



Jerusalem, on Mount Zion, signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. Jerusalem first comes to our attention in 2 Samuel 5, when King David takes the city from the Jebusites and makes it his capital. In the next chapter he brings the Ark of the Covenant there, and later it is where Solomon builds the temple, and his own palace. From then on Jerusalem is the center of worship of the Israelitish church. It is the place where the Lord was presented in the temple as a baby, where He tarried to talk to the priests at age twelve, where He cleansed the temple, had the last supper, was crucified and then rose. It is a central place in both the old and new Testaments. The city was built on Mount Zion, the highest point of the mountains of Judea. A city, in the Word, represents doctrine, the organized knowledge of the truths of the church. Mountains represent love of the Lord and the consequent worship. If you put those things together, Jerusalem on Mount Zion signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. This is why David was led to make Jerusalem the most important city of the land, and why all worship was conducted there. And this is also why Jeroboam was condemned for introducing idol worship in Samaria. In the Book of Revelation, John's vision of the city New Jerusalem descending from God is a prophecy of a new dispensation of doctrine coming from the Lord.

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 4539, 8938; The Apocalypse Explained 365 [35-38])



耶利米书 17



1 犹大是用笔、用金钢钻记录的,铭刻在他们的版上和角上。

2 他们的儿女记念他们冈上、青翠旁的偶。

3 我田野的山哪,我必因你在四境之内所犯的,把你的货物、财宝,并邱坛当掠物交仇敌;

4 并且你因自己的罪必失去我所赐给你的产业。我也必使你在你所不认识的上服事你的仇敌;因为你使我怒中起,直烧到永远

5 耶和华如此:倚靠人血的膀中离弃耶和华的,那人有祸了!

6 因他必像沙漠的杜松,不见福乐到,却要旷野乾旱之处,无人居住的硷

7 倚靠耶和华、以耶和华为可靠的,那人有福了!

8 他必像栽於水旁,在河边扎,炎热到,并不惧怕,子仍必青翠,在乾旱之年毫无挂虑,而且结果不止。

9 比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?

10 我─耶和华是鉴察、试验肺腑的,要照各所行的和他做事的结果报应他。

11 那不按正道得财的,好像鹧鸪菢不是自己下的蛋;到了中年,那财都必离开他,

12 我们的所是荣耀的宝座,从太初安置在处。

13 耶和华以色列的盼望啊,凡离弃你的必致蒙羞。耶和华说:离开我的,他们的名字必在土里,因为他们离弃我这活水的泉源。

14 耶和华啊,求你医治我,我便痊愈,拯我,我便得;因你是我所赞美的。

15 他们对我耶和华的在哪里呢?叫这应验罢!

16 至於我,那跟从你作牧人的职分,我并没有急忙离弃,也没有想那灾殃的日子;这是你知道的。我口中所出的言语都在你面前。

17 不要使我因你惊恐;当灾祸的日子,你是我的避难所。

18 愿那些逼迫我的蒙羞,却不要使我蒙羞;使他们惊惶,却不要使我惊惶;使灾祸的日子临到他们,以加倍的毁坏毁坏他们。

19 耶和华对我如此:你去站在平民的门口,就是犹大出入的,又站在耶路撒冷的各门口

20 对他们:你们这犹大犹大众人,并耶路撒冷的一切居民,凡从这些进入的都当耶和华的

21 耶和华如此:你们要谨慎,不要在安息日担甚麽担子进入耶路撒冷的各

22 也不要在安息日从家中担出担子去。无论何工都不可做,只要以安息日为日,正如我所吩咐你们列祖的。

23 他们却不从,不侧耳而,竟硬着颈项不,不受教训。

24 耶和华:你们若留意从我,在安息日不担甚麽担子进入这城的各,只以安息日为日,在那日无论何工都不做;

25 那时就有大卫宝座的君和首领,他们与犹大,并耶路撒冷居民,或车,或进入这城的各,而且这城必存到永远

26 也必有人从犹大城邑和耶路撒冷四围的各处,从便雅悯、高原、,并,都燔祭、平安祭、素祭,和乳香,并感谢祭,到耶和华的殿去。

27 你们若不从我,不以安息日为日,仍在安息日担担子,进入耶路撒冷的各,我必在各中点;这也必烧毁耶路撒冷宫殿,不能熄灭。