

Бытие 13



1 И вышелъ Аврамъ изъ Египта, самъ, и жена его, и все, что у него было, и Лотъ съ нимъ, въ полуденный край.

2 И былъ Аврамъ очень богатъ скотомъ, и серебромъ, и золотомъ.

3 И продолжалъ онъ переходы свои отъ полуденнаго края до Веѕиля, до мјста, гдј прежде былъ шатеръ его, между Веѕилемъ и между Гаемъ,

4 до мјста жертвенника, который онъ создалъ тамъ въ началј; и тамъ призвалъ Аврамъ имя Іеговы.

5 И у Лота, который ходилъ съ Аврамомъ, былъ мелкій и крупный скотъ и шатры.

6 И земля не позволяла имъ жить вмјстј: поелику богатство ихъ было такъ велико, что они не могли жить вмјстј.

7 Между пастухами скота Аврамова и между пастухами скота Лотова произошло несогласіе; притомъ Хананеи и Ферезеи жили тогда въ землј сей.

8 И потому Аврамъ сказалъ Лоту: да не будетъ раздора между мною и тобою, и между пастухами моими и пастухами твоими; ибо мы родственники.

9 Не вся ли земля предъ тобою? прошу, отдјлись отъ меня. Если ты на лјво, то я на право; а если ты на право, то я на лјво.

10 Лотъ возвелъ очи свои и увидјлъ равнину Іорданскую, которая прежде, нежели истребилъ Іегова Содомъ и Гоморръ, вся, какъ садъ Іеговы, какъ земля Египетская, орошалась водою даже до Цоара.

11 И избралъ себј Лотъ всю равнину Іорданскую; и двигнулся Лотъ къ востоку. Такъ разлучились они другъ съ другомъ.

12 Аврамъ сталъ жить на землј Ханаанской: а Лотъ сталъ жить въ городахъ равнины, и доходилъ съ шатрами до Содома.

13 Жители же Содомскіе были злы и весьма грјшны предъ Іеговою.

14 Между тјмъ Авраму, послј того, какъ Лоть отдјлился отъ него, Іегова сказалъ: возведи очи твои, и съ мјста, на которомъ ты теперь, посмотри къ сјверу, и къ югу, и къ востоку, и къ западу.

15 Ибо всю землю, которую ты видишь, тебј дамъ Я и потомству твоему навсегда,

16 И дамъ тебј потомство, какъ песокъ земный; если возможно кому счесть песокъ земный, то и потомство твое сочтено будетъ.

17 Встань, пройди по землј сей въ долготу и въ широту ея: ибо Я тебј дамъ ее.

18 Итакъ Аврамъ двигнулъ шатеръ, и пошелъ, и поселился у дубравы Мамре, что у Хеврона; и создалъ тамъ жертвенникъ Іеговј.


from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #1603

Studere hoc loco

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1603. 'After Lot had been separated from him' means when the desires of the External Man had been removed so that they did not obstruct. This is clear from the representation of 'Lot' as the External Man, and from what has been said already about his being separated, that is, those things that would cause obstruction. When these had been removed the Internal Man, or Jehovah, acted as one with the External Man, or the Lord's Human Essence. It is the external things that disagree - these alone - which have been spoken of already, that obstruct and so prevent the internal man, when operating into the external, from making it one with itself. The external man is no more than a kind of implement or organ, and does not in itself possess any life at all. From the internal man however it can receive life, and then it seems as though the external man does possess life from itself.

[2] With the Lord however after He had cast out hereditary evil and so purified the organic elements of the Human Essence, these too received life so that the Lord, who was already Life as regards the internal Man, became Life as regards the External Man as well. This is what 'glorification' means in John,

Jesus said, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and will glorify Him at once. John 13:31-32.

In the same gospel,

Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You. Now therefore, Father, glorify Me in Your Own Self with the glory which I had with You before the world was. John 17:1, 5.

In the same gospel,

Jesus said, Father, glorify Your name. A voice therefore came from heaven, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. John 12:8.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.