The Bible


Jóel 2



1 Fújjátok a kürtöt a Sionon, és rivalgjatok az én szent hegyemen! Rémüljenek meg e föld minden lakói; mert eljõ az Úrnak napja; mert közel van [az.]

2 Sötétségnek és homálynak napja; felhõnek és borulatnak napja; mint a hegyekre ráterülõ alkonyat! Nagy és hatalmas nép, a milyen nem volt öröktõl fogva és nem is lesz utána többé, nemzetségrõl nemzetségre.

3 Elõtte tûz emészt, utána láng lobog; elõtte a föld olyan, mint az Éden kertje, utána pedig kietlen pusztaság; meg sem menekülhet tõle semmi.

4 A milyen a lovak alakja, olyan annak alakja, és száguldoznak, mint a lovasok.

5 Rohannak a hegyek tetején, mintha hadi szekerek robognának; mintha tarlót emésztõ láng ropogna; a milyen az ütközetre kész hatalmas nép.

6 Elrémülnek tõle a népek; minden arcz elsáppad.

7 Száguldoznak, mint a hõsök, felhágnak a kõfalakra, mint a bajnokok; mindenik a maga útján halad, nem bontják meg soraikat.

8 Egymást nem szorongatják; mindenik a maga útján halad; néki rohannak a fegyvernek, és nem esik seb rajtok.

9 Betörnek a városba, futkároznak a kõfalon, felhágnak a házakra, betörnek az ablakokon, mint a tolvaj.

10 Reszket elõttök a föld, és megrendülnek az egek; a nap és hold elsötétednek, a csillagok is bevonják fényöket.

11 És megzendül az Úrnak szava az õ serege elõtt, mert felette nagy az õ tábora; mert hatalmas az õ rendeletének végrehajtója. Bizony nagy az Úrnak napja és igen rettenetes! Ki állhatja ki azt?

12 De még most is így szól az Úr: Térjetek meg hozzám teljes szívetek szerint; bõjtöléssel is, sírással is, kesergéssel is.

13 És szíveteket szaggassátok meg, ne ruháitokat, úgy térjetek meg az Úrhoz, a ti Istenetekhez; mert könyörülõ és irgalmas õ; késedelmes a haragra és nagy kegyelmû, és bánkódik a gonosz miatt.

14 Ki tudja, hátha visszatér és megbánja, és áldást hagy maga után; étel- és italáldozatot az Úrnak, a ti Isteneteknek?!

15 Fújjatok kürtöt a Sionon; szenteljetek bõjtöt, hirdessetek gyûlést!

16 Gyûjtsétek össze a népet, szenteljétek meg a gyülekezetet; hívjátok egybe a véneket, gyûjtsétek össze a kisdedeket és a csecsszopókat; menjen ki a võlegény az õ ágyasházából és a menyasszony is az õ szobájából.

17 A tornácz és az oltár között sírjanak a papok, az Úr szolgái, és mondják: Légy kegyelmes, oh Uram, a te népedhez, és ne bocsásd szidalomra a te örökségedet, hogy uralkodjanak rajtok a pogányok. Miért mondanák a népek között: Hol az õ Istenök?

18 Erre buzgó lõn az Úrnak szeretete az õ földe iránt, és kegyelmezett az õ népének.

19 És választ tõn az Úr, és mondá az õ népének: Ímé, adok néktek gabonát, bort és olajat, hogy megelégedtek vele, és nem adlak többé titeket szidalomra a pogányok között.

20 Az északi [népet] is elûzöm tõletek, és puszta és sivatag vidékre vetem azt; elejét a keleti tengerbe, hátulját a nyugoti tengerbe, és bûze magasra száll; felszáll büdössége, mert nagy dolgokat cselekedett.

21 Ne félj, te föld! Örülj és vígadozz, mert nagy dolgokat cselekeszik az Úr!

22 Ne féljetek, ti mezei vadak! mert zöldülnek a pusztának virányai; mert a fa megtermi gyümölcsét; a füge és szõlõ is kitárják gazdagságukat.

23 Ti is, Sionnak fiai! örvendezzetek és vígadjatok az Úrban, a ti Istenetekben; mert megadja néktek az esõt igazság szerint, és korai és kései esõt hullat néktek az elsõ [hónapban.]

24 És megtelnek a csûrök gabonával, és bõven öntik a sajtók a mustot és az olajat.

25 És kipótolom néktek az esztendõket, a melyeket tönkre tett a szöcskõ, a cserebogár és a hernyó és a sáska; az én nagy seregem, a melyet reátok küldöttem.

26 És esztek bõven és megelégesztek, és magasztaljátok az Úrnak, a ti Isteneteknek nevét, a ki csodálatosan cselekedett veletek, és soha többé nem pironkodik az én népem.

27 És megtudjátok, hogy az Izráel között vagyok én, és hogy én vagyok az Úr, a ti Istenetek és nincs más! És soha többé nem pironkodik az én népem.

28 És lészen azután, hogy kiöntöm lelkemet minden testre, és prófétálnak a ti fiaitok és leányaitok; véneitek álmokat álmodnak; ifjaitok pedig látomásokat látnak.

29 Sõt még a szolgákra és szolgálóleányokra is kiöntöm azokban a napokban az én lelkemet.

30 És csodajeleket mutatok az égen és a földön; vért, tüzet és füstoszlopokat.

31 A nap sötétséggé válik, a hold pedig vérré, minekelõtte eljõ az Úrnak nagy és rettenetes napja.

32 De mindaz, a ki az Úrnak nevét hívja segítségül, megmenekül; mert a Sion hegyén és Jeruzsálemben lészen a szabadulás, a mint megigérte az Úr, és a megszabadultak közt lesznek azok, a kiket elhí az Úr!


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #502

Study this Passage

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502. And the first angel sounded.- This signifies influx out of heaven, and thence the first change, as is evident from the signification of sounding a trumpet, as denoting the influx of Divine Truth out of heaven; and because the first change resulting therefrom is now described, therefore this is also signified. To sound the trumpet signifies the influx of Divine Truth out of heaven, because when the Divine Truth flows down out of heaven, it is sometimes heard in the spiritual world as the sound of a horn [buccina], and as the clangour of a trumpet [tuba]; and by those who stand below there are also seen as it were angels having trumpets. But these things are representations and appearances, such as exist beneath the heavens, for it is the Divine Truth descending or flowing down out of heaven towards the lower parts, that is represented in this manner. This now is the reason that to sound a trumpet signifies the flowing down of the Divine Truth out of heaven.

[2] This flowing down, when powerful, produces one effect with the good and another with the evil. With the good, it enlightens the understanding, conjoins them more closely with heaven, and consequently gladdens and vivifies their minds; but with the evil it causes a disturbance of the understanding, separates them from heaven, conjoins them more closely with hell, carries terror to their minds, and at length induces spiritual death. It is therefore evident, that to sound a trumpet, signifies in regard to the effect, revelation and manifestation of Divine Truth, as may be seen above (n. 55, 262), and in the opposite sense, the deprivation of truth, and desolation. Since it is now said that the angels sounded seven times, it is necessary to show from the Word the signification of sounding, and thence why it is said that the angels sounded.

[3] That to sound with trumpets (tuba) and horns (buccina) signifies the revelation of Divine Truth, and its manifestation, is evident from the sound of a trumpet being heard when Jehovah descended upon Mount Sinai and promulgated the law; concerning which it is thus written in Moses:

"And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were voices and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon Mount Sinai, and the voice of a trumpet exceeding loud; and all the people that were in the camp trembled when Jehovah descended upon them in fire; and the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto Jehovah, to gaze, and many of them perish" (Exodus 19:16-21).

The law which was promulgated at that time, signifies the Divine Truth; the voice of the trumpet represented the descent of that truth out of heaven, and its manifestation. The voice of the trumpet sounding long, and waxing louder, represented [Divine Truth] increasing toward the lower parts, for it is said that the people stood on the lower parts of the mount. The people trembling, and charged not to approach nearer to the mount lest they should perish, signified the effect of the flowing down of Divine Truth with people of such a nature and quality as the sons of Jacob were. It is evident that they were altogether evil interiorly, for they worshipped the golden calf after a month of days, and they would have perished if they had not stood afar off; hence their terror of death.

[4] That to sound with horns and trumpets represented and thence signified the Divine Truth descending and flowing in out of heaven, is plain from the institution and use of trumpets among the sons of Israel. It was commanded that trumpets should be made of silver, and that the sons of Aaron should sound them for the assemblies, for their journeyings, on days of gladness, at the feast, at the beginnings of months, over the sacrifices, for a memorial and for war (Num. 10:1-10). They were made of silver, because silver signifies truth from good, consequently the Divine Truth (see Arcana Coelestia 1551, 1552, 2954, 5658). The reason why the sons of Aaron sounded with them, was, that Aaron himself, as the chief priest, represented the Lord as the Divine Good, and his sons, the Lord as to the Divine Truth (see the Arcana Coelestia 9806, 9807, 9966, 10017). They were sounded for the assemblies and journeyings, because it is the Divine Truth which calls together, gathers together, teaches the way, and leads. They were sounded on the day of gladness, at the feasts, in the beginning of months, and over the sacrifices, because the Divine Truth, descending out of heaven, forms and fills with gladness what is holy in worship. They were sounded also for war and for battle, to signify that the Divine Truth flowing down out of heaven strikes with the terror of death, puts to flight, and scatters the evil who are called in the Word enemies. In this sense, and on account of this effect, it is here said, that the seven angels sounded in their order.

[5] Since it was commanded that they should sound with trumpets for their assemblies, therefore it is said by the Lord, in Matthew,

"He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (24:31).

By the angels with a great sound of a trumpet is here signified the Divine Truth to be revealed at the consummation of the age, that is, when the end of the church should come.

[6] And in Isaiah:

"In that day, the great trumpet shall be blown, and those perishing in the land of Assyria shall come, and the outcasts from the land of Egypt, and shall worship Jehovah in the mountain of holiness at Jerusalem" (27:13).

These things were said concerning the coming of the Lord. A calling together to the church, and salvation by the Lord, are signified by the great trumpet being sounded in that day, and by the coming of those that were perishing in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts from the land of Egypt. To sound the trumpet signifies the Divine Truth calling together and saving; those who were perishing in the land of Assyria, are those who are deceived by false reasonings, and the outcasts from the land of Egypt, are those who are deceived by scientifics, thus the Gentiles who were in falsities from ignorance of the truth. That they will adore the Lord from love, and in truth, is signified by the words "and shall worship Jehovah in the mountain of holiness at Jerusalem." The mountain of holiness signifies the church as to the good of love, consequently also the good of love of the church; and Jerusalem signifies the church as to the truth of doctrine, consequently the truth of the doctrine of the church. It is therefore evident, that to sound with the trumpet signifies the Divine Truth descending out of heaven.

[7] Since the Divine Truth descending from the Lord through the heavens gladdens the heart, and infills worship with what is holy, and therefore the trumpets were sounded on the days of gladness, and in the feasts, it is therefore said in David:

"Sing unto Jehovah with the harp; with the harp and the voice of melody. With trumpets and sound of the horn make a joyful noise before Jehovah, the King" (Psalm 98:5, 6).

And in Zephaniah:

"Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem" (3:14).

This is spoken of the establishment of the church by the Lord. The trumpets, the sound of the horn, and the making of a joyful noise, signify joy on account of the Divine Truth descending out of heaven.

So in Job:

"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (38:7).

This is said concerning the state of the church in its beginning, and by stars are signified the knowledges of truth and good, and by the sons of God, Divine truths; their joy, that is, the joy of men under their influence, is signified by their singing and shouting.

[8] Again, in David:

"Praise" God "with the sound of the trumpet" (Psalm 150:3).

And again:

"Blessed are the people that know the sound of the trumpet; they shall walk, O Jehovah, in the light of thy faces" (Psalm 89:15).

The trumpet sound signifies Divine Truth gladdening the heart, it is therefore said, "light of thy faces," which signifies Divine Truth. That the sound of the horn and of the trumpet signifies Divine truths descending out of heaven, terrifying the evil and scattering them, as here in the Apocalypse by the trumpets with which the seven angels sounded, is evident from the following passages.

In Isaiah it is said,

"Jehovah shall go forth as a lion, 1 he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war; he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail over his enemies" (42:13).

Enemies are the evil.

So in Joel:

"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of Jehovah cometh, a day of darkness and of gloominess" (2:1, 2).

The day of Jehovah is the coming of the Lord, when a last judgment upon the evil also takes place.

[9] And in Zechariah:

"And Jehovah shall be seen over them, and his dart shall go forth as the lightning; and the Lord Jehovah shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south" (9:14).

Here also the coming of the Lord is treated of, when the evil shall perish. By blowing the trumpet and sounding an alarm, is signified to disperse by means of Divine Truth; the dart also which shall go forth as lightning, signifies truth dispersing and destroying. The same is signified by blowing the trumpet in Jeremiah (51:27), and in Hosea (5:8, 9).

[10] Since the evil, when they are gathered together in the spiritual world, are deprived of the truths and goods of which they made a pretence in externals by the influx of Divine Good and Divine Truth, and are let into their own evils and falsities which they inwardly cherished, and are thus separated from the good and cast down into the hells, and since there is heard from a distance, when this takes place, as it were trumpets and horns sounding as stated above several times, therefore it was a statute with the children of Israel, that they should sound with the trumpets for battle; as is also related concerning Phinehas, and concerning Gideon, when they fought against the Midianites, and also when Jericho was taken. Thus, in Moses, it is said of Phinehas, that Moses sent twelve thousand men armed, a thousand from each tribe, with the vessels of holiness and the trumpets in the hand of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the priest, against Midian, and they slew every male, and their kings (Num. 31:1-8).

[11] Concerning Gideon it is said in the book of Judges, that he divided three hundred men into three companies, and placed a trumpet in the hand of each man, and empty pitchers, and torches within the pitchers; and he said,

"When I blow with the trumpet, I and all who are with me, blow ye also with the trumpets on every side around all the camp;" and when they sounded with the trumpets, Jehovah set every man's sword against his fellow, and against the whole camp, and the Midianites fled (7:16-22).

And in Joshua, concerning the taking of Jericho it was commanded that seven priests should carry seven trumpets sounding them before the ark, and should go round the city six days, once on each day, and that on the seventh day they should go round the city seven times, and blow with the trumpets; and "when the people in Jericho heard the voice of the trumpet, and the shoutings of the people, the wall of the city fell down flat, and the people went up into the city, and took it" (6:1-20). These things represented the routing of the evil in the spiritual world, which is effected by means of the Divine Truth out of heaven, which, when it flows down, is heard there as a trumpet sounding, as said above. All the miracles related in the Word were representative and thence significative of things Divine in the heavens. Hence the effect of the sound of the trumpets upon enemies on earth was similar to the effect upon the evil in the spiritual world. For enemies, in the Word, represented and thence signify the evil; the Midianites, those who are in the falsities of evil; and the city of Jericho, in this passage, signifies the falsification of the knowledges of truth.

[12] From these considerations the signification of these words in Jeremiah is clear:

"Shout against" Babel "round about; she hath given her hand; her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down" (50:15).

And in Zephaniah:

"A day of wasting and desolation, a day of darkness and thick darkness, a day of cloud and thick cloudiness, a day of the trumpet and alarm upon the fenced cities, and upon the high towers" (1:15, 16).

From what has been stated the signification of the seven angels sounding the trumpets is now evident, and that such effects followed as are here described. Thus, to sound with trumpets, signifies the influx of the Divine Truth out of heaven, and the changes which follow. For the subjects treated of in this chapter and in the following chapters of the Apocalypse are the state of the church in the spiritual world before the judgment, the scattering of the evil, and the casting of them down into hell.


1. "As a lion." The Latin is "sicut Leo." This is the reading of the photolithograph MS., and also of the A.R. 397; but "heros" is the reading in A. 100[5323], 8261, 8293, 8875, and elsewhere.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.