The Bible


1 Mózes 25



1 Ábrahám pedig ismét võn magának feleséget, kinek neve Ketúráh vala.

2 És az szûlé néki Zimránt, Joksánt, Médánt, Midiánt, Isbákot és Suakhot.

3 Joksán pedig nemzé Sébát, és Dédánt. Dédánnak pedig fiai valának: Assurim, Letúsim és Leummim.

4 S Midiánnak fiai: Éfah, Éfer, Hánok, Abida és Eldaah: Mind ezek Ketúráhnak fiai.

5 Valamije pedig Ábrahámnak vala, mindazt Izsáknak adta vala.

6 Az ágyasok fiainak pedig, a kik Ábraháméi valának, ada Ábrahám ajándékokat, és elküldé azokat az õ fia mellõl, Izsák mellõl még éltében napkelet felé, napkeleti tartományba.

7 S ezek Ábrahám élete esztendeinek napjai, melyeket élt: száz hetvenöt esztendõ.

8 És kimúlék és meghala Ábrahám, vénségben, öregen és betelve az [élettel], és takaríttaték az õ népéhez.

9 És eltemeték õt Izsák és Ismáel az õ fiai a Makpelá barlangjában, Efronnak, a Khitteus Czohár fiának mezejében, mely Mamré átellenében van.

10 Abban a mezõben, melyet Ábrahám a Khéth fiaitól vett vala: ott temettetett el Ábrahám és az õ felesége Sára.

11 Lõn pedig Ábrahám halála után, megáldá Isten az õ fiát Izsákot; Izsák pedig lakozék a Lakhai Rói forrásánál.

12 Ezek pedig Ábrahám fiának Ismáelnek nemzetségei, a kit az Égyiptombeli Hágár a Sára szolgálója szûlt vala Ábrahámnak.

13 Ezek az Ismáel fiainak nevei, nevök s nemzetségök szerint: Ismáelnek elsõszülötte Nebájót, azután Kédar, Adbeél és Mibszám.

14 És Misma, Dúmah és Massza.

15 Hadar, Théma, Jetúr, Náfis és Kedmah.

16 Ezek az Ismáel fiai, és ezek azoknak nevei udvaraikban, falvaikban; tizenkét fejedelem az õ nemzetségök szerint.

17 Ezek pedig az Ismáel életének esztendei: száz harminczkét esztendõ. És kimúlék és meghala, és takaríttaték az õ népéhez.

18 Lakoztak pedig Havilától fogva Súrig, a mely Égyiptom átellenében van, a merre Assiriába mennek. Minden atyjafiával szemben esett az õ [lakása].

19 Ezek pedig Izsáknak az Ábrahám fiának nemzetségei: Ábrahám nemzé Izsákot.

20 Izsák pedig negyven esztendõs vala, a mikor feleségûl vette Rebekát a Siriából való Bethuélnek leányát, Mésopotámiából, a Siriából való Lábánnak húgát.

21 És könyörge Izsák az Úrnak az õ feleségéért, mivelhogy magtalan vala, és az Úr meghallgatá õt: és teherbe esék Rebeka, az õ felesége.

22 Tusakodnak vala pedig a fiak az õ méhében. Akkor monda: Ha így van, miért vagyok én így? Elméne azért, hogy megkérdezze az Urat.

23 És monda az Úr õnéki: Két nemzetség van a te méhedben; és két nép válik ki a te belsõdbõl, egyik nép a másik népnél erõsebb lesz, és a nagyobbik szolgál a kisebbiknek.

24 És betelének az õ szülésének napjai, és ímé kettõsök valának az õ méhében.

25 És kijöve az elsõ; vereses vala, mindenestõl szõrös, mint egy lazsnak; azért nevezék nevét Ézsaúnak.

26 Azután kijöve az õ atyjafia, kezével Ézsaú sarkába fogódzva; azért nevezék nevét Jákóbnak. Izsák pedig hatvan esztendõs vala, a mikor ezek születének.

27 És felnevekedének a gyermekek, és Ézsaú vadászathoz értõ mezei ember vala; Jákób pedig szelíd ember, sátorban lakozó.

28 Szereti vala azért Izsák Ézsaút, mert szájaíze szerint vala a vad; Rebeka pedig szereti vala Jákóbot.

29 Jákób egyszer valami fõzeléket fõze, és Ézsaú megjövén elfáradva a mezõrõl,

30 Monda Ézsaú Jákóbnak: Engedd, hogy ehessem a veres ételbõl, mert fáradt vagyok. Ezért nevezék nevét Edomnak.

31 Jákób pedig monda: Add el hát nékem azonnal a te elsõszülöttségedet.

32 És monda Ézsaú; Ímé én halni járok, mire való hát nékem az én elsõszülöttségem?

33 És monda Jákób: Esküdjél meg hát nékem azonnal, és megesküvék néki és eladá az õ elsõszülöttségét Jákóbnak.

34 S akkor Jákób ada Ézsaúnak kenyeret, és fõtt lencsét, és evék és ivék, és felkele és elméne. Így veté meg Ézsaú az elsõszülöttséget.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3324

Study this Passage

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3324. And Jacob said. That this signifies the doctrine of truth, is evident from the representation of Jacob, as being the doctrine of natural truth (n. 3305); or what is the same, those who are in the doctrine of truth. In these verses down to the end of this chapter to the end, the subject treated of is the right of priority, as to whether it is of truth or of good; or what is the same, whether it is of the doctrine of truth or of the life of good; or what is still the same, whether it is of faith insofar as this is truth of doctrine, or whether it is of charity insofar as this is good of life. When man draws a conclusion from natural perception, he believes that faith, insofar as it is truth of doctrine, is prior to charity insofar as this is good of life, because he perceives how the truth of doctrine enters, but not how the good of life; for the former enters by an external, that is, a sensuous way, while the latter enters by an internal way; and also because he cannot know otherwise than that as truth teaches what is good, it is prior to good; and also because the reformation of man is effected through truth and according to truth, insomuch that man is perfected as to good in proportion to the amount of truth that can be conjoined with it, consequently good is perfected through truth; and what is more, because man can be in truth, and think and speak from it, and this with apparent zeal, although he is not at the same time in good; yea, he may even from truth be confident of his salvation. These and many other considerations lead man to suppose, when judging from the sensuous and natural man, that the truth which is of faith is prior to the good which is of charity; but all these are reasonings from fallacies, based on the appearance to the sensuous and natural man.

[2] The good itself which is of life is prior; the good which is of life being the very ground in which truths are to be sown; and such as is the ground, such is the reception of the seeds, that is, of the truths of faith. Truths may indeed be first stored up in the memory, like seeds in a granary, or with birds in their crops; but they do not belong to the man unless the ground is prepared; and such as is the ground, that is, such as is the good, such is their germination and fructification. But see on this subject what has been already shown in many places, which will be here cited in order that it may be known what good is and what truth, and that the priority belongs to good and not to truth:

[3] Why there is no distinctive idea as between good and truth (n. 2507). That good flows in by an internal way unknown to man, while truth is procured by an external way known to man (n. 3030, 3098). That truths are vessels recipient of good (n. 1496, 1832, 1900, 2063, 2261, 2269, 3068, 3318). That good acknowledges its truth, with which it may be conjoined (n. 3101, 3102, 3179); and that most exquisite exploration is made and precaution taken lest falsity be conjoined with good, and truth with evil (n. 3033, 3101, 3102). That good makes for itself the truth with which it may be conjoined, because it does not acknowledge anything as truth except that which agrees with it (n. 3161). That truth is nothing else than that which is from good (n. 2434).

[4] That truth is the form of good (n. 3049). That truth has in itself an image of good; and in good the very effigy of itself from which it exists (n. 3180). That the seed which is truth is rooted in the good which is of charity (n. 880). That faith is impossible except in its life, that is, in love and charity (379, 389, 654, 724, 1608, 2343, 2349). That from love and charity man can look to the truths which pertain to the doctrinal things of faith, but not the reverse; and that to look from faith, and not from love and charity, is to look behind one’s self, and to turn back (n. 2454). That truth is made alive in accordance with the good of each person, thus in accordance with the state of innocence and charity in man (n. 1776, 3111). That the truths of faith can be received only by those who are in good (n. 2343, 2349). That they who are in no charity cannot acknowledge the Lord, thus not any truth of faith; and that if they profess such acknowledgment, it is something external without an internal, or is from hypocrisy (n. 2354). That there is no faith where there is no charity (n. 654, 1162, 1176, 2429). That wisdom, intelligence, and memory-knowledge are the sons of charity (n. 1226). That the angels are in intelligence and wisdom because they are in love (n. 2500, 2572).

[5] That angelic life consists in the goods of charity, and that the angels are forms of charity (n. 454, 553). That love to the Lord is a “likeness” of Him, and charity toward the neighbor an “image” of Him (n. 1013). That through love to the Lord the angels perceive whatever is of faith (n. 202). That nothing lives except love and affection (n. 1589). That they who have mutual love, or charity, have the Lord’s life (n. 1799, 1803). That love to the Lord and the neighbor is heaven itself (n. 1802, 1824, 2057, 2130-2131). That the presence of the Lord is according to the state of love and charity (n. 904). That all the commandments of the Decalogue, and all things of faith, are in charity (n. 1121, 1798). That knowledge of the doctrinal things of faith effects nothing unless the man has charity, for doctrinal things look to charity as their end (n. 2049, 2116). That neither the acknowledgment of truth, nor faith, is possible unless the man is in good (n. 2261). That the holy of worship is according to the quality and quantity of the truth of faith implanted in charity (n. 2190).

[6] That there is no salvation by faith, but by the life of faith, which is charity (n. 2228, 2261). That the heavenly kingdom is given to those who have the faith of charity (n. 1608). That in heaven all are regarded from their charity and the derivative faith (n. 1258). That none are admitted into heaven except by willing good from the heart (n. 2401). That they are saved who are in faith, provided that in their faith there is good (n. 2261, 2442). That the faith which has not been implanted in the good of life altogether perishes in the other life (n. 2228). That if the faith of thought were saving, all would be brought into heaven; but because the life opposes they cannot be brought in (n. 2363). That they who hold as a principle that faith alone saves, contaminate truths by the falsity of this principle (n. 2383, 2385). That the fruit of faith is good work, good work is charity, charity is love to the Lord, love to the Lord is the the Lord, (n. 1873). That the fruits of faith are fruits of the good which is of love and charity (n. 3146).

[7] That the trust or confidence which is said to be saving faith is not possible except with those who are in the good of life (n. 2982). That good is the life of truth (n. 1589). When it is that truths are said to have gained life (n. 1928). That good from the Lord flows into truths of every kind, but it is of the greatest importance that they should be genuine truths (n. 2531). That good and truth from the Lord flow in just in proportion as that which is evil and false is removed (n. 2411, 3142, 3147). That good cannot flow into truth so long as the man is in evil (n. 2388). That truth is not truth until it is accepted by good (n. 2429). That there is a marriage of good and of truth in things all and each (n. 2173, 2503, 2507). That the affection of good is of life, and the affection of truth is for the sake of life (n. 2455). That truth tends to good, and proceeds from good (n. 2063).

[8] That by influx truths are called forth out of the natural man, elevated, and implanted in good in the rational man (n. 3085, 3086). That when truth is conjoined with a man, it is appropriated to him (n. 3108). That in order that truth may be conjoined with good, there must be consent by the understanding and by the will, and when by the will, then conjunction takes place (n. 3157, 3158). That the rational as to truth is acquired by means of knowledges; and that truths are appropriated when they are conjoined with good; and that they are then of the will, and for the sake of life (n. 3161). That truth is not at once initiated and conjoined with good, but during the whole life, and also afterwards (n. 3200). That as light without heat produces nothing, so the truth of faith produces nothing without the good of love (n. 3146). What the idea of truth without good is; and what its light is in the other life (n. 2228). That faith separated is like the light of winter; and faith from charity like the light of spring (n. 2231). That they who in act separate truth, which is faith, from charity, cannot have conscience (n. 1076, 1077). The reason why men have separated faith from charity, and have declared that faith saves (n. 2231).

[9] That during man’s regeneration the Lord insinuates good into the truths that are in him (n. 2183, 2189). That man is not regenerated by means of truth, but by means of good (n. 989, 2146, 2183, 2189, 2697). That during man’s regeneration the Lord goes to meet and fills with the good of charity the truths that are in him (n. 2063). That they who are in the good of life, and not in the truth of faith, as is the case with Gentiles and infants, receive the truths of faith in the other life, and are regenerated (n. 989); concerning the Gentiles (n. 932, 1032, 2049, 2284, 2589-2604); concerning infants (n. 2290-2293, 2302-2304). That man is regenerated by means of the affection of truth; and that when he is regenerated he acts from the affection of good (n. 1904). That in one about to be regenerated the seed can take root only in good (n. 880, 989). That the light of a regenerate man is from charity not from faith 1 (n. 854). That the same truths in one person may be true, in another less true, and in others may even be falsities, and that this is according to the good which is of the life (n. 2439). What the difference is between the good of infancy, the good of ignorance, and the good of intelligence (n. 2280). Who can come into the knowledges of truth and into faith, and who cannot (n. 2689).

[10] That the church is not a church unless the truths of doctrine are implanted in the good of life (n. 3310). That what is doctrinal does not make the church, but charity (n. 809, 916, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844). That the doctrinal things of a church are nothing, unless its members live according to them (n. 1515). That the doctrine of faith is the doctrine of charity (n. 2571). That the church is from charity, and not from faith separated (n. 916). That everyone may know from charity whether he has the internal of worship (n. 1102, 1151, 1153). That the church of the Lord throughout the world is everywhere various as to truths, but that it is one through charity (n. 3267). That the church would be one if all had charity, even though its members differed as to ritual and doctrinal matters (n. 809, 1285, 1316, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844). That out of many would be made one church, if all accounted charity and not faith as being that which is essential of the church (n. 2982). That there are two kinds of doctrinal things, the doctrinal things of charity and the doctrinal things of faith; and that in the Ancient Church there were the doctrinal things of charity, which at this day are among the things that are lost (n. 2417).

[11] In what ignorance of truth they are who are not in the doctrinal things of charity (n. 2435). And whereas at this day faith is made the essential of the church, men do not even see, nor attend to the things the Lord so often said concerning love and charity (n. 1017, 2373). That the good which is of love to the Lord and of charity toward the neighbor, is superior and prior to the truth which is of faith; and not the reverse (n. 363, 364).


1. The phrase “not from faith” is missing from the text, but is present in the Latin.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.