The Bible


Metjū 7



1 Netiesājiet, lai jūs netiktu tiesāti!

2 Kādu tiesu jūs spriedīsiet, tāda jums tiks spriesta, un ar kādu mēru jūs mērīsiet, ar tādu jums tiks atmērīts.

3 Bet ko tu raugi skabargu sava brāļa acī, bet baļķi savā acī neredzi?

4 Vai arī kā tu vari sacīt savam brālim: atļauj man izvilkt skabargu no tavas acs! Un, lūk, baļķis ir tavā acī?

5 Liekuli, izmet vispirms baļķi no savas acs un tad lūko izvilkt skabargu no sava brāļa acs!

6 Nedodiet svētumu suņiem un nemetiet pērles cūkām, ka viņas kādreiz tās nesamītu kājām un atgriezušās jūs nesaplosītu!

7 Lūdziet, un jums tiks dots, meklējiet, un jūs atradīsiet, klauvējiet, un jums tiks atvērts!

8 Jo katrs, kas lūdz, saņem, kas meklē - atrod, un kas klauvē, tam tiek atvērts.

9 Vai starp jums ir cilvēks, kas pasniegtu savam dēlam akmeni, ja tas lūgtu maizi?

10 Vai arī kas dotu čūsku, ja viņš lūgtu zivi?

11 Ja tad jūs, kas esat ļauni, protat saviem bērniem dot labas dāvanas, cik daudz vairāk jūsu Tēvs, kas debesīs, dos labu tiem, kas Viņu lūdz!

12 Tātad visu, ko jūs vēlaties, lai cilvēki jums darītu, dariet jūs viņiem, jo tā ir bauslība un pravieši!

13 Ieejiet caur šaurajiem vārtiem, jo plaši ir vārti un plats ir ceļš, kas ved pazušanā; un ir daudzi, kas pa to iet.

14 Cik šauri ir vārti un šaurs ir ceļš, kas ved dzīvībā! Un tikai nedaudzi to atrod.

15 Sargieties no viltīgajiem praviešiem, kas nāk pie jums avju drēbēs, bet iekšienē ir plēsīgi vilki!

16 No viņu augļiem jūs tos pazīsiet. Vai no ērkšķiem novāc vīnogas, vai vīģes no dadžiem?

17 Tā katrs labs koks dod labus augļus, bet nelabs koks dod nelabus augļus.

18 Labs koks nevar dot nelabus augļus, un nelabs koks nevar dot labus augļus.

19 Katrs koks, kas nedod labus augļus, tiek nocirsts un ugunī iemests.

20 Tātad pēc to augļiem jūs pazīsiet tos.

21 Ne katrs, kas man saka: Kungs! Kungs! ieies debesvalstībā, bet kas izpilda mana Tēva gribu, kas debesīs, tas ieies debesvalstībā.

22 Daudzi man sacīs tanī dienā: Kungs, Kungs, vai ne Tavā vārdā mēs pravietojām un Tavā vārdā neizdzinām ļaunos garus, un Tavā vārdā nedarījām daudz brīnumu?

23 Un tad es viņiem pasludināšu: Es nekad jūs neesmu pazinis; atkāpieties no manis, jūs ļaundari!

24 Tātad katrs, kas šos manus vārdus dzird un tos izpilda, būs līdzīgs prātīgajam vīram, kas savu namu cēlis uz klints.

25 Un lija lietus, un nāca plūdi, un pūta vēji, un gāzās pār šo māju, bet tā nesagruva, jo tā bija celta uz klints.

26 Un katrs, kas šos vārdus dzird, bet tos neizpilda, būs līdzīgs neprātīgajam vīram, kas savu māju cēla uz smiltīm.

27 Un lija lietus, un nāca plūdi, un pūta vēji, un gāzās pār šo māju, un tā sagruva; un tās posts bija liels.

28 Un notika, kad Jēzus pabeidza šos vārdus, ka ļaudis brīnījās par Viņa mācību.

29 Jo Viņš tos mācīja kā tāds, kam ir vara, un ne tā kā rakstu mācītāji un farizeji.


From Swedenborg's Works


Heaven and Hell #534

Study this Passage

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534. I was once shown the way to heaven and the way to hell. There was a broad path leading off to the left or north. There seemed to be a great many spirits traveling along it. In the distance, though, I could see a fairly large boulder where the broad path ended. Then two paths led off from the boulder, one to the left and the other, on the other side, to the right. The path to the left was narrow and confined, leading around through the west to the south, and therefore into the light of heaven. The path to the right was broad and open, leading obliquely down toward hell.

At first, everyone was clearly following the same path as far as the large boulder at the fork; but at that point they parted company. The good turned to the left and started along the confined path that led to heaven. The evil did not even see the boulder at the fork but fell over it and hurt themselves. When they got up, they rushed along the broad path to the right that led toward hell.

[2] Later, the meaning of all this was explained to me. The first path, the broad one where so many good and evil people were traveling together, chatting with each other like friends with no visible difference between them, pictured people who live similarly honest and fair outward lives, with no visible difference between them. The stone at the fork or corner where the evil people stumbled, from which they rushed along the path to hell, pictured divine truth, which is denied by people who are focusing on hell. In the highest sense this stone meant the Lord's divine human nature. However, people who acknowledge divine truth and the divine nature of the Lord as well were taken along the path that led to heaven.

This showed me again that both evil and good people live the same life outwardly, or travel the same path, one as readily as the other. Yet the ones who at heart acknowledge the Divine, especially those within the church who acknowledge the Lord's divine nature, are led to heaven; while those who do not acknowledge it are led to hell.

[3] Paths in the other life picture the thoughts that flow from our aims or intentions. The paths that are presented to view there answer exactly to the thoughts of our aims, and our course follows the thoughts that flow from our aims. This is why you can tell the quality of spirits and of their thoughts from their paths. This also showed me the meaning of the Lord's words, "Enter through the narrow gate, for broad is the gate and open the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who walk along it; confined is the path and narrow the gate that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). The way that leads to life is not narrow because it is difficult but because so few people find it, as stated.

The boulder I saw at the corner where the broad, common path ended and the two ways seemed to lead in opposite directions showed me the meaning of the Lord's words, "Have you not read what is written, 'The stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner'? Whoever falls over this stone will be shattered" (Luke 20:17-18). The stone means divine truth, and the rock of Israel means the Lord in regard to his divine human nature. The builders are the people of the church. The head of the corner is where the fork is, and to fall and be shattered is to deny and perish. 1


1. [Swedenborg's footnote] A stone means truth: Arcana Coelestia 114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8609, 10376. So the law was written on stone tablets: 10376. The rock of Israel is the Lord as to divine truth and as to his divine human nature: 6426.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.