from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


True Christianity #197

Studere hoc loco

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197. Revelation 21 gives the following description of the New Jerusalem: In it there was a light like a highly precious stone, such as a jasper stone, that looked like a dazzling crystal. The New Jerusalem had a wall that was great and high and had twelve gates and twelve angels by the gates, and the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel were written there. The wall was 144 cubits high, which is the measure of a human being, that is, of an angel. The construction of the wall was of jasper, and its foundation was made of every precious stone: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. The gates were twelve pearls. The city itself was pure gold, like clear glass. It was square. Its length, width, and height were equal: twelve thousand stadia. And so on.

All these details need to be understood spiritually, as we can see from the fact that the New Jerusalem means a new church that is going to be established by the Lord, as I showed in Revelation Unveiled 880.

Since "Jerusalem" here means a church, it follows that all the things that are said about it as a city - about its gates, wall, foundations under the wall, and their measurements - contain a spiritual meaning, since the attributes of a church are spiritual.

In Revelation Unveiled 896-925 I have shown what these things mean. It is unnecessary, therefore, to demonstrate their meaning once more. It is enough for us to know that there is a spiritual meaning within all the details of this description like a soul within a body. Without that meaning we would understand nothing about the church from the details written here: for example, the city being made of pure gold; its gates, of pearls; its wall, of jasper; the foundations of its wall, of precious stones; the wall being 144 cubits high, which is the measure of a human being, that is, of an angel; and the city being twelve thousand stadia in length, width, and height; and so on.

People who know correspondences and who therefore recognize the spiritual meaning understand these details. For example, the wall and its foundations mean the teachings of that church that are based on the literal meaning of the Word; and the numbers 12, 144, and 12,000 mean everything about that church, that is, all that is good and true in it combined.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


True Christianity #368

Studere hoc loco

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368. 7. The Lord Is Goodwill and Faith within Us; We Are Goodwill and Faith within the Lord

People of the church are in the Lord and the Lord is in them. This is clear from the following passages in the Word:

Jesus said, "Live in me and I [shall live] in you. I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who live in me and I in them bear much fruit. " (John 15:4-5)

Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me and I in them. (John 6:56)

On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me and I am in you. (John 14:20)

If any confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them, and they live in God. (1 John 4:15)

We ourselves cannot be in the Lord, but the goodwill and faith that are in us from the Lord can. These two make us essentially human.

We can shed some light on this mystery to disclose it to the intellect if we explore it in the following sequence:

a. Our partnership with God is what gives us salvation and eternal life.

b. It is impossible for us to have a partnership with God the Father. What is possible is a partnership with the Lord, and through the Lord, with God the Father.

c. Our partnership with the Lord is reciprocal: the Lord is in us and we are in the Lord.

d. This reciprocal partnership comes about through goodwill and faith.

The truth of these points will become clear from the following explanation.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.