

利未記 12



1 耶和華摩西

2 你曉諭以色列人:若有婦人懷孕生男孩,他就不潔淨,像在月經污穢的日子不潔淨一樣。

3 第八,要給嬰孩行割禮

4 婦人在產血不潔之中,要三十。他潔淨的日子未滿,不可摸物,也不可進入所。

5 他若生孩,就不潔淨兩個七,像污穢的時候一樣,要在產血不潔之中,六十

6 滿了潔淨的日子,無論是為男孩是為女孩,他要把一歲的羊羔為燔祭,一隻雛鴿或是一隻斑鳩為贖祭,會幕口交給祭司。

7 祭司要獻在耶和華面前,為他贖罪,他的血源就潔淨了。這條例是為生育的婦人,無論是生男生

8 他的力量不夠獻隻羊羔,他就要取兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,隻為燔祭,隻為贖祭。祭司要為他贖,他就潔淨了。






Like "say," the word "speak" refers to thoughts and feelings moving from our more internal spiritual levels to our more external ones -- and ultimately from the Lord, who is in a sense the most internal spiritual level of all. This is generally called "influx" and "perception" in the Writings, meaning they are thoughts and feelings that flow in in a complete way from the Lord, rather than being things we have to think about and figure out. On a number of occasions "speak" and "say" are used together; in these cases "speak" refers more to intellectual instruction in matters of thought and "say" refers more to feelings and affections that flow in directly.