The Bible


Daniel 8



1 I Kong Belsazzars tredje regeringsår viste der sig et syn for mig, Daniel; det kom efter det, som tidligere havde vist sig for mig.

2 Jeg skuede i Synet, og det var mig, som om jeg var i Borgen Susan i Landskabet Elam; og jeg så mig i Synet stående ved Floden Ulaj.

3 Da løftede jeg mine Øjne og skuede, og se, en Væder stod ved Floden; den havde to store Horn, det ene større end det andet, og det største skød op sidst.

4 Jeg så Væderen stange mod Vest, Nord og Syd; intet Dyr kunde modstå den, ingen kunde redde af dens Vold, og den gjorde, hvad den vilde, og blev mægtig.

5 Videre så jeg nøje til, og se, en Gedebuk kom fra Vest farende hen over hele Jorden, men uden at røre den; og Bukken havde et anseligt Horn i Panden.

6 Den kom hen til den tvehornede Væder, som jeg havde set stå ved Floden, og løb imod den med ubændig Kraft;

7 og jeg så, hvorledes den, da den nåede Væderen, rasende stormede imod den, stødte til den og sønderbrød begge dens Horn; og Væderen havde ikke kraft til at modstå den, men Bukken kastede den til Jorden og trampede på den, og ingen reddede Væderen af dens Vold.

8 Derpå blev Gedebukken såre mægtig; men som den var allermægtigst, brødes det store Horn af, og i Stedet voksede fire andre frem mod alle fire Verdenshjørner.

9 Men fra det ene af dem skød et andet og lille Horn op, og det voksede umådeligt mod Syd og Øst og mod det herlige Land;

10 og det voksede helt op til Himmelens Hær, styrtede nogle af Hæren og af Stjernerne til Jorden og trampede på dem.

11 Og det hovmodede sig mod Hærens Øverste; hans daglige Offer blev ophævet, og hans Helligdoms Sted kastedes til Jorden.

12 Og på Alteret for det daglige Offer lagdes en Misgerning; Sandheden kastedes til Jorden, og Hornet havde Lykke med, hvad det gjorde.

13 Da hørte jeg en hellig tale, og en anden hellig spurgte den talende: "Hvor lang Tid gælder Synet om, at det daglige Offer ophæves, Ødelæggelsens Misgerning opstilles, og Helligdommen og Hæren nedtrampes?"

14 Han svarede: "2300 Aftener og Morgener; så skal Helligdommen komme til sin et igen!"

15 Medens jeg, Daniel, nu så Synet og søgte at forstå det, se, da stod der for mig en som en Mand at se til,

16 og jeg hørte en menneskelig øst råbe over Ulaj: "Gabriel, udlæg ham Synet!"

17 kom han hen, hvor jeg stod, og ved hans Komme blev jeg overvældet af ædsel og faldt på mit Ansigt. Og han sagde til mig: "Se nøje til, Menneskesøn, thi Synet gælder Endens Tid!"

18 Medens han taledemed mig, lå jeg bedøvet med Ansigtet mod Jorden; men han rørte ved mig og fik mig på Benene

19 og sagde: "Se, jeg vil kundgøre dig, hvad der skal ske i Vredens sidste Tid; thi Synet gælder Endens bestemte Tid.

20 Den tvehornede Væder, du så, er Kongerne af Medien og Persien,

21 den lådne Buk er Kongen af Grækenland, og det store Horn i dens Pande er den første Konge.

22 At det brødes af, og at fire andre voksede frem i Stedet, betyder, at fire iger skal fremstå af hans Folk, dog uden hans Kraft.

23 Men i deres Herredømmes sidste Tid, når Overtrædelserne har gjort Målet fuldt, skal en fræk og rænkefuld konge fremstå.

24 Hans Magt skal blive stor, dog ikke som hins; han skal tale utrolige Ting og have Lykke med, hvad han gør, og gennemføre sine åd og ødelægge mægtige Mænd.

25 Mod de hellige skal hans Tanke rettes; hans svigefulde åd skal lykkes ham, og han skal sætte sig store Ting for og styrte mange i Ulykke i deres Tryghed. Mod Fyrsternes Fyrste skal han rejse sig, men så skal han knuses, dog ikke ved Menneskehånd.

26 Synet om Affenerne og Morgenerne, hvorom der var Tale, er Sandhed. Men du skal lukke for Synet; thi det gælder en fjern Fremtid."

27 Men jeg, Daniel, lå syg en Tid lang; så stod jeg op og udførte min Gerning i kongens Tjeneste. Jeg var rædselslagen over Synet og forstod det ikke.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University

From Swedenborg's Works


De Verbo (The Word) #15

Study this Passage

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15. XV. The lost ancient Word.

It was reported to me by angels of the third heaven that the ancients had a Word written entirely by means of correspondences like our Word, but that it has been lost. I was told that this Word is still preserved among them, and is used by the ancients in that heaven who had that Word when they were in the world. The ancients among whom that Word is still in use in the heavens were in part from the land of Canaan and the neighbouring region, and also from some kingdoms of Asia, for instance, from Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldaea and Assyria, from Egypt, Sidon and Tyre. The inhabitants of all these kingdoms had a representative form of worship, and so knew about correspondences. This knowledge was the basis of the wisdom of that time, since it enabled them to communicate with the heavens, to have inner perception, and in many cases to speak with spirits. But because this Word was full of correspondences of a kind which only remotely meant heavenly things, so that as time passed it began to be falsified by many people, the Lord's Divine Providence ensured its gradual disappearance, and another Word was given, which was written by means of less distant correspondences. This was delivered to the Children of Israel by the Prophets. This Word, however, kept the names of places in the land of Canaan and the surrounding parts of Asia with similar meanings. It was for this reason that the descendants of Abraham from Jacob were brought into the land of Canaan, and the Word which names these places was written there.

[2] A further proof of the existence among the ancients of such a Word is found in the writings of Moses, who mentions it by name; and a passage was taken from it found in Numbers 21:14, 27. The historical parts of that Word were called 'The Wars of Jehovah' and the prophetic part 'The Utterances'. Moses took the following quotation from the historical parts of that Word:

Therefore it is said in the book of the Wars of Jehovah, Vaheb in Suphah and the streams of Arnon, and the water-channel of streams which dropped down to where Ar lived and stopped at the boundary of Moab. Numbers 21:14-15.

By the Wars of Jehovah are to be understood and described the Lord's battles with the hells and His victories over them, when He should come into the world. The same battles are also to be understood and described in the historical parts of our Word, as in Joshua's wars with the peoples of the land of Canaan, in the wars of the Book of Judges, and in those of David and the other kings.

[3] The following passage was taken by Moses from the prophetical parts of that Word:

Therefore the Prophetic Utterances say, Enter into Heshbon, the city of Sihon will be built and strengthened. For fire has gone out from Heshbon, a flame from the city of Sihon, which devoured Ar of Moab, the possessors of the heights of Arnon. Woe betide you, Moab; you are ruined, people of Chemosh. He made his sons fugitives and his daughters captives of the Sihon king of the Amorites. We killed them with arrows, Heshbon has perished as far as Dibon; and we laid them waste as far as Nophah, even as far as Medeba. Numbers 21:27-30.

These prophetic passages are called Utterances, and not Proverbs or the Composers of Proverbs, as the translators have it. This may be established from the meaning of the Hebrew word meshalim. A further proof that they are not just proverbs, but also prophetic utterances may be drawn from Numbers 23:7, 18; 24:3, 15, where it is said that Balaam gave forth his utterance, which was a prophecy, also concerning the Lord. His utterance is there called mashal in the singular. (The things in them described by Moses too are prophecies, not proverbs.) 1

[4] This Word was Divine or divinely inspired in the same way, as is evident in Jeremiah, where almost the same words are repeated, namely:

A fire went out from Heshbon, a flame from among Sihon, which devoured the corner of Moab, and the top of the sons of tumult. Woe betide you, Moab; the people of Chemosh has been ruined, for your sons are snatched away into captivity, and your daughters into captivity. 45-46.

In addition to these a prophetic book of that ancient Word called the Book of Jashar or the Book of the Upright Man is quoted by David (2 Samuel 1:18) and by Joshua (10:13). This plainly shows that the story of the sun and the moon there was a prophecy from that book. Moreover I was told that the first seven chapters of Genesis are so clearly to be seen in that same Word, that there is not so much as a little word missing.

[5] The religious beliefs of many peoples were drawn and transcribed from that Word, passing for instance from the land of Canaan and various parts of Asia to Greece, and thence to Italy; and by way of Ethiopia and Egypt to some African kingdoms. But in Greece they made up myths by means of correspondences, and turned the attributes of God into as many deities; they called the greatest of them Jove after Jehovah. 2


1. These words are added in the margin. -Translator

2. This is not strictly true; neither Latin Jupiter (genitive Jovis) nor the corresponding Greek name Zeus have anything to do with the Hebrew Yahweh or Jehovah. -Translator

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.