

Ezequiel 7



1 Demais veio a palavra do Senhor a mim, dizendo:

2 E tu, ó filho do homem, assim diz o Senhor Deus à terra de Israel: Vem o fim, o fim Vem sobre os quatro cantos da terra.

3 Agora vem o fim sobre ti, e enviarei sobre ti a minha ira, e te julgarei conforme os teus caminhos; e trarei sobre ti todas as tuas abominações.

4 E não te pouparei, nem terei piedade de ti; mas eu te punirei por todos os teus caminhos, enquanto as tuas abominações estiverem no meio de ti; e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor.

5 Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Mal sobre Mal! eis que vem!

6 Vem o fim, o fim Vem, despertou-se contra ti; eis que Vem.

7 Vem a tua ruína, ó habitante da terra! Vem o tempo; está perto o dia, o dia de tumulto, e não de gritos alegres, sobre os montes.

8 Agora depressa derramarei o meu furor sobre ti, e cumprirei a minha ira contra ti, e te julgarei conforme os teus caminhos; e te punirei por todas as tuas abominações.

9 E não te pouparei, nem terei piedade; conforme os teus caminhos, assim te punirei, enquanto as tuas abominações estiverem no meio de ti; e sabereis que eu, o Senhor, castigo.

10 Eis o dia! Eis que vem! Veio a tua ruína; já floresceu a vara, já brotou a soberba. :

11 A violência se levantou em vara de iniqüidade. nada restará deles, nem da sua multidão, nem dos seus bens. Não haverá eminência entre eles.

12 Vem o tempo, é chegado o dia; não se alegre o comprador, e não se entristeça o vendedor; pois a ira está sobre toda a multidão deles.

13 Na verdade o vendedor não tornará a possuir o que vendeu, ainda que esteja por longo tempo entre os viventes; pois a visão, no tocante a toda a multidão deles, não voltará atrás; e ninguém prosperará na vida, pela sua iniqüidade.

14 Já tocaram a trombeta, e tudo prepararam, mas não há quem vá à batalha; pois sobre toda a multidão deles está a minha ira.

15 Fora está a espada, e dentro a peste e a fome; o que estiver no campo morrerá à espada; e o que estiver na cidade, devorálo-a a fome e a peste.

16 E se escaparem alguns sobreviventes, estarão sobre os montes, como pombas dos vales, todos gemendo, cada um por causa da sua iniqüidade.

17 Todas as mãos se enfraquecerão, e todos os joelhos se tornarão fracos como água.

18 E se cingirão de sacos, e o terror os cobrirá; e sobre todos os rostos haverá vergonha e sobre todas as suas cabeças calva.

19 A sua prata, lançá-la-ão pelas ruas, e o seu ouro será como imundícia; nem a sua prata nem o seu ouro os poderá livrar no dia do furor do Senhor; esses metais não lhes poderão saciar a fome, nem lhes encher o estômago; pois serviram de tropeço da sua iniqüidade.

20 Converteram em soberba a formosura dos seus adornos, e deles fizeram as imagens das suas abominações, e as suas coisas detestáveis; por isso eu a fiz para eles como uma coisa imunda.

21 E entregá-la-ei nas mãos dos estrangeiros por presa, e aos ímpios da terra por despojo; e a profanarão.

22 E desviarei deles o meu rosto, e profanarão o meu lugar oculto; porque entrarão nele saqueadores, e o profanarão.

23 Faze uma cadeia, porque a terra está cheia de crimes de sangue, e a cidade está cheia de violência.

24 Pelo que trarei dentre as nações os piores, que possuirão as suas casas; e farei cessar a soberba dos poderosos; e os seus lugares santos serão profanados.

25 Quando vier a angústia eles buscarão a paz, mas não haverá paz.

26 Miséria sobre miséria virá, e se levantará rumor sobre rumor; e buscarão do profeta uma visão; mas do sacerdote perecerá a lei, e dos anciãos o conselho.

27 O rei pranteará, e o príncipe se vestirá de desolação, e as mãos do povo da terra tremerão de medo. Conforme o seu caminho lhes farei, e conforme os seus merecimentos os julgarei; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor.






Vision is the innermost revelation, which is of perception. Visions are according to the state of humankind. The visions of people whose interiors are closed, are totally different from what is shown to people whose interiors are open. For example, when the Lord appeared to the whole congregation on Mount Sinai, His appearance was a vision varying according to the states of the witnesses, appearing differently to the people than for Aaron, and differently from Aaron as to Moses. So also, the vision was totally different as exhibited to Moses and to the prophets. There are several kinds of visions, and they are more perfect, in proportion to how interior a person is. For the Lord it was the most perfect, because He had a perception of everything in the world of spirits, and in the heavens, and had immediate communication with Jehovah. This communication is described in the internal sense by 'the vision' in which Jehovah appeared to Abram in Genesis 15:1.

'Vision' in Zechariah 13:4 signifies falsities.

(Notae: Arcana Coelestia 1786)

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Worlds in Space #49

Studere hoc loco

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49. They went on to tell me that they are divided into tribes, families and households, each of which live in separate groups composed only of their own people. As a result they associate only with their kinsfolk. No one ever covets another's property, so it never occurs to anyone to desire anything which is another's, much less to devise schemes for getting hold of it, still less to seize and plunder it. They regard this as a crime against human nature and therefore repulsive. When I wanted to tell them that in our world we have wars, plundering and murders, they turned their backs, and refused to listen.

[2] I was told by angels that the earliest people in this world lived in similar fashion, divided into tribes, families and households. They were then all content with their own property, and it was unheard of to get rich at the expense of others' property, or selfishly to dominate others. For this reason ancient times, and especially the most ancient period, were more pleasing to the Lord than those which followed. Since such was their state, there was a reign of innocence coupled with wisdom. Everyone then did good out of goodness and honest deeds out of honesty. They did not know what it was to do good and honest deeds for one's own reputation or advantage. Then too they spoke nothing but the truth, not so much for truth's sake as because of goodness; that is to say, their motive came not from the intellectual faculty acting alone, but from the voluntary faculty combined with the intellectual.

Such were ancient times, so that angels could then mix with human beings, and virtually lift their minds out of bodily thoughts and carry them off into heaven. In fact, they could take them touring around heaven, showing off its magnificence and happiness, sharing with them their own happiness and pleasures. The ancient writers too knew about this period and called it the Golden Age or the reign of Saturn.

[3] The reason the period was like this was, as I said, that they lived divided into tribes, the tribes divided into families, and these into households, each household living by itself. Then it never occurred to anyone to seize another's inheritance in order to acquire wealth from it or power. Selfishness and love of the world were unknown. Every one was happy with his own property, and no less happy at other people's property. But as time went on, this scene changed and turned into its opposite, when men's minds were seized with the greed for power and great possessions. Then to protect itself the human race grouped itself into kingdoms and empires. Since the laws of charity and conscience, which men had had inscribed on their hearts, ceased to operate, it became necessary to pass legislation to control violent acts, so as to reward observance with honours and advantages and disobedience with punishments. This brought about so great a change that heaven itself moved away from men, retreating further and further down to the present age, when people no longer know whether heaven or hell exist, and some actually deny their existence. The purpose of these remarks is to illustrate by a parallel the condition of the people of the world of Jupiter, and to show where their uprightness and wisdom too come from. More will be said about this in what follows.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.