De Bijbel


但以理書 1


1 猶大約雅敬在位第年,巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒耶路撒冷,將城圍困。

2 主將猶大約雅敬,並殿中器皿的幾分交付他。他就把這器皿到示拿,收入他的廟裡,放在他中。

3 王吩咐太監長亞施毗拿,從以色列人的宗室和貴冑中進幾個人來,

4 就是年少沒有殘疾、相貌俊美、通達各樣學問、知識聰明俱備、足能侍立在王宮裡的,要教他們迦勒底的文字言語。

5 王派定將自己所用的膳和所飲的酒,每日賜他們一分,養他們年。滿了年,好叫他們在王面前侍立。

6 他們中間有猶大族的人:但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅。

7 太監長給他們起名:稱但以理為伯提沙撒,稱哈拿尼雅為沙得拉,稱米沙利為米煞,稱亞撒利雅為亞伯尼歌。

8 但以理卻立志不以王的膳和王所飲的酒玷污自己,所以求太監長容他不玷污自己。

9 使但以理在太監長眼前蒙恩惠,受憐憫

10 太監長對但以理:我懼怕我我王,他已經派定你們的飲食;倘若他見你們的面貌比你們同歲的少年人肌瘦,怎麼好呢?這樣,你們就使我的在王那裡難保。

11 但以理對太監長所派管理但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅的委辦

12 求你試試僕人我們素菜,白

13 然後我們的面貌和用王膳那少年人的面貌,就照你所的待僕人罷!

14 委辦便允准他們這件事,試看他們

15 過了,見他們的面貌比用王膳的一切少年人更加俊美肥胖。

16 於是委辦撤去派他們用的膳,飲的酒,他們素菜吃。

17 個少年人,在各樣文字學問(學問:原文是智慧)上賜他們聰明知識;但以理又明白各樣的異象和夢兆。

18 尼布甲尼撒王預定進少年人來的日期滿了,太監長就把他們到王面前。

19 王與他們談論,見少年人中無一人能比但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅,所以他們在王面前侍立。

20 王考問他們一切事,就見他們的智慧聰明比通國的術士和用法術的勝過倍。

21 到古列王元年,但以理還在。

De Bijbel


創世記 41:46



46 約瑟見埃及法老的時候年三十歲。他從法老面前出去,遍行埃及





“Servant” literally means “a person who serves another," and its meaning is similar in reference to its spiritual meanings of the Bible. Our lives in their most outward form -- the physical actions we take and the thoughts and feelings directly connected to them -- are in a way “servants” to our deeper, more hidden, internal thoughts and desires. So in most cases, “servants” in the Bible represent things we're doing and thinking on that outward, external level. Servants can have good masters or evil ones, obviously, and a servant doing good work in service of an evil master is actually making the world a more evil place. So the precise meaning of a given servant in the Bible depends on the nature of the master he or she is serving. Finally, when the Bible is addressing the Lord's own spiritual development, “servant” represents the Lord's most outward aspect: the human body he inherited from Mary, with all its frailties and potential for temptation.