The Bible


Amos 4



1 Hør dette Ord, I basankøer, I, som bor på Samarias Bjerg og kuer de ringe, knuser de fattige og byder eders Herrer: "Giv hid, at vi kan drikke!"

2 Den Herre HE EN svor ved sin Hellighed: Se, over eder skal Dage komme, da I drages op med Hager, de sidste af jer med Kroge,

3 og slæbes gennem Murbrud een for een og slænges på Mødding, lyder det fra HE EN.

4 Kom til Betel og synd, til Gilgal og synd end mer, bring Slagtofre næste Morgen, Tiender Tredjedagen,

5 brænd syret Brød til Takoffer, byd højlydt til Frivilligofre! I elsker jo sligt, Israeliter, lyder det fra den Herre HE EN.

6 Og dog gav jeg eder tomme Munde i alle eders Byer og Brødmangel i alle eders Hjemsteder; men I omvendte eder ikke til mig, lyder det fra HE EN.

7 Dog forholdt jeg eder egnen, da der endnu var tre Måneder til Høst; på een, By lod jeg det regne og ikke på en anden; een Mark fik egn, og en anden fik ikke og tørrede hen;

8 to tre Byer kom vankende hen til en anden for at få Vand at drikke og fik ikke Tørsten slukket; men I omvendte eder ikke til mig, lyder det fra HE en.

9 Jeg slog eder med Kornbrand og ust og udtørrede eders Haver og Vingårde, og Græshopper åd eders Figentræer og Oliventræer; men I omvendte eder ikke til mig, lyder det fra HE EN.

10 Jeg sendte Pest iblandt eder som i Ægypten; jeg vog eders unge Mænd med Sværdet, og samtidig gjordes eders Heste til Bytte; jeg lod Stank fra eders Lejr stige op i eders Næse; men I omvendte eder ikke til mig, lyder det fra HE EN.

11 Jeg omstyrtede Byer iblandt eder, som da Gud omstyrtede Sodoma og Gomorra, og I blev som en Brand, der er reddet fra Bålet; men I omvendte eder ikke til mig, lyder det fra HE EN.

12 Derfor vil jeg handle således med dig, Israel. Fordi jeg vil handle således med dig, så gør dig rede til at møde din Gud, Israel!

13 Thi se: Bjergenes Skaber og Stormens Ophav, han, som kundgør et Menneske dets Tanker, som frembringer Gry og Mørke og vandrer på Jordens Høje, HE EN, Hærskarers Gud erhans Navn.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Exploring the Meaning of Amos 4

By Helen Kennedy

In chapter 4 of the Book of Amos, verses 1-3 are talking about people who pervert the truths of the church. They will fall into falsities in outermost things.

In the Bible, fish represent "lower" things than mammals, so we can interpret the fishhooks in verse 2 as meaning being caught and held fast in natural or lower things.

Verses 4-6 are about acts of worship such as tithes and sacrifices. These look similar to genuine worship, but are only external sorts of things. We can tell because ‘teeth’ (in verse 6) represent ultimates or outermost things (see Secrets of Heaven 6380). It follows that “cleanness of teeth” would mean outermost things that look good but only imitate genuine worship. The Lord exhorts, “Yet you have not returned to me.”

Verses 7-8. Some things true will remain, when where there are too many false ideas, the truths don't get through. This can be seen where the Lord says, “I made it rain on one city; I withheld rain from another city... where it did not rain the part withered.” Again the Lord exhorts, “Yet you have not returned to me.”

Verse 9. Afterward all things of the church are falsified, shown by blight attacking the gardens, vineyards, fig tree and olive trees. The last three represent spiritual, natural and celestial things, or all the things of spiritual life. “Yet you have not returned to me,” says the Lord.

Verses 10-11. The Lord explains the devastating things he allowed to happen: plague in Egypt, death of young men by swords, stench in the camps, Sodom and Gomorrah. This is because they are profaned by sensual knowledges. Profanation means the mixing of good and evil together. (See Secrets of Heaven 1001[2]).

This extends to all things of the church, with the church being the Lord’s kingdom on earth (Secrets of Heaven 768[3]).

With profanation “as soon as any idea of what is holy arises, the idea of what is profane joins immediately to it,” (Secrets of Heaven 301).

Now there is hardly anything left. “Yet you have not returned to Me,” says the Lord again.

Verses 12-13: Because people adamantly remain in their profane ways, they are warned, “Prepare to meet your God!”. This is the God powerful and mighty, “who forms mountains, and creates the wind,” and even more close to home, “Who declares to man what his thought is.” As intimately a knowing as that is, the Lord’s love for all humanity is contained in His exhortations for them to turn themselves to Him.

See, for example, Luke 6:44-45, and True Christian Religion 373.

The Bible


Amos 4:10-11



10 I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.

11 I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.