The Bible


耶利米書 50



1 耶和華先知耶利米論巴比倫和迦勒底人

2 你們要在萬國中傳揚報告,豎立大旗;要報告,不可隱瞞,:巴比倫被攻取,彼勒蒙羞,米羅達驚惶。巴比倫的像都蒙羞;他的偶像都驚惶。

3 因有一國從北方上來攻擊他,使他的荒涼,無人居住,連人帶牲畜都逃走了。

4 耶和華:當那日子、那時候,以色列人要和猶大人同,隨走隨哭,尋求耶和華─他們的

5 他們必訪問錫安,又面向這裡,說:罷,你們要與耶和華聯合為永遠不忘的約。

6 我的百姓作了迷失的,牧人使他們走差,使他們上。他們從大走到小,竟忘了安歇之處。

7 凡遇見他們的,就把他們吞滅。敵人:我們沒有罪;因他們得罪那作公居所的耶和華,就是他們列祖所仰望的耶和華

8 我民哪,你們要從巴比倫中逃走,從迦勒底人出去,要像羊群前面走的公山

9 因我必激動聯合的國從北方上來攻擊巴比倫,他們要擺陣攻擊他;他必從那裡被攻取。他們的好像善射之勇士的,一枝也不徒然返回

10 迦勒底必成為掠物;凡擄掠他的都必心滿意足。這是耶和華的。

11 搶奪我產業的啊,你們因歡喜快樂,且像踹穀撒歡的母牛犢,又像發嘶聲的壯馬。

12 你們的母巴比倫就極其抱愧,生你們的必然蒙羞。他要列在諸國之末,成為曠野、旱地、沙漠。

13 耶和華的忿怒,必無人居住,要全然荒涼。凡經過巴比倫的要受驚駭,又因他所遭的災殃嗤笑。

14 所有拉的,你們要在巴比倫的四圍擺陣,射攻擊他。不要愛惜枝,因他得罪了耶和華

15 你們要在他四圍吶;他已經投降。外郭坍塌了,城牆拆毀了,因為這是耶和華報仇的事。你們要向巴比倫報仇;他怎樣待人,也要怎樣待他。

16 你們要將巴比倫撒種的和收割時拿鐮刀的都剪除了。他們各因怕欺壓的刀,必歸回本族,逃到本土。

17 以色列是打散的羊,是被獅子趕出的。首先是亞述王將他吞滅,末後是巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒將他的骨頭折斷。

18 所以萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:我必罰巴比倫王和他的,像我從前罰亞述王一樣。

19 我必再領以色列回他的草場,他必在迦密和巴珊吃草,又在以法蓮上和基列境內得以飽足

20 耶和華:當那日子、那時候,雖尋以色列的孽,一無所有;雖尋猶大罪惡,也無所見;因為我所留下的人,我必赦免。

21 耶和華:上去攻擊米拉大翁之,又攻擊比割的居民。要追殺滅盡,照我一切所吩咐你的去行。

22 境內有打仗和毀滅的響聲。

23 的大錘何竟砍斷壞?巴比倫在列國中何竟荒涼?

24 巴比倫哪,我為你設下網羅,你不知不覺被纏住。你被尋著,也被捉住;因為你與耶和華爭競。

25 耶和華已經開了,拿出他惱恨的兵器;因為─萬軍之耶和華迦勒底人有當做的事。

26 你們要從極遠的邊界攻擊他,開他的倉廩,將他堆如高堆,毀滅淨盡,絲毫不留。

27 要殺他的一切牛犢,使他們去遭遇殺戮。他們有禍了,因為追討他們的日子已經到。

28 (有從巴比倫之逃避出來的人,在錫安揚聲報告耶和華─我們的報仇,就是為他的殿報仇。)

29 招集一切弓箭手來攻擊巴比倫。要在巴比倫四圍安營,不要容一人逃脫,照著他所做的報應他;他怎樣待人,也要怎樣待他,因為他向耶和華以色列的聖者發了狂傲。

30 所以他的少年人必仆倒在街上。當那日,一切兵丁必默默無聲。這是耶和華的。

31 ─萬軍之耶和華:你這狂傲的啊,我與你反對,因為我追討你的日子已經到。

32 狂傲的必絆跌仆倒,無人扶起。我也必使在他的城邑中裡起來,將他四圍所有的盡行燒滅。

33 萬軍之耶和華如此以色列人猶大人一同受欺壓;凡擄掠他們的都緊緊抓住他們,不肯釋放。

34 他們的大有能力,萬軍之耶和華是他的名。他必伸清他們的冤,好使全得平安,並攪擾巴比倫的居民

35 耶和華:有刀臨到迦勒底人和巴比倫的居民,並他的首領與智慧人。

36 有刀臨到矜誇的人,他們就成為愚昧;有刀臨到他的勇士,他們就驚惶。

37 有刀臨到他的馬匹、車輛,和其中雜族的人民;他們必像婦女一樣。有刀臨到他的寶物,就被搶奪。

38 有乾旱臨到他的眾水,就必乾涸;因為這是有雕刻偶像之,人因偶像而顛狂。

39 所以曠野的走獸和豺狼必在那裡,鴕鳥也在其中,永無人煙,世世代無人居住

40 耶和華:必無在那裡,也無在其中寄居,要像我傾覆所多瑪、蛾摩拉,和鄰近的城邑一樣。

41 看哪,有一種民從北方,並有一國和許多被激動,從到。

42 他們拿和槍,性情殘忍,不施憐憫;他們的聲音像浪匉訇。巴比倫城(原文是女子)啊,他們,都擺隊伍如上戰場的,要攻擊你。

43 巴比倫王見他們的風聲,就發軟,痛苦將他抓住,疼痛彷彿產難的婦人。

44 仇敵必像獅子從約但河邊的叢林上來,攻擊堅固的居所。轉眼之間,我要使他們逃跑,離開這地。誰蒙揀選,我就派誰治理這地。誰能比我呢?誰能給我定規日期呢?有何牧人能在我面前站立得住呢?

45 你們要耶和華攻擊巴比倫所說的謀略和他攻擊迦勒底人所定的旨意。仇敵定要將他們眾微弱的拉去,定要使他們的居所荒涼。

46 因巴比倫被取的聲音,就震動,人在列邦都見呼喊的聲音。


From Swedenborg's Works


Apocalypse Explained #275

Study this Passage

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275. (Verse 6) And before the throne there was a glassy sea like unto crystal. That this signifies the appearance of truth in ultimates, in which are the general things thereof, translucent from the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in primaries, is evident from the signification of before the throne, as being appearance; and from the signification of the sea as being the general things of truth, which will be explained in what follows; also from the signification of a sea of glass, as being translucence. It is said like unto crystal, in order to express translucence from the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in primaries, which is signified by the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, as shown just above (n. 274). In the preceding passages, and in this passage, the state of the whole heaven arranged in order for judgment, and its ultimate, is described by a glassy sea like unto crystal. The reason why the truth of the ultimate heaven is signified by a glassy sea is that sea signifies the general things of truth, such as truth is in the ultimates of heaven and pertaining to man in his natural state, which is called scientific truth (verum scientificum.)

[2] The reason why sea has such a signification is that in the sea there is a gathering together of waters; and waters signify truths, as may be seen above (n. 71).

That the sea has such a signification is evident from many passages in the Word, of which some shall be here adduced. In Isaiah:

"I will shut up the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them; then the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up" (19:4, 5).

By the Egyptians are signified the knowledges (scientiae) belonging to the natural man; by the cruel lord into whose hands they should be shut up is signified the evil of the love of self; by a fierce king is signified the falsity therefrom; by the waters of the sea failing is signified that notwithstanding the abundance of knowledges, there were no truths therefrom; and by the river being wasted and dried up, is signified that there was no doctrine of truth and consequently no intelligence.

[3] Again:

"Jehovah will visit with his sword, hard, great and strong, upon leviathan, the stretched out serpent, and upon leviathan the crooked serpent, and will slay the whales which are in the sea" (27:1).

These things also are said concerning Egypt, by which are signified the knowledges (scientiae) of the natural man; by leviathan the stretched out serpent are signified those who reject every thing which they do not see with their natural eyes; thus the merely sensual, who are without faith, because they do not comprehend. By leviathan the crooked serpent are signified those who, for the same reason, do not believe, and yet say that they do believe. By a sword, hard, great and strong, with which they shall be visited, is signified the extinction of all truth; for sword signifies falsity destroying truth. By the whales in the sea which shall be slain, are signified scientifics (scientifica) in general. (That a whale has such a signification may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 7293.)

[4] In the same:

"The inhabitants of the isles are silent; the merchant of Zidon passing over the sea, they have filled thee. Blush O Zidon, because the sea hath said, The fortification of the sea, saying, I have not travailed, and I have not brought forth; I have not brought up young men, nor made the virgins to grow up; as with the report of Egypt, they shall be seized with pains at the report of Tyre" (23:2-5).

By Zidon and Tyre are signified the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, therefore reference is made to the merchant of Zidon passing over the sea, a merchant denoting one who procures to himself those knowledges, and imparts them. That they procured to themselves nothing of good and truth thereby, is signified by the sea, saying, "I have not travailed and brought forth, I have not brought up young men, nor made the virgins to grow up." To travail, and to bring forth, is to produce something from knowledges; young men signify truths, and virgins goods. That consequently the use of knowledges and of sciences (scientiae) would perish, is signified by, as with the report of Egypt, they shall be seized with pains at the report of Tyre.

[5] In Ezekiel:

"All the princes of the sea shall descend from upon their thrones, and shall cast away their robes, and put off their vestments of embroidery; they shall be clothed with terrors. They shall take up a lamentation over thee, and shall say, How hast thou perished, thou that wast inhabited by seas, the renowned city which was strong in the sea; wherefore the islands in the sea shall be troubled at thy destruction" (Ezekiel 26:16-18).

These things are said of Tyre, by which are signified the knowledges of truth, the neglect and loss of which are thus described. By the princes of the sea who shall come down from their thrones, are meant primary knowledges (cognitiones); that they shall be left together with scientifics is signified by their casting away their robes, and putting off their vestments of embroidery; the embroidery is the Scientific (Scientificum); the renowned city strong in the sea signifies the full power of knowing; the seas signify collections of scientifics (scientifica); the islands in the sea signify the nations more remote from truths which desire knowledges, concerning which it is said, "the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy destruction."

[6] In Isaiah:

"They shall not do evil, nor corrupt themselves, in all the mountain of my holiness; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea" (11:9).

Here the subject treated of is a new heaven and a new church, which are meant by the mountain of holiness in which they shall not do evil nor corrupt themselves; their understanding of truth from the Lord is described by the earth being full of the knowledge (scientia) of Jehovah; and because waters signify truths, and the sea fulness of them, it is therefore said, "as the waters cover the sea."

[7] In the same:

"At my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish shall be putrid, because there is no water, and shall die of thirst" (50:2).

To dry up the sea signifies an entire lack of the general knowledges (cognitiones) of truth; to make the rivers a wilderness signifies the deprivation of all truth, and consequently of intelligence; the fish becoming putrid signifies that the scientifics of the natural man shall be without any spiritual life, which takes place when they are applied to confirm falsities against the truths of the church; because there is no water signifies because there is not any truth; to die of thirst signifies the extinction of truth. (That rivers signify those things that pertain to intelligence may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 108, 2702, 3051: that desert signifies where there is no good because no truth, n. 2708, 4736, 7055; that fish signifies the Scientific of the natural man, n. 40, 991; that water signifies truth, n. 2702, 3424, 5668, 8568, and that to die of thirst signifies the deprivation of spiritual life from defect of truth, n. 8568, end.)

[8] In David:

"Jehovah, thou rulest the raging of the sea, when the waves thereof arise" (Psalms 89:9).

By sea is here signified the natural man, because in the natural man are the general things of truth; by the rising of its waves is signified its exalting itself against the Divine, denying the things of the church.

[9] Again:

"Jehovah hath founded" the world upon the seas, "and established it upon the rivers" (Psalms 24:2).

By the world is signified the church; by the seas the knowledges (cognitiones) in general which are in the natural man; and by rivers the truths of faith: upon both these the church is founded.

[10] In Amos:

Jehovah "who buildeth his steps in the heavens, and calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the faces of the earth" (9:6).

By the steps which Jehovah buildeth in the heavens are signified interior truths, which are called spiritual; by the waters of the sea are signified exterior truths, which are natural because they are in the natural man; by pouring them out upon the faces of the earth, is signified upon the men of the church, for earth denotes the church.

[11] In David:

"By the Word of Jehovah were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap; he giveth the depths for treasures" (Psalms 33:6, 7).

The Word of Jehovah by which the heavens were made, and the breath of His mouth by which all the host of them is made, signifies the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord; the host of the heavens denoting all things of love and faith. The waters of the sea which He gathered together as an heap signify the knowledges of truth, and truths in general, which are together in the natural man; the depths which He gives for treasures signify sensual scientifics (scientifica sensualia), which are the most general, and the ultimate of the natural man, and in which at the same time are interior or higher truths, whence they are called treasures.

[12] Again:

Jehovah "hath founded the earth upon its foundations that it be not removed to eternity and for ever. Thou hast covered it with the deep as with a garment" (Psalms 104:5, 6).

By earth is here signified the church; the foundations on which Jehovah founded it for ever, are the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good. The deep which covered it as with a garment signifies the sensual Scientific, which is the ultimate of the natural man, and because it is such, Jehovah is said to have covered it as with a garment.

[13] Again:

Jehovah "thy way is in the sea, and thy path in many waters, yet thy footsteps are not known" (Psalms 77:19).

In Isaiah:

"Thus saith Jehovah, I have made a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters" (43:16).

That by sea in this passage is not meant the sea, nor by waters are meant waters is evident, because it is said that therein are the way and the path of Jehovah. Therefore, by the sea and by waters are meant those things in which Jehovah or the Lord is, these being the knowledges of truth in general from the Word, and truths therein. The sea denotes those knowledges, and the waters truths. Knowledges (cognitiones) and truths differ in this, that the former are of the natural man, and the latter of the spiritual man.

[14] In Jeremiah:

"I will plead thy cause, and will avenge thy avenging: and I will dry up the sea" of Babel, "and will make dry the springs thereof; the sea shall come up upon Babel, she shall be covered with the multitude of its waves" (51:36, 42).

By Babel are meant those who profane goods; the sea of Babel signifies their traditions, which are adulterations of good from the Word; the waves are the falsities thereof; their destruction at the Last Judgment is described by these things.

[15] In the same:

"A people coming from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be stirred up from the sides of the earth. Their voice maketh a tumult like the sea, and they ride upon horses" (50:41, 42).

The people coming from the north denote those who are falsities from evil; the great nation denotes evils, and many kings denote falsities; the sides of the earth denote the things of the church, and also those not of the church, for the earth denotes the church; their voice making a tumult like the sea, denotes falsity from the natural man exalting itself against the truth of the church; the horses upon which they ride, are reasonings from the fallacies of the senses.

[16] Again:

"Jehovah, who giveth the sun for a light of the day, the statutes of the moon and of the stars for a light of the night, stirring up the sea so that the waves thereof are tumultuous" (31:35).

By the sun from which is the light of the day, is signified the good of celestial love, from which comes the perception of truth; by the ordinances of the moon and the stars, from which comes the light of the night, are signified truths from spiritual good and from knowledges, from which comes intelligence; by the sea which is stirred up, and by the waves which are tumultuous, are signified the generals of truth in the natural man, and scientifics.

[17] In Isaiah.

"The wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt" (57:20).

By the troubled sea, which is said of the wicked, are signified reasonings from falsities; by the waters which cast up mire and dirt are signified the falsities themselves, from which come evils of life and falsities of doctrine.

[18] In Ezekiel:

"I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethites, and destroy the remnant of the sea coasts" (25:16).

By the Philistines are signified those who are in the doctrine of faith alone; and by the remnant of the sea coasts, which shall be destroyed, are signified all things pertaining to truth.

[19] In Hosea:

"I will not return to destroy Ephraim. They shall go after Jehovah; and with honour the sons shall draw near from the sea, with honour shall they come as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria" (Hosea 11:9-11).

By Ephraim is here signified the church as to the understanding of truth; by the sons from the sea who shall draw near are signified truths from their common fount, which is the Word; by a bird out of Egypt is signified the Scientific in agreement therewith; and by a dove out of the land of Assyria is signified the Rational.

[20] In Zechariah:

"In that day living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, part of them to the eastern sea, and part of them to the hinder sea" (14:8).

By living waters going out from Jerusalem are signified truths from a spiritual origin in the church, which are the truths received by man when he is enlightened from the Lord while reading the Word; Jerusalem signifies the church as to doctrine. By the sea is signified the natural man into which those things descend that are in the spiritual man; by the eastern sea is signified the natural man as to good, and by the hinder sea the same as to truth; and because the natural man is in the general things of truth, therefore by sea are also signified things of truth.

[21] Those who are ignorant of what is meant by the spiritual man, and by the truths and goods therein, may suppose that the truths that are in the natural man, and are called knowledges and scientifics, are not merely the generals of truth, but that they are all things of truth pertaining to man. But be it known that the truths that are in the spiritual man, and from which those that are in the natural are derived, exceed them enormously. Those, however, that are in the spiritual man do not come within the perception of the natural man until he enters the spiritual world, which is after death; for then man puts off the natural, and puts on the spiritual. That this is the case is evident from this fact only, that the angels are in intelligence and wisdom ineffable in comparison with man, and yet the angels are all from the human race. (That the angels are from the human race may be seen in the small work, The Last Judgment 14-22, and 23-27.) Because the sea signifies the generals of truth, therefore the great vessel, which was for washing in common, was called the brazen sea (1 Kings 7:23-26). For washing represented purifications from falsities and evils, and waters signify truths, by which purifications are effected. And because all truths are from good, therefore the whole vessel was made of brass; therefore it was called the brazen sea, for brass signifies good. Spiritual purification, which is purification from falsities and evils, is there fully described by the measurements of that vessel, and by the bases thereof, understood in the spiritual sense. From the considerations now adduced, it is evident that by sea are signified the generals of truth, or the knowledges of truth together and collectively. But what is further signified by the sea will be shown in the explanation of the following part of this book. For the sea is mentioned in various senses; as in chap. 5:13; 7:1-3; 8:8, 9; 10:2, 8; 12:12; 13:1; 14:7; 15:2; 16:3; 18:17, 19, 21; 20:13; 21:1.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.