

以西結書 44



1 他又帶我回到聖地朝東的外;那關閉了。

2 耶和華對我:這必須關閉,不可敞開,誰也不可由其中進入;因為耶和華以色列的已經由其中進入,所以必須關閉

3 至於王,他必按王的位分,在其內,在耶和華面前餅。他必由這的廊而入,也必由此而出。

4 他又我由來到殿前。我觀,見耶和華的榮光充滿耶和華的殿,我就俯伏在地。

5 耶和華對我:人子啊,我對你所耶和華殿中的一切典章則,你要放在上,用眼,用耳,並要留殿宇和聖地一切出入之處。

6 你要對那悖逆的以色列耶和華如此以色列家啊,你們行一切可憎的事,當夠了罷!

7 你們把我的食物,就是脂油和血獻上的時候,將身未受割禮的外邦人領進我的聖地,玷污了我的殿;又背了我的約,在你們一切可憎的事上,加上這一層。

8 你們也沒有看守我的物,卻派別人在地替你們看守我所吩咐你們的。

9 耶和華如此以色列中的外邦人,就是身未受割禮的,都不可入我的聖地。

10 以色列人走迷的時候,有利未人遠離我,就是走迷離開我、隨從他們的偶像,他們必擔當自己的罪孽。

11 然而他們必在我的聖地當僕役,照管殿,在殿中供職;必為民宰殺燔祭牲和平安祭牲,必站在民前伺候他們。

12 因為這些利未人曾在偶像前伺候這民,成了以色列家罪孽的絆腳石,所以我向他們起誓:他們必擔當自己的罪孽。這是耶和華的。

13 他們不可親我,給我供祭司的職分,也不可挨我的一件物,就是至的物;他們卻要擔當自己的羞辱和所行可憎之事的報應。

14 然而我要使他們看守殿宇,辦理其中的一切事,並做其內一切當做之工。

15 以色列人走迷離開我的時候,祭司利未人撒督的子孫仍看守我的聖所。他們必親近我,事奉我,並且侍立在我面前,將脂油與血獻給我。這是耶和華的。

16 他們必進入我的聖所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

17 他們進內院必穿細麻衣。在內院和殿內供職的時候不可穿羊毛衣服

18 他們上要戴細麻布頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。

19 他們出到外院的民那裡,當脫下供職的衣服,放在屋內,穿上別的衣服,免得因衣使民成聖

20 不可剃,也不可容髮綹長長,只可剪髮。

21 祭司進內院的時候都不可喝酒

22 不可娶寡婦和被休的婦人為妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的處女,或是祭司遺留的寡婦。

23 他們要使我的民知道俗的分別,又使他們分辨潔淨的和不潔淨的。

24 有爭訟的事,他們應當站立判斷,要按我的典章判斷。在我一切的節期必守我的律條例,也必以我的安息日為日。

25 他們不可挨近屍沾染自己,只可為父親母親兒子、女兒、弟兄,和未嫁的姊妹沾染自己。

26 祭司潔淨之,必再計算日。

27 當他進內院,進所,在所中事奉的日子,要為自己獻贖祭。這是耶和華的。

28 祭司必有產業,我是他們的產業。不可在以色列他們基業;我是他們的基業。

29 素祭、贖祭,和贖愆祭他們都可以以色列中一切永獻的物都要歸他們。

30 首先初熟之物和一切所獻的供物都要歸祭司。你們也要用初熟的麥子磨麵祭司;這樣,福氣就必臨到你們的家了。

31 無論是,凡自死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不可


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属天的奥秘 #9960

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9960. “遮掩裸露的皮肉” 表防止这爱的内层事物或内在欲望在污秽和属地狱的时候显露出来. 这从 “遮掩”, 生殖器官和腰的含义清楚可知:

“遮掩” 是指防止它们显露出来; 此处 “裸露的皮肉” 所指的生殖器官和腰是指婚姻之爱的内层事物或内在欲望. 因为当 “裤子” 表示这爱的外在事物, 或构成这爱的外层的事物时 (参看9959节), 它们所遮掩的 “肉体” 表示它的内层或内在事物.

“腰” 表示婚姻之爱 (参看3021, 4280, 4575节);

“生殖器官” 也是 (4462, 5050-5062节);

“皮肉” 表示爱之良善 (3813, 7850, 9127节). 由于在圣言中, 绝大多数事物也有一个反面意义, 所以 “腰”,

“生殖器官” 和 “皮肉” 同样有一个反面意义. 就反面意义而言, 它们表示这爱的邪恶, 污秽和地狱的事物或欲望 (参看3813, 5059节). 它们在此表示邪恶, 污秽和地狱的事物或欲望, 这一点从以下事实明显看出来: 经上说 “遮掩裸露的皮肉”,

“裸露的皮肉” 在此是指与婚姻之爱的良善对立之物, 也就是奸淫的快乐, 因此是地狱之物, 如下文所述.

至于 “裸露”, 它从所裸露的身体部位获得自己的含义, 正如衣服从它们所披盖的身体部位获得自己的含义一样 (9827节). 因此,

“裸露” 在论及头, 就是光秃时, 是一种含义; 在论及全身时, 是另一种含义; 而在论及腰和生殖器官时, 又是一种含义. 当论及头, 就是光秃时,

“裸露” 表示丧失对真理的聪明理解和对良善的智慧洞察; 当论及全身时, 它表示丧失信之真理; 但当论及腰和生殖器官时, 它表示丧失爱之良善.

关于第一点: 当论及头, 就是光秃时,

“裸露” 表示丧失对真理的聪明理解和对良善的智慧洞察. 这一点清楚可见于以赛亚书:

当那日, 主必用剃头刀, 就是亚述王剃头和脚上的毛, 并要剃净胡须.(以赛亚书 7:20)

“剃头” 表示剥夺教会的内在真理;

“剃脚上的毛” 和 “剃净胡须” 表示剥夺教会的外在真理;

“亚述王” 表示通过基于虚假的推理. 谁都能清楚看出, 头, 脚上的毛和胡须不会用亚述王来剃, 这些话必另有所指.

“头” 表示智慧和聪明的内层事物 (参看6292, 6436, 9166, 9656节);

“亚述王” 表示推理 (119, 1186节);

“毛或头发” 表示教会的外在真理 (3301, 5247, 5569-5573节);

“脚” 也表示外在或属世事物 (2162, 3147, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952节);

“胡须” 表示感官的记忆知识或感官层的记忆知识, 也就是最后和最低层的真理, 这从圣言中提及 “胡须” 的经文明显看出来.


各人头上光秃, 胡须剃净.(以赛亚书 15:2)

此处意思一样. 耶利米书:

迦萨成了光秃; 你割划自己, 要到几时呢? (耶利米书 47:5)


各人脸上羞愧, 各人头上光秃. 他们要将银子抛在街上, 他们的金子变成可憎之物.(以西结书 7:18, 19)

“各人头上光秃” 表示丧失对真理的聪明理解和对良善的智慧洞察. 由于所表示的这一点, 故经上还说 “他们要将银子抛在街上, 他们的金子变成可憎之物”; 因为 “银子” 表示属于聪明的真理,

“金子” 表示属于智慧的良善 (1551, 5658, 6914, 6917, 8932节). 显而易见, 不可按字面理解为各人头上光秃, 也不可按字面理解为他们要将银子抛在街上, 金子变成可憎之物.


摩西对亚伦和他儿子以利亚撒, 以他玛说, 不可剃头, 也不可撕裂衣裳, 免得你们死亡, 又免得祂向全会众发怒.(利未记 10:6)


祭司利未人不可剃头, 也不可容发绺长长.(以西结书 44:20)

由于亚伦和他儿子代表神性良善和神性真理方面的主 (9806, 9807节), 又由于 “剃头” 和 “撕裂衣裳” 表示丧失这良善和真理, 所以他们被禁止剃头, 撕裂衣裳. 经上还说 “免得你们死亡, 又免得祂向全会众发怒”, 以此表示这样, 神性良善和神性真理方面的主的代表, 因而教会的代表就会灭亡.

由于哀恸是属灵的哀恸, 也就是由于丧失教会的真理和良善而哀恸, 所以当哀恸的时候, 他们使头光秃; 如我们在下列经文所读到的:

人必不为他们哀哭, 也不为他们使头光秃.(耶利米书 16:6)


我必使你们的节期变为哀恸, 使光秃临到各人头上; 使它如丧独生子的哀恸.(阿摩司书 8:10)


要为你所喜爱的儿子使自己光秃, 剃头, 要大大地光秃, 如同秃鹰, 因为他们都离开你了.(弥迦书 1:16)

“喜爱的儿子” 是指神之真理;

“他们离开” 是指丧失这些真理,

“儿子” 表示真理 (参看9807节).

第二点: 当论及全身时,

“裸露” 表示丧失信之真理. 这一点清楚可见于启示录:

你要写信给老底嘉教会的天使说, 因为你说, 我是富足, 一样都不缺. 却不知道你是那可怜, 困苦, 贫穷, 瞎眼, 赤身的. 我劝你向我买火炼的金子, 又买白衣穿上, 叫你赤身的羞耻不露出来.(启示录 3:14, 17, 18)

“教会的天使” 是指那里的神之真理;

“说它是富足” 表示它拥有关于真理和良善的认知或知识;

“困苦, 贫穷, 瞎眼, 赤身” 表示然而却没有植入生命的真理, 因而没有良善;

“买火炼的金子” 表示为自己获得良善;

“白衣” 表示源于良善的纯正信之真理. 由此明显可知 “叫你赤身的羞耻不露出来” 表示什么.


看哪, 我来像贼一样; 那儆醒, 看守衣服, 免得赤身而行, 叫他们见他羞耻的, 有福了.(启示录 16:15)

此处意思也一样. 又:

这些必恨这淫妇, 使她毁坏赤身.(启示录 17:16)

“淫妇” 表示那些歪曲神之真理的人;

“使她赤身” 明显表示剥夺他们的这些真理, 因为经上说 “毁坏赤身”,

“毁坏” 表示剥夺真理.


“裸露 (或译为裸体, 赤身, 露体等)” 也表示没有真理的知识, 穿上衣服是指被教导真理:

见赤身的给他衣服遮体, 这样, 你的光就必突然发出如破晓.(以赛亚书 58:7, 8)


于是王要向那右手边的说, 我赤身露体, 你们给我穿. 祂又要向那左手边的说, 我赤身露体, 你们不给我穿.(马太福音 25:34, 36, 41, 43)

“赤身露体” 在此表示那些没有真理, 却渴慕真理的人, 以及那些承认自己里面根本没有良善或真理的人 (4956, 4958节).

第三点: 但当论及腰和生殖器官时,

“裸露” 表示丧失爱之良善. 这一点清楚可见于以赛亚书:

巴比伦的女儿, 处女啊, 要用石磨磨面; 揭开你的头发, 赤裸双脚, 露现大腿, 趟过江河; 你的裸体必被露出, 你的羞耻必被看见.(以赛亚书 47:1-3)

“巴比伦的女儿” 表示教会, 或教会的表象, 在那里, 神圣存在于外在, 亵渎存在于内在. 存在于内在的亵渎是这样: 他们视自己和世界, 因而视权力和大量财富为目的, 视圣物为达到该目的的手段.

“用石磨磨面” 表示从诸如用来充当达到目的的手段的那类事物中产出教义 (7780节);

“揭开头发, 赤裸双脚, 露现大腿” 表示玷辱神圣事物, 无论外在的还是内在的, 毫无羞耻和惧怕; 因此,

“露出裸体” 表示使作为他们目的的污秽和地狱之物显露出来.


耶路撒冷大大犯罪, 素来尊敬她的, 见她赤露就都藐视她; 她的污秽是在衣襟上.(耶利米哀歌 1:8, 9)

“耶路撒冷” 表示教会, 在此表示充满邪恶所产生的虚假的教会;

“见她赤露” 表示看到污秽和地狱的爱,

“污秽在衣襟上” 表示在最外层的那类爱,

“衣襟或底边” 表示最外层 (参看9917节). 那鸿书:

我必揭起你的衣襟, 蒙在你脸上, 使列族看见你的赤体, 使列国观看你的羞耻.(那鸿书 3:5)

“揭起衣襟” 表示夺去外在事物, 好叫内层或更内在的事物显露出来;

“使列族看见的赤体, 使列国观看的羞耻” 表示地狱的爱, 也就是对自我和世界的爱, 这些爱玷污内层或更内在的事物.


你生长, 以至极其俊美, 两乳成形, 头发长成, 你却仍然赤身露体. 你行这一切可憎和淫乱的事, 并未追念你幼年赤身露体滚在血中的日子. 你与你所爱的行淫露出裸体.(以西结书 16:7, 22, 36)


我必将你交在你所恨恶的人手中, 他们必以恨恶办你, 留下你赤身露体. 你淫乱的裸体, 都被显露.(以西结书 23:28, 29)


你们要与你们的母亲争论, 叫她除掉脸上的淫像和胸间的淫态, 免得我把她剥光, 赤身露体, 使她与才生的那天一样; 使她如旷野, 使她如干旱之地, 用干渴杀死她. 我必回来, 将我的五谷, 新酒收回; 用来给她遮蔽裸体的羊毛和麻布, 我也必夺回. 我必在她所爱的眼前显露她的羞耻.(何西阿书 2:2, 3, 9 , 10)

上述经文论述的主题是耶路撒冷, 它也被称为 “母亲”, 表示教会. 它的堕落被描述为 “淫像”,


“赤身露体”, 这些无非是污秽和地狱的爱 (也就是当为目的时的自我之爱和尘世之爱), 一切邪恶和衍生的虚假都从这些爱中喷涌而出. 因此, 在圣言中, 对真理的歪曲和对良善的玷污被描述为 “淫乱” 和 “奸淫或通奸”, 在那里也的确被称为 “淫乱” 和 “奸淫或通奸” (8904节). 由此明显可知 “裸体”,

“赤身露体” 表示什么. 由于所论述的主题是被歪曲的教会真理, 被玷污的教会良善, 所以经上说 “我使她如旷野, 使她如干旱之地, 用干渴杀死她”;

“旷野” 是指缺乏良善之物;

“干渴” 是指丧失信的一切.

经上还说, 主要 “将祂的五谷, 新酒收回; 用来给她遮蔽裸体的羊毛和麻布, 也必夺回”, 因为 “五谷” 表示属灵教会的内层良善或更内在的良善,

“新酒” 表示教会的内层真理或更内在的真理,

“羊毛” 表示它的外在良善或更外在的良善,

“麻布” 表示它的外层真理或更外在的真理. 凡出于受到某种程度的光照或启示的理性读到这些事物, 相信圣言中没有一句话是毫无意义的, 圣言的每一部分都是完全神圣的, 因为它是神性的人, 都能看出, 所指的不是字面上的麻布, 新酒和五谷.


以东的女儿哪, 杯子也必传到你那里; 你必喝醉, 以致赤身露体.(耶利米哀歌 4:21)


给邻舍酒喝, 使他喝醉, 好看见他们裸体的有祸了! 你满受羞辱, 不得荣耀. 你也喝吧! 显出你的包皮.(哈巴谷书 2:15, 16)


在你中间流人血的; 在你中间有露父亲裸体的.(以西结书 22:9, 10)

没有人知道这些话表示什么, 除非他知道 “杯子”,



“赤身”“看见裸体, 露裸体” 和 “包皮” 表示什么. 显而易见, 这一切要作属灵的理解. 按照属灵的理解,

“喝” 是指在真理上接受教导, 在反面意义上指在虚假上接受教导, 因而是指吸收它们 (3069, 3168, 3772, 8562, 9412节); 由此清楚可知人们用来喝的 “杯子” 表示什么 (5120节).

“喝醉” 表示由此变得疯狂,

“赤身” 表示完全剥夺真理.

“露体” 表示揭露爱自己爱世界的邪恶, 也就是地狱的邪恶.

“露父亲裸体” 表示揭露那些源于遗传并存在于意愿中的邪恶.

“显出包皮” 表示这两种爱玷污天上的良善,

“包皮” 表示这种玷污 (参看2056, 3412, 4462, 7045节); 因此,

“割礼” 表示从这些爱中洁净 (2036, 2632节).

由此可见 “喝醉” 和随之挪亚赤着身子表示什么, 如创世记所描述的那样:

挪亚喝了酒, 喝醉了, 在帐棚中间赤着身子. 迦南的父亲含, 看见他父亲赤身, 就告诉他的两个兄弟. 于是闪和雅弗拿件衣服, 搭在两人的肩上, 倒退着进去, 遮盖父亲的赤身; 他们背着脸, 就看不见父亲的赤身.(创世记 9:21-23)

这描述了 “挪亚” 所代表的古教会成员. 他所喝并因此喝醉的 “酒” 是指古教会一开始所充满的虚假. 他因此 “在帐棚中间赤着身子” 表示在敬拜中由于缺乏真理所产生的邪恶. 闪和雅弗遮盖他的赤身所拿的 “衣服” 是指信之真理, 这些邪恶通过信之真理显露出来并得以纠正. 他们把衣服在两人的肩上, 倒退着进去, 背着脸则描述了信之真理和良善在心智的理解力部分中的植入; 因为这正是与一个属灵教会成员同在的信之真理和良善的情形.

“闪和雅弗” 表示那些属于属灵教会的人, 他们在良善, 也就是仁爱里面接受信之真理; 但 “迦南” 表示那些不在良善, 也就是仁爱里面接受信之真理的人.

挪亚代表一开始的古教会成员, 他们具有所描述的那种秉性 (参看736, 773, 788, 1126节); 闪代表那些属于内在属灵教会的人, 雅弗代表那些属于外在属灵教会的人 (1102, 1127, 1140, 1141, 1150节); 迦南代表那些处于与仁分离之信, 或处于与内在之物分离的外在敬拜的人, 因而尤其代表犹太民族 (参看1093, 1140, 1141, 1167节); 对属灵教会成员来说, 信之真理和良善被植入心智的理解力部分 (参看9596节); 使挪亚喝醉的 “酒” 表示虚假 (6377节); 他赤身躺卧的 “帐棚” 表示敬拜的神圣 (2145, 2152, 3312, 4128, 4391节); 他们用来遮盖父亲赤身的 “衣服” 表示信之真理 (5954, 9212, 9216节).

“赤身” 本身表示占据他心智意愿部分的邪恶. 这邪恶通过信之真理被遮盖, 当它正在被遮盖时, 真理就向后看. 这些奥秘就包含在这些历史细节中, 这一点从内义明显看出来. 这些奥秘是涉及教会的奥秘, 这一点从以下事实可以看出来: 闪和雅弗, 连同他们的所有后裔都被赐福, 仅仅因为他们遮盖了父亲的赤身; 而迦南和他的所有后裔都受到诅咒, 仅仅因为他的父亲 (含) 将这事告诉了他的两个弟兄.

由于犹太和以色列民族的内层是污秽的, 因为他们比其它所有民族都更充满对自我和世界的爱; 又由于生殖器官和腰表示婚姻之爱, 而这爱是一切属天和属灵之爱的基础, 因而包含它们, 所以必须给予警告或采取预防措施, 防止当亚伦或他的儿子进行神圣敬拜时, 他们的这些身体部位裸露出来, 以任何方式被看见. 这就是经上说他们要 “给他们作亚麻布裤子, 遮掩裸露的皮肉, 当从腰达到大腿”; 在另一处说他们 “上我的坛, 不可用台阶, 免得你的裸体在上头露出来” (出埃及记 20:23, 26) 的原因. 犹太和以色列民族的内层是污秽的, 当他们进行敬拜时, 这些内层就被关闭 (参看9320节的末尾,9380节所提到的地方); 生殖器官和腰表示婚姻之爱 (3021, 4280, 4462, 4575, 5050-5062节); 婚姻之爱是一切属天和属灵之爱的基础, 因此这些爱也可以理解为婚姻之爱 (686, 2734, 3021, 4280, 5054节). 由此明显可知 “裸露 (或译为裸体, 赤身, 露体等)” 表示什么, 尤其当人们的内层是污秽的时, 用来生殖的身体部位的裸露表示什么.

不过, 当内层是贞洁的时,

“裸露 (或译为裸体, 赤身露体等)” 表示纯真, 因为它表示婚姻之爱, 纯真是真正的婚姻之爱必不可少的元素. 真正的婚姻之爱属于纯真 (参看2736节); 因此, 就这层意义而言,

“裸露 (或译为裸体, 赤身露体等)” 表示纯真 (参看165, 8375节); 由于同样的原因, 被称为属天天使的至内层天堂的天使看似赤身 (165, 2306, 2736节). 由于创世记头几章所描述, 在内义上由 “人” 或 “亚当” 及其 “妻子” 所表示的上古教会是一个属天教会, 所以经上论到他们说, 他们 “赤身露体, 并不羞耻” (创世记 2:25). 但当教会衰落 (这种衰落是由于吃知识树造成的, 知识树表示基于记忆知识推理神性事物) 时, 经上说他们 “才知道自己是赤身露体, 便编织无花果树的叶子, 为自己作围裙”, 由此知道遮盖他们的裸体; 那人来说, 当耶和华呼唤他时, 他 “就害怕, 因为他赤身露体”; 然后 “耶和华为他们作皮衣, 给他们穿” (创世记 3:6-11, 21).

他们为自己作围裙所用的 “无花果叶”, 以及 “皮衣” 表示外在人的真理和良善. 他们堕落之后的状态之所以被如此描述, 是因为他们从内在人变成了外在人. 他们的内在人由 “乐园” 来表示, 因为乐园是指内在人的聪明和智慧, 他们被逐出乐园表示他们的内在人被关闭.

“叶子” 表示属世真理, 也就是记忆知识 (参看885节);

“无花果树” 表示属世良善, 或外在人的良善 (217, 4231, 5113节);

“皮衣” 也表示外在人的真理和良善 (294-296节);

“皮” 表示外在之物 (3540节).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Apocalypse Explained #418

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418. Holding the four winds of the earth, signifies the moderation of its influx. This is evident from the signification of "the four winds of the earth" as being everything Divine in heaven (of which presently); also from the signification of "holding them," as being to moderate its influx. But what is meant by moderating the influx of the Divine in heaven no one can know unless it is revealed to him, nor consequently can it be known what is signified by "holding the four winds of the earth." Without revelation, who would not think that "winds" here mean winds held back by angels, since it also follows "that the wind should not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor upon any tree." But "the winds of the earth," here as elsewhere in the Word signify everything Divine that is from the Lord in heaven, in particular, Divine truth, and because Divine truth flows from the Lord as a sun into the whole heaven, and from that into the whole earth, so "holding the winds" signifies to moderate influx. But that these things may be more clearly understood, it shall be told how it is with respect to that influx. The Lord is the sun of the angelic heaven; from Him as a sun all light and all heat there proceed. The light that proceeds is in its essence Divine truth, because it is spiritual light; and the heat that proceeds is in its essence Divine good, because it is spiritual heat. From the Lord as a sun these flow out into all the heavens accommodated to reception by the angels there, thus sometimes more moderately, sometimes more intensely. When they flow out more moderately the good are separated from the evil, but when more intensely the evil are cast out. When, therefore, the Last Judgment is at hand the Lord first flows in moderately, in order that the good may be separated from the evil. Because this separation is what is treated of in this chapter, the "holding of the four winds of the earth" is first mentioned, which signifies the moderation of the influx of Divine good and Divine truth from the Lord. It is evident from what follows in this chapter that this refers to the separation of the good from the evil, for it is said, "Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor any tree, till we shall have sealed the servants of God on their foreheads" (verse 3); and afterwards, to the end of the chapter, "those sealed," that is, the good separated from the evil are treated of. But respecting this separation more will be said in what follows, likewise respecting the casting out of the evil into the hells, which takes place afterwards.

[2] "The four winds" signify all the Divine proceeding, because "the winds of heaven" signify the quarters of heaven, for the whole heaven is divided into four quarters, namely, east, west, south, and north. Into two quarters, the east and the west, the Lord flows with Divine good more powerfully than with Divine truth; and into two quarters, the south and the north, with Divine truth more powerfully than with Divine good; consequently those who are in the latter are more in wisdom and intelligence, and those in the former more in love and charity; and as the whole heaven is divided into four quarters, and those quarters are meant by "the four winds," therefore "the four winds" signify all the Divine proceeding. They are called "the four winds of the earth," because "the earth" means all the earth in the spiritual world, but in the spiritual sense "the earth" signifies heaven and the church (respecting which see the preceding article).

[3] From this the meaning of "the four winds" in other passages of the Word can be seen, as in Ezekiel:

The Lord Jehovih said unto me, Prophesy about the spirit, prophesy, and say to the spirit, Thus the Lord Jehovih hath said, Come from the four winds, O spirit, and breathe into these slain that they may live. And when I had prophesied the spirit came, and they revived (Ezekiel 37:9, 10).

This is said of "the dry bones" seen by the prophet, by which the sons of Israel are meant (as is evident from verse 11 there); and this vision describes the reformation and establishment of a new church from those who have not before had any spiritual life. "The dry bones" are those who have nothing of spiritual life; the spiritual life given them by the Lord, from which the church is in them, is described by these words; "the spirit" about which the prophet prophesied, and by which they were revived, signifies spiritual life, which is a life according to the truths of the Word. "Come from the four winds, O spirit," signifies from the Divine of the Lord in heaven; "the four winds" meaning the four quarters in heaven, and the four quarters are everything Divine there (as has been said above). In the sense of the letter, "spirit" here means the breath (spiritus) of respiration, which is wind; it is therefore said that it should "come and breathe into these slain;" but the breath of respiration signifies as well the spiritual life, as will appear from what follows. "The slain" have a similar signification as "dry bones," namely, those who have no spiritual life.

[4] In Zechariah:

There were seen four chariots coming out from between two mountains of copper, to which there were horses; and the angel said, These are the four winds of the heavens, going forth from standing by the Lord of the whole earth (Zechariah 5:1, 5).

This treats of the church which is to be extended among those who have not yet been in any light of truth of the church, because they have not had the Word. What "the four chariots" and "the four horses," and the many things respecting them signify, may be seen above n. 355, and what "the mountains of copper" signify, also above (n. 364, 405), where they are explained. Here "the four winds" signify every Divine proceeding, or the Divine good and Divine truth that constitute the church; it is therefore said "the winds of the heavens going forth from standing by the Lord of the whole earth;" "to go forth from standing by Him" signifying to proceed. "Chariots" and "horses" are called winds because "chariots" signify the doctrinals of good and truth, and "horses" an understanding of them, and both of these proceed from the Divine of the Lord.

[5] In the Gospels:

The Son of man shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other end (Matthew 24:31; Mark 13:27).

All the successive states of the church, even to its end, when the Last Judgment takes place, are here predicted by the Lord; and "the angels with a great sound of a trumpet" signifies proclaiming the good tidings respecting the Lord; and "gathering together the elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other end," signifies the establishment of a new church; "the elect" mean those who are in the good of love and of faith; "the four winds" mean all states of good and truth; "from one end of the heavens to the other end" means the internals and the externals of the church. (This may be seen more clearly explained in Arcana Coelestia 4060.)

[6] In Daniel:

The he-goat made himself very great; but when he was strong the great horn was broken, and there came up in appearance four in its place towards the four winds of the heavens (Daniel 8:8).

What is meant by "the he-goat" and "ram" in this chapter may be seen above n. 316, namely, that "he-goat" signifies faith separate from charity, and therefore those who expect to be saved because they know the doctrinals and truth of the Word, and who give no thought to a life according to them; "horns" signify truths, and in the contrary sense, as here, falsities; "the great horn" signifies the ruling falsity, which is, that salvation comes merely through knowing and thus believing; "the great horn was broken, and there came up four in its place toward the four winds of heaven," signifies that out of the one principle, faith alone, many falsities conjoined with evils arise; "the great horn" signifying the ruling falsity, which is, that faith alone saves; "broken" signifying its division into many falsities arising therefrom; "four in its place" signifying the conjunction of these with evils; "toward the four winds of the heavens," signifying in respect to each and all things of falsity and evil, for "the four winds of heaven" signify every good and truth of heaven and the church and their conjunction, but in the contrary sense every evil and falsity and their conjunction. "The four winds of the heavens" signify also every evil and falsity, because in the four quarters in the spiritual world not only those who are in the good of love and in truths therefrom dwell, but also those who are in evils and in falsities therefrom; for the hells are in the same quarters, but deep beneath the heavens, for the most part in caverns, caves, and vaults (respecting which see above, n. 410.

[7] In this same sense "the winds of the heavens" are mentioned in Jeremiah:

Upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four ends of the heavens, and I will disperse him toward all those winds, that there may be no nation to which the outcasts of Elam shall not come (4 Jeremiah 49:36).

Here "Elam" signifies those who are in the knowledges that are called the knowledges of faith, but not at the same time in any charity; "the four winds from the four ends of the heavens" signify falsities conjoined with evils; and "to disperse him toward all those winds" signifies into falsities of evil of every kind; "that there may be no nation to which the outcasts of Elam shall not come" signifies that there may be no evil to which falsity cannot be adapted, "nation" meaning evil, for knowledges alone without a life of charity bring forth innumerable falsities of evil.

[8] In Daniel:

I was seeing in my vision when it was night, and behold, the four winds of the heavens rushed upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea (Daniel 7:2, 3).

Here, too, "the four winds" signify falsities conjoined with evils, "the great sea" signifies hell from which they are, and "the four beasts" signify evils of every kind: but on this more in what follows. "The four winds" have a similar signification in Daniel (Daniel 11:4; also in Zechariah (Zechariah 2:6, 7). That "the four winds" signify the four quarters is clearly evident in Ezekiel (Ezekiel 42:16-19), where the measure of the house according to the four winds, that is, the four quarters, is treated of; and there the quarter is named by the same word in the Hebrew by which wind and spirit are named. But more will be seen concerning winds in the article that now follows.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.