

民數記 23



1 巴蘭對巴勒:你在這裡給我築,為我豫備隻公牛,隻公

2 巴勒照巴蘭的話行了。巴勒和巴蘭在每座上獻一隻公牛,一隻公

3 巴蘭對巴勒:你站在你的燔祭旁邊,我且往前去,或者耶和華來迎見我。他指示我甚麼,我必告訴你。於是巴蘭上一淨光的處。

4 迎見巴蘭巴蘭:我豫備了,在每座上獻了一隻公牛,一隻公

5 耶和華傳給巴蘭,又:你回到巴勒那裡,要如此如此

6 他就回到巴勒那裡,見他同摩押的使臣都站在燔祭旁邊。

7 巴蘭便題起詩歌:巴勒引我出亞蘭,摩押王引我出東山,:來阿,為我咒詛雅各;來阿,怒罵以色列

8 神沒有咒詛的,我焉能咒詛?耶和華沒有怒罵的,我焉能怒罵?

9 我從高峰他,從小山望他;這是獨居的民,不列在萬民中。

10 誰能數點雅各的塵土?誰能計算以色列的四分之一?我願如人之;我願如人之終而終。

11 巴勒對巴蘭:你向我做的是甚麼事呢?我領你來咒詛我的仇敵,不料,你竟為他們祝福

12 回答耶和華傳給我的話,我能不謹慎傳麼?

13 巴勒:求你同我往別處去,在那裡可以見他們;你不能全見,只能見他們邊界上的人。在那裡要為我咒詛他們。

14 於是領巴蘭到了瑣腓田,上了毘斯迦山頂,築了;每座上獻一隻公牛,一隻公

15 巴蘭對巴勒:你站在這燔祭旁邊,等我往那邊去迎見耶和華

16 耶和華臨到巴蘭那裡,將傳給他;又:你回到巴勒那裡,要如此如此

17 他就回到巴勒那裡,見他站在燔祭旁邊;摩押的使臣也和他在一處。巴勒問他耶和華了甚麼話呢?

18 巴蘭就題詩歌:巴勒,你起來;西撥的兒子,你我言。

19 神非,必不致謊,也非子,必不致後悔。他說話豈不照著行呢?他發言豈不要成就呢?

20 我奉命祝福;神也曾賜福,此事我不能翻轉。

21 他未見雅各中有罪孽,也未見以色列中有奸惡。耶和華─他的和他同在;有歡呼王的聲音在他們中間。

22 神領他們出埃及;他們似乎有野牛之力。

23 斷沒有法術可以害雅各,也沒有占卜可以害以色列。現在必有人論及雅各,就是論及以色列:神為他行了何等的大事!

24 這民起來,彷彿母獅,挺身,好像公獅,未曾喫野食,未曾被傷者之血,決不躺臥。

25 巴勒對巴蘭:你一點不要咒詛他們,也不要為他們祝福

26 巴蘭回答巴勒:我豈不是告訴耶和華的,我必須遵行麼?

27 巴勒對巴蘭:來罷,我領你往別處去,或者喜歡你在那裡為我咒詛他們。

28 巴勒就領巴蘭到那下望曠野的毘珥山頂上。

29 巴蘭對巴勒:你在這裡為我築,又在這裡為我豫備隻公牛,隻公

30 巴勒就照巴蘭的話行,在每座上獻一隻公牛,一隻公





The mastaba of the official and priest Fetekti. Fifth Dynasty. Abusir necropolis, Egypt, Photo by Karl Richard Lepsius

In the Bible, Egypt represents knowledge and the love of knowledge. In a good sense that means knowledge of truth from the Lord through the Bible, but in a natural sense it simply means earthly knowledge to be stored up and possessed. And even knowledge from the Bible is not always good: If we learn them with the goal of making them useful, then they are filled with angelic ideas. But they lack purpose when they are learned only for the sake of knowing things or for the reputation of being learned. So Egypt is a place you go to learn things, but to become heavenly you have to escape the sterile "knowing" and journey to the land of Canaan, where the knowledge is filled with the internal desire for good. It's interesting that when Egypt was ruled by Joseph, it was a haven for his father and brothers. This shows that when a person's internal mind rules in the land of learning, they can learn much that is useful. But eventually a pharaoh arose that didn't know Joseph, and the Children of Israel were enslaved. The pharaoh represents the external mind; when it is in charge the excitement and self-congratulation of knowing can reduce the internal mind to a type of slavery. The mind - like the Children of Israel - ends up making bricks, or man-made falsities from external appearances.