The Bible


Genesis 3



1 Men Slangen var træskere end alle Markens andre Dyr, som Gud HE EN havde gjort og den sagde til Kvinden: "Mon Gud virkelig ham sagt: I må ikke spise af noget Træ i Haven?"

2 Kvinden svarede: "Vi har Lov at spise af Frugten på Havens Træer;

3 kun af Frugten fra Træet midt i Haven, sagde Gud, må I ikke spise, ja, I må ikke røre derved, thi så skal I !"

4 Da sagde Slangen til Kvinden: "I skal ingenlunde ;

5 men Gud ved, at når I spiser deraf, åbnes eders Øjne, så I blive som Gud til at kende godt og ondt!"

6 Kvinden blev nu var, at Træet var godt at spise af, en Lyst for Øjnene og godt at få Forstand af; og hun tog af dets Frugt og spiste og gav også sin Mand, der stod hos hende, og han spiste.

7 Da åbnedes begges Øjne, og de kendte, at de var nøgne. Derfor syede de Figenblade sammen og bandt dem om sig.

8 Da Dagen blev sval, hørte de Gud HE EN vandre i Haven, og Adam og hans Hustru skjulte sig for ham inde mellem Havens Træer.

9 Da kaldte Gud HE EN på Adam og råbte: "Hvor er du?"

10 Han svarede: "Jeg hørte dig i Haven og blev angst, fordi jeg var nøgen, og så skjulte jeg mig!"

11 Da sagde han: "Hvem fortalte dig, at du var nøgen. Mon du har spist af det Træ, jeg sagde, du ikke måtte spise af?"

12 Adam svarede: "Kvinden, som du satte ved min Side, gav mig af Træet, og så spiste jeg."

13 Da sagde Gud HE EN til Kvinde: "Hvad har du gjort!" Kvinden svarede: "Slangen forførte mig, og så spiste jeg."

14 Da sagde Gud HE EN til Slangen: "Fordi du har gjort dette, være du forbandet blandt al Kvæget og blandt alle Markens Dyr! På din Bug skal du krybe, og Støv skal du æde alle dit Livs Dage!

15 Jeg sætter Fjendskab mellem dig og Kvinden, mellem din Sæd og hendes Sæd; den skal knuse dit Hoved, og du skal hugge den i Hælen!"

16 Til Kvinden sagde han: "Jeg vil meget mangfoldiggøre dit Svangerskabs Møje; med Smerte skal du føde Børn; men til din Mand skal din Attrå være, og han skal herske over dig!"

17 Og til Adam sagde han: "Fordi du lyttede til din Hustrus Tale og spiste af Træet, som jeg sagde, du ikke måtte spise af, skal Jorden være forbandet for din Skyld; med Møje skal du skaffe dig Føde af den alle dit Livs Dage;

18 Torn og Tidsel skal den bære dig, og Markens Urter skal være din Føde;

19 i dit Ansigts Sved skal du spise dit Brød, indtil du vender tilbage til Jorden; thi af den er du taget; ja, Støv er du, og til Støv skal du vende tilbage!"

20 Men Adam kaldte sin Hustru Eva, thi hun blev Moder til alt levende.

21 Derpå gjorde Gud HE EN Skindkjortlet til Adam og hans Hustru og klædte dem dermed.

22 Men Gud HE EN sagde: "Se, Mennesket er blevet som EN af os til at kende godt og ondt. Nu skal han ikke række Hånden ud og tage også af Livets Træ og spise og leve evindelig!"

23 Så forviste Gud HE EN ham fra Edens Have, for at han skulde dyrke Jorden, som han var taget af;

24 og han drev Mennesket ud, og østen for Edens Have satte han Keruberne med det glimtende Flammesværd til at vogte Vejen til Livets Træ.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University

From Swedenborg's Works


Charity #204

Study this Passage

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204. 4. In so far as anyone does not shun evils as sins, he remains in them.

Man was created into the image and likeness of God, and made so that he might be a recipient of the Lord's love and wisdom. But, because he did not want to be a recipient, but wanted to be actual love and wisdom, and thus like God, he consequently inverted his form, and so turned away his affections and thoughts from the Lord to himself, and so began to love, even to worship, himself more than the Lord. In this way he estranged himself from the Lord, and looked backwards away from Him, thereby perverting the image and likeness of God in himself, and making it into an image and likeness of hell. This is signified by his eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 1 By the serpent which he obeyed is signified the sensual, which is the ultimate of the natural man, and its lust. The sensual, because it exists in the world, and admits therefrom the objects it desires, loves the things of the world; and, if it is allowed to rule, it draws the mind [mens] away from the objects of heaven, which are goods of love and truths of wisdom, in themselves Divine. This is the origin of man being, in respect of his proprium, nothing but evil, and of his being born into it from parents. But means have been provided by the Lord, so that he may not perish on account of this; and these are, to look to the Lord and acknowledge that every good of love and every truth of wisdom is from Him, and nothing from man himself. In this way man inverts his form, turning away from himself and turning round to the Lord; thus he returns to the state into which he was created, which was, as has been said, that he might be a recipient of good and truth from the Lord, not from himself at all. Man's proprium having, by this inversion, become evil only, there is the other means of recovering the image of God, shunning evils as sins. For if a man does not shun evils as sins, but only shuns them as hurtful, he is still not looking to the Lord, but to himself, and so continues in a perverted state. When, however, he shuns evils as sins, he is also shunning them because they are against the Lord and contrary to His Divine laws; and then he beseeches the Lord for help and for power to resist them; and this power, when besought, is never denied. It is by these two means that a man is purified from his innate evils. Consequently, if he does not adopt these two means, he cannot but remain such as he was born. He cannot be purified from evils if he only looks to God and prays; for in that case he believes, after having prayed, either that he is entirely without sins, or that they have been remitted, by which he understands that they have been taken away. But in that case he still remains in them; and to remain in them is to increase them; for they are like a disease that eats away everything round about it and brings death. Nor are evils removed by only shunning them; for in that case the man is looking to himself, and he thereby strengthens the origin of evil, which was, that he turned himself backwards, away from the Lord, and round towards himself.


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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.