From Swedenborg's Works


Izimfihlakalo Zezulu #0

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Arcana Coelestia: The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord unfolded in the Book of Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Translated into Zulu by Zamokuhle T. Zungu



IziMfihlo zeZulu ezisonjululwe eziBhalweni eziNgcwele noma eZwini leNkosi zikwiNcazelo, eyiNgqondo engaPhakathi yeZwi. Ukuthi lengqondo inhloboni kungabonwa kulezozinto ezikhonjiswe malungana nayo ngokusukela eLwazini lokuzazela mathupha ezinombolweni 1767-1777, 1869-1879; nasemongweni noma engqikithini yenkulumo (ezinombolweni 1-5, 64-66, 167, 605, 920, 937, 1143, 1224, 1404, 1405, 1408, 1409, 1502 ekugcineni, 1540, 1659, 1756, 1783, 1807).

IZinto eziMangalisayo ezibonwe eMhlabeni weMimoya naseZulwini leziNgelosi, kuqalwe ngazo futhi zajotshelelwa ezahlukweni ezimbalwa. Kulomqingo kukhona lezizihloko ezilandelayo:

Mayelana nokuVuswa komuntu kwabafileyo, nokungena kwakhe ekuphileni okuphakade (n. 168-181).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nokungena komuntu ekuphileni okuphakade (n. 182-189; naku 314-319).

Ukuthi ngaleyonkathi impilo yoMphefumulo noma yoMumoya injani (320-323).

Ezinye izibonelo zemicabanga yeMimoya yokuthi yayicabangani ngoMphefumulo noma ngoMumoya ngenkathi isesemzimbeni wemvelo (n. 443-448).

Mayelana neZulu kanye neNjabulo yaseZulwini (n. 449-459; 537-546; 547-553).

Mayelana namaBandla abumba noma enza iZulu (n. 684-691).

Mayelana nesiHogo (n. 692-700).

Mayelana neziHogo zalabo abebebuswa yiNzondo, ukuPhindisa, noluNyae ezimpilweni zabo zemvelo (n. 814-823).

Mayelana neziHogo zalabo abebebuswa wukuPhinga neSigweba; mayelana futhi neziHogo zabaKhohlisi nezabaThakathikazi (n. 824-831).

Mayelana neziHogo zabaHahayo; namayelana neJerusalema eliNgcolile, nabaPhangi eHlane; namayelana nothuvi obugcwele eziHogweni zalabo abebecwile ezinjabulweni zomzimba noma zezinzwa besaphila emhlabeni wemvelo (n. 938-946).

Mayelana nezinye iziHogo ezehlukile kulezi esezibalwe ngenhla (n. 947-970).

Mayelana neziNcithakalo (n. 1106-1113).

UHlu lomlobi lwezihloko eziqukethwe emqingweni wesikhombisa.

IziMfihlakalo zezulu ezisonjululwe ezibhalweni eziNgcwele noma ezwini leNkosi ziqukethwe ezincazelweni, eyingqondo engaphakathi yezwi. Izanduleliso ezendulela izahluko ezimbalwa ziyincazelo yalokhu okulandelayo: Ziyincazelo eyingqondo engaphakathi yamazwi eNkosi akuMathewu 25:34-36 (ezinombolweni 4954-4959).

Ziyisiqhubezo mayelana nokuqhamisana komuntu noMuntu oMkhulu: ukuqhamisana kwamanyonga nezitho ezixhumene nawo (ezinombolweni 5050-5062).

Ziyincazelo eyingqondo engaphakathi yamazwi eNkosi akuMathewu 25:37-46 (ezinombolweni 5063-5071).

Ziyisiqhubezo mayelana nokuqhamisana komuntu nomuntu omkhulu: ukuqhamisana kwezitho zomuntu zangaphakathi nezitho zomuntu omkhulu zangaphakathi (ezinombolweni 5171-5190).

Ziyisiqhubezo mayelana nokuqhamisana komuntu nomuntu omkhulu (ezinombolweni 5377-5396).

Ziyisiqhubezo mayelana nokuqhamisana komuntu nomuntu omkhulu: ukuqhamisana kwesikhumba, izinwele, namathambo (ezinombolweni 5552-5573).

Ziyisiqhubezo mayelana nokuqhamisana: ukuqhamisana kwezifo nomhlaba kamoya (ezinombolweni 5711-5727).


Kuqukethwe izimfihlakalo zezulu ezethulwe ngencazelo yengqondo enga pha-kathi yeZibhalo ezingcwele noma yeZwi.

Okujotshelelwe ekugcineni kwezinye iZahluko kumayelana nezingelosi ka nye nemimoya okuhanqa umuntu (bheka izinombolo 5846-5866).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nezingelosi kanye nemimoya okuhanqe umuntu (bheka izinombolo 5976-5993).

Kujotshelelwe okumayelana nomngenela nobudlelwane bomphefumulo emzimbeni wemvelo (bheka izinombolo 6053-6058).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nomngenela nobudlelwane bomphefumulo emzimbeni wemvelo (6189-6215).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nomngenela nobudlelwane bomphefumulo emzimbeni wemvelo (6307-6327).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nomngenela nobudlelwane bomphefumulo emzimbeni wemvelo (bheka izinombolo 6466-6496).

Isiqhubezo mayelana nomngenela nobudlelwane bomphefumulo emzimbeni wemvelo (bheka izinombolo 6598-6626).

Okunye okulotshiwe (bheka amakhasi 503, 504).

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From Swedenborg's Works


Izimfihlakalo Zezulu #1756

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1756. Konke lokhu okwethulwe ngenhla kuyizinto eziqukethwe yingqondo engaphakathi yalesiSahluko esiphezu kwaso; kodwa konke ukulandelana kwemicabango, nobuhle bakho, kakunakubonakala uma zonke izinto, yileyo naleyo ichazwa ngokusukela encazelweni yamagama, njengoba kungabonakala uma imicabango iqondwa njengomqondo owodwa. Lapho lemicabango yalesiSahluko iqondwa ngengomqondo owodwa leyomicabango ehlakazekile noma esabalele ibonakala ihlangene ngokumangalisayo futhi ixhumene. Lesisimo sifana nesomuntu olalele omunye umuntu ekhuluma kodwa olalele anake noma ahlaziye amagama asetshenziswayo. Lapho-ke umuntu olalele kawutholi umqondo ophelele njengoba ebezowuthola ukuba ubenganakile amagama noma amazwi ngalinye nokufanekiswa ngawo. Ngokuba ubuhlobo obuphakathi kwengqondo engaphakathi yeZwi nengqondo engaphandle noma yemvelo yeZwi buyafana nobuhlobo obuphakathi kwenkulumo namazwi ayo lapho izwi ngalinye lenkulumo lingahlaziywa, ikakhulu lapho linganakwa, nalapho umqondo ugxiliswa engqondweni yezinto ezifanekiswa ngamagama noma ngamazwi omuntu okhulumayo.

[2] Indlela yokubhala yasemandulondulo yayifanekisa izinto zempela kumbe izihloko ezithile ngabantu nangezisho, okwakuyizihloko nezisho okwakufanekiswa ngakho izinto ezazehluke geqe kulabobantu noma kulezozisho. Abalobi bangaleyonkathi babeloba imilando yabo ngalendlela, beloba kanjalo malungana nempilo noma nezenzeko zomphakathi kanye nangempilo yangasese. Imbala babebhala ngendlela yokuba kungabikho lutho emibhalweni yabo eyayifanele ukuqondwa njengoba ilotshiwe, kodwa kufanele kuqondwe okunye okumumethwe ngamazwi noma ngamagama elotshwe ngawo. Umkhuba wokubhala ngalendlela babenawo kangangoba babethula zonke izinhlobo zezinkanuko njengezithixo nezithixokazi ezakhonzwa kamuva ngabahedeni noma ngamaqaba njengezinto ezinoBunkulunkulu, njengoba abantu abafundileyo bekwazi lokhu ngoba izincwadi ezilotshwe ngaleyondlela zisekhona nanamhlanje. Loluhlobo lokuloba lwalusuka kubantu basemandulondulo ababephila ngaphambi kukaZamcolo, ababefanekisa izinto zasezulwini nezinto zoBunkulunkulu ngesu lezinto zemvelo ezisemkhathini nasemhlabeni. Ngokufanekisa kanjalo babegcwalisa imiqondo nemiphefumulo yabo ngezintokozo nangobumnandi lapho bebuka izinto zemvelo ezisemkhathini, ikakhulu lezozinto ezazikhanga ngesimo, ngesakheko nangehlelo kwazo. Yingakho zonke izincwadi zeSonto langaleyonkathi zazilotshwe ngaleyondlela. UJobe ungenye yezincwadi ezilotshwe ngalendlela; neCulo lamaCulo likaSolomoni lilotshwe ngendlela elingisa eyalezozincwadi. Zombili izincwadi ezigagulwa wuMose kuNumeri 21:14, 27, zazilotshwe ngaleyondlela, kanye nezinye izincwadi eziningi esezashabalala.

[3] Ngenxa yokuthi loluhlobo lokuloba lwalusuka emandulondulo, ngakhoke lwaluhlonishwa kakhulu ngabantu abangaphandle kweSonto kanye nozalo lukaJakobe, luhlonishwa kangangoba konke okwakungalotshiwe ngalolohlobo noma ngaleyondlela kwakungathathwa njengento yoBunkulunkulu. Yingakho futhi labobantu begunywa noma bevuswa wumumoya obikezelayo, babekhuluma ngendlela efanayo, okuyinto eyayenzeka ngezizathu ezifihlakele. Wayekhuluma ngaleyondlela uJakobe (Genesise 49:3-27) ; uMose wayekhuluma ngaleyondlela (Eksodusi 15:1-21) ; naku (Duteronomi33:2 ekugcineni) ; uBhalamu, owayengomunye wamadodana asempumalanga yeSiriya, lapho iSonto laseMandulo laqhubeka nokusimama (Numeri 23:7-10; 19-24; 24:5-9; 17-24) ; uDebhora noBharakhi (AbAhluleli 5:2 ekugcineni) ; uHanna (1 Samuweli 2:2-10), nabanye abaningi. Yize, ngaphandle kwengcosane, babengaqondi futhi bengazi ukuthi amazwi ababewaphimisa ayefanekisa izinto zasezulwini zombuso weNkosi neSonto, nokho babengenwa yitwetwe nokumangala, ngoba bezwa ukuthi kukhona okoBunkulunkulu nokungcwele kubona.

[4] Kodwa abantu abafundileyo emhlabeni bebengakakwazi ukuthi imilando eseZwini ibhalwe ngendlela efanayo, okungukuthi, ukuthi amagama agagulwa kulo nezisho ezithile okusetshenziswe ekufanekiseni izinto zezulu lamazulu nezinto zezulu likamoya zombuso weNkosi, ngaphandle kokuthi iZwi lifunzelelwe ngisho nangechashaza uqobo lwalo, nokuthi lowo nalowomniningwane okulo umumethe imfihlakalo ethile.

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From Swedenborg's Works


The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine #260

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260. The internal or spiritual sense of the Word contains innumerable arcana.

The Word in its internal sense contains innumerable things, which exceed human comprehension (n. 3085-3086). It also contains inexplicable things (n. 1965). Which are represented only to angels, and understood by them (n. 167). The internal sense of the Word contains arcana of heaven, which relate to the Lord and His kingdom in the heavens and on earth (n. 1-4, 937). Those arcana do not appear in the sense of the letter (n. 937, 1502, 2161). Many things in the prophets appear to be disconnected, when yet in their internal sense they cohere in a regular and beautiful series (n. 7153, 9022). Not a single word, nor even a single iota can be omitted in the sense of the letter of the Word, without an interruption in the internal sense, and therefore, by the Divine Providence of the Lord, the Word has been preserved so entire as to every word and every point (n. 7933). Innumerable things are contained in every particular of the Word (n. 6617, 6620, 8920); and in every expression (n. 1689). There are innumerable things contained in the Lord's prayer, and in every part thereof (n. 6619). And in the precepts of the Decalogue; in the external sense of which, notwithstanding, some things are such as are known to every nation without revelation (n. 8867, 8900).

In the Word, and particularly in the prophetical parts of it, two expressions are used that seem to signify the same thing, but one expression has relation to good, and the other to truth; thus one relates to what is spiritual, the other to what is celestial (n. 683, 707, 2516, 8339). Goods and truths are conjoined in a wonderful manner in the Word, and that conjunction is apparent only to him who knows the internal sense (n. 10554). And thus there is a Divine marriage and a heavenly marriage in the Word, and in every part thereof (n. 683, 793, 801, 2173, 2516, 2712, 5138, 7022). The Divine marriage is the marriage of Divine good and Divine truth, thus it is the Lord, in whom alone that marriage exists (n. 3004-3005, 3009, 5138, 5194[1-2], 5502, 6343, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314). "Jesus" signifies the Divine good, and "Christ" the Divine truth; and both the Divine marriage in heaven, which is the marriage of the Divine good and the Divine truth (n. 3004-3005, 3009). This marriage is in every part of the Word, in its internal sense; thus the Lord, as to the Divine good and the Divine truth, is in every part of the Word (n. 5502). The marriage of good and truth from the Lord in heaven and the church, is called the heavenly marriage (n. 2508, 2618, 2803, 3004, 3211, 3952, 6179). Therefore in this respect the Word is a kind of heaven (n. 2173, 10126). Heaven is compared in the Word to a marriage, on account of the marriage of good and truth therein (n. 2758, 3132, 4434[1-10], 4835).

The internal sense is the very doctrine of the church (n. 9025, 9430, 10400). They who understand the Word according to the internal sense, know the essential true doctrine of the church, inasmuch as the internal sense contains it (n. 9025 , 9430, 10400). The internal of the Word is also the internal of the church, and likewise the internal of worship (n. 10460). The Word is the doctrine of love to the Lord, and of charity towards the neighbor (n. 3419-3420).

The Word in the letter is as a cloud, and in the internal sense it is glory, see the Preface to the 18th chapter of Genesis (n. 5922 , 6343), where the words, "The Lord shall come in the clouds of heaven with glory," are explained. "A cloud" in the Word signifies the Word in the sense of the letter, and "glory" signifies the Word in the internal sense, see the Preface to the 18th chapter of Genesis (n. 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8781, 9430, 10551, 10574). Those things which are in the sense of the letter, respectively to those which are in the internal sense, are like rude projections round a polished optical cylinder, by which nevertheless is exhibited in the cylinder a beautiful image of a man (n. 1871). In the other life, they who only allow and acknowledge the sense of the letter of the Word, are represented by a deformed old woman; but they who allow and acknowledge the internal sense, together with the literal sense, are represented by a virgin beautifully clothed (n. 1774). The Word in its whole complex is an image of heaven, since the Word is the Divine truth, and the Divine truth makes heaven; and as heaven relates to one man, therefore the Word is in that respect as an image of man (n. 1871). Heaven in one complex relates to one man, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 59-67). And the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord makes heaven (n. 126-140, 200-212). The Word is beautifully and agreeably exhibited before the angels (n. 1767-1768). The sense of the letter is as the body, and the internal sense, as the soul of that body (n. 8943). Thence the life of the Word is from its internal sense (n. 1405, 4857). The Word is pure in the internal sense, and does not appear so in the literal sense (n. 2362, 2395). The things which are in the sense of the letter of the Word are holy from the internal (n. 10126, 10728).

In the historical parts of the Word there is also an internal sense, but within them (n. 4989). Thus the historical as well as the prophetic parts of the Word contain arcana of heaven (n. 755, 1659, 1709, 2310, 2333). The angels do not perceive those historical things, but spiritually (n. 6884). The reason why the interior arcana which are in the historicals, are less evident to man than those that are in the propheticals (n. 2176, 6597).

The quality of the internal sense of the Word further shown (n. 1756, 1984, 2004, 2663, 3035, 7089, 10604, 10614). And illustrated by comparisons (n. 1873).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.