The Bible


约拿书 2



1 约拿在鱼腹中祷告耶和华─他的

2 :我遭遇患难求告耶和华,你就应允我;从阴间的深处呼求,你就俯我的声音

3 你将我投下渊,就是深处;大水环绕我,你的波浪洪涛都漫过我身。

4 :我从你眼前虽被驱逐,我仍要仰望你的殿。

5 诸水环绕我,几乎淹没我;深渊围住我;海草缠绕我的

6 山根的门将我永远关住。耶和华─我的啊,你却将我的性命从坑中救出来。

7 我心在我里面发昏的时候,我就想念耶和华。我的祷告进入你的殿,达到你的面前。

8 那信奉虚无之神的人,离弃怜爱他们的主;

9 但我必用感谢的声音献祭与你。我所许的愿,我必偿还。救恩出於耶和华

10 耶和华吩咐鱼,鱼就把约拿吐在旱地上。




#43 Escape from Hell: The Details (What the Exodus means)

By Jonathan S. Rose

Title: Escape from Hell: The Details (Exod 5-14)

Topic: Salvation

Summary: Exodus 5 to 14; Moses gets stronger and Pharaoh gets weaker. This parallels our repentance, and the thrash it puts hell through. Developing faith and being saved is a long process.

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28
Exodus 6:7; 12; 17:8
James 1:19-end
Matthew 6:6-18
Luke 6:27-end
Daniel 6:10
Jonah 2:1-end
Habakkuk 3:17-18
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Corinthians 10:13

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Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 6/1/2011. The complete series is available at: