The Bible


Genesi 24



1 Or Abrahamo era vecchio e d’età avanzata; e l’Eterno avea benedetto Abrahamo in ogni cosa.

2 E Abrahamo disse al più antico servo di casa sua, che aveva il governo di tutti i suoi beni: "Deh, metti la tua mano sotto la mia coscia;

3 e io ti farò giurare per l’Eterno, l’Iddio dei cieli e l’Iddio della terra, che tu non prenderai per moglie al mio figliuolo alcuna delle figliuole de’ Cananei, fra i quali dimoro;

4 ma andrai al mio paese e al mio parentado, e vi prenderai una moglie per il mio figliuolo, per Isacco".

5 Il servo gli rispose: "Forse quella donna non vorrà seguirmi in questo paese; dovrò io allora ricondurre il tuo figliuolo nei paese donde tu sei uscito?"

6 E Abrahamo gli disse: "Guardati dal ricondurre colà il mio figliuolo!

7 L’Eterno, l’Iddio dei cieli, che mi trasse dalla casa di mio padre e dal mio paese natale e mi parlò e mi giurò dicendo: Io darò alla tua progenie questo paese, egli stesso manderà il suo angelo davanti a te, e tu prenderai di là una moglie per il mio figliuolo.

8 E se la donna non vorrà seguirti, allora sarai sciolto da questo giuramento che ti faccio fare; soltanto, non ricondurre colà il mio figliuolo".

9 E il servo pose la mano sotto la coscia d’Abrahamo suo signore, e gli giurò di fare com’egli chiedeva.

10 Poi il servo prese dieci cammelli fra i cammelli del suo signore, e si partì, avendo a sua disposizione tutti i beni del suo signore; e, messosi in viaggio, andò in Mesopotamia, alla città di Nahor.

11 E, fatti riposare sulle ginocchia i cammelli fuori della città presso a un pozzo d’acqua, verso sera, all’ora in cui le donne escono ad attinger acqua, disse:

12 "O Eterno, Dio del mio signore Abrahamo, deh, fammi fare quest’oggi un felice incontro, e usa benignità verso Abrahamo mio signore!

13 Ecco, io sto qui presso a questa sorgente; e le figlie degli abitanti della città usciranno ad attinger acqua.

14 Fa’ che la fanciulla alla quale dirò: Deh, abbassa la tua brocca perch’io beva e che mi risponderà Bevi, e darò da bere anche ai tuoi cammelli, sia quella che tu hai destinata al tuo servo Isacco. E da questo comprenderò che tu hai usato benignità verso il mio signore".

15 Non aveva ancora finito di parlare, quand’ecco uscire con la sua brocca sulla spalla, Rebecca, figliuola di Bethuel figlio di Milca, moglie di Nahor fratello d’Abrahamo.

16 La fanciulla era molto bella d’aspetto, vergine, e uomo alcuno non l’avea conosciuta. Ella scese alla sorgente, empì la brocca, e risalì.

17 E il servo le corse incontro, e le disse: "Deh, dammi a bere un po’ d’acqua della tua brocca".

18 Ed ella rispose: "Bevi, signor mio"; e s’affrettò a calarsi la brocca sulla mano, e gli diè da bere.

19 E quand’ebbe finito di dargli da bere, disse: "Io ne attingerò anche per i tuoi cammelli finché abbian bevuto a sufficienza".

20 E presto vuotò la sua brocca nell’abbeveratoio, corse di nuovo al pozzo ad attingere acqua, e ne attinse per tutti i cammelli di lui.

21 E quell’uomo la contemplava in silenzio, per sapere se l’Eterno avesse o no fatto prosperare il suo viaggio.

22 E quando i cammelli ebbero finito di bere, l’uomo prese un anello d’oro del peso di mezzo siclo, e due braccialetti del peso di dieci sicli d’oro, per i polsi di lei, e disse:

23 "Di chi sei figliuola? deh, dimmelo. V’è posto in casa di tuo padre per albergarci?"

24 Ed ella rispose: "Son figliuola di Bethuel figliuolo di Milca, ch’ella partorì a Nahor".

25 E aggiunse: "C’è da noi strame e foraggio assai, e anche posto da albergare".

26 E l’uomo s’inchinò, adorò l’Eterno, e disse:

27 "Benedetto l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Abrahamo mio signore, che non ha cessato d’esser benigno e fedele verso il mio signore! Quanto a me, l’Eterno mi ha messo sulla via della casa dei fratelli del mio signore".

28 E la fanciulla corse a raccontare queste cose a casa di sua madre.

29 Or Rebecca aveva un fratello chiamato Labano. E Labano corse fuori da quell’uomo alla sorgente.

30 Com’ebbe veduto l’anello e i braccialetti ai polsi di sua sorella ed ebbe udite le parole di Rebecca sua sorella che diceva: "Quell’uomo m’ha parlato così", venne a quell’uomo, ed ecco ch’egli se ne stava presso ai cammelli, vicino alla sorgente.

31 E disse: "Entra, benedetto dall’Eterno! perché stai fuori? Io ho preparato la casa e un luogo per i cammelli".

32 L’uomo entrò in casa, e Labano scaricò i cammelli, diede strame e foraggio ai cammelli, e portò acqua per lavare i piedi a lui e a quelli ch’eran con lui.

33 Poi gli fu posto davanti da mangiare; ma egli disse: "Non mangerò finché non abbia fatto la mia ambasciata". E l’altro disse: "Parla".

34 E quegli: "Io sono servo d’Abrahamo.

35 L’Eterno ha benedetto abbondantemente il mio signore, ch’è divenuto grande; gli ha dato pecore e buoi, argento e oro, servi e serve, cammelli e asini.

36 Or Sara, moglie del mio signore, ha partorito nella sua vecchiaia un figliuolo al mio padrone, che gli ha dato tutto quel che possiede.

37 E il mio signore m’ha fatto giurare, dicendo: Non prenderai come moglie per il mio figliuolo alcuna delle figlie de’ Cananei, nel paese de’ quali dimoro;

38 ma andrai alla casa di mio padre e al mio parentado e vi prenderai una moglie per il mio figliuolo.

39 E io dissi al mio padrone: Forse quella donna non mi vorrà seguire.

40 Ed egli rispose: L’Eterno, nel cospetto del quale ho camminato, manderà il suo angelo teco e farà prosperare il tuo viaggio, e tu prenderai al mio figliuolo una moglie del mio parentado e della casa di mio padre.

41 Sarai sciolto dal giuramento che ti fo fare, quando sarai andato dal mio parentado; e, se non vorranno dartela, allora sarai sciolto dal giuramento che mi fai.

42 Oggi sono arrivato alla sorgente, e ho detto: O Eterno, Dio del mio signore Abrahamo, se pur ti piace far prosperare il viaggio che ho intrapreso,

43 ecco, io mi fermo presso questa sorgente; fa’ che la fanciulla che uscirà ad attinger acqua, alla quale dirò: Deh, dammi da bere un po’ d’acqua della tua brocca,

44 e che mi dirà: Bevi pure e ne attingerò anche per i tuoi cammelli, sia la moglie che l’Eterno ha destinata al figliuolo del mio signore.

45 E avanti che avessi finito di parlare in cuor mio, ecco uscir fuori Rebecca con la sua brocca sulla spalla, scendere alla sorgente e attinger l’acqua. Allora io le ho detto:

46 Deh, dammi da bere! Ed ella s’è affrettata a calare la brocca dalla spalla, e m’ha risposto: Bevi! e darò da bere anche ai tuoi cammelli. Così ho bevuto io ed ella ha abbeverato anche i cammelli.

47 Poi l’ho interrogata, e le ho detto: Di chi sei figliuola? Ed ella ha risposto: Son figliuola di Bethuel figlio di Nahor, che Milca gli partorì. Allora io le ho messo l’anello al naso e i braccialetti ai polsi.

48 E mi sono inchinato, ho adorato l’Eterno e ho benedetto l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Abrahamo mio signore, che m’ha condotto per la retta via a prendere per il figliuolo di lui la figliuola del fratello del mio signore.

49 E ora, se volete usare benignità e fedeltà verso il mio signore, ditemelo; e se no, ditemelo lo stesso, e io mi volgerò a destra o a sinistra".

50 Allora Labano e Bethuel risposero e dissero: "La cosa procede dall’Eterno; noi non possiam dirti né mal né bene.

51 Ecco, Rebecca ti sta dinanzi, prendila, va’, e sia ella moglie del figliuolo del tuo signore, come l’Eterno ha detto".

52 E quando il servo d’Abrahamo ebbe udito le loro parole si prostrò a terra dinanzi all’Eterno.

53 Il servo trasse poi fuori oggetti d’argento e oggetti d’oro, e vesti, e li dette a Rebecca; e donò anche delle cose preziose al fratello e alla madre di lei.

54 Poi mangiarono e bevvero, egli e gli nomini ch’eran con lui, e passaron quivi la notte. La mattina, quando si furono levati, il servo disse: "Lasciatemi tornare al mio signore".

55 E il fratello e la madre di Rebecca dissero: "Rimanga la fanciulla ancora alcuni giorni con noi, almeno una diecina; poi se ne andrà". Ma egli rispose loro:

56 "Non mi trattenete, giacché l’Eterno ha fatto prosperare il mio viaggio; lasciatemi partire, affinché io me ne torni al mio signore".

57 Allora dissero: "Chiamiamo la fanciulla e sentiamo lei stessa".

58 Chiamarono Rebecca, e le dissero: "Vuoi tu andare con quest’uomo?" Ed ella rispose:

59 "Sì, andrò". Così lasciarono andare Rebecca loro sorella e la sua balia col servo d’Abrahamo e la sua gente.

60 E benedissero Rebecca e le dissero: "Sorella nostra, possa tu esser madre di migliaia di miriadi, e possa la tua progenie possedere la porta de’ suoi nemici!"

61 E Rebecca si levò con le sue serve e montarono sui cammelli e seguirono quell’uomo. E il servo prese Rebecca e se ne andò.

62 Or Isacco era tornato dal pozzo di Lachai-Roi, ed abitava nel paese del mezzodì.

63 Isacco era uscito, sul far della sera, per meditare nella campagna; e, alzati gli occhi, guardò, ed ecco venir de’ cammelli.

64 E Rebecca, alzati anch’ella gli occhi, vide Isacco, saltò giù dal cammello, e disse al servo:

65 "Chi è quell’uomo che viene pel campo incontro a noi?" Il servo rispose: "E’ il mio signore". Ed ella, preso il suo velo, se ne coprì.

66 E il servo raccontò a Isacco tutto quello che avea fatto.

67 E Isacco menò Rebecca nella tenda di Sara sua madre, se la prese, ed ella divenne sua moglie, ed egli l’amò. Così Isacco fu consolato dopo la morte di sua madre.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3147

Study this Passage

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3147. And water to wash his feet. That this signifies purification there, is evident from the signification of “water for washing,” or of washing with water, as being to purify (concerning which presently); and from the signification of “feet,” as being natural things, or what is the same, the things in the natural man (see n. 2162). In the representative church it was customary to wash the feet with water, and thereby to signify that the unclean things of the natural man were washed away. The unclean things of the natural man are all those things which are of the love of self and of the love of the world; and when these unclean things have been washed away, then goods and truths flow in, for it is solely these unclean things that hinder the influx of good and truth from the Lord.

[2] For good is continually flowing in from the Lord, but when it comes through the internal or spiritual man to his external or natural man, it is there either perverted, turned back, or suffocated. But when the things which are of the love of self and of the love of the world are removed, then good is received there and is made fruitful; for then man practices the works of charity. This is evident from many considerations; as when in misfortune, distress, and sickness, the things that belong to the external or natural man are merely lulled, the man forthwith begins to think piously and to will what is good, and also to practice works of piety insofar as he is able; but when the state is changed, there is a change also in all this.

[3] These things were signified by the washings in the Ancient Church, and the same were represented in the Jewish Church, The reason why they were signified in the Ancient Church, but represented in the Jewish church, was that the man of the Ancient Church regarded the rite as a something external in worship, and did not believe that he was purified by that washing, but by the washing away of the impurities of the natural man, which as before said are the things which are of the love of self and of the world. But the man of the Jewish Church believed that he was purified by that washing; neither knowing nor desiring to know that the purification of the interiors was signified.

[4] That by “washing” is signified a cleansing from the impurities referred to, is evident in Isaiah:

Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes, cease to do evil (Isaiah 1:16); where it is evident that to “wash themselves” means to make themselves pure and to put away evils. Again:

When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, in the spirit of judgment and in the spirit of expurgation (Isaiah 4:4); where “washing away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purging the blood of Jerusalem,” denotes purifying from evils and falsities.

In Jeremiah:

O Jerusalem, wash thy heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall the thoughts of thine iniquity lodge within thee? (Jeremiah 4:14).

[5] In Ezekiel:

I washed thee with water, and I washed away thy bloods from upon thee, and anointed thee with oil (Jeremiah 16:9 [NCBSW: Ezekiel 16:9]); concerning Jerusalem, by which is there meant the Ancient Church; “washing with waters” denotes purifying from falsities; “washing away bloods” denotes purging from evils; “anointing with oil” denotes filling then with good.

In David:

Wash me from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalms 51:2, 7).

Here “being washed” plainly denotes being purified from evils and their falsities.

[6] These are the things that were signified by “washing” in the representative church; and it was commanded for the sake of the representation that when they had become unclean they should wash the skin, the hands, the feet, and also the garments, and should be cleansed; by all which things were signified those which are of the natural man. Lavers also, of brass, were placed outside the temple, namely, the brazen sea and the ten brazen lavers (1 Kings 7:23-39); and a laver of brass at which Aaron and his sons were to wash was placed between the tent of meeting and the altar; and thus outside the tent (Exodus 30:18-19, 21); by which also was signified that only external or natural things were to be purified; for unless these have been purified, that is, unless the things that are of the love of self and of the world have been removed, the internal things which are of love to the Lord and toward the neighbor cannot possibly flow in, as before said.

[7] For the better understanding of how these things are circumstanced, namely, that external things are to be purified, take as an example and illustration good works, or what is the same, the goods of charity which at this day are called the fruits of faith; these are external things, because they are the exercises of charity. Good works are evil works unless those things are removed which are of the love of self and of the world; for when works are done before these have been removed, they indeed appear good outwardly, but are inwardly evil; for they are done either for the sake of reputation, or for gain, or for the sake of one’s honor, or for recompense, thus they are either self-meritorious 1 or hypocritical; for that which is of the love of self and the world causes the works to be such. But when these evils are removed, the works then become good; and they are goods of charity; that is, in them there is not regard to self, to the world, to reputation, to recompense; thus they are neither self-meritorious nor hypocritical; for then celestial love and spiritual love flow in from the Lord into the works and cause them to be love and charity in act; and then the Lord through these loves also purifies the natural or external man, and disposes it into order, so as to receive correspondently the celestial and spiritual things that flow in.

[8] This is clearly evident from what the Lord taught when He washed the feet of the disciples, as we read in John:

Then cometh He to Simon Peter; and Peter saith unto Him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto Him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me. Simon Peter saith unto Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, He that hath been washed, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit; ye are clean already, but not all (John 13:4-17).

“He that hath been washed, needeth not save to wash his feet” signifies that he who has been reformed, has need only to be cleansed as to natural things, that is, has need that evils and falsities should be removed from them; and then all things are disposed into order by the influx of spiritual things from the Lord. Moreover to wash the feet was an office of charity, as meaning not to reflect on the evils of another; and it was also an office of humility, as meaning to cleanse another from evils as from impurities; as also is evident from the Lord’s words in the passage just quoted (verses 12-17; also Luke 7:37-38, 44, 46; John 11:2; 1 Samuel 25:41).

[9] Everybody can see that washing himself does not purify anyone from evils and falsities, but only from the impurities that cling to him; nevertheless, as washing was among the rites commanded in the church, it follows that it involves something special, namely, spiritual washing, that is, purification from the uncleannesses which inwardly adhere to man. Therefore they who knew these things in that church, and thought about the purification of the heart, or the removal of the evils of the love of self and of the love of the world from the natural man, and who endeavored to effect this with all diligence, observed the rite of washing as external worship according to commandment; but those who did not know this and did not desire to know it, but thought that the mere rite of washing their garments, skin, hands, and feet, would purify them, and that provided they did these things they might be allowed to live in avarice, hatreds, revenge, unmercifulness, and cruelties, which are spiritual impurity, practiced this rite as an idolatrous one. Nevertheless they could represent by it, and by representation exhibit something of the church, whereby there might be some conjunction of heaven with man before the Lord’s advent; yet such conjunction as affected the man of the church little or not at all.

[10] The Jews and Israelites were such that they had no thought about the internal man, nor willingness to know anything about it; thus none at all concerning celestial and spiritual things, relating to the life after death. But yet lest all communication with heaven and thus with the Lord should perish, they were bound to external rites, whereby internal things were signified. All their captivities and plagues were in general for the end that external rites might be strictly observed for the sake of the representation.

Hence then it was that Moses washed Aaron and his sons with water at the door of the tent, that they might be sanctified (Exodus 29:4 40:12; Leviticus 8:6); that Aaron and his sons were to wash their hands and feet before they entered into the tent of meeting and came near to the altar to minister, that they might not die; and that this was to be to them a statute forever (Exodus 30:18-21; 40:30-31); that Aaron was to wash his flesh before he put on the garments of ministry (Leviticus 16:4, 24); that the Levites were to be purified by being sprinkled with the water of expiation; and that they were to cause a razor to pass over their flesh, and to wash their garments, and thus should be pure (Numbers 8:6-7); that whoever should eat the carcass even of a clean beast, or one that was torn, should wash his garments, and bathe himself in water; and if he did not wash himself and bathe his flesh, he should bear his iniquity (Leviticus 17:15-16); that whoever touched the bed of one affected with the flux, or who sat upon a vessel on which he had sat, and whoever touched his flesh, should wash his garments, and bathe himself with water, and should be unclean till the evening (Leviticus 15:5-7, 10; 15:10-12); that whoever let go the he-goat, as a scape-goat, should wash his flesh (Leviticus 16:26); that when a leprous person was cleansed, he was to wash his garments, shave off all his hair, and wash himself with water, and he should be clean (Leviticus 14:8-9); nay, that the very vessels which were made unclean by the touch of things unclean, should be passed through water, and should be unclean until evening (Leviticus 11:32). From these things it may be seen that no one was made clean or pure as to internal things by the rite of washing, but only represented one pure or spiritually clean, for the reason given above. That this is so, the Lord teaches plainly in Matthew (15:1-2, 20), and (Matthew 15:20) in Mark (7:1-23).


1. The words “merit,” “to merit,” and “meritorious,” are used by Swedenborg in a bad sense, meaning self-merit, etc., except when applied to the Lord. [Reviser.]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.