The Bible


Jeremias 51



1 sier Herren: Se, jeg vekker et ødeleggende vær over Babel og over innbyggerne i Leb-Kamai*. / {* Leb-Kamai, d.e. mine motstanderes hjerte eller midtpunkt, et navn på Babel.}

2 Og jeg sender fremmede mot Babel, og de skal kaste det som korn og tømme dets land; for de skal falle over det fra alle kanter på ulykkens dag.

3 Mot den som spenner bue, skal bueskytteren spenne sin bue, og mot den som kneiser i sin brynje; spar ikke dets unge menn, slå hele dets hær med bann!

4 Og drepte menn skal falle i kaldeernes land, og gjennemborede menn på dets gater.

5 For Israel og Juda er ikke enker, forlatt av sin Gud, Herren, hærskarenes Gud, skjønt deres land er fullt av skyld mot Israels Hellige.

6 Fly ut av Babel, hver mann må redde sitt liv! Se til at I ikke omkommer ved Babels misgjerning! En hevnens tid er det for Herren; han gjengjelder Babel det som det har gjort.

7 Babel var et gullbeger i Herrens hånd, som gjorde hele jorden drukken; av dets vin drakk folkene, derfor tedde folkene sig som rasende.

8 Med ett er Babel falt og blitt knust; jamre over det, hent balsam for dets smerte! Kanskje det kunde læges.

9 Vi har søkt å læge Babel, men det lot sig ikke læge. Forlat det, så vi kan gå hver til sitt land! For dommen over det når til himmelen og hever sig til skyene.

10 Herren har latt vår rettferdige sak komme frem i dagen; kom, la oss fortelle i Sion Herrens, vår Guds gjerning!

11 Gjør pilene blanke, grip skjoldene! Herren har vakt mederkongenes ånd; for mot Babel er hans tanke rettet, han vil ødelegge det; for det er Herrens hevn, hevnen for hans tempel.

12 Løft banner mot Babels murer, hold sterk vakt, sett ut vaktposter, legg bakhold! For Herren har både tenkt ut og setter i verk det som han har talt imot Babels innbyggere.

13 Du som bor ved store vann, du som er rik på skatter! Din ende er kommet, målet for din vinning er fullt.

14 Herren, hærskarenes Gud, har svoret ved sig selv: Har jeg enn fylt dig med mennesker som med gresshopper, skal det allikevel opløftes et frydeskrik over dig.

15 Han er den som skapte jorden ved sin kraft, som grunnfestet jorderike ved sin visdom og utspente himmelen ved sin forstand.

16 Ved sin torden lar han vannene i himmelen bruse; han lar dunster stige op fra jordens ende, sender lyn med regn og fører vind ut av sine forrådskammer.

17 Hvert menneske blir ufornuftig, uten forstand; hver gullsmed har skam av sine utskårne billeder, hans støpte billeder er løgn, og det er ingen ånd i dem.

18 De er tomhet, et verk som vekker spott; på sin hjemsøkelses tid skal de gå til grunne.

19 Ikke er han som er Jakobs del, lik dem; for han er den som har skapt alle ting og den ætt som er hans arv; Herren, hærskarenes Gud, er hans navn.

20 Du* er min hammer, mitt krigsvåben, og med dig knuser jeg folkeslag, og med dig ødelegger jeg kongeriker; / {* Babel. JE 50, 23.}

21 med dig knuser jeg hest og rytter, og med dig knuser jeg vogn og kjører;

22 med dig knuser jeg mann og kvinne, og med dig knuser jeg gammel og ung, yngling og jomfru;

23 med dig knuser jeg hyrde og hjord, og med dig knuser jeg pløieren og hans okser, og med dig knuser jeg stattholdere og landshøvdinger.

24 Men jeg gjengjelder Babel og alle Kaldeas innbyggere for eders øine all den ondskap som de har gjort mot Sion, sier Herren.

25 Se, jeg kommer over dig, du fordervelsens berg, sier Herren, du som forderver all jorden, og jeg vil rekke ut min hånd mot dig og velte dig ned fra fjellknausene og gjøre dig til et utbrent berg.

26 Og fra dig skal ingen ta sten til hjørne eller sten til grunnvoll; men til evige ørkener skal du bli, sier Herren.

27 Løft banner i landet, støt i basun blandt folkene, innvi folkeslag til kamp mot det, kall sammen mot det Ararats, Minnis og Askenas' riker, innsett høvedsmenn imot det, før hester frem som strihårede gresshopper!

28 Innvi folkeslag til kamp mot det, kongene i Media, dets stattholdere og alle dets landshøvdinger og hele det land han* råder over! / {* d.e. mederkongen.}

29 Da skjelver jorden og bever; for Herrens tanker mot Babel blir fullbyrdet: å gjøre Babels land til en ørken, så ingen bor der.

30 Babels kjemper har holdt op å stride, de sitter stille i borgene, deres kraft er borte, de er blitt til kvinner; det er satt ild på dets boliger, dets bommer er sprengt.

31 Løper løper mot løper og bud mot bud for å melde Babels konge at hans stad er inntatt på alle kanter,

32 vadestedene er i fiendens vold, vanndammene uttørket med ild, og krigsmennene forferdet.

33 For så sier Herren, hærskarenes Gud, Israels Gud: Babels datter er som en treskeplass når den blir stampet hård; ennu en liten stund, så kommer høstens tid for henne.

34 Babels konge Nebukadnesar har ett oss, har ødelagt oss, har satt oss bort som et tomt kar, har opslukt oss som et sjøuhyre, har fylt sin buk med min kostelige mat; han har drevet oss bort.

35 Den vold jeg har lidt i mitt kjøtt, måtte den komme over Babel, så må Sions innbyggere si, og mitt blod komme over Kaldeas innbyggere, så må Jerusalem si.

36 Derfor sier Herren så: Se, jeg fører din sak og utfører din hevn, og jeg vil tørke ut dets hav og gjøre dets kilde tørr.

37 Og Babel skal bli til grusdynger, en bolig for sjakaler, til en forferdelse og til spott, så ingen bor der.

38 De brøler alle sammen som unge løver, de brummer som løveunger.

39 Når de er blitt hete*, vil jeg gjøre et drikkelag for dem og gjøre dem drukne, forat de skal juble og så falle i en evig søvn og ikke våkne**, sier Herren. / {* av vin; HSE 7, 5.} / {** V. 57; 25, 26. Es. 21, 5. HAB 2, 16. DNL 5, 1 fg.}

40 Jeg vil føre dem ned som lam til å slaktes, som værer og gjetebukker.

41 Se, Sesak* er blitt hærtatt, all jordens pris er blitt inntatt! Hvor Babel er blitt til en forferdelse blandt folkene! / {* JE 25, 26.}

42 Havet er steget op over Babel, det er skjult av dets brusende bølger.

43 Dets byer er blitt til en ørken, et tørt land og en øde mark, et land som ingen mann bor i, og som intet menneskebarn drar igjennem.

44 Og jeg hjemsøker Bel i Babel og drar det han har slukt, ut av hans munn, og folkeslag skal ikke mere strømme til ham; også Babels mur er falt.

45 Dra ut av det, mitt folk, hver mann må redde sitt liv - for Herrens brennende vrede!

46 Og vær ikke motfalne og redde for de rykter som høres i landet, om det i et år kommer et rykte, og derefter i et annet år et annet rykte, og om det råder vold i landet, og hersker reiser sig mot hersker.

47 Se, derfor skal dager komme da jeg hjemsøker Babels utskårne billeder, og hele dets land skal bli til skamme, og alle dets menn skal bli drept og falle der.

48 Og himmel og jord og alt som i dem er, skal juble over Babel; for fra nord skal ødeleggerne komme over det, sier Herren.

49 Også Babel skal falle, I av Israel som er slått ihjel! Også Babels innbyggere skal falle, I som er slått ihjel over den hele jord!

50 I som er undkommet fra sverdet, dra bort, stans ikke, kom Herren i hu fra det fjerne land og minnes Jerusalem!

51 Vi var blitt til skamme; for vi måtte høre hånsord; skam dekket vårt åsyn, for fremmede var kommet over helligdommene i Herrens hus.

52 Se, derfor skal dager komme, sier Herren, da jeg hjemsøker dets utskårne billeder, og i hele dets land skal sårede menn stønne.

53 Om Babel enn vil stige op til himmelen, og om det enn vil gjøre sin høie festning utilgjengelig, så skal allikevel ødeleggere fra mig komme over det, sier Herren.

54 Skrik lyder fra Babel, det er stor ødeleggelse i kaldeernes land.

55 For Herren ødelegger Babel og gjør ende på den sterke larm i byen; og deres* bølger skal bruse som store vann, deres larmende røst skal la sig høre. / {* fiendenes.}

56 For over det, over Babel, kommer en ødelegger, og dets kjemper blir fanget, deres buer knekket; for Herren er en gjengjeldelsens Gud, han lønner, han gjengjelder.

57 Og jeg vil gjøre dets høvdinger og dets vismenn, dets stattholdere og dets landshøvdinger og dets kjemper drukne, og de skal falle i en evig søvn og ikke våkne, sier kongen, han hvis navn er Herren, hærskarenes Gud.

58 sier Herren, hærskarenes Gud: Babels mur, den brede, skal rives til grunnen, og dets porter, de høie, skal brennes op med ild, så folkeslag skal ha gjort sig møie for intet, og folkeferd arbeidet sig trette for ilden.

59 Dette er det bud som profeten Jeremias gav Seraja, sønn av Nerija, Mahsejas sønn, da han drog til Babel sammen med Judas konge Sedekias i det fjerde år av hans regjering - Seraja var den som sørget for herbergene.

60 Jeremias skrev op i en bok all den ulykke som skulde komme over Babel, alle disse ord som er skrevet om Babel.

61 Og Jeremias sa til Seraja: Når du kommer til Babel, da se til at du leser op alle disse ord!

62 Og du skal si: Herre! Du har talt mot dette sted og sagt at du vil ødelegge det, så det ikke skal være nogen som bor der, hverken menneske eller dyr, men at det skal bli til evige ørkener.

63 Og når du er ferdig med å lese op denne bok, da skal du binde en sten til den og kaste den ut i Eufrat,

64 og du skal si: Således skal Babel synke og ikke komme op igjen, for den ulykke som jeg lar komme over det, og avmektige skal de ligge der. Her ender Jeremias' ord.


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #483

Study this Passage

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483. And shall lead them unto living fountains of waters.- This signifies, in Divine truths, as is evident from the signification of living fountains of waters, which denote Divine truths. By living is signified living from the Divine; by a fountain is signified the Word, and by waters are signified truths thence. Mention is frequently made of living waters in the Word, and by these are meant truths, which come from the Lord and are received. The reason why they are said to be living, is that the Lord is Life Itself, as He Himself teaches, and that which comes from Life Itself is alive; but that which comes from man is dead. The Lord, in order to give life to truths, flows into them, by means of good, and the good vivifies them. He also flows in from the higher or interior, opens the spiritual mind, and gives to it the affection for truth; and the spiritual affection for truth is the very life of heaven in man. This is the life which the Lord instils into man by means of truths. Hence it is evident what living waters and living fountains of waters mean in the following passages.

[2] Thus in Isaiah:

"The poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst. I will open rivers on the heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness (desertum) a pool of waters, and the dry land springs of waters" (41:17, 18).

The subject here is the salvation of the Gentiles by the Lord, and they are here called poor and needy from a want of and ignorance of truth; their desire to know truths from those who are in the church, where no truths existed, is described by their seeking water when there is none, and their tongue failing for thirst, water denoting truth, and thirst the desire thereof. That they shall be instructed by the Lord, is signified by, "I will open rivers on the heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys." To open rivers denotes to impart intelligence; on the heights denotes in the interior man; in the midst of the valleys denotes in the exterior man, and to make fountains signifies to instruct in truths. To make the wilderness a pool of waters, and the dry land springs of waters, signifies abundance of truth with those who were before in want of and in ignorance [of truth]. The wilderness denotes where there is no good because no truth, and the dry land, where there is no truth and thence no good; a pool of water and springs of water denote abundance of the knowledges of truth. From this it is evident that waters, fountains, springs, rivers, and pools of water, are not here meant, but the knowledges of truth, and thence intelligence, whence comes salvation.

[3] In the same prophet:

"Behold, your God will come with vengeance, and will save you. Then shall the parched place become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of waters" (35:4, 7).

These things also are said concerning the instruction of the Gentiles in truths, and their reformation by the Lord when He should come into the world. By the parched place becoming a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of waters, are signified things similar to those mentioned above, by which the wilderness shall become a pool or collection of waters, and the dry land springs of waters.

[4] In Jeremiah:

"They shall come with weeping; and with prayers will I bring them; I will lead them to fountains of waters in a straight way, let them not stumble in it" (31:9).

Here also the subject is the reception of the Lord by the Gentiles. That he would instruct them in genuine truths is signified by his leading them in a straight way, let them not stumble in it.

In Isaiah:

"They shall not hunger nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor the sun smite them; for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the fountains of water shall he guide them" (49:10).

Here also the instruction of the Gentiles by the Lord is treated of. Instruction in truths is meant by leading them by the springs of water.

[5] The signification of hungering and thirsting, may be seen above (n. 480), and also of heat and of sun (481).

In Joel:

"And it shall come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drop down new wine (mustum), and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth out of the house of Jehovah, and shall water the stream of Shittim" (3:18).

The signification of "the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters," is explained above (n. 433:13). A fountain shall go forth out of the house of Jehovah, and shall water the river of Shittim, signifies truth out of heaven from the Lord illustrating the scientifics and knowledges which are in the natural man.

[6] In David:

"Thou bringest forth, O earth, at thy presence, at the presence of the God of Jacob; who turned the rock into a lake of waters, the flint into a fountain of waters" (Psalm 114:7,8).

The lake of waters, and the fountain of waters here also mean truths in abundance, by which the church is formed; for by the earth bringing forth is signified the commencement of the church, which is said to bring forth, when truths are produced there, the earth denoting the church.

[7] So again:

Jehovah "who sendeth forth fountains into rivers; let them run between the mountains. They give drink to the beast of the fields; the wild asses quench their thirst. By them the fowl of the heavens have their habitation" (Psalm 104:10-12).

To send forth springs into the rivers signifies to give intelligence by means of truths from the Word; their going between the mountains, signifies that they are from the good of love; fountains denoting truths from the Word, rivers the things which pertain to intelligence, and mountains the goods of love. The instruction of those who are in the good of the church is signified by the words they give drink to the beast of the fields; and the instruction of those in the church who desire truths is signified by the wild asses quench their thirst; that thence the understanding is perfected, is signified by the fowl having their habitation near them. The beasts of the fields, in the spiritual sense, mean the Gentiles who are in the good of life, and wild asses, natural truth. Thirst means a desire for truths; and by the bird of the heavens are meant thoughts from the understanding.

[8] That a fountain, in the highest sense, means the Lord as to Divine Truth, or Divine Truth from the Lord, consequently the Word, is evident from the following passages.

In Jeremiah:

"My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, to hew them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water" (2:13).

Here Jehovah, that is, the Lord, calls Himself a fountain of living waters, by which is signified the Word, or Divine Truth, consequently the Lord Himself, who is the Word; for it is said, "they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, to hew them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water," which signifies that they had framed to themselves doctrinals from their own intelligence, in which there are no truths. Cisterns denote doctrinals, broken cisterns denote doctrinals that are not consistent. That can hold no water, signifies in which there are no truths. Such are the doctrinals that are not from the Word, that is from the Lord through the Word (for the Lord teaches by means of the Word), but they are from man's own intelligence. That they were not taught by the Lord by means of the Word, is meant by the words they have forsaken the fountain of living waters.

[9] Again,

"All that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken Jehovah, the fountain of living waters" (17:13).

Here similarly Jehovah, that is, the Lord, calls Himself a fountain of living waters from the Divine Truth, which is from Himself. To be written in the earth signifies to be condemned, concerning which see above (n. 222:6).

[10] Again, in David:

"They shall be filled with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt cause them to drink of the stream of delights. For with thee is the fountain of life; in thy light we see light" (36:8, 9).

Fatness signifies the good of love, and the stream of delights, truth from that good; to cause them drink denotes to teach. With thee is the fountain of life, signifies that Divine Truth is with the Lord and from Him; because this is signified by the fountain of life, it is therefore added, "in thy light we see light," for the light of the Lord signifies Divine Truth.

[11] In Zechariah:

"In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Jehovah of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (13:1, 2).

Here also the subject is the coming of the Lord. That those who are in the kingdom of the Lord shall then understand the Word, or the Divine Truth contained therein, is signified by, "In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem," a fountain signifying the Word, the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spiritual kingdom of the Lord with those in the heavens and on the earth who are in Divine Truths; for sin and for uncleanness, signifies the removal of evils and falsities by means of truths from the Word. Because a fountain means the Word or the Divine Truth therein, it is therefore said, "I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land." False religion is signified by idols, false doctrine by prophets, and the evils flowing from falsities of doctrine by the unclean spirit; for when man lives according to the falsities of religion and of doctrine, he becomes an unclean spirit.

[12] That Divine Truth from the Lord is meant by a fountain, the Lord Himself plainly teaches in John.

When He sat at Jacob's well in the land of Samaria, He said to the Samaritan woman, "Every one that drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up unto eternal life" (4:6, 13, 14).

Here it is evident that the water which the Lord gives, does not mean water, but Divine Truth, for it is said from the water which the woman of Samaria came to draw, that a man thirsts again, but not so from the water which the Lord gives. That there is life in that truth, is meant by that water becoming in him a well of water springing up unto eternal life. That there is life in truths when the Lord gives them, may be seen in this article above. The reason why the Lord said these things to the woman of Samaria, when He sat at the well of Jacob, was, that by the Samaritans the Lord meant the Gentiles, who would receive Divine truths from Him; and by the woman of Samaria, the church from them; and by Jacob's well He meant Divine Truth from Himself, or the Word.

[13] In Moses:

"Thus Israel dwelleth in safety alone at the fountain of Jacob" (Deuteronomy 33:28).

These words form the conclusion of the prophecy of Moses concerning the sons of Israel. Because in that prophecy Israel signifies the church which is in Divine truths from the Word, therefore it is said at the fountain of Jacob, which means the Word, and thus also the Lord as to the Word; for He is the Word, because He is the Divine Truth, as He teaches in John (chap. 1:1-3). These things are said at the end of that prophecy, because in it the Word is treated of. The same is meant by that fountain in the prophecy of the patriarch Israel concerning Joseph:

"The son of a fruitful one is Joseph, the son of a fruitful one near a fountain" (Genesis 49:22).

A fountain here means the fountain of Jacob, for the field in which that fountain was situated, was given to Joseph by his father (John 4:5, 6). What is signified by Joseph being the son of a fruitful one near a fountain, may be seen above (n. 448:6). By a fountain is also meant the Word, and by fountains Divine truths therefrom, as in David:

"Bless ye God in the congregations, the Lord, from the fountain of Israel" (Psalm 68:26).

In the Apocalypse:

"I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely" (21:6).

In Isaiah:

"Therefore with joy shall ye draw waters out of the fountains of salvation" (12:3).

In David:

"All my fountains are in thee," O Jehovah (87:7).

[14] Since most things in the Word have an opposite sense, and so also have the words fountain and fountains, in which sense they signify the doctrine of falsities, and the falsities of doctrine, as in Jeremiah:

"I will dry up her sea, and make her fountain dry" (51:36).

This is spoken of Babylon; and by her sea are signified her falsities in their entirety, and by her fountain the doctrine of falsity.

[15] So in Hosea:

"An east wind shall come, the wind of Jehovah shall come up from the wilderness, and his fountain shall become dry, and his spring shall be dried up" (13:15).

This is spoken of Ephraim, who there signifies the perverted understanding of the Word, by which falsities are confirmed by means of the Word; the destruction thereof is signified by his fountain becoming dry, and his spring being dried up by the east wind, the wind of Jehovah from the wilderness. A fountain denotes the doctrine of falsity, a spring, the false thereof, and the east wind from the desert the destruction of it from fallacies which are from sensual externals. For sensual external things, when they are not illustrated from things internal, destroy the understanding of man, because all fallacies are thence derived.

[16] Again, in David:

"Thou didst break up the sea by thy strength; thou brakest the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people of Tziim. Thou didst break through the fountains and the river; thou driedst up mighty rivers" (Psalm 74:13-15).

Here also, by fountains and rivers are signified the falsities of doctrine from man's own intelligence; the mighty rivers are confirmed principles of falsity thence. The sea monsters and leviathan signify the scientifics which pertain to the sensual and natural man, from which all falsity springs when the spiritual man above them is closed. Man's proprium resides in the sensual and natural man, therefore conclusions formed from these alone are formed from the proprium, or from man's own intelligence; for the Divine flows in through the spiritual man into the natural, but not into the natural when the spiritual above it is closed, whereas the spiritual man is opened by means of truths, and by a life according to them. The people Tziim to whom leviathan is said to be given for meat, signify those who are in infernal falsities.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.