The Bible


Иезекииль 27



1 И было ко мне слово Господне:

2 и ты, сын человеческий, подними плач о Тире

3 и скажи Тиру, поселившемуся на выступах в море, торгующему с народами на многих островах: так говорит Господь Бог: Тир! ты говоришь: „я совершенство красоты!"

4 Пределы твои в сердце морей; строители твои усовершили красотутвою:

5 из Сенирских кипарисов устроили все помосты твои; брали с Ливанакедр, чтобы сделать на тебе мачты;

6 из дубов Васанских делали весла твои; скамьи твои делали из букового дерева, с оправою из слоновой кости с островов Киттимских;

7 узорчатые полотна из Египта употреблялись на паруса твои и служили флагом; голубого и пурпурового цвета ткани с островов Елисы были покрывалом твоим.

8 Жители Сидона и Арвада были у тебя гребцами; свои знатоки были у тебя, Тир; они были у тебя кормчими.

9 Старшие из Гевала и знатоки его были у тебя, чтобы заделывать пробоины твои. Всякие морские корабли и корабельщики их находились у тебя для производства торговли твоей.

10 Перс и Лидиянин и Ливиец находились в войске твоем и были у тебя ратниками, вешали на тебе щит и шлем; они придавали тебе величие.

11 Сыны Арвада с собственным твоим войском стояли кругом на стенах твоих, и Гамадимы были на башнях твоих; кругом по стенам твоим они вешали колчаны свои; они довершали красутвою.

12 Фарсис, торговец твой, по множеству всякого богатства, платил за товары твои серебром, железом, свинцом и оловом.

13 Иаван, Фувал и Мешех торговали с тобою, выменивая товары твои надуши человеческие и медную посуду.

14 Из дома Фогарма за товары твои доставляли тебе лошадей и строевыхконей и лошаков.

15 Сыны Дедана торговали с тобою; многие острова производили с тобою мену, в уплату тебе доставляли слоновую кость и черное дерево.

16 По причине большого торгового производства твоего торговали с тобою Арамеяне; за товары твои они платили карбункулами, тканями пурпуровыми, узорчатыми, и виссонами, и кораллами, и рубинами.

17 Иудея и земля Израилева торговали с тобою; за товар твой платилипшеницею Миннифскою и сластями, и медом, и деревянным маслом, и бальзамом.

18 Дамаск, по причине большого торгового производства твоего, по изобилию всякого богатства, торговал с тобою вином Хелбонским и белою шерстью.

19 Дан и Иаван из Узала платили тебе за товары твоивыделанным железом; кассия и благовонная трость шли на обмен тебе.

20 Дедан торговал с тобою драгоценными попонами для верховой езды.

21 Аравия и все князья Кидарские производили мену с тобою: ягнят и баранов и козлов променивали тебе.

22 Купцы из Савы и Раемы торговали с тобою всякими лучшими благовониями и всякими дорогими камнями, и золотом платили за товары твои.

23 Харан и Хане и Еден, купцы Савейские, Ассур и Хилмад торговали с тобою.

24 Они торговали с тобою драгоценными одеждами, шелковыми и узорчатыми материями, которые они привозили на твои рынки в дорогих ящиках, сделанных из кедра и хорошо упакованных.

25 Фарсисские корабли были твоими караванами в твоей торговле, и ты сделался богатым и весьма славным среди морей.

26 Гребцы твои завели тебя в большие воды; восточный ветер разбил тебя среди морей.

27 Богатство твое и товары твои, все склады твои, корабельщики твои и кормчие твои, заделывавшие пробоины твои и распоряжавшиеся торговлею твоею, и все ратники твои, какие у тебя были, и всемножество народа в тебе, в день падения твоего упадет в сердце морей.

28 От вопля кормчих твоих содрогнутся окрестности.

29 И с кораблей своих сойдут все гребцы, корабельщики, все кормчиеморя, и станут на землю;

30 и зарыдают о тебе громким голосом, и горько застенают, посыпавпеплом головы свои и валяясь во прахе;

31 и остригут по тебе волосы догола, и опояшутся вретищами, и заплачут о тебе от душевной скорби горьким плачем;

32 и в сетовании своем поднимут плачевную песнь о тебе, и так зарыдают о тебе: „кто как Тир, так разрушенный посреди моря!

33 Когда приходили с морей товары твои, ты насыщал многие народы;множеством богатства твоего и торговлею твоею обогащал царей земли.

34 А когда ты разбит морями в пучине вод, товары твои и все толпившееся в тебе упало.

35 Все обитатели островов ужаснулись о тебе, и цари их содрогнулись, изменились в лицах.

36 Торговцы других народов свистнули о тебе; ты сделался ужасом, – и не будет тебя вовеки".


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #70

Study this Passage

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70. The reason why the feet are said to be like unto fine brass is, that by fine brass is meant brass polished and shining, like something fiery; and brass in the Word signifies natural good. Metals, like all other things in the Word, are significative. Gold in the Word signifies celestial good, which is inmost good; silver signifies its truth, which is spiritual good; brass natural good, which is ultimate good, and iron its truth, which is natural truth. That such things are signified by metals, is from correspondence; for many things are seen in heaven shining like gold and silver, and also many things shining like brass and iron. And it is there known, that by those things are signified the above-mentioned kinds of good and truth; this is why the ancients, who were in the knowledge of correspondences, named the ages after those metals. The first age they called the golden age, because innocence, love and wisdom therefrom, then reigned; but the second age they called the silver age, because truth from that good, or spiritual good, and intelligence therefrom, then reigned; the third age they called the brazen, or copper, age, because only natural good, which is what is just and sincere pertaining to moral life, then reigned; but the last age they called the iron age, because only truth without good then reigned, and when that reigns, then also falsity reigns. The reason why the ages were thus distinguished, was from the spiritual signification of those metals.

[2] From these considerations it is evident what is signified by the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, seen in his dream,

"whose head was of gold, the chest and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, the legs of iron, and the feet partly of iron and partly of clay" (Dan. 2:32, 33).

The state of the church from its first time to its last as to good and truth, is here signified; its last time was when the Lord came into the world.

When it is known that gold signifies celestial good, silver spiritual good, brass natural good, and iron natural truth, many arcana in the Word where those metals are mentioned can be known. For example, what is signified by these words in Isaiah:

"For brass I will bring gold, for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron; I will also make thy government peace, and thine exactors justice" (60:17).

[3] But as the signification of brass is what is here treated of, as being natural good, it is necessary only to adduce a few passages where brass is mentioned and signifies that good. Thus in Moses:

"Asher acceptable to his brethren, and dipping his foot in oil; iron and brass thy shoe, and as thy day, thy fame" (Deuteronomy 33:24, 25).

Asher, as one of the tribes, signifies the happiness of life, and the delight of the affections (see Arcana Coelestia 3938, 3939, 6408); to dip the foot in oil signifies natural delight (that oil denotes delight, see n. 9954, and that the foot denotes the Natural, see above, n. 69); the shoe being iron and brass signifies the lowest Natural derived from truth and good, shoe denoting the lowest Natural (see n. 1748, 1860, 6844); iron is its truth, and brass its good, as above. Again,

"Jehovah thy God will bring thee into a rich land; a land out of whose stones thou shalt cut iron, and out of whose mountains brass" (Deuteronomy 8:7, 9).

And in Jeremiah:

"I will give thee unto this people for a fortified wall of brass, that they may fight against thee, and not prevail over thee" (15:20).

And in Ezekiel:

"Javan, Tubal, and Mesech, they were thy merchants; with the soul of man and vessels of brass they gave thy merchandise" (27:13).

In this chapter the merchandises of Tyre are treated of, by which are signified the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth. By the names Javan, Tubal, and Mesech, are signified those things that pertain to good and truth, to which the knowledges relate; the soul of man denotes the truth of life; vessels of brass denote scientifics of natural good.

[4] (What is signified by Tyre, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1201; what by merchandises, n. 2967, 4453; what by Tubal and Mesech, n. 1151; what by Javan, n. 1152, 1153, 1155; what by the soul of man, n. 2930, 9050, 9281; what by vessels, n. 3068, 3079, 3316, 3318.)

Again, in the same prophet:

The feet of the cherubs "shone like the appearance of polished brass" (1:7).

(What the cherubs and the feet signify, may be seen above, n. 69.) And in the same prophet:

"I saw, and, lo, a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, and a thread of flax in his hands; he stood in the gate" (40:3).

Because the angel here mentioned measured the wall and the gates of the house of God, which signify the externals of the church, his appearance was seen to be the appearance of brass.

He who knows that brass signifies the external of the church, which in itself is natural, may in some measure understand why the altar of burnt-offering was overlaid with brass, and the gate round it was of brass, and the vessels of brass (Exodus 27:1-4), also why the great vessel, which was called the sea, with the twelve oxen under it, and the ten lavers with the bases, and also all the vessels of the tabernacle for the house of God, were made by Solomon of polished brass (1 Kings 7:43-47). He who knows what brass signifies, can also enter into the arcanum why a serpent of brass was commanded to be set up for the people to look at, concerning which it is thus written in Moses:

"Jehovah sent serpents among the people, which bit the people. And he said unto Moses, Make thee a serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten, when he hath looked upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that when a serpent had bitten any man, and he looked upon the serpent of brass, he lived" (Numbers 21:6, 8, 9).

That the Lord was signified by that serpent, He himself teaches in John:

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (3:14, 15).

By the serpent is signified the ultimate of life in man, which is called the external Sensual, which is natural. To represent this ultimate, which in the Lord was Divine, among the sons of Israel, with whom all things were representative, a serpent of brass was made; and the signification was, that, if they looked to the Divine Human of the Lord, they would revive, that is, if they believed in Him, they should have eternal life, as the Lord himself also teaches. (That to see in the spiritual sense is to believe, may be seen above, n. 37, 68; and that a serpent denotes the external Sensual, which is the ultimate of the life of man, see Arcana Coelestia 195-197, 6398, 6949, 10313.) That brass and iron in the Word also signify what is hard, as in Isaiah 48:4; Dan. 7:19; and other places, will be seen in the following pages.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.