The Bible


歌羅西書 1


1 奉神旨意,作基督耶穌使徒的保羅和兄弟提摩太

2 寫信給歌羅西的徒,在基督裡有忠心的弟兄。願恩惠、平安從神我們的父歸與你們!

3 我們感謝神、我們主耶穌基督的父,常常為你們禱告

4 見你們在基督耶穌裡的信心,並向眾徒的愛心,

5 是為那給你們存在上的盼望;這盼望就是你們從前在福音真理的道上所見的。

6 這福音傳到你們那裡,也傳到普天之下,並且結果,增長,如同在你們中間,自從你們見福音,真知道神恩惠的日子一樣。

7 正如你們從我們所親愛、一同作僕人的以巴弗所學的。他為我們(有古卷:你們)作了基督忠心的執事,

8 也把你們因聖靈所存的愛心告訴了我們。

9 因此,我們自從見的日子,也就為你們不住的禱告祈求,願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上,滿心知道神的旨意;

10 好叫你們行事為人對得起主,凡事蒙他喜悅,在一切善事上結果子,漸漸的多知道神;

11 照他榮耀的權能,得以在各樣的力上加力,好叫你們凡事歡歡喜喜的忍耐寬容;

12 又感謝父,叫我們能與眾徒在光明中同得基業。

13 他救了我們脫離黑暗的權勢,把我們遷到他愛子的國裡;

14 我們在愛子裡得蒙救贖,罪過得以赦免。

15 愛子是那不能看見之神的像,是首生的,在一切被造的以先。

16 因為萬有都是靠他造的,無論是上的,地上的;能看見的,不能看見的;或是有位的,主治的,執政的,掌權的;一概都是藉著他造的,又是為他造的。

17 他在萬有之先;萬有也靠他而立。

18 他也是教會全之首。他是元始,是從死裡首先復生的,使他可以在凡事上居首位。

19 因為父喜歡叫一切的豐盛在他裡面居住。

20 既然藉著他在十字架上所流的血成就了和平,便藉著他叫萬有─無論是地上的、上的─都與自己和好了。

21 你們從前與神隔絕,因著惡行,心裡與他為敵。

22 但如今他藉著基督的肉身受死,叫你們與自己和好,都成了聖潔,沒有瑕疵,無可責備,把你們引到自己面前。

23 只要你們在所信的道上恆心,根基穩固,堅定不移,不至被引動失去(原文是離開)福音的盼望。這福音就是你們所聽過的,也是傳與普萬人的(原文是凡受造的),我保羅也作了這福音的執事。

24 現在我為你們受苦,倒覺歡樂;並且為基督身體,就是為教會,要在我肉身上補滿基督患難的缺欠。

25 我照神為你們所賜我的職分作了教會的執事,要把神的道理傳得全備,

26 這道理就是歷世歷代所隱藏的奧祕;但如今向他的徒顯明了。

27 神願意叫他們知道,這奧祕在外邦人中有何等豐盛的榮耀,就是基督在你們心裡成了有榮耀的盼望。

28 我們傳揚他,是用諸般的智慧,勸戒各人,教導各人,要把各人在基督裡完完全全的引到神面前。

29 我也為此勞苦,照著他在我�面運用的大能盡心竭力。

From Swedenborg's Works


Scriptural Confirmations #3

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3. Christ

1. The Lord is called in many places Jehovah, Jehovah of hosts, and in particular God, the God of Israel, the Holy One, and the Holy One of Israel, and Lord, the Rock, Angel, the Arm of Jehovah, Prophet, the Son of man, while very frequently Jehovah is named, even He, since they are one - the Mighty One of Jacob, the Rock of Jacob. Therefore in general by Jehovah the Father Himself, and Lord are at the same time meant, as is clear from the following passages.

Jesus was taken up into heaven, and a cloud received Him, and then two angels said, This Jesus shall so come as ye have seen him going into heaven (Acts of the Apostles 1:9, 11).

Jesus rose from the dead according to the prophecy through David (Psalms 16:10), and that there Christ is meant and not David (Acts of the Apostles 2:27-29, 31; 13:24-37). Then said Jehovah, the Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at My right hand until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool (Psalms 110:1; Acts of the Apostles 2:34, 35).

The Lord our God (Acts of the Apostles 2:39). He is the Lord of all (Acts of the Apostles 10:36).

Ye have slain the Prince of life (Acts of the Apostles 3:15).

That when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, he may send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you, whom the heaven must receive until the time of the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all the prophets from of old (Acts of the Apostles 3:20, 21).

Moses said, The Lord your God will raise up unto you a Prophet from your brethren, unto him ye shall hearken, whatever soul shall not hearken to that Prophet, he shall be destroyed from among the people; all the prophets have foretold him (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19; Acts of the Apostles 3:22-24).

Prediction from Isaiah (53:7-9), the Lord would suffer (Acts of the Apostles 8:32, 33).

Christ was the Son of God (Acts of the Apostles 8:37; 9:20).

Jesus is the Lord of all (Acts of the Apostles 10:36). He is the Judge of the living and the dead (verse 42).

They were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts of the Apostles 11:26). Paul explains the saying, this day have I begotten thee (Psalms 2:7) as referring to Jesus (Acts of the Apostles 13:33).

He is called the light of the nations, for salvation to the uttermost part of the earth (Isaiah 49:6; Acts of the Apostles 13:47).

The coming of the Lord for the rebuilding of the ruins (Amos 9:11; quoted Acts of the Apostles 15:16, 17).

Paul said that he was ready to be bound and die for the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts of the Apostles 21:13).

Paul at Rome preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Christ (Acts of the Apostles 28:31).

In the Acts of the Apostles it is said that they preached the Lord Christ only, and that they should believe in Him, and nowhere that they should believe in God the Father.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.