The Bible


Genesis 26



1 Byl pak opět hlad na zemi, mimo hlad první, kterýž byl za dnů Abrahamových. Tedy odebral se Izák k Abimelechovi králi Filistinskému do Gerar.

2 Nebo ukázal se jemu Hospodin a řekl: Nesstupuj do Egypta; ale bydli v zemi, kterouž oznámím tobě.

3 Budiž tedy pohostinu v zemi této, a budu s tebou, a požehnám tobě; nebo tobě a semeni tvému dám všecky země tyto, a utvrdím přísahu, kterouž jsem přisáhl Abrahamovi, otci tvému.

4 Rozmnožím také símě tvé jako hvězdy nebeské, a dám semeni tvému všecky země tyto, a požehnáni budou v semeni tvém všickni národové země;

5 Protože uposlechl Abraham hlasu mého, a ostříhal nařízení mých, přikázaní mých, ustanovení mých a zákonů mých.

6 Bydlil tedy Izák v Gerar.

7 Ptali se pak muži místa toho o manželce jeho. Kterýžto odpověděl: Sestra má jest; nebo nesměl říci: Manželka má jest, mysle sobě: Aby mne nezabili muži místa toho pro Rebeku. Nebo byla krásná na pohledění.

8 I přihodilo se, když již čas nějaký tam bydlil, že vyhlédal Abimelech král Filistinský z okna a uzřel Izáka, an pohrává s Rebekou manželkou svou.

9 Protož povolav Abimelech Izáka, řekl: Aj, v pravdě manželka tvá to jest. Jakž to, že jsi pravil: Sestra má jest? I odpověděl jemu Izák: Nebo jsem řekl sám u sebe: Abych snad neumřel pro ni.

10 I řekl Abimelech: Což jsi to učinil nám? O málo, že by byl spal někdo z lidu s manželkou tvou, a ty byl bys uvedl na nás vinu.

11 I přikázal Abimelech všemu lidu, řka: Kdo by se dotkl člověka toho, aneb manželky jeho, smrtí umře.

12 Sel pak Izák v zemi té, a shledal v tom roce sto měr; nebo požehnal mu Hospodin.

13 I rostl muž ten, a prospíval vždy více v zrostu, až i zrostl velmi.

14 Nebo měl stáda ovcí i stáda volů, a čeledi mnoho; pročež záviděli mu Filistinští.

15 A všecky studnice, kteréž vykopali služebníci otce jeho za dnů Abrahama otce jeho, zařítili Filistinští, zasypavše je prstí.

16 I řekl Abimelech Izákovi: Odejdi od nás; nebo mnohem mocnější jsi než my.

17 Tedy odšel odtud Izák, a rozbil stany v údolí Gerar, a bydlil tu.

18 A kopal zase Izák studnice vod, kteréž byli vykopali za dnů Abrahama otce jeho, a kteréž zařítili Filistinští po smrti Abrahamově; a nazval je těmi jmény, kterýmiž je jmenoval otec jeho.

19 I kopali služebníci Izákovi v tom údolí, a nalezli tam studnici vody živé.

20 Vadili se pak pastýři Gerarští s pastýři Izákovými, pravíce: Naše jest voda. Pročež nazval jméno studnice té Esek, že se vadili s ním.

21 Vykopali také jinou studnici, a nesnáz byla i o tu; pročež dal jí jméno Sitnah.

22 I hnul se odtud, a kopal jinou studnici, o kterouž se nevadili; protož nazval jméno její Rehobot. Nebo řekl: Nyní uprostrannil nám Hospodin, a vzrostli jsme na zemi.

23 Vstoupil pak odtud do Bersabé.

24 A ukázal se mu Hospodin v tu noc, a řekl: Já jsem Bůh Abrahama otce tvého; neboj se, nebo s tebou já jsem, a požehnám tobě, a rozmnožím símě tvé pro Abrahama služebníka svého.

25 I vzdělal tu oltář, a vzýval jméno Hospodinovo, a rozbil tu stan svůj; a služebníci Izákovi vykopali tam studnici.

26 Abimelech pak přijel k němu z Gerar, a Ochozat, přítel jeho, a Fikol, kníže vojska jeho.

27 I řekl jim Izák: Z jaké příčiny přišli jste ke mně? Poněvadž vy nenáviděli jste mne, a vybyli jste mne od sebe.

28 Kteřížto odpověděli: Patrně jsme to shledali, že jest Hospodin s tebou, i řekli jsme: Učiňme nyní přísahu mezi sebou, mezi námi a mezi tebou; a učiníme smlouvu s tebou:

29 Že neučiníš nám nic zlého, jako i my nedotkli jsme se tebe, a jakž jsme my toliko dobře činili tobě, a propustili jsme tě v pokoji; ty nyní tedy povol tomu, požehnaný Hospodinův.

30 Tedy učinil jim hody, i jedli a pili.

31 A vstavše velmi ráno, přisáhli jeden druhému. I propustil je Izák, a oni odešli od něho v pokoji.

32 Toho dne přišli služebníci Izákovi, a oznámili mu o studnici, kterouž kopali, řkouce: Nalezli jsme vodu.

33 I nazval ji Seba. Protož jméno města toho jest Bersabé až do dnešního dne.

34 Ezau pak jsa v letech čtyřidcíti, pojal ženu Judit, dceru Béry Hetejského, a Bazematu, dceru Elona Hetejského.

35 A kormoutily Izáka a Rebeku.


From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3427

Study this Passage

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3427. 'And he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him' means an attitude of denial on account of those things, and also others, as being contrary to those persons, and on account of more things besides. This is clear from the fact that names given in early times were meaningful signs of a thing or of a state, 3422. In this way they were enabled to recollect many details about that thing or state, especially its essential nature. Here the well took its name from the incident of the herdsmen of Gerar disputing with Isaac's herdsmen. The fact that 'disputing' or 'contending' also means an attitude of denial, see 3425. This is the origin of the name Esek which in the original language means contention or dispute, and is derived from a related word which means oppression and violence. And since 'a well' here means the Word as regards the literal sense which holds the internal sense, 'Esek' or contention means a denial of the existence of the internal sense of the Word. The same word also includes the reasons for such denial, which, it is evident, lie with those things described just above in 3425, that is to say, things that appear to be contraries and with other things also.

[2] Thus the position with the internal sense of the Word is that those in whom no more than a knowledge of cognitions exists, who are referred to as 'the Philistines', and those in whom no more than matters of doctrine concerning faith are present, who are called 'the herdsmen of the Valley of Gerar', and with whom no charity towards the neighbour exists, inevitably refuse to recognize the existence of the internal sense of the Word. There are several reasons why they do so, the chief of which is that they do not acknowledge the Lord in their hearts, however much they confess Him with their lips. Nor in their hearts do they love the neighbour, however much they outwardly declare their love towards him. And anyone who in his heart does not acknowledge the Lord and does not in his heart love the neighbour inevitably refuses to recognize the internal sense of the Word, for the Word does not in the internal sense have anything else as its subject than love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour, on account of which the Lord says that on those two commandments depend the Law and the Prophets, that is, the whole Word, Matthew 22:37-40. I have also been allowed to see the extent to which those people do not recognize the internal sense of the Word from those who are like them in the next life. At the mere mention of the existence of the internal sense of the Word, which is not apparent in its literal sense, and of the fact that its subject is love to the Lord and towards the neighbour, not only is denial of its existence noticeable in those people but also repugnance and even loathing.

[3] This is the chief reason. A second reason is that they turn the Word completely upside down by placing the bottom on top, or what amounts to the same, making what is secondary primary. Indeed they set up faith as the essential thing of the Church, and the things that constitute love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour as the fruits of faith. But the truth is that if love to the Lord is compared to the tree of life in the paradise of Eden, charity and its works are the fruits from it, while faith and everything that is part of faith are merely the leaves. When therefore people so turn the Word upside down that they derive the fruit not from the tree but from the leaves, it is not surprising that they fail to recognize the internal sense of the Word and acknowledge merely its literal sense. For as is well known. the literal sense can be used to confirm any dogma, including the most heretical.

[4] A further reason why they do not recognize the internal sense is that the faith of people who are concerned solely with matters of doctrine concerning faith and not with goodness of life is inevitably persuasion of what is false, that is, it is a faith based on false assumptions as well as true ones. As a consequence they are more stupid than all others, for insofar as anyone is persuaded by what is false he is stupid, but insofar as anyone is concerned with goodness of life, that is, with love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, he has intelligence, that is, faith from the Lord. Consequently the former cannot do other than have a negative attitude regarding the internal sense of the Word, whereas the latter cannot do other than have a positive attitude. For the interiors of people who have merely a knowledge of matters of doctrine and are devoid of the good of life are closed, so much so that the light of truth from the Lord cannot flow in and enable them to discern that it is so, whereas the interiors of those in whom love to the Lord exists are open, so much so that the light of truth from the Lord can flow in, inspire their minds with affection, and enable them to discern that it is so.

[5] There is yet another reason why they do not take any delight in reading the Word, except to gain position and wealth, and a reputation on account of these things - which delight is the delight that goes with self-love and love of the world. So true is this that if such gains are not to be had they reject the Word altogether. Such people in their hearts refuse to recognize not only the internal sense of the Word when they hear about it but also the literal sense itself, no matter how much they imagine they do believe in it. For anyone whose end in view is the delight that goes with self-love and love of the world casts out of his heart altogether everything that has to do with eternal life, and speaks from his natural and bodily-minded man when he speaks about the kind of things that he calls truths not for the sake of the Lord and of His kingdom but for the sake of himself and those who are his own. These and many other considerations are what cause people called 'the herdsmen of the Valley of Gerar' and 'the Philistines' to refuse to recognize the internal sense of the Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.