The Bible


但以理書 8



1 伯沙撒王在位第年,有異象現與我─但以理,是在先前所見的異象

2 我見了異象的時候,我以為在以攔省書珊城(或譯:宮)中;我見異象又如在烏萊河邊。

3 我舉目觀,見有雙角的公綿站在河邊,兩角都。這角過那角,更的是後長的。

4 我見那公綿往西、往、往牴觸。獸在他面前都站立不住,也沒有能救護脫離他的;但他任意而行,自高自大。

5 我正思想的時候,見有一隻公山羊從西而,遍行全,腳不沾塵。這山羊兩眼當中有一非常的角。

6 他往我所見、站在河邊有雙角的公綿那裡去,大發忿怒,向他直闖。

7 我見公山就近公綿,向他發烈怒,牴觸他,折斷他的兩角。綿在他面前站立不住;他將綿觸倒在,用腳踐踏,沒有能救綿脫離他的。

8 山羊極其自高自,正強盛的時候,那角折斷了,又在角根上向方(原文是風)長出個非常的角來。

9 四角之中有角長出個小角,向南、向東、向榮美之地,漸漸成為強大。

10 他漸漸強大,象,將些象和宿拋落在,用腳踐踏。

11 並且他自高自大,以為高及天象之君;除掉常獻給君的燔祭,毀壞君的聖所。

12 因罪過的緣故,有軍旅和常獻的燔祭交付他。他將真理拋在上,任意而行,無不順利。

13 見有說話,又有者問那說話:這除掉常獻的燔祭和施行毀壞的罪過,將所與軍旅(或譯:以色列的軍)踐踏的異象,要到幾時才應驗呢?

14 他對我:到二日,所就必潔淨。

15 我─但以理見了這異象,願意明白其中的意思。忽有一位形狀像人的站在我面前。

16 我又見烏萊河兩岸中有人聲呼叫:加百列啊,要使此人明白這異象。

17 他便到我所站的地方。他一,我就驚慌俯伏在地;他對我:人子啊,你要明白,因為這是關乎末後的異象

18 他與我說話的時候,我面伏在沉睡;他就摸我,扶我站起來,

19 :我要指示你惱怒臨完必有的事,因為這是關乎末後的定期。

20 你所見雙角的公綿,就是瑪代和波斯

21 那公山羊就是希利尼王(希利尼:原文是雅完;下同);兩眼當中的角就是頭一王。

22 至於那折斷了的角,在其根上又長出角,這角就是國,必從這國裡興起來,只是權勢都不及他。

23 這四國末時,犯法的人罪惡滿盈,必有一王興起,面貌凶惡,能用雙關的詐語。

24 他的權柄必大,卻不是因自己的能力;他必行非常的毀滅,事情順利,任意而行;又必毀滅有能力的和聖民。

25 他用權術成就中的詭計,心裡自高自大,在人坦然無備的時候,毀滅多人;又要站起來攻擊萬君之君,至終卻非因人而滅亡。

26 所說二千三百日的異象是真的,但你要將這異象封住,因為關乎後來許多的日子。

27 於是我─但以理昏迷不醒,病了數日,然後起來辦理王的事務。我因這異象驚奇,卻無人能明白其中的意思。


From Swedenborg's Works


The Last Judgement (Continuation) #13

Study this Passage

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13. (vi) The state of the world and the church before the Last Judgment resembled evening and night, but after it morning and day. When the light of truth is not to be seen, and truth is not accepted, the state of the church in the world resembles evening and night. Such was its state before the Last Judgment, as is evident from what was said above (11). But when the light of truth is to be seen, and truth is accepted, the state of the church in the world resembles morning and day. That is why those two states of the church are called in the Word evening and morning, as well as night and day; as for example:

The Holy One said to me, 'Until the evening and morning two thousand three hundred [days], then the sanctuary shall be made holy'. Daniel 8:14.

The vision of the evening and the morning is truth. Daniel 8:26.

There shall be one day, known to Jehovah, neither day nor night, because around evening time there shall be light. Zechariah 14:7.

One is calling to me from Seir, Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning is coming, and night again. Isaiah 21:11-12.

Jesus spoke of the final period of the church:

Keep awake, for you do not know when the lord of the house will come, at evening, at midnight, at cockcrow or in the morning. Mark 13:35.

Jesus said, I must work while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4.

Also elsewhere, such as Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 6:4-5; Psalms 30:5; 65:8; 90:6.

Because this is the meaning of evening and night, the Lord, in order to fulfil the Word, was also buried in the evening, and afterwards rose again in the morning.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.