revelation 19:12-13).


1. The word translated as "jewels" here means diadems or crowns in the original Greek and Latin, but the writer's definition of the term elsewhere make plain that he regularly and consistently interpreted it to mean jewels or gems.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Revealed #914

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914. 21:19 The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones. This symbolically means that all of the doctrines of the New Jerusalem taken from the Word's literal sense will, among the people in that church, be seen in a state of light, in accordance with their reception of it.

The twelve foundations symbolize all of the church's doctrines (no. 902). The wall symbolizes the Word in its literal sense (no. 898). The holy city Jerusalem symbolizes the Lord's New Church (nos. 879, 880). Precious stones symbolize the Word in its literal sense with its spiritual sense shining through (nos. 231, 540, 726, 911). And because this depends on its reception, therefore the symbolic meaning is that all of the doctrines from the Word among the people in that church will be seen in a state of light in accordance with their reception of it.

People who fail to think rationally cannot believe that everything connected with the New Church can be seen in a state of light. But I assure them that it is possible, for everyone has an outer thought and an inner one. The inner thought thinks in the light of heaven and is called perception, while the outer thought thinks in the light of the world. Moreover the intellect in everyone is so formed that it can be raised even into the light of heaven, and also is raised if it is moved by some delight to wish to see a truth. The reality of this is something I have been given to know through long experience, and marvelous things as a result of it may be seen in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Providence, and still more in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom. For the delight of love and wisdom elevates the thought to see that something is so, as though in a state of light, even if it had not heard it before. This light that enlightens the mind flows in from no other source than the Lord and heaven. And because people who will be those of the New Jerusalem will turn directly to the Lord, this light will flow in in the orderly way, namely through the will's love into the intellect's perception.

[2] On the other hand, people who entrench in themselves this dogma, that the intellect in theological matters is not going to see anything, but that people must believe blindly whatever the church teaches - people like that cannot see any truth in a state of light, for they have blocked up the path of the light in themselves.

The Protestant Reformed church has retained this dogma from the Roman Catholic religion, which holds that no one but the church - by which they mean the Pope or Papal Consistory - is to interpret the Word, and that anyone who does not embrace with faith all of the doctrines handed down by the church is to be regarded as a heretic and as an anathema or one accursed. The fact of this is clear from the concluding session of the Council of Trent, which established all the dogmas of that religion, where it says toward the end:

Then... Morone, the... President, ...said, ."..go in peace."

There followed acclamations, and among them those of the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Fathers:

[The Cardinal:] We all thus believe; we all think the very same; we all, consenting and embracing [them], subscribe. This is the faith of blessed Peter, and of the Apostles: this is the faith of the Fathers: This is the faith of the Orthodox....

[The Fathers:] So be it... Amen, Amen.

[The Cardinal:] Anathema to all heretics.

[The Fathers:] Anathema, anathema.

The decrees of that Council are those we presented in summary previously at the outset of this work, and they contain, indeed, scarcely one truth.

[3] We have cited this to make known that the Protestant Reformed have retained this blind faith, that is, a faith without understanding, from the Roman Catholic religion, and those who continue to hold onto it cannot be enlightened by the Lord in Divine truths.

As long as the intellect is held captive in obedience to faith, or as long as the intellect is set aside so as not to see the church's truths, theology becomes nothing but a matter of the memory; and a matter of the memory alone fades away, like any matter disconnected from a judgment concerning it, and it perishes from its own lack of clarity. People like that are therefore "blind leaders of the blind," and when "the blind leads the blind, both fall into a ditch" (Matthew 15:14).

They are blind also because they do not enter by the door, but in some other way. 1 For Jesus said:

I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. (John 10:9)

To find pasture means to be instructed, enlightened, and nourished in Divine truths.

All those who do not enter by the door, that is, by the Lord, are in that same chapter called "thieves and robbers." But those who enter by the door, that is, by the Lord, are called "shepherds of the sheep" (John 10:1-2).

Therefore turn to the Lord, my friend, refrain from evils as being sins, and reject faith alone. And then your intellect will be opened, and you will see marvels and be affected by them.


1. Cf. John 10:1

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.