The Bible


以西結書 36



1 人子啊,你要對以色列發預言以色列哪,要耶和華的

2 耶和華如此:因仇敵:阿哈!這永久的山岡都歸我們為業了!

3 所以要發預言耶和華如此:因為敵人使你荒涼,四圍吞吃,好叫你歸與其餘的外邦人為業,並且多嘴多的人提起你來,百姓也你有臭名。

4 故此,以色列耶和華的。大小岡、水溝谷、荒廢之地、被棄之城,為四圍其餘的外邦人所佔據、所譏刺的,

5 耶和華對你們如此:我真發憤恨如,責備那其餘的外邦人以東的眾人。他們快樂滿懷,心存恨惡,將我的歸自己為業,又看為被棄的掠物。

6 所以,你要指著以色列預言,對大小岡、水溝耶和華如此:我發憤恨和忿怒,因你們曾受外邦人羞辱

7 所以我起誓:你們四圍的外邦人總要擔當自己的羞辱。這是耶和華的。

8 以色列哪,你必發枝條,為我的民以色列結果子,因為他們快要到。

9 看哪,我是幫助你的,也必向你意,使你得以耕種。

10 我必使以色列的人數在你上面增多,城邑有人居住,荒場再被建造

11 我必使人和牲畜在你上面加增;他們必生養眾多。我要使你照舊有人居住,並要賜福與你比先前更多,你就知道我是耶和華

12 我必使人,就是我的民以色列,行在你上面。他們必得你為業;你也不再使他們喪子。

13 耶和華如此:因為人對你:你是吞吃人的,又使國民喪子,

14 所以耶和華:你必不再吞人,也不再使國民喪子。

15 我使你不再見各國的羞辱,不再受萬民的辱罵,也不再使國民絆跌。這是耶和華的。

16 耶和華的又臨到我說:

17 人子啊,以色列在本地的時候,在行動作為上玷污那地。他們的行為在我面前,好像正在經期的婦人那樣污穢

18 所以我因他們在那上流人的血,又因他們以偶像玷污那,就把我的忿怒傾在他們身上。

19 我將他們分散在列國,四散在列邦,按他們的行動作為懲罰他們。

20 他們到了所去的列國,就使我的名被褻瀆;因為人談論他們,這是耶和華的民,是從耶和華的的。

21 我卻顧惜我的名,就是以色列家在所到的列國中所褻瀆的。

22 所以,你要對以色列耶和華如此以色列家啊,我行這事不是為你們,乃是為我的名,就是在你們到的列國中所褻瀆的。

23 我要使我的名顯為;這名在列國中已被褻瀆,就是你們在他們中間所褻瀆的。我在他們眼前,在你們身上顯為的時候,他們就知道我是耶和華。這是耶和華的。

24 我必從各國收取你們,從列邦聚集你們,引導你們歸回本

25 我必用清灑在你們身上,你們就潔淨了。我要潔淨你們,使你們脫離一切的污穢,棄掉一切的偶像

26 我也要賜你們一個新,將新靈放在你們裡面,又從你們的體中除掉,賜你們

27 我必將我的靈放在你們裡面,使你們順從我的律例,謹守遵行我的典章。

28 你們必在我所賜你們列祖之。你們要作我的子民,我要作你們的

29 我必你們脫離一切的污穢,也必命五穀豐登,不使你們遭遇饑荒。

30 我必使樹木多結果子,田地多出土產,好叫你們不再因饑荒受外邦人的譏誚。

31 那時,你們必追想你們的惡行和你們不善的作為,就因你們的罪孽和可憎的事厭惡自己。

32 耶和華:你們要知道,我這樣行不是為你們。以色列家啊,當為自己的行為抱愧蒙羞。

33 耶和華如此:我潔淨你們,使你們脫離一切罪孽的日子,必使城邑有人居住,荒場再被建造

34 過路的人雖看為荒廢之,現今這荒廢之仍得耕種。

35 他們必:這先前為荒廢之,現在成如伊甸園;這荒廢淒涼、毀壞的城邑現在堅固有人居住

36 那時,在你們四圍其餘的外邦人知道我─耶和華修造那毀壞之處,培植那荒廢之地。我─耶和華說過,也必成就。

37 耶和華如此:我要加增以色列家的人數,多如羊群。他們必為這事向我求問,我要給他們成就。

38 耶路撒冷在守節作祭物所獻的羊群怎樣多,照樣,荒涼的城邑必被人充滿。他們就知道我是耶和華


The Bible


撒迦利亞書 8:8



8 我要領他們,使他們住在耶路撒冷中。他們要作我的子民,我要作他們的,都憑誠實和公

From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #280

Study this Passage

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280. And the third animal had a face like a man, signifies the appearance in ultimates of the Divine guard and providence in respect to wisdom. This is evident from the signification of "the face of a man," as being the affection of truth, "face" signifying affection, and "man" the recipient of Divine truth; and because man's rational is from this, "man" signifies wisdom; for man was created that he might be rational and wise; by this he is distinguished from the brute animals; for this reason "man" in the Word signifies wisdom. "Man" signifies both the affection of truth and wisdom, because the affection of truth and wisdom act as one; for he who is in the spiritual affection of truth, that is, who is affected by truth, or who loves truth because it is truth, is conjoined to the Lord, since the Lord is in His own truths, and is His truth with man; from this man has wisdom, and from this it is that man is a man. Some suppose that man is a man by reason of his face and body, and that by these he is distinguished from beasts, but they are in an error; man is a man by reason of his wisdom, consequently so far as anyone is wise so far is he a man. Those, therefore, who are wise, appear in heaven and in the light of heaven as men, with a brightness and beauty according to their wisdom; while those who are not wise-which is true of those who are in no spiritual affection, but merely in natural affection, in which man is when he loves truth not because it is truth but because he thence receives glory, honor, and gain-these in the light of heaven appear not as men but as monsters in various forms (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 70, 72, 73-77, 80; and what wisdom is, and what non-wisdom is, n. 346-356).

[2] That "man" in the Word signifies the affection of truth and wisdom therefrom, is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Lord, how long? He said, until cities be devastated that they may be without inhabitant, and the houses that there may be no man in them, and the ground be devastated to a waste. Jehovah shall remove man, and forsaken places shall be multiplied in the midst of the land (Isaiah 6:11-12).

These things were not said of the devastation of the earth, that there should no longer be cities and houses therein, or that in these there should be no inhabitant or man, but they were said of the devastation of good and truth in the church; "cities" signifying the truths of doctrine; "inhabitant" the good of doctrine; "houses" the interiors of man which are of his mind; and "man" the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom therefrom. This is signified by "the houses shall be devastated, that there may be no man in them." The "land" that shall be devastated to a waste signifies the church. From this it is clear what is signified by "removing man," and by "multiplying the forsaken places in the midst of the land;" "a forsaken place" signifying where there is no good because there is no truth.

[3] In the same:

I will make a man [virum hominem] more rare than pure gold; and [the son of] man6 than the gold of Ophir (Isaiah 13:12).

A [son of] "man" [virum hominem] signifies intelligence, and "man" [hominem] wisdom, and that these were about to be at an end is signified by their being "made rare." Intelligence is distinguished from wisdom by this, that intelligence is the understanding of truth such as the spiritual man has, and wisdom is the understanding of truth such as the celestial man has, whose understanding is from the will of good. From this it is clear what is here signified by [son of] "man" [virum hominem], and what by "man" [hominem].

[4] In the same:

The inhabitants of the earth shall be burnt up, and few men shall be left (Isaiah 24:6).

The "inhabitants of the earth" signify the goods of the church, and these are said "to be burnt up" when the loves of self and of the world begin to rule; that the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom therefrom will then be at an end is signified by "few men will be left."

[5] In the same:

The highways have been laid waste; he that passeth through the way hath ceased; he hath made void the covenant, he hath rejected the cities, he regardeth not man (Isaiah 33:8).

This treats of the devastation of the church; "the highways that are laid waste" and "he that passeth through the way who hath ceased" signify that the goods and truths which lead to heaven are no more; "he hath made void the covenant" signifies no conjunction then with the Lord; "he hath rejected the cities" signifies that they spurn doctrine; "he regardeth not man" signifies that he makes no account of wisdom.

[6] In Jeremiah:

I saw the earth, when lo, it was void and empty; and towards the heavens, and their light was not. I saw, when lo there was no man, and all the fowl of the heavens were fled away (Jeremiah 4:23, 25).

This evidently does not mean the earth, that it was void and empty, nor the heavens that there was no light thence nor that there was not a man on the earth, nor that all the fowl of heaven were fled; what is really meant can be seen only from the spiritual sense of the Word. In that sense "earth" signifies the church; that it was "void and empty" signifies that there is no good and truth in the church; the "heavens," where there is no light, signify the interiors of man's mind which are the receptacles of the light of heaven; (the "light" that is not there is Divine truth and wisdom therefrom); therefore it is said, "I saw and lo there was no man"; the "fowl of heaven which were fled away" signify the rational and the intellectual.

[7] In the same:

Behold the days come, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast (Jeremiah 31:27).

"The house of Israel and the house of Judah" signify the church in respect to truth and in respect to good; "the seed of man and the seed of beast" signify the spiritual affection of truth and the natural affection of truth; for where "man and beast" are mentioned in the Word the spiritual and the natural or the internal and the external, are signified (See Arcana Coelestia 7424, 7523, 7872).

[8] In Zephaniah:

I will take away man and beast; I will take away the fowl of the heavens and the fishes of the sea; I will cut off man from the surfaces of the earth (Zephaniah 1:3).

"To take away man and beast" means to take away the spiritual affection of truth and the natural affection of truth; "to take away the fowl of the heavens and the fishes of the sea" means to take away spiritual truths and natural truths; and "to cut off man from the surfaces of the earth" means to cut off the affection of truth and wisdom.

[9] In Ezekiel:

Ye My flock, the flock of My pasture, ye are man; I am your God (Ezekiel 34:31).

The "flock of the pasture" signifies spiritual good and truth; the "pasture" is the reception of these from the Lord; it is therefore said, "ye are man, I am your God," "man" standing for the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom.

[10] In the same:

Behold, I am with you, and I will look unto you, and ye shall be tilled and sown; then I will multiply man upon you, the whole house of Israel; and the cities shall be inhabited, and the waste places shall be builded. I will cause man to walk upon you, My people Israel. Thus the Lord Jehovah hath said, Because ye say, Thou hast been a devourer of man and a bereaver of thy peoples, therefore thou shalt devour man no more, and thy sword shall not bereave any more; the desolate cities shall be full of the flock of man (Ezekiel 36:9-14, 38).

The restoration of the church is here treated of; "Israel" signifies the spiritual church, or the church that is in spiritual good, which is the good of charity; this church is here called "man" from the spiritual affection of truth that makes the church; therefore it is said, "I will multiply man upon you, the whole house of Israel, and I will cause man to walk upon you, My people Israel." "The flock of man," of which "the desolate cities shall be full," signifies spiritual truths of which the doctrines of the church shall be full; "the sword which shall not bereave any more" signifies that falsity shalt no longer destroy truth.

[11] In the same:

Thy mother is a lioness, she lay down among lions; one of her whelps rose up, it learned to tear the prey, it devoured men (Ezekiel 19:2, 3, 6).

"Mother" means the church, here the church perverted; the falsity of evil destroying truth is signified by "the lioness lying down among lions;" "her whelp which learned to tear the prey and devoured men" signifies the primary falsity of their doctrine, which destroyed truths and consumed every affection of them. These things were said of the princes of Israel, by whom primary truths are signified, but here, in a contrary sense, primary falsities.

[12] In Jeremiah:

Hazor shall become an abode of dragons, a waste even forever; a man [vir] shall not dwell there, nor a son of man [hominis] sojourn in her (Jeremiah 49:33).

The church that is in falsities and in no truths is here treated of; "Hazor" signifies the knowledges of truth; the knowledges of falsity are signified by "an abode of dragons;" that there is there no truth and no doctrine of truth is signified by "a man [vir] shall not dwell there, nor the son of man [hominis] sojourn in her," "man" meaning truth, and "the son of man" a doctrine of truth.

[13] In Revelation:

He measured the wall of the holy Jerusalem, a hundred and forty-four cubits, the measure of a man, which is that of an angel (Revelation 21:17).

That this signifies, that "the wall of the holy Jerusalem was a hundred and forty-four cubits, and that this was the measure of a man, which is that of an angel," no one can understand unless he knows what is signified by "the holy Jerusalem," by its "wall," by the number "one hundred and forty-four," likewise by "man," and by "angel." "The holy Jerusalem" signifies the church in respect to doctrine; "wall" signifies truth protecting; the number "one hundred and forty-four" signifies all truths from good in the complex; "man" signifies the reception of these from affection, and "angel" signifies the same; it is therefore said, "the measure of a man, which is that of an angel;" "measure" signifying quality. From this it is clear how these words are to be spiritually understood. (These things may be seen more clearly explained in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 1 .)

[14] Because "man" signifies the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom therefrom, "man" also signifies the church, because the church with man is a church from the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom therefrom. This makes clear what is meant by "Man" in the first chapters of Genesis, namely, the church that was the first of this earth and the most ancient; this is what is meant by "Adam," or "Man." The establishment of this church is described in the first chapter by the creation of heaven and earth; its intelligence and wisdom by paradise; and its fall by the eating of the tree of knowledge.

[15] But in the highest sense, by "man" is meant the Lord Himself, since from Him are heaven and the church, and the spiritual affection of truth and wisdom with each one of those who constitute heaven and the church; therefore in the highest sense the Lord alone is man; and men in both worlds, spiritual and natural, are men so far as they receive from the Lord truth and good, thus so far as they love truth and live according to it. And from this also it is that the whole angelic heaven appears as one man, and also each society there; and moreover, that the angels appear in a perfect human form. (See further on this in the work on Heaven and Hell 59-67, 68-72, 73-77, 87-102)

[16] It was on this account that the four cherubim, which signify the guard and providence of the Lord that the higher heavens be not approached except through the good of love, were seen as men, although they each had four faces; and that the Lord was seen above them as a Man. That the four cherubim were seen as men is evident in Ezekiel:

This was the appearance of the four animals; they had the likeness of a man, but each one had four faces (Ezekiel 1:5-6).

Likewise the two cherubim upon the mercy-seat were in face like men. That the Lord was seen above the four cherubim as a man is also stated in the same prophet:

Above the expanse which was over the head of the cherubim was as it were the appearance of a sapphire stone, the likeness of a throne, and upon the likeness of the throne a likeness as the appearance of a man upon it above (Ezekiel 1:26).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.