The Bible


Genesis 20



1 En Abraham reisde van daar naar het land van het zuiden, en woonde tussen Kades en tussen Sur; en hij verkeerde als vreemdeling te Gerar.

2 Als nu Abraham van Sara, zijn huisvrouw, gezegd had: Zij is mijn zuster, zo zond Abimelech, de koning van Gerar, en nam Sara weg.

3 Maar God kwam tot Abimelech in een droom des nachts, en Hij zeide tot hem: Zie, gij zijt dood om der vrouwe wil, die gij weggenomen hebt; want zij is met een man getrouwd.

4 Doch Abimelech was tot haar niet genaderd; daarom zeide hij: Heere! zult Gij dan ook een rechtvaardig volk doden?

5 Heeft hij zelf mij niet gezegd: Zij is mijn zuster? en zij, ook zij heeft gezegd: Hij is mijn broeder. In oprechtheid mijns harten en in reinheid mijner handen, heb ik dit gedaan.

6 En God zeide tot hem in den droom: Ik heb ook geweten, dat gij dit in oprechtheid uws harten gedaan hebt, en Ik heb u ook belet van tegen Mij te zondigen; daarom heb Ik u niet toegelaten, haar aan te roeren.

7 Zo geef dan nu dezes mans huisvrouw weder; want hij is een profeet, en hij zal voor u bidden, opdat gij leeft; maar zo gij haar niet wedergeeft, weet, dat gij voorzeker sterven zult, gij, en al wat uwes is!

8 Toen stond Abimelech des morgens vroeg op, en riep al zijn knechten, en sprak al deze woorden voor hun oren. En die mannen vreesden zeer.

9 En Abimelech riep Abraham, en zeide tot hem: Wat hebt gij ons gedaan? en wat heb ik tegen u gezondigd, dat gij over mij en over mijn koninkrijk een grote zonde gebracht hebt? gij hebt daden met mij gedaan, die niet zouden gedaan worden.

10 Voorts zeide Abimelech tot Abraham: Wat hebt gij gezien, dat gij deze zaak gedaan hebt?

11 En Abraham zeide: Want ik dacht: alleen is de vreze Gods in deze plaats niet, zodat zij mij om mijner huisvrouw wil zullen doden.

12 En ook is zij waarlijk mijn zuster; zij is mijns vaders dochter, maar niet mijner moeder dochter; en zij is mij ter vrouwe geworden.

13 En het is geschied, als God mij uit mijns vaders huis deed dwalen, zo sprak ik tot haar: Dit zij uw weldadigheid, die gij bij mij doen zult; aan alle plaatsen waar wij komen zullen, zeg van mij: Hij is mijn broeder!

14 Toen nam Abimelech schapen en runderen, ook dienstknechten en dienstmaagden, en gaf dezelve aan Abraham; en hij gaf hem Sara zijn huisvrouw weder.

15 En Abimelech zeide: Zie, mijn land is voor uw aangezicht; woon, waar het goed is in uw ogen.

16 En tot Sara zeide hij: Zie, ik heb uw broeder duizend zilverlingen gegeven; zie, hij zij u een deksel der ogen, allen, die met u zijn, ja, bij allen, en wees geleerd.

17 En Abraham bad tot God; en God genas Abimelech, en zijn huisvrouw, en zijn dienstmaagden, zodat zij baarden.

18 Want de HEERE had al de baarmoeders van het huis van Abimelech ganselijk toegesloten, ter oorzake van Sara, Abrahams huisvrouw.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #2568

Study this Passage

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2568. It has been said above in this chapter that doctrine would become null and void if the rational were consulted (n. 2516, 2538); and that it was not consulted (n. 2519, 2531). But here it is said that the doctrine of faith was enriched with goods and truths both rational and natural. At first view these statements appear as if they were adverse and contrary to each other; and yet are not so. How the case was with the Lord, has been stated; but how it is with man, remains to be told.

[2] As regards man it is one thing to regard the doctrine of faith from rational things, and altogether another to regard rational things from the doctrine of faith. To regard the doctrine of faith from rational things is not to believe in the Word, or in the doctrine thence derived, until one is persuaded from rational things that it is so; whereas to regard rational things from the doctrine of faith is first to believe in the Word, or in the doctrine therefrom, and then to confirm the same by rational things. The former is inverted order, and results in nothing being believed; whereas the latter is genuine order, and causes the man to believe the better. It is the former that is here meant by its being said that Abimelech should die because of the woman; by which is signified that the doctrine of faith would become null and void if the rational were consulted (n. 2516, 2538); but the latter is meant by its being said that Abimelech gave flock and herd, and menservants and maidservants; by which is signified that the doctrine of faith was enriched with rational and natural goods and truths.

[3] These things are much treated of in the Word in its internal sense, especially where Asshur and Egypt are spoken of; for the reason that while the doctrine of faith is regarded from rational things, that is, while a man does not believe until he is persuaded from them that it is so, it then not only becomes null and void, but whatever is contained in it is also denied; whereas when rational things are regarded from the doctrine of faith, that is, when a man believes the Word, and afterwards the same things are confirmed by rational things, the doctrine is then living and whatever is contained in it is affirmed.

[4] There are therefore two principles; one of which leads to all folly and insanity, and the other to all intelligence and wisdom. The former principle is to deny all things, or to say in the heart that we cannot believe them until we are convinced by what we can apprehend, or perceive by the senses; this is the principle that leads to all folly and insanity, and is to be called the negative principle. The other principle is to affirm the things which are of doctrine from the Word, or to think and believe within ourselves that they are true because the Lord has said them: this is the principle that leads to all intelligence and wisdom, and is to be called the affirmative principle.

[5] The more they who think from the negative principle consult things rational, the more they consult memory-knowledges, and the more they consult things philosophical, the more do they cast and precipitate themselves into darkness, until at last they deny all things. The causes of this are, that no one can apprehend higher things from lower ones, that is, spiritual and celestial things, still less Divine things, from lower ones, because they transcend all understanding, and moreover everything is then involved in negatives from that principle. On the other hand, they who think from an affirmative principle can confirm themselves by whatever things rational, by whatever memory-knowledges, and whatever things philosophic they have at command; for all these are to them things confirmatory, and give them a fuller idea of the matter.

[6] Moreover there are some who are in doubt before they deny, and there are some who are in doubt before they affirm. They who are in doubt before they deny are they who incline to a life of evil; and when this life carries them away, then insofar as they think of the matters in question they deny them. But they who are in doubt before they affirm are they who incline to a life of good; and when they suffer themselves to be bent to this by the Lord, then insofar as they think about those things so far they affirm. As this subject is further treated of in the verses which follow, it is permitted of the Lord’s Divine mercy to illustrate them more fully there (see n. 2588).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.