The Bible


Postanak 4



1 Čovjek pozna svoju ženu Evu, a ona zače i rodi Kajina, pa reče: "Muško sam čedo stekla pomoću Jahve!"

2 Poslije rodi Abela, brata Kajinova; Abel postane stočar, a Kajin zemljoradnik.

3 I jednoga dana Kajin prinese Jahvi žrtvu od zemaljskih plodova.

4 A prinese i Abel od prvine svoje stoke, sve po izbor pretilinu. Jahve milostivo pogleda na Abela i njegovu žrtvu,

5 a na Kajina i žrtvu njegovu ni pogleda ne svrati. Stoga se Kajin veoma razljuti i lice mu se namrgodi.

6 I Jahve reče Kajinu: "Zašto si ljut? Zašto ti je lice namrgođeno?

7 Jer ako pravo radiš, vedrinom odsijevaš. A ne radiš li pravo, grijeh ti je kao zvijer na pragu što na te vreba; još mu se možeš oduprijeti."

8 Kajin pak reče svome bratu Abelu: "Hajdemo van!" I našavši se na polju, Kajin skoči na brata Abela te ga ubi.

9 Potom Jahve zapita Kajina: "Gdje ti je brat Abel?" "Ne znam", odgovori. "Zar sam ja čuvar brata svoga?"

10 Jahve nastavi: "Što si učinio? Slušaj! Krv brata tvoga iz zemlje k meni viče.

11 Stoga budi proklet na zemlji koja je rastvorila usta da proguta s ruke tvoje krv brata tvoga!

12 Obrađivat ćeš zemlju, ali ti više neće davati svoga roda. Vječni ćeš skitalica na zemlji biti!"

13 A Kajin reče Jahvi: "Kazna je moja odviše teška da se snosi.

14 Evo me tjeraš danas s plodnoga tla; moram se skrivati od tvoga lica i biti vječni lutalac na zemlji - tko me god nađe, može me ubiti."

15 A Jahve mu reče: "Ne! Nego tko ubije Kajina, sedmerostruka osveta na njemu će se izvršiti!" I Jahve stavi znak na Kajina, da ga tko, našavši ga, ne ubije.

16 Kajin ode ispred lica Jahvina u zemlju Nod, istočno od Edena, i ondje se nastani.

17 Kajin pozna svoju ženu te ona zače i rodi Henoka. Podigao je grad i grad prozvao imenom svoga sina - Henok.

18 Henoku se rodio Irad, a od Irada potekao Mehujael; od Mehujaela poteče Metušael, od Metušaela Lamek.

19 Lamek uzme dvije žene. Jedna se zvala Ada, a druga Sila.

20 Ada rodi Jabala, koji je postao praocem onih što pod šatorima žive sa stokom.

21 Bratu mu bijaše ime Jubal. On je praotac svih koji sviraju na liru i sviralu.

22 Sila rodi Tubal-Kajina, praoca onih koji kuju bakar i željezo. Tubal-Kajinovoj sestri bijaše ime Naama.

23 Lamek prozbori svojim ženama: "Ada i Sila, glas moj poslušajte! Žene Lamekove, čujte mi besjedu: Čovjeka sam ubio jer me ranio i dijete jer me udarilo.

24 Ako će Kajin biti osvećen sedmerostruko, Lamek će sedamdeset i sedam puta!"

25 Adam pozna svoju ženu te ona rodi sina i nadjenu mu ime Šet. Reče ona: "Bog mi dade drugo dijete mjesto Abela, koga ubi Kajin."

26 Šetu se rodi sin, komu on nadjenu ime Enoš. Tada se počelo zazivati ime Jahvino.


From Swedenborg's Works


Spiritual Experiences #4139

Study this Passage

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4139. About evil spirits

I realized why evil spirits are more cunning than good ones, or the children of the kingdom, as well as why the evil attack, and the good only defend: because the evil think nothing but evil, and how to hurt, this being their pleasure - the good never! 1749, 22 Jan. 1


1. The autograph has "1748, 22 Jan."

Spirits appear to be present

Together with spirits, I have thought about the fact that spirits may appear to be present, even if they are far away, and nevertheless operate as if they were present in that place - nor can one believe otherwise, because their presence is felt. But it is like the sound of the lips in the ear of one at a distance, which is perceived as if he who is speaking were present, whereas it is the sound of the throat and the tongue. It is similar in the case of the sight that can penetrate far into the distance, even though the eye is in its own place. So also in the case of thought, which can wander off into the universe, even though it is in the person's brain. For thought affects one as sound does the ear, and where the thought is, the spirit is imagined to be, so it is an appearance. For place cannot be ascribed to thought, but only to the organic substance from which it proceeds; and because thought affects one, one does not believe otherwise than that the spirit himself is in that place. So it is an appearance, although the effect is the same as if there were an actual presence. 1749, 2 Febr.

About a new Church called Enosh, Gen. 4:26

Some from the Church that was called Enosh, Gen. 4:26, to be discussed at the end of this chapter, spoke with me, who held charity to be the principal property of faith. I noticed that they approached softly, near the head upwards, speaking with restraint, saying that they live among themselves charitably, and perform friendly services to others, but do not think so very much about the Lord, but still somewhat. This showed that their charity was the charity of friendship, and somewhat also the charity of faith. They live quietly, causing inconvenience to no one, like good citizens. 1749, 4 Febr. 1 L

1. This paragraph is marked in the margin with the number 2 and a waving vertical line.

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.