The Bible


다니엘서 2



1 느부갓네살이 위에 있은지 이년에 꿈을 꾸고 그로 인하여 마음이 번민하여 잠을 이루지 못한지라

2 왕이 그 꿈을 자기에게 고하게 하려고 명하여 박수와 술객과 점장이와 갈대아 술사를 부르매 그들이 들어와서 왕의 앞에 선지라

3 왕이 그들에게 이르되 내가 꿈을 꾸고 그 꿈을 알고자 하여 마음이 번민하도다

4 갈대아 술사들이 아람 방언으로 왕에게 말하되 왕이여 만세수를 하옵소서 왕은 그 꿈을 종들에게 이르시면 우리가 해석하여 드리겠나이다

5 왕이 갈대아 술사에게 대답하여 가로되 내가 명령을 내렸나니 너희가 만일 꿈과 그 해석을 나로 알게 하지 아니하면 너희 몸을 쪼갤 것이며 너희 집으로 거름터를 삼을 것이요

6 너희가 만일 꿈과 그 해석을 보이면 너희가 선물과 상과 큰 영광을 내게서 얻으리라 그런즉 꿈과 그 해석을 내게 보이라

7 그들이 다시 대답하여 가로되 청컨대 왕은 꿈을 종들에게 이르소서 그리하시면 우리가 해석하여 드리겠나이다

8 왕이 대답하여 가로되 내가 분명히 아노라 너희가 나의 명령이 내렸음을 보았으므로 시간을 천연하려 함이로다

9 너희가 만일 이 꿈을 나로 알게 하지 아니하면 너희를 처치할 법이 오직 하나이니 이는 너희가 거짓말과 망령된 말을 내 앞에서 꾸며 말하여 때가 변하기를 기다리려 함이니라 이제 그 꿈을 내게 알게 하라 그리하면 너희가 그 해석도 보일 줄을 내가 알리라

10 갈대아 술사들이 왕 앞에 대답하여 가로되 세상에는 왕의 그 일을 보일 자가 하나도 없으므로 크고 권력 있는 왕이 이런 것으로 박수에게나 술객에게나 갈대아 술사에게 물은 자가 절대로 있지 아니하였나이다

11 왕의 물으신 것은 희한한 일이라 육체와 함께 거하지 아니하는 신들 외에는 왕 앞에 그것을 보일 자가 없나이다 한지라

12 왕이 이로 인하여 진노하고 통분하여 바벨론 모든 박사를 다 멸하라 명하니라

13 왕의 명령이 내리매 박사들은 죽게 되었고 다니엘과 그 동무도 죽이려고 찾았더라

14 왕의 시위대 장관 아리옥이 바벨론 박사들을 죽이러 나가매 다니엘이 명철하고 슬기로운 말로

15 왕의 장관 아리옥에게 물어 가로되 왕의 명령이 어찌 그리 급하뇨 아리옥이 그 일을 다니엘에게 고하매

16 다니엘이 들어가서 왕께 구하기를 기한하여 주시면 왕에게 그 해석을 보여 드리겠다 하니라

17 이에 다니엘이 자기 집으로 돌아가서 그 동무 하나냐와 미사엘과 아사랴에게 그 일을 고하고

18 하늘에 계신 하나님이 이 은밀한 일에 대하여 긍휼히 여기사 자기 다니엘과 동무들이 바벨론의 다른 박사와 함께 죽임을 당치 않게 하시기를 그들로 구하게 하니라

19 이에 이 은밀한 것이 밤에 이상으로 다니엘에게 나타나 보이매 다니엘이 하늘에 계신 하나님을 찬송하니라

20 다니엘이 말하여 가로되 영원 무궁히 하나님의 이름을 찬송할 것은 지혜와 권능이 그에게 있음이로다

21 그는 때와 기한을 변하시며 왕들을 폐하시고 왕들을 세우시며 지혜자에게 지혜를 주시고 지식자에게 총명을 주시는도다

22 그는 깊고 은밀한 일을 나타내시고 어두운 데 있는 것을 아시며 또 빛이 그와 함께 있도다

23 나의 열조의 하나님이여 ! 주께서 이제 내게 지혜와 능력을 주시고 우리가 주께 구한바 일을 내게 알게 하셨사오니 내가 주께 감사하고 주를 찬양하나이다 곧 주께서 왕의 그 일을 내게 보이셨나이다 하니라

24 이에 다니엘이 왕이 바벨론 박사들을 멸하라 명한 아리옥에게로 가서 이르매 그에게 이같이 이르되 바벨론 박사들을 멸하지 말고 나를 왕의 앞으로 인도하라 그리하면 내가 그 해석을 왕께 보여 드리리라

25 이에 아리옥이 다니엘을 데리고 급히 왕의 앞에 들어가서 고하되 내가 사로잡혀 온 유다 자손 중에서 한 사람을 얻었나이다 그가 그 해석을 왕께 아시게 하리이다

26 왕이 대답하여 벨드사살이라 이름한 다니엘에게 이르되 내가 얻은 꿈과 그 해석을 네가 능히 내게 알게 하겠느냐

27 다니엘이 왕 앞에 대답하여 가로되 왕의 물으신바 은밀한 것은 박사나 술객이나 박수나 점장이가 능히 왕께 보일 수 없으되

28 오직 은밀한 것을 나타내실 자는 하늘에 계신 하나님이시라 그가 느부갓네살왕에게 후일에 될 일을 알게 하셨나이다 왕의 꿈 곧 왕이 침상에서 뇌 속으로 받은 이상은 이러하니이다

29 왕이여 왕이 침상에 나아가서 장래 일을 생각하실 때에 은밀한 것을 나타내시는 이가 장래 일을 왕에게 알게 하셨사오며

30 내게 이 은밀한 것을 나타내심은 내 지혜가 다른 인생보다 나은 것이 아니라 오직 그 해석을 왕에게 알려서 왕의 마음으로 생각하던 것을 왕으로 알게하려 하심이니이다

31 왕이여 왕이 한 큰 신상을 보셨나이다 그 신상이 왕의 앞에 섰는데 크고 광채가 특심하며 그 모양이 심히 두려우니

32 그 우상의 머리는 정금이요 가슴과 팔들은 은이요 배와 넓적다리는 놋이요

33 그 종아리는 철이요 그 발은 얼마는 철이요 얼마는 진흙이었나이다

34 또 왕이 보신즉 사람의 손으로 하지 아니하고 뜨인 돌이 신상의 철과 진흙의 발을 쳐서 부숴뜨리매

35 때에 철과 진흙과 놋과 은과 금이 다 부숴져 여름 타작 마당의 겨같이 되어 바람에 불려 간 곳이 없었고 우상을 친돌은 태산을 이루어 온 세계에 가득하였었나이다

36 그 꿈이 이러한즉 내가 이제 그 해석을 왕 앞에 진술하리이다

37 왕이여 왕은 열왕의 왕이시라 하늘의 하나님이 나라와 권세와 능력과 영광을 왕에게 주셨고

38 인생들과 들짐승과 공중의 새들 어느곳에 있는 것을 무론하고 그것들을 왕의 손에 붙이사 다 다스리게 하셨으니 왕은 곧 그 금머리니이다

39 왕의 후에 왕만 못한 다른 나라가 일어날 것이요 세째로 또 놋 같은 나라가 일어나서 온 세계를 다스릴 것이며

40 네째 나라는 강하기가 철 같으리니 철은 모든 물건을 부숴뜨리고 이기는 것이라 철이 모든 것을 부수는 것 같이 그 나라가 뭇 나라를 부숴뜨리고 빻을 것이며

41 왕께서 그 발과 발가락이 얼마는 토기장이의 진흙이요 얼마는 철인 것을 보셨은즉 그 나라가 나누일 것이며 왕께서 철과 진흙이 섞인 것을 보셨은즉 그 나라가 철의 든든함이 있을 것이나

42 그 발가락이 얼마는 철이요 얼마는 진흙인즉 그 나라가 얼마는 든든하고 얼마는 부숴질 만할 것이며

43 왕께서 철과 진흙이 섞인 것을 보셨은즉 그들이 다른 인종과 서로 섞일 것이나 피차에 합하지 아니함이 철과 진흙이 합하지 않음과 같으리이다

44 이 열왕의 때에 하늘의 하나님이 한 나라를 세우시리니 이것은 영원히 망하지도 아니할 것이요 그 국권이 다른 백성에게로 돌아가지도 아니할 것이요 도리어 이 모든 나라를 쳐서 멸하고 영원히 설 것이라

45 왕이 사람의 손으로 아니하고 산에서 뜨인 돌이 철과 놋과 진흙과 은과 금을 부숴뜨린 것을 보신 것은 크신 하나님이 장래 일을 왕께 알게 하신 것이라 이 꿈이 참되고 이 해석이 확실하니이다

46 이에 느부갓네살 왕이 엎드려 다니엘에게 절하고 명하여 예물과 향품을 그에게 드리게 하니라

47 왕이 대답하여 다니엘에게 이르되 너희 하나님은 참으로 모든 신의 신이시요 모든 왕의 주재시로다 네가 능히 이 은밀한 것을 나타내었으니 네 하나님은 또 은밀한 것을 나타내시는 자시로다

48 왕이 이에 다니엘을 높여 귀한 선물을 많이 주며 세워 바벨론 모든 박사의 어른을 삼았으며

49 왕이 또 다니엘의 청구대로 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 세워 바벨론 도의 일을 다스리게 하였고 다니엘은 왕궁에 있었더라


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #577

Study this Passage

/ 1232  

577. And the heads of the horses as the heads of lions.- That this signifies knowledge (scientia), and thought therefrom, destructive of truth, is evident from the signification of the heads of the horses, as denoting knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, as will be seen presently; and from the signification of the heads of lions, as denoting thence the destruction of truth. The heads of lions here signify the destruction of truth, because a lion, in the highest sense, signifies the Divine Truth as to power, and, in the opposite sense, falsity destroying truth, consequently, the destruction of truth; and the head of a lion signifies the powers of the mind by means of which it destroys, and which are reasonings from falsities. That a lion signifies the Divine Truth as to power, and, in the opposite sense, falsity destroying it, may be seen above (n.278). The reason why the heads of the horses signify knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, is, that head signifies intelligence, and horse, the understanding. But as the subjects here treated of are the sensual man and his reasonings from falsities, and as the sensual man who reasons from falsities has no intelligence, but only knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom, therefore these are here signified by the heads of the horses. That those who are in falsities have no intelligence, but instead of intelligence, only knowledge (scientia), may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 33). The head signifies intelligence, because the understanding and will of man reside in the interior parts of his head, and therefore the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, into which the understanding and will flow from the interior, vivifying them, and also causing them to enjoy their sensations, are in the front part of the head which is the face.

[2] For this reason head, in the Word, signifies intelligence. But because those who receive influx from heaven are alone intelligent, for all intelligence and wisdom flow in out of heaven from the Lord, it follows, that those who are in falsities of evil have no intelligence. For with such the higher and spiritual mind is closed, and only the lower mind, called the natural mind, is open; and this mind, when the higher is closed, receives nothing of truth and good, consequently no intelligence from heaven, but only from the world, therefore such persons, instead of intelligence, have merely knowledge (scientia), and from this thought, from which proceeds reasoning, and by means of this confirmation of falsity and evil against truth and good.

[3] That the head, in the Word, signifies intelligence and wisdom, and, in the opposite sense, knowledge (scientia), and thence illusory thought, is evident from the following passages in the Word.

Thus in Ezekiel:

"I put a jewel on thy nose, and earrings in thine ears, and a crown of ornament upon thy head" (16:12).

These things are said concerning Jerusalem, which signifies the church, here its quality at the beginning. The jewel put on the nose signifies the perception of truth from good, earrings in the ears signify hearing and obedience, and a crown upon the head signifies wisdom, for intelligence which is from Divine Truth becomes wisdom from the good of love, signified by a crown of gold.

[4] So in the Apocalypse:

"A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" (12:1).

That the head upon which was a crown of twelve stars, signifies intelligence, will be seen in the explanation in the following pages. The Jews placing a crown of thorns upon the head of the Lord, and smiting His head (Matthew 27:29, 30; Mark 15:17, 19; John 19:2), signified that with such ignominy did they treat the Divine Truth itself, and the Divine Wisdom. For they falsified the Word, which is Divine Truth, and contains Divine Wisdom, and adulterated it by their traditions, and by applying it to themselves, thus wishing for a king who should place them above all [the nations] in the whole world. And because the kingdom of the Lord was not earthly but heavenly, therefore they perverted all those things in the Word which referred to Him, and ridiculed the prophecies relating to Him. This was represented by their placing a crown of thorns upon His head, and by their smiting Him on the head.

[5] It is also said in Daniel, where the subject is the statue of Nebuchadnezzar seen in a dream, that its head was of pure gold, its breast and arms of silver, and its thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of clay (2:32, 33). That statue represented the successive states of the church. The head of gold represented and signified the Most Ancient Church, which was in celestial wisdom, and thence in intelligence above [all the churches] that followed; its wisdom and intelligence are meant by the head of gold. That the other parts of the statue signify the states of the churches which followed, may be seen above (n. 176, 411:5).

And in David:

"Thou broughtest us into the net; thou hast laid affliction upon [our] loins. Thou hast caused a man to ride over our head" (Psalm 66:11 12).

Causing men to ride over our head signifies that there was no intelligence, as may be seen above (355:35), where those things are more fully explained.

[6] And in Moses:

These blessings "shall come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the Nazarite of his brethren" (Genesis 49:26; Deuteronomy 33:13-16).

By blessings coming on the head of Joseph, is signified, that all those things previously mentioned, and which are the blessings of heaven, should be experienced in the interiors of his mind, which are the lives of the understanding and will, for these are the interiors of the mind. By their coming on the crown of the Nazarite of his brethren, is signified, that they should also be experienced in the exteriors of his natural mind, for the Nazariteship signifies the exteriors of the natural mind, since it signifies hairs, or the hair of the head. But these words are more fully explained above (n. 448:7); and in the Arcana Coelestia 6437, 6438).


"Give you wise men, and intelligent, and I will appoint them for your heads" (Deuteronomy 1:13).

It is said, "for heads," because wisdom and intelligence are meant, in which they excel the rest, hence it is said, "Give you wise men and intelligent."

[7] So in Isaiah:

"Jehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers, hath he covered" (29:10).

Prophets signify those who teach truths, and are intelligent, and in an abstract sense, the doctrine of truth, and intelligence; therefore it is said, "Jehovah hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers," where the prophets are called eyes, and the seers, heads, because the eyes signify the understanding of truth as to doctrine, and by seers, as by the head are signified, intelligence.

[8] Again:

"[Jehovah] will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and honourable, will make the head, but the prophet that teacheth lies, the tail" (9:14, 15).

And again:

"Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which will make the head and tail, branch and rush" (19:15).

That He would cut off from Israel head and tail, and that there should not be for Egypt head and tail, signifies that all their intelligence and knowledge of truth would perish, as may be seen above (n. 559:4), where those subjects are more fully explained.

Again, in the same:

"In that day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, in the passages of the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet; and shall also consume the beard" (7:20).

These words signify that reasonings from falsities would deprive the men of the church of all wisdom and spiritual intelligence, as may be seen above (n. 569:17), where they are explained in detail. It is said, in the passages of the river, because the river Euphrates signifies reasonings from falsities; here therefore invasion thence into the truths of the church, which are destroyed by reasonings from falsities, is signified.

[9] And in Ezekiel:

"Thou son of man take thee a sharp sword, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thy head and upon thy beard. Thou shalt burn with fire a third part, and thou shalt smite a third part with the sword, and a third part thou shalt scatter to the wind" (5:1, 2).

Here also by causing a razor to pass over the head, is signified, to deprive of all intelligence of truth. The reason is, that intelligence perishes unless the ultimates of intelligence exist, signified by the hair of the head, which he was to shave with a razor, by causing it to pass over the head. For to take away the ultimates is like removing the base from a column, or the foundation from a house. Hence it is that in the Jewish church, which was a representative church, it was unlawful to shave the hair of the head, and cause baldness, and similarly with regard to the beard. Therefore also those who are without intelligence appear bald in the spiritual world.

[10] From these things the signification of a bald head, or baldness, in the following passages is evident.

Thus in Isaiah:

"On all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off"


These words denote that there was no intelligence. And in Ezekiel:

"Shame upon all faces, and baldness upon all heads" (7:18).

And again, in the same:

"Every head shall be made bald, and every shoulder deprived of hair" (29:18).

These words have a similar meaning. Hence also Aaron and his sons were forbidden to shave their heads and the corner of the beard, concerning which it is said in Moses that Aaron and his sons should not shave their heads, nor rend their garments, lest they should die, and the wrath of Jehovah fall upon the whole congregation (Leviticus 10:6).

And again:

"The sons of Aaron "shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of the beard" (21:5).

The beard signifies the ultimate of the rational man, and not shaving the beard, signifies not to deprive themselves of what is rational, by taking away its ultimate; for, as said above, when the ultimate is taken away, the interior also perishes. What is meant by the woman taken captive from the enemy, shaving her head and paring her nails, if she should be desired for a wife, is explained above (n. 555:16).

[11] Because shame was represented by the hands upon the head, it is therefore said in Jeremiah:

"Thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. Yea, thou shalt go forth from her, and thy hands upon thy head" (2:36, 37).

Again, in the same prophet:

"They were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads" (14:3).

Because [covering the head with the hands] was representative of shame, therefore Tamar, after she had been disgraced by her brother Ammon, "laid her hand on her head, and went her way crying" (2 Sam. 13:19); by putting her hand on her head was signified that there remained no longer any intelligence. Grief also for sin in having acted insanely and foolishly, was represented by sprinkling dust upon the head; and bowing down the head even to the earth also signified cursing; as in Ezekiel:

"They shall cast up dust upon thine head, they shall roll thee in ashes" (27:30).

And in Lamentations:

"The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground, and keep silence; they have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem have hung down their heads to the ground" (2:10).

[12] But by the head, in the opposite sense, is signified the craftiness pertaining to those who are in the love of ruling; this is meant by the head in Moses, by the seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head, and the serpent bruising his heel (Genesis 3:15).

And in David:

"The Lord at thy right hand hath smitten through kings in the day of his wrath. He hath judged among the nations, he hath filled the earth with their dead bodies; he hath smitten the head over much country. He shall drink of the stream in the way; therefore shall he lift up the head" (Psalm 110:5-7).

This passage is explained above (n. 518:24).

And again:

"God shall bruise the head of his enemies, the crown of the hair to them that walk in guiltiness" (Psalm 68:21).

That the craftiness by which they intend and contrive evil for others returns upon themselves, is signified by, "recompensing their way upon their own head" (Ezekiel 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 17:19; 22:31; Joel 3:4, 7). But the signification of the seven heads, in the Apocalypse, upon which were seven diadems (12:3; 13:1, 3; 17:3, 7, 9), will be seen in the following pages. Moreover, the head, being the highest and chief part in man, also signifies various other things, as the summit of a mountain, the top of any thing, what is primary, the beginning of a way, of a street, of a month, and similar things.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.